Found Deceased UK - Libby Squire, 21, last seen outside Welly club, Hull, 31 Jan 2019 #13 *ARREST*

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Ok, so it's down to whether your solicitor puts in a bail application on your behalf. Ok, I get it. But I was sure I'd read that he was refused bail at the most recent court appearance on the grounds of flight/reoffence risk. If this is correct, does this imply he applied for bail and was refused do we think?
I though Joelle mentioned the flight/risk offending point after she attended his most recent appearance in court @Joelle88

Yes, she did...
"Forgot to add earlier (don’t know if this has already been mentioned) - bail wasn’t granted due to him being a flight risk, and because he is at high risk of re-offending".

(but perhaps that was at his first court appearance, I'm not sure)
That's what I recall, they asked for no bail as he was flight risk and they didn't contest.

In all seriousness though, how would he escape?
Fake passport/ID, I guess?
My daughter's friend forgot her passport en route from the UK to France last week and they accepted some other form of ID at the airport, apparently.
We had a recent case here on Websleuths that happened in the states earlier this year.Very intoxicated young lady, had to leave the bar she was at, so walking outside the bar she was apparently followed and was very easily lead away by her kidnapper. He kept his arm around her and helped her walk; (she was very inebriated, I putting on the same level as Libby was. I’ve been there before in my youth. Cannot walk straight)

But he was able to lead her to his home. He basically maneuvered her there.
I cannot remember how far, but some distance.

I can easily see the same happening to Libby. He just maneuvered her to his car. Easy peasy. IMO

Link to case
Found Alive - MA - OA, 23, kidnapped, Boston, 19 Jan 2019 *Arrest*

There is a picture (a very CLEAR one to boot!) from CCTV that captured him with his arm around her in the thread as well to show how easy it could be.
Where was the second life boat from, does anyone know. It's probably written somewhere but I've missed it.
Unless Cleethorpes has 2? It's a beautiful beech but another are that is pretty formidable. So easily cut off on that beech as the tide sweeps around. I'm guessing that's dies to being at the mouth of an estuary.
Sorry, off topic.
One from Cleethorpes, and one from Spurn Point.
You're welcome.

I do wonder why she was sat on the bench rather than the bus stop a few feet away. That would've been lit, at least:
Google Maps
Maybe your fears are right and she was hurt in some way? Sprained ankle perhaps?. It could be possible grey Beard helped her to that bench but she was in pain so just slumped there?

Would also explain why she didn't start to walk home
Sometimes circumstances dictate you having to trust folk. I remember having to fly to Ireland to attend a funeral. Very late flight, very distressed. Got on wrong airport bus and dumped somewhere cold on the edge of the airport nowhere near the airport hotel. I was freezing, tired and upset in a vast dark space. An airport worker in a van offered to drop me back to the airport hotel. The options were risking wandering around in the dark, getting more lost closer to what looked like a dodgy area of Dublin or taking a risk. As a sober grown up I took the risk. I was lucky - he dropped me on the footpath to the hotel.

Another time myself and my husband came across a Japanese student asking for directions to the station. Her last train was due in 10 minutes. The station a good 20 minutes walk via lots of turns. She started to cry. Realising this we offered to take her. Her options - miss that train and get stuck in a strange town which was getting dark or take a risk. We dropped her safely.

If the street Libby was waiting on was anything like around here then as it got later it will have got quieter. Less cars, fewer people. More threatening and lonely. She would be freezing cold. Still a little drunk. Probably tired. Probably desperate to get home safely. PR was close to her age. Looked harmless. Looked the 'safer' option. Sober she may have thought twice.
This makes perfect sense in my opinion. Very well equated.
Maybe your fears are right and she was hurt in some way? Sprained ankle perhaps?. It could be possible grey Beard helped her to that bench but she was in pain so just slumped there?

Would also explain why she didn't start to walk home

Could also possibly explain, IF the CCTV round the corner is her, why it looks like she's being propped up outside the car before 'plopping' in.

I'm still not convinced the CCTV is LS, I'm just not sure the LE would allow it to be published.
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Just thinking aloud, is it possible when grey beard approached her she was ok but maybe 5 minutes later wasn’t? A familiar face could offer to take her to hospital? Get help? Take her home? I’m not sure she was even in the park, maybe someone dumped something/evidence there they have been looking for? Do we know if CCTV showed her in or around the park with him or is that just guesswork?
I would respectfully disagree with the idea that a young girl would be more likely to trust a young man to give her a lift than an older man with a grey beard. Having said that, we don't know much about greybeard... there may have been something about him that scared her (didn't he have a passenger too?).
As a fairly young woman myself, who has also watched potentially thousands of real-life crime/serial killer/ psychology documentaries and studied psychology... I have to totally disagree.
I have previously posted in praise of humberside police for their tackling of this just for balance i am now about to highlight some issues with their approach:

To my knowledge we do not use "aguido" status in this country...yet they have seemingly awarded the as yet completely innocent Pawel Relowicz with that status (via the media)

They used up the whole of the P.A.C.E clock in relation to this case and as far as i know, brought no charges? (Irrespective of his thousand and one "other" offences)

This just smacks as the police not really playing fair here

Also....if they had been more efficient in dealing with his catalogue of other assorted foulness then i hate to say this...but there would be no debate to be had here!

And please please do not mistake this as any measure of defence for whichever piece of filth was involved in this tragedy...i just have a desire for fair play for all
With all due respect, you do not know what LE do know, and what they may be waiting for in labs ect, to state this fairly.
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