UK- Major incident declared in Southport after multiple stabbings, 29 July 2024

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Another possibility [along with several other valid potential motives that were outlined earlier in this thread] is that he is a relative of someone who was attending the dance event. A furious disgruntled older sibling of a much younger and favoured sister, perhaps.

I live 15 minutes walk away from what happened. It's been a terrible day here.
This was my immediate theory of motive. The location/event seemed so random otherwise so my view was that the perpetrator knew exactly where he was going and why (got a taxi straight there) and this didn’t look like any sort of massively advertised event. I reckon he is a relative of one of the children there and so this wasn’t random in that he turned up on the off chance something was happening. I think he targeted it specifically but only because he had specific knowledge it was happening due to a strong family/local connection.

(Even though he was 17 we will find out his name as soon as he turns 18, even though he will be tried as a 17 yr old).
Awful. The poor girls and their families. They are all going to have deep trauma. :( Girls and women deserve to feel safe anywhere at any time. Absolutely horrible.

The age of the alleged offender is shocking but honestly as a male myself I'm not surprised. Way too much content online that can expedite the 'pipeline' so to speak of guys watching misogynistic content, Andrew Tate springs to mind. We have no way of knowing at this stage that's his motive here. There's lots of problematic things that boys of his age has access to without his parents necessarily being aware of what he's looking up.

It’s funny you should say that
Andrew Tate posted a video faking concern for the girls on Twitter.
Absolutely heartbreaking. Innocent children going to a small community centre to to enjoy a dance session. I can't wrap my head around why a 17 year old boy would do this...the taxi adds premeditation surely?

There will be a huge ripple of trauma, grieving parents, surviving children and their parents, friends of the children who have died, the local community. How is a parent supposed to feel safe letting their child attend a event again?
It would be interesting to know if he had been trying to communicate with TS.

John Hinckley shot President Reagan in an attempt to impress Jodi Foster.

We could be looking at a similar thing here.

My guess is that it was random in regards to the victims themselves, but there is precedent for that particular scenario. I remember that mass stabbing in Thailand a couple years ago where the perpetrator intended to attack his child, but massacred other kids in a daycare center when his child wasn’t there.

I think the two most likely options are some mentally ill guy or a terrorist attack.
Surely anybody that takes part in a terrorist attack is by definition mentally ill. I think there is some news management going on by the media. People are so angry and upset by this attack that the authorities are worried about some sort of backlash.

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