GUILTY UK - Joanna Yeates, 25, Clifton, Bristol, 17 Dec 2010 #16

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Monday, October 24, 2011
What would swing it for me is the fact that he didn't make any attempt to call an ambulance or get help - even though by his own admission he entertained the possibility that she might still have been alive when he went back in there.

Guilty, m'lud! :gavel:

That's a big one for me too. If he was attempting to kiss her in response to perceived flirting, shouldn't he be stunned and concerned when she simply went limp?
If I were on the jury in this case, the main thing I'd have a problem with would be the amount of deceit practised by VT since he killed JY. Therefore, I'd have great difficulty believing his sanitised version of events presented in court and the repetitive "I dunno" and "I can't remember" when faced with tricky questions would just add to my suspicion that he DOES know and he CAN remember much more than he's prepared to say.

On balance though, I don't think there's been enough evidence to say for sure that he's guilty of murder rather than manslaughter so I'd have to go for not guilty.

I don't see deceit as indicative of murder or manslaughter. Everyone would lie about murder being manslaughter, thus muddying the facts for real manslauhter cases. This wasn't a traffic accident, it was not anything that could not be predicted. Manslaughter is unpredicted, what happened to Joanna could have been predicted. I think the number for injuries, amount of bleeding and the calculated manipulations after the murder are problematic for VT. The fact that he should have been aware of that fact that cutting off an airsupply will result in death or injury should be enough to convict. His sister, the doctor, probably knew this as a child, so why wouldn't VT.
I believe that there was some reason VT could not leave JY alive in that apartment.

In every instance in thus case, although he now decries his behavior, his "conscience" (such as it exists) was repeatedly inadequate in preventing him from doing what was in HIS best interests.

Leaving aside the killing for the moment, one might think this young intelligent young man might immediately call for help if he had accidentally hurt his neighbor and was totally shocked by the circumstances. But his next steps were in his OWN interests, not JY's.

Instead he sets out to make the girl's remains "disappear" and goes to great lengths to set up an alibi to protect himself. Again, it's all about HIM.

Soon, the frantic family appears, making appeals, begging for help, VT is not moved by any of this. He continues his charade. He thinks only of himself.

And then, he decides to help put the punishment for his crime on his innocent landlord. Every single time,at every opportunity, VT chose himself. His ability to observe the suffering he has caused and show no remorse is stunning for a man who killed by accident and is supposedly "normal."

I still believe that the circumstances around the killing of JY contain a secret that he is still loathe to be made known. Let's examine his story...if a clumsy pass is all that happens, VT backs out the door, and later tells his girlfriend,"Good Lord, our neighbor is one hysterical individual. She freaked out over nothing." I think most men would jump back at a scream...not grab the woman, cover her mouth and put hands on her neck. None of this "fits."

There is something that happened that he had to kill to keep Jo from repeating. Maybe something her injuries would prove.

Interesting. I'm sure there is much more to it. It's quite possible she said something to him one day that he didn't like or even possible that she said something that evening that put him into a rage. Some men tip from normal to rage in seconds (Joran v.d. Sloot).
So I arrived in Bristol a few hours ago, I'm going to attempt to sit in on three days of the trial and try to squeeze in visits to Longwood Lane, Canynge Road, etc. I'm interested to see VT's body language (unless there really is nothing beyond "head in hands, staring at floor"!) and I'll report back on anything significant! Wish me luck getting in, getting up at 5:30AM to get ready to queue. x_x

Keep us updated! If you get a chance, can you get a photo of the path along the back of the house between VT's flat entrance and the path in front of Joanna's flat. I'm curious about his claims about dropping her, it being slippery and needing rocksalt. I'm also curious whether Joanna would have stepped outside on the path in thick socks. A photo of the distance from VT's flat entrance to the parking pad in back would also give a sense of the time it took to carry Joanna from her flat, possibly to his flat, and to his car.

On Longwood Lane, I'm curious about a photo closer to the wall or fence and what was on the other side.
Yes I know that Luna15.
You don't see what I am getting at.
I want to know if VT knew BEFORE he entered the flat.
Who informed him first CJ or JY??????????????????????????????????:banghead:

What we know for sure is that VT knew Joanna was alone before he murdered her. We know that the landlord knew that GR would be away for the weekend and that VT spoke with the landlord prior to having contact with Joanna. I think it's possible that the landlord mentioned helping with GR's car, or that VT knew GR would be away because he could hear through the walls. There is the distinct possibility that VT knew Joanna would be alone and that he deliberately did not attend the party with his girlfriend because he had other plans.

But ... we don't know for sure without testimony from the landlord.
for FiestyFairy re radiator in hall

I think he must have known that she was on her own probably from the LL. I believe she was stalked the minute she came out of Waitrose and there must be CCTV coverage to show this. When she arrived home she had time to take off her shoes and coat with him still lurking outside and peeping in the window. At that point I think he took his opportunity either, he had a key or he knocked on the door, then he pounced on her . Can't understand why the possibility of him stalking and the fact that it maybe him on CCTV coverage in the store was not brought up in court. More to this then will ever be allowed to know I suspect. The whole thing stinks to me .

