GUILTY UK - Joe McCann, multiple victims kidnapped & assaulted, April / May 2019

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From September:

The whistleblower, who did not want to be named, claims the Met failings caused delays in the arrest of Joseph McCann, who is accused of abducting a number of women across the country over a two-week period this spring.

McCann is charged with 35 offences against 11 alleged victims, aged between 11 and 71, across five police force areas. During one alleged incident, McCann is said to have tied a woman up in her own home and committed sexual offences, including rape, against her 17-year-old daughter and 11-year-old son.

When confronted with the allegations, assistant commissioner Mark Simmons, who heads the Met’s rape units, admitted recent changes to the units had proved “difficult” and were “not working as we wanted [them] to”.
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This is a copy of a written answer from the Justice minister about McCann.

Robert BucklandThe Minister of State, Ministry of Justice[/paste:font]
"An error has been identified in the written answer given on 17 May 2019.

The correct answer should have been:

In accordance with the sentence of the Court, Joseph McCann was released on 15 February 2019, after he had completed half (less time spent on remand) of a three-year determinate sentence for burglary imposed on 25 January 2018. On release, he was supervised by the National Probation Service (NPS)

When charged with that offence and remanded into custody on 21 August 2017, he was being supervised on licence by the NPS as part of the sentence of Imprisonment for Public Protection (IPP) which he received on 26 September 2008. An offender on an IPP licence is not recalled automatically when he is charged with a further offence or offences. The probation officer will consider whether the alleged further offences, prior offending and the offender’s current behaviour show that his risk has escalated to the point where he needs to be recalled to protect the public. The decision on whether to recall an offender is to be based on a robust assessment of risk and to reflect the professional judgment of a trained probation officer.

The NPS has undertaken an urgent review to establish why Mr McCann was not recalled to custody, either when remanded into custody on 21 August 2017 or when he was sentenced on 25 January 2018 15 February 2018. Mr McCann has now been charged with a number of very serious offences committed on or after 21 April this year. This has triggered a mandatory serious further offence (SFO) review, under the Probation SFO Review Procedures. The SFO review will consider in greater depth than has thus far been possible, including by interviewing relevant members of staff, the question of whether Mr McCann should have been recalled to custody when charged with and subsequently convicted of the burglary offence. Typically, an SFO review is completed within three months of an offender being charged with an SFO."

So he was released rather than escaped.
John Simpson



At Old Bailey for the trial of Joseph McCann for 37 charges of abduction, kidnapping, false imprisonment, rape and sexual assault against 11 victims including children

John Simpson



Jury being played CCTV of two sisters being targeted by a man in a car. One is dragged into the back of a silver mercedes while the other ran

John Simpson



Jurors played audio of 999 call. Mother said "He tried to grab them both. He only got one of my daughter's and she [the other] ran." Sisters - 18 and 21 - were targeted in Edgware, north London, in broad daylight in April
John Simpson



John Price QC said that once the sister was in the back if the car she realised "she was not alone with h the man who had taken her. There was another woman already in the car. [She] thought this other woman looked scared."


First victim (already in the car) was snatched close to Blackhorse Rs Tube station at close to 1am as she returned from work, jury hears.


Her housemates heard a disturbance outside as she returned home, not knowing it was her, jurors hear. 999 call from them: "There was a woman shouting and a man telling her to shut up".

John Price QC: "A man grabbed her. He put his hand over her mouth. He told her to shut up or he would stab her... He pushed her in the car and drove off."


Mr Price added: [she] was to be a prisoner of the driver of that car for the next 14 hours". He added that she was raped so many time she couldn't remember how many occasions. Described attack of "shocking depravity" in which he threatened never to release her


Mr Price tells the jury that the second victim was also raped. "He told [her] if she caused trouble he would slit her throat and put her in the river." McCann allegedly forced the woman to perform sex acts on each other.



Jurors now hearing that the two victims escaped in Watford when one of the women struck him over the head with a vodka bottle. The women tan but "might have been recaptured had it not been for the brave intervention of some builders"


Shortly before their escape, the man had stopped outside the Phoenix Lodge hotel, jurors hear. At just after 2.15pm on a Thursday afternoon, he booked a room. When he returned to the car the women "took their chance" - striking him with a vodka bottle, court hears


Mr Price now tells jurors those two victims were not the first or last. A 21yo woman returning from a nightclub was "snatched from the street at knifepoint and forced by this man into a Ford Mondeo" in Watford days prior. That's three young women allegedly snatched

"He threatened to stab her if she tried to get away. He said he would hit her if she kept crying. Before driving off he threw her phone out of the window of the car," Mr Price added.


