Deceased/Not Found UK - Lisa Dorrian, 25, Bangor Northern Ireland, 28 Feb 2005

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There is some fantastic news to report about missing persons in the UK. Helens law has passed in parliament. This means that killers that have been sentenced cannot be released without discloser of a body.
Helen's Law
We're delighted to let you know that Helen's Law has finally been passed. After five years, two general elections, one proroguing of Parliament, Brexit, and a global pandemic..... the Bill was approved by the Lords on Tuesday and signed by Her Majesty the Queen at midday yesterday (November 4) – thereby giving it Royal Assent.
It was a truly emotional moment for Marie McCourt who has fought tirelessly, and with such tenacity and dignity, to prevent other families of missing murder victims from following in her footsteps.
We expect the Prisoners (Disclosure of Information) Bill to be added to the statute books imminently.
Marie wishes to thank each and every single one of you for your unwavering support which has kept her going during the darkest, and most challenging, of times.
Sadly, as you know, this law has come too late to make a difference in her own case. (Her daughter’s killer was freed in February this year and Marie’s crowdfunded application for a judicial review into the decision was turned down in September).
But she feels immensely proud to have created a historical legacy in her daughter’s name.
Marie says: “This has been a long, gruelling, five year fight and there were times when I doubted it would ever happen.
“But knowing that Helen’s Law has been signed off by the Queen and is about to be added to the statute books has made me the proudest mum in the world. It is a lasting legacy to my lovely daughter who is, still, so loved and so sadly missed.
“I really hope this new law does make a difference to future families facing this nightmare. I, and the three quarters of a million people who called for this law, will be watching carefully when the next killer of a missing murder victim goes up before the Parole Board. These cruel acts, in refusing to say where a victim’s body can be recovered and denying the family a funeral, must be taken into consideration by release judges. This type of killer continues to have 'control' over the families until they reveal where their victims remains are.
The plight of missing murder victims, and their long-suffering families, has been neglected for far too long – and there is still a long way to go in securing justice for them. But I really do hope that Helen’s Law creates a platform for improved legislation."

Thank you to each and every one of you x

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