Found Deceased UK - Libby Squire, 21, last seen outside Welly club, Hull, 31 Jan 2019 #13 *ARREST*

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Interesting. I can’t imagine what scenario would bring that behaviour on though. As someone else said she was just mumbling exiting taxi. Was known to be a “quiet” girl by friends descriptions. Instinct would tell me that if that was the case, then something must have happened between Libby’s house and the bench area, seems a bit bizarre otherwise to escalate in such a short time frame. Just my opinion...
I doubt she was shouting , there's no evidence for that, and as I've said more than once, it's much more likely that she fell over since there is evidence that she had done so earlier.
We should all bear in mind that people can behave very differently when drunk, so dismissing something because it's "out of character" isn't a logical inference.
I'd have to scroll back up to find it but a few pages ago now while discussing the recovery of the body off Grimsby Roads, there was a post which mentioned two previously unverified dead body' in the river sightings, one off The Deep and one out at Paull

@Pinkizzy - I can't find it right now, it was about page 41 but this thread is such a monster it's increasingly difficult to navigate. I just saw it and repeated it in good faith. I hadn't actually seen the post referenced above, which refers to searches at Ferriby Foreshore, Welton Waters, Brough Haven and Cadenby Creek, all of which are well to the *west* of the confluence of the Humber and the Hull, ie upstream. As somebody else said - sorry, I am old and feeble and can't keep up with the digital age :) - the Humber is a massive and complex stretch of water, forever shifting & moving the goalposts.
Interesting. I can’t imagine what scenario would bring that behaviour on though. As someone else said she was just mumbling exiting taxi. Was known to be a “quiet” girl by friends descriptions. Instinct would tell me that if that was the case, then something must have happened between Libby’s house and the bench area, seems a bit bizarre otherwise to escalate in such a short time frame. Just my opinion...
I think she became distressed when she was locked out and then lost her head a bit. When you’re that drunk you can flip quite quickly.
Maybe she is blocking the road slightly and she shouts at the car.... i think the fact it’s noticed she is ‘distressed’ indicates a commotion as opposed to head in hands crying . We tend to ignore someone on a bench at midnight with their head in their hands IMO
Having read a post on here mention the Emergency Contact feature on iPhone which I didn’t know about before, I’ve now switched it on on my phone. As a female who lives alone and often travels home from work late and on my own, albeit in a big city, it’s a good precaution to take

Good idea . Id recommend taking up a self defence class and avoid dangerous areas when you’re alone. Awareness is the first line of defence
I bet he’s walked that park and river a hundred times before this night and he’s fantasised about what he would do and where he would get rid of a body. He’s not chosen the pond because he knows the river is better and he’s actually gotten quite lucky that the body has made it all the way through to the Humber.

If you look back at the incidents where he was burgling properties , I’m sure I read he had taken some sex toys and i’d imagine he kept those as some kind of trophy to get off on. I’m surprised he didn’t keep something of Libby’s that night or if he did he’s hidden it well. Bet the LE tore that house of his apart looking for something he kept.

I was thinking the same, I'd have expected him too also, judging by the suspected perverse sexual criminal behaviour, that he'd have a modus oparandi (habit) of keeping trophies.
@Pinkizzy - I can't find it right now, it was about page 41 but this thread is such a monster it's increasingly difficult to navigate. I just saw it and repeated it in good faith. I hadn't actually seen the post referenced above, which refers to searches at Ferriby Foreshore, Welton Waters, Brough Haven and Cadenby Creek, all of which are well to the *west* of the confluence of the Humber and the Hull, ie upstream. As somebody else said - sorry, I am old and feeble and can't keep up with the digital age :) - the Humber is a massive and complex stretch of water, forever shifting & moving the goalposts.
I don’t think there was ever a body sighted near The a Deep. Nor entered the water there.
Let’s not go back there
I appreciate you might view things differently to me but I have been reading and commenting on this thread for some time today and can only say how polite and respectful all posters have been even if they have a difference of opini on.