He called the woman Hayley [not her name] and claimed she had attacked his sister, jurors hear. He forced her to pose taking cocaine for photos, claimed he had a gun and was part of "a firm", Mr Price adds.


Defendant allegedly drove the victim to her house and made her check her brother wasn't home. "Knowing that there was noone there, he took her into her home and on her own bed he raped her," Mr Price said.

John Price QC now describing a "spree of attacks" involving 7 further attacks involving children and adults over the following two weeks, of the women the youngest was aged 13 and the oldest 71. An 11 year old boy was also raped, court hears.


Mr Price says a mother "had to endure being restrained by use of bindings tying her to a bed while in a nearby room he did what he did to her children" - brother and sister aged 11 and 13 were raped, jurors told.


After allegedly raping the children in their home having Kerr their mother in a nightclub, Joseph McCann allegedly got into a 71yo's car in Ramsbottom, Greater Manchester, court hears. "He punched her hard in the face and he ordered her to drive"

Mr Price said that McCann then picked up a 13yo girl and two boys of a similar age in Heywood, Greater Manchester, under threat. McCann allegedly said the 71yo was his grandmother. The boys were told to get out and leave their phones, he added.


After the 71yo and 13yo escaped at a service station, Mr McCann went on to abduct two 14yo girls, jurors hear, stopping to buy condoms. "The prosecution say it is clear with what intention he kept those children there," Mr Price says.
As bad as the attacks sounded at the time, they were even worse than one could even imagine, my heart goes out to all the victims, it will be a long road to recovery. imo.
Man embarked on 'series of depraved sex attacks'
"The court heard the woman was raped "many times" by Mr McCann in various locations over the next 14 hours and subjected to acts of "shocking depravity and violence".

"He made her call him 'daddy' and say that she was a child. At one point the man parked the car near to a school, saying that he wanted to make her rape a child," Mr Price said."
Thanks for the link Joolz, somehow I lost mine.

and thanks for the updates Legally, this sounds horrendous, how on earth he got away with it all for so long after getting out of prison
Just shocking to hear more details now! I'm so glad he was caught, hope he gets the maximum sentence and the victims can fully focus on their healing process. Very dangerous individual.
On the second day of his trial, prosecutor John Price QC gave an account of the dramatic events leading to McCann's arrest on May 6.

He told the court of how the net began to close after two 14-year-old girls were allegedly coerced into a Fiat car driven by the defendant the day before.

At 6.44pm he was captured on CCTV buying condoms at a Shell Petrol station on the Clayton Bypass just a few miles away in the Greater Manchester area.

Meanwhile, the girls were in the Fiat, which the defendant had allegedly taken from a 71-year-old woman who had been kidnapped and raped earlier that day.

Mr Price told jurors: "By that time there was intense police activity in the area, bearing in mind the 999 calls that had been received during that day.

"Reports of children being taken from the street, the police having the description of (the 71-year-old's) car. They were looking for that car."

At 6.49pm Pc Michael Jennings spotted the Fiat at a roundabout at the bypass and set off in pursuit, recording it on his dashcam.

The Fiat crashed into a Mercedes car and the suspect fled on foot, leaving the two girls behind, jurors heard.

Mr Price said: "They were shocked, very frightened and distressed but otherwise mercifully unharmed."

McCann ran past a man in his front garden who asked if he was alright.

The defendant allegedly replied: "Shut the *advertiser censored** up" before pedalling off on a mountain bike.

At about 8.15pm the defendant reportedly made two phone calls in a restaurant in Scholar Green, Cheshire.

He was overheard asking to speak to "Charlene" before ordering a taxi, jurors heard.

The bicycle was abandoned outside the restaurant as the defendant was picked up by the taxi, jurors were told.

Police had set up roadblocks and the taxi was stopped on the A34 south of Congleton at 8.40pm.

Joseph McCann arrest came after being caught buying condoms, court hears

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