Found Deceased UK - Libby Squire, 21, last seen outside Welly club, Hull, 31 Jan 2019 #13 *ARREST*

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I agree, but I always think it's worth looking at the lies very closely. I can see the reason for lying about Libby 'throwing herself' at him, ditto claiming she wanted to 'go home' but the additional extra of satnav is a really reckless lie if there isn't some truth to it. And it's especially weird, given he knows exactly where Wellesley avenue is, what with him allegedly having selected it for one of his more recent 'outings'.
I think it's simply to explain the fact her address was actually in his sat nav for reasons unknown.

The only simple reason I can think of for that, giving his recent alleged offending suggests he knew her road well, is to reassure her. Carry on the pretence of good Samaritan. / taxi.

However maybe that road was already in his sat nav for some reason? But that makes the whole case a lot more sinister suggesting he was already wandering around roads that contained houses occupied by young women because he already knew they were there.

Ella road for example - unusual in that it isn't a student area so less chance of random encounters with young women. If we consider what was stolen in Ventnor street there were probably young women there.

But that's all speculation. I hope the police have his sat nav
I agree, but I always think it's worth looking at the lies very closely. I can see the reason for lying about Libby 'throwing herself' at him, ditto claiming she wanted to 'go home' but the additional extra of satnav is a really reckless lie if there isn't some truth to it. And it's especially weird, given he knows exactly where Wellesley avenue is, what with him allegedly having selected it for one of his more recent 'outings'.
I agree. If he said this, there is def a reason for it
I think it's simply to explain the fact her address was actually in his sat nav for reasons unknown.

The only simple reason I can think of for that, giving his recent alleged offending suggests he knew her road well, is to reassure her. Carry on the pretence of good Samaritan. / taxi.

However maybe that road was already in his sat nav for some reason? But that makes the whole case a lot more sinister suggesting he was already wandering around roads that contained houses occupied by young women because he already knew they were there.

Ella road for example - unusual in that it isn't a student area so less chance of random encounters with young women. If we consider what was stolen in Ventnor street there were probably young women there.

But that's all speculation. I hope the police have his sat nav
Many threads ago, I speculated that he kept a log of his previous crime locations in it as a perverse record. I still think this could be one reason. We also talked about the whole sat nav thing. Unless he nicked it from a burglary most people would use their phone. Unless it is in the car itself which I think was discounted by a car buff. If true that he said it, I think its v relevant
I've thought about this, and it could be that the car had been parked there for some time and snow had fallen since it arrived, or that it had been parked in a space that had recently been vacated, hence it was clear of snow. I'm not sure if parking on top of snow would clear the entire space under the car of snow, even with the engine running, but others may disagree.

As it was a double yellow line and in front of a gate, I would have thought it unlikely that a car had previously been parked there for any length of time, but locals say that in small roads like that, drivers do park illegally without fear of a ticket, so I'm probably wrong. It doesn't look like thick snow and it doesn't seem to be falling during the cctv footage, but for it to settle on the road, as it has, does suggest there'd been recent snowfall that didn't land where the suspect car is positioned, for whatever reason.
I can't watch that footage beyond the man walking away after having a *advertiser censored* so the snow bit is new news and very interesting.

We don't see the car arriving or the driver getting out. So clearly there is something important in that part of the footage. Time of arrival for example. When did he arrive there? What time did he exit the car? Where did he go initially?

Maybe he didn't spot Libby and park there. Maybe he parks there to spot someone. It's an obvious student short cut in my opinion. The uni is on Cottingham road. There are bus stops near Libby's bench.
Many threads ago, I speculated that he kept a log of his previous crime locations in it as a perverse record. I still think this could be one reason. We also talked about the whole sat nav thing. Unless he nicked it from a burglary most people would use their phone. Unless it is in the car itself which I think was discounted by a car buff. If true that he said it, I think its v relevant

Libby falls asleep/ passes out with alcohol in his car. He retrieves her ID from her jacket pocket, sees address, puts it into Sat Nav, does drive by of her house to make it look like on record he just gave Libby a lift home, continues driving from Wellesley with Libby still in car to Oak Road, Libby still unconscious at this point. Just thinking out loud really. The Sat Nav thing, if true, is strange because he is actively creating a firm link between himself and Libby, why?
Libby suspect denies unrelated charges

Ok, no application for bail was made.
Where on earth did I get this flight/reoffending risk bit from?
The cps will firstly indicate whether they are content for bail to be given . They have 3 choices . Unconditional bail. Bail with conditions or remand in custody (no bail ). For the latter 2 reasons must be given to support their position. Hence the flight risk and further offending. They also have to give reasons for believing the risks given. ...Then the defence solicitor can accept or challenge . Hope I’ve written this in a way that makes sense .
I can't watch that footage beyond the man walking away after having a *advertiser censored* so the snow bit is new news and very interesting.

We don't see the car arriving or the driver getting out. So clearly there is something important in that part of the footage. Time of arrival for example. When did he arrive there? What time did he exit the car? Where did he go initially?

Maybe he didn't spot Libby and park there. Maybe he parks there to spot someone. It's an obvious student short cut in my opinion. The uni is on Cottingham road. There are bus stops near Libby's bench.
I think previously we thought he may have parked up to commit another crime too. Similar to his previous (ok alleged) activities
I agree that pleading guilty is the best thing the perpetrator could do, and I'm neither looking to hear the 'ghastly details' nor being 'mawkish' as someone commented earlier (although I don't think that's the right word). Having a daughter similar in age to Libby, living a Libby kind of happy, hopeful life, the whole wretched story is deeply worrying and haunting.
My post was about finding out what actually happens when a person pleads guilty, i.e. is evidence still presented to the judge and so forth, not to provide an excuse for virtue signalling about not being interested in 'ghastly details'.
This forum has spent weeks trying to figure out, for example, who was in the cctv footage we've seen... what was the reason Libby didn't go into her house, why did the man in the orange top turn around after running out of the park... who was it screaming in the park... etc. These are the details we may never have answers to. Whatever 'ghastly' details are in your head, I hope Libby died before being conscious of.
If he doesn't plead guilty I dread to think what the basis of his defence will be. I remember when Levi Belfield was tried for the murder of Milly Dowler. Because she'd been missing for 6 months only remains were found. So he got to thrash her memory and worse, her parents memories by going for a suicide defence. Every ordinary angsty teenage poem was raised. Everything. He got access to everything as well. Her English books. Milly's sister wrote in her account that she was sure he got additional thrills from realising just how young she was

I dread the same happening to Libby's family and friends. I hope he does plead guilty to save them from that.

If he pleads guilty the judge will have every detail available to sentence him. I don't think he will plead guilty though. I thought he would for his other charges and he didn't
Ah, ok. I’m actually only learning to drive at the moment and was under impression you could be fined £1000 for not updating address. Driving licence WARNING - Students MUST do this or risk landing £1,000 fine |

So, that leaves either Libby provided her address or P deduced it by some other means.
Students tend to keep their home address as their official residence for long term documents like passports / driving licences as student accommodation can be considered temporary.

If the Welly paid for the taxi I suspect they'd have kept her student card as security as that seems to be the norm.
No, but we've seen her being driven back to Hull. Make of that what you will.

I would make of it that it could be her parents or siblings car or it could be Libby’s car with someone else taking a turn to drive. Or Libby could have had a car that she left in Hull for a variety of reasons.
I would make of it that it could be her parents or siblings car or it could be Libby’s car with someone else taking a turn to drive. Or Libby could have had a car that she left in Hull for a variety of reasons.

Exactly. It's open-ended.
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