I have to say I agree with Skigh. I’ve seen so many differences of opinion because we’re privy to so little evidence, but I do believe everyone’s thoughts and theories have been treated with respect. And even when we’ve been pulled up on things (myself included), posters have apologised, reworded or edited their posts. I’ve followed the Libby threads from day one and can most definitely say I’m proud to be part of a discussion that’s been kind, supportive and at times gone above and beyond (Stronts Vermont & Joelle). For a frustrating and heartbreakingly emotional case, I think everybody here has been extremely dignified.
Because I believe that’s what level of distressed would have been required for a car to stop

I'm not sure someone in a moving car would hear shouting. I think it's more likely she was stumbling about or visibly crying or had fallen, or, most likely in my opinion, she was dangerously near the road.
I agree with Cherwell's earlier posts saying a man for obvious reasons would not stop and speak to a young woman on her own unless it was clear she was looking as if she needed help.
I cannot see Libby being in a condition to be causing a scene by shouting .
Someone close to Libby has expressed frustration and anger that an ambulance had not been called on the night she disappeared as she was in obvious ‘distress’. I don’t feel you’d allude to strangers calling an ambulance to someone who is stumbling around shouting. So for me ‘distress’ must refer to her in some way requiring medical treatment. Perhaps having fallen or struggling with the effects of freezing temperatures? I think that’s why grey beard stopped, because she was in the road ‘distressed’.
Were the pavements in the Beresford/Beverley Road area 1) icy 2) slushy or 3) covered in fresh snow on the night in question? Icy roads are hard to walk on even in trainers at the best of times, never mind after a few drinks. We know Libby had fallen just a few minutes earlier outside her house, so IMO she may well have fallen/stumbled again and that’s why grey beard stopped. Also it’s a main road, so presumably well lit by streetlights and Libby with her bare legs and jacket would have been a noticeable sight for grey beard (or his passenger if there was one).

As previously mentioned, i think the interaction was captured on CCTV as Libby sitting on the bench a little later was. Which hopefully means any possible interaction with PR also was. He came back to his car at 12.03 from the direction of Beverley (I think, but happy to be corrected). Grey beard had left by 11.45pm approx so I do wonder if PR had either already been talking to her or was coming back from somewhere else (sainsburys local, yankee chicken or other “activity”) and had noticed her then.

Just a gut feeling but I do feel he sat in his car for those 3 minutes (probably having a cigarette), building up the nerve to go back to her, working out how to persuade her to get in his car, thinking about where to drive her to.

All JMO but seems to make sense to me
I was thinking the same, I'd have expected him too also, judging by the suspected perverse sexual criminal behaviour, that he'd have a modus oparandi (habit) of keeping trophies.
Bet he has somewhere....

Distressed could mean. Falling over, crying. arguing with someone, hurt, cold, being sick.
But what would make you
I'm not sure someone in a moving car would hear shouting. I think it's more likely she was stumbling about or visibly crying or had fallen or, most likely in my opinion, she was dangerously near the road.

I’d day she was out in the road , staggering and ranting as she became more upset and angry. The weasel had his hard drive seized so the LE know exactly what he’s been looking at and I bet it’s not pretty. I think the disposal of the body was planned but the situation was just opportunistic.

There is a stretch of water that links to the Humber within the oak playing fields isn’t there ?
I agree with Cherwell's earlier posts saying a man for obvious reasons would not stop and speak to a young woman on her own unless it was clear she was looking as if she needed help.
I cannot see Libby being in a condition to be causing a scene by shouting .
Just my opinion, I think she had lost her head a bit that’s all. It’s kind of normal too when you’ve lost all your mates , can’t get into club and you feel the world is against you..... She’ll have been upset and whatever form that took it brought a lot of attention . A) By a Good Samaritan and B) by a killer.... she wasn’t just sitting there sobbing imo
Just my opinion, I think she had lost her head a bit that’s all. It’s kind of normal too when you’ve lost all your mates , can’t get into club and you feel the world is against you..... She’ll have been upset and whatever form that took it brought a lot of attention . A) By a Good Samaritan and B) by a killer.... she wasn’t just sitting there sobbing imo

I feel that there is somewhat of a consensus that Libby just sitting there sobbing wasn’t what caused grey beard to stop. And it’s not confirmed she was on the bench when he stopped.
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