Attempted rape gone wrong. I think he rang the door bell and attacked her around 9pm as per witness testimony of a woman's screams.
I think this is more about getting off on asphyia , like the prosection intimated.

I want to know his internet history.
I want to know if anything interesting happened in California.
Have there been unreported or reported incidents of sexual assaults involving him.
Did he stage the flat.
I want to know why he took the pizza. Was the oven really on? Was the pizza in the oven? Only 7-9 mins to heat the pizza. Did it even make it to the oven.
I want to know how he had the means to get in and out of JY's flat to remove her body and later the pizza and sock. Did he have the foresight to unlock the door before he left the first time.
What in heavens name was he doing with a dead body in his flat for 30-45 mins, if we go by NL's timeline.
So many more questions.

I hope we don't have to endure character witnesses tomorrow.
So would I like to know the answers to those questions.
I just checked the video of her flat and can't see any radiators in the hall.

... knickers were in the hallway. Either Joanna normally left her knickers on the pedestal in the hallway, or Mr VT skarfed her knickers and left them in the hallway. The latter suggests murder, the former suggests VT wandered into a strange situation.
I think he must have known that she was on her own probably from the LL. I believe she was stalked the minute she came out of Waitrose and there must be CCTV coverage to show this. When she arrived home she had time to take off her shoes and coat with him still lurking outside and peeping in the window. At that point I think he took his opportunity either, he had a key or he knocked on the door, then he pounced on her . Can't understand why the possibility of him stalking and the fact that it maybe him on CCTV coverage in the store was not brought up in court. More to this then will ever be allowed to know I suspect. The whole thing stinks to me .

I think this is more about getting off on asphyia , like the prosection intimated.

So would I like to know the answers to those questions.

Any contact Joanna had with the suspect prior to the murder is relevant. If police analyzed the footage and VT was at the grocery store and following her home, that would most definitely go to premeditation. If there has not been any video footage connection, at the shops or during her walk home, between Joanna and the suspect, then it's most likely that there was none.
Any contact Joanna had with the suspect prior to the murder is relevant. If police analyzed the footage and VT was at the grocery store and following her home, that would most definitely go to premeditation. If there has not been any video footage connection, at the shops or during her walk home, between Joanna and the suspect, then it's most likely that there was none.

Er - aren't we supposed to call it "killing" at this point in time
any contact joanna had with the suspect prior to the murder is relevant. If police analyzed the footage and vt was at the grocery store and following her home, that would most definitely go to premeditation. If there has not been any video footage connection, at the shops or during her walk home, between joanna and the suspect, then it's most likely that there was none.

afraid i am not so optomistic as you what you have just said makes me think even more that the whole case is bodering on farce.
Er - aren't we supposed to call it "killing" at this point in time

I did have a twinge of "incorrect language" when I wrote "murder". Indeed, the asphixiation death could yet be ruled accidental.
afraid i am not so optomistic as you what you have just said makes me think even more that the whole case is bodering on farce.

The only speculation there has been about Joanna being stalked by VT at the grocery store is on the internet. Presumably, police have looked at the video and determined that it is not relevant. The tape was released because it shows Joanna's movements on her way home. As soon as the tape was released, people started speculating that other people at the grocery store were connected with and stalking the victim. Presumably police have explored and ruled out any connection. Making a connection between men that wander away from their shopping carts and Joanna works towards pre-meditation. VT was seen tossing candies into his mouth in the video after the murder. There is no connection between Joanna and VT prior to the murder at this time, other than perhaps a professional connection - as they were both in the field of architecture.
From James Beal

Back at #tabak again today. Defence winding down. Jury could go out mid-week.
The only speculation there has been about Joanna being stalked by VT at the grocery store is on the internet. Presumably, police have looked at the video and determined that it is not relevant. The tape was released because it shows Joanna's movements on her way home. As soon as the tape was released, people started speculating that other people at the grocery store were connected with and stalking the victim. Presumably police have explored and ruled out any connection. Making a connection between men that wander away from their shopping carts and Joanna works towards pre-meditation. VT was seen tossing candies into his mouth in the video after the murder. There is no connection between Joanna and VT prior to the murder at this time, other than perhaps a professional connection - as they were both in the field of architecture.

Not so sure, that is the case, but there seems to be a lot of people on here who believe your theory?
Does anyone know - if he does get found guilty of murder but appeal - could the police/family/journos release information that had been held back so as not to 'prejudice' his case? or would they have to hold back until after his appeal?
Does anyone know - if he does get found guilty of murder but appeal - could the police/family/journos release information that had been held back so as not to 'prejudice' his case? or would they have to hold back until after his appeal?

Unsure - all evidence and information (on both sides) needs to be disclosed prior to being introduced to a court, and I am sure there is a lot of pre trial deliberation as to what will actually be put before a jury, what is admissable etc. On the other hand, new evidence can be grounds for an appeal if it can potentially indicate that an incorrect verdict was achieved in the absence of said evidence.
there is a lot of pre trial deliberation as to what will actually be put before a jury, what is admissable etc.

And during the trial itself! There have been several occasions when the jury has been sent out so that "legal arguments" can take place, so we can only guess at what evidence may have been ruled inadmissible - if any.
They are discussing points of law at the moment it seems

Rupert Evelyn
Court are discussing points of law at the moment
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