Found Deceased UK - Libby Squire, 21, last seen getting into taxi outside Welly club, Hull, 31 Jan 2019 #8 *ARREST*

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Jan 21, 2014
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Missing woman Libby Squire | Humberside Police

Can you help find missing Libby Squire (21) last seen getting into a taxi outside Welly club in Hull at around 11pm last night?

She is 5ft 7ins tall with shoulder length brown hair and was wearing a black long sleeved top, leather jacket and black denim skirt with lace.

If you have seen her please call 101 quoting log 29 of 01/02/19.


Humberside Police

Woman, 21, missing after last being seen getting into taxi on night out

Huge search for missing Libby Squire continues

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Just bringing this forward from thread #2


11pm ish Libby gets in taxi at Welly
11:18pm Libby turned away from Welly, 11:22pm Libby put in taxi
11:29 Taxi drops her near home on Wellesley Av. Neighbours saw her stumbling in street.
11:40 - 11:45 caught on CCTV on bench. Around this time grey beard man stopped to offer assistance, she declined, police have cleared him
11:49ish PR? car arrives on Haworth Street (per ITV CCTV)
12:04-12:06 ish man smoking (CCTV)
12:08 passenger door opens and someone/something is on passenger seat
12:09 car drives away (CCTV)

12:09 police say Libby had left the bench by now
12:19 the same car (tbc) seen Newland Av (per Sun CCTV)
12:15-12:30ish dark and eerie screams coming from park for 15 minutes
12:30ish man seen running from park
12:30ish scream and banging gate heard from Heathcote St near Libbys house.
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Hi I'm only new on this..i have been following this case here in NI..and the thing is if he did steal sex toys and underwear then where were they hidden? Or has he got somewhere else he keeps these things..?! Because what would be your explanation to your wife if you brought these home? Its not just one or two i read its been quite a few..As for LS I don't think it was premeditated..i think an opportunity has arose and he's went with it. I do think maybe they have met before..and I was thinking gym..and that L has felt safe with a friendly face..hence turning the other guys lift down before, sorry if this has been spoken about before I just cant get her out of my head.. I hope she is found soon!
Hi I'm only new on this..i have been following this case here in NI..and the thing is if he did steal sex toys and underwear then where were they hidden? Or has he got somewhere else he keeps these things..?! Because what would be your explanation to your wife if you brought these home? Its not just one or two i read its been quite a few..As for LS I don't think it was premeditated..i think an opportunity has arose and he's went with it. I do think maybe they have met before..and I was thinking gym..and that L has felt safe with a friendly face..hence turning the other guys lift down before, sorry if this has been spoken about before I just cant get her out of my head.. I hope she is found soon!

I think the general feeling is that he probably hides these items - whether that’s a place within his home or elsewhere we can’t be sure. Personally, I would imagine it’s within his own house and that the police discovered these prior to pressing charges. I would say there is a good possibility that he was somewhat know to Libby, but like most things with this case - we don’t know!

Welcome by the way :)
So something I don’t understand, he was arrested but not charged with abduction even though they held him for full length of time: so I’m presuming no dna found in car that is no more than she may have been in front seat , is that correct ?

All these reported screams : I would have thought if these relate to Libby and him he would have been marked by her eg scratches on him etc , so I presume there wasn’t any marks on him , is this correct ?
So something I don’t understand, he was arrested but not charged with abduction even though they held him for full length of time: so I’m presuming no dna found in car that is no more than she may have been in front seat , is that correct ?

All these reported screams : I would have thought if these relate to Libby and him he would have been marked by her eg scratches on him etc , so I presume there wasn’t any marks on him , is this correct ?

We don't know about scratch marks from MSM. It did cross my mind that he told his wife the 'crying girl lift 'story as a way of explaining any marks on him.
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So something I don’t understand, he was arrested but not charged with abduction even though they held him for full length of time: so I’m presuming no dna found in car that is no more than she may have been in front seat , is that correct ?

All these reported screams : I would have thought if these relate to Libby and him he would have been marked by her eg scratches on him etc , so I presume there wasn’t any marks on him , is this correct ?
Nothing released about any of this. I think the consensus is that LE is holding back details so as not to compromise the investigation OR that they don't have enough evidence to charge him...perhaps we will hear more the closer we get to his court date on March 11. As police seem to be "scaling back" on search, I would think they might release more details to the public as an appeal, especially if they are concerned that PR might be released after March 11th.
Just a thought and a tad irrelevant to the potential outcome- but has it been considered that LS actually confronted PR rather than him confronting her? In other words caught him in some lewd act and faced up to him, rather than being intimidated by him?
Hello, I'm new but been reading since I think last Thursday.

I'm a runner
The post about the 'running man' wearing clothes not appropriate for the time of year, interests me.
See if it was just a runner I'd imagine the clothing they were running in could seem inappropriate to somebody . I run in shorts all year round, in snow, ice, - temp conditions. (cos I'm northern) Its also peak marathon training season, and it wouldn't surprise me at all for there to be an actual runner running at such an unusual time.

I'm very interested if it was 'someone running in inappropriate (to the witness) clothing' or 'someone in inappropriate clothing who had to run'

See the subtle difference?

For the record, I'm local, and I do run along the river bank further inland usually but I'm not going to go running along there for sometime!
A lot of years ago I used to swim about 15 miles upstream, where its crystal clear, then someone hung and decapitated themselves off tickton bridge, and that stopped me swimming down there - imagine finding that!
We don't know about scratch marks from MSM. It did cross my mind that he told his wife the 'crying girl lift 'story as away of explaining any marks on him.
it just seems to me like if he did have marks they could have gone for the abduction charge along with what they already had when they arrested him
Nothing released about any of this. I think the consensus is that LE is holding back details so as not to compromise the investigation OR that they don't have enough evidence to charge him...perhaps we will hear more the closer we get to his court date on March 11. As police seem to be "scaling back" on search, I would think they might release more details to the public as an appeal, especially if they are concerned that PR might be released after March 11th.
just imagine if he’s not guilty on March 11th .... we are gonna be gobsmacked then ....
Hello, I'm new but been reading since I think last Thursday.

I'm a runner
The post about the 'running man' wearing clothes not appropriate for the time of year, interests me.
See if it was just a runner I'd imagine the clothing they were running in could seem inappropriate to somebody . I run in shorts all year round, in snow, ice, - temp conditions. (cos I'm northern) Its also peak marathon training season, and it wouldn't surprise me at all for there to be an actual runner running at such an unusual time.

I'm very interested if it was 'someone running in inappropriate (to the witness) clothing' or 'someone in inappropriate clothing who had to run'

See the subtle difference?

For the record, I'm local, and I do run along the river bank further inland usually but I'm not going to go running along there for sometime!
A lot of years ago I used to swim about 15 miles upstream, where its crystal clear, then someone hung and decapitated themselves off tickton bridge, and that stopped me swimming down there - imagine finding that!

At midnight?
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