UK - Nicholas Rossi, 34, aka Alahverdian aka Arthur Knight, faked death found alive in Glasgow , 15 Jan 2022 *extradited back to the US*

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Man accused of faking own death faces extradition hearing

A man accused of faking his own death to avoid a rape charge is facing extradition this week and reportedly making claims about the prosecutor trying to bring him back to the United States from Scotland. [snip] Now, Knight is turning the attention to Utah County Prosecutor David Leavitt, reportedly saying the prosecutor has ties to cannibalism and a sex trafficking ring. [snip] Leavitt released an investigative report to the Tribune that consisted of decades-old accusations involving 15 people, including Leavitt and his wife. [snip] “We received a tip that the sheriff, in fact, was working with Alahverdian to accuse me of cannibalizing and murdering children in a ritualistic abuse ring,” Leavitt said.

# more at link. There is also a video of Dan Abrams' interview with prosecutor Leavitt.

Authur Knight's Twitter account
Utah County sheriff, attorney spar over investigation of 'ritual sex abuse'

Utah County Attorney David Leavitt is calling for an investigation of Sheriff Mike Smith’s handling of allegations involving "ritualistic sex abuse." [snip] Leavitt suggested the timing of the Utah County Sheriff’s Office announcement of its 'ritualistic sex abuse’ investigation is politically motivated. "

Utah prosecutor calls for probe into sheriff over cannibalism and ‘ritualistic sex’ accusations

He also rejected Mr Leavitt’s accusations that the report was politically motivated. “This is not political. This is something we take very, very seriously. This is some of the most egregious crimes that happen in our community when our children are victimised at this level,” Mr Smith said.

Behind paywall:
Utah prosecutor calls for probe into sheriff over ‘ritualistic’ sex accusations
2 June 2022
Adam Herbets of Fox13now says, "I'm going to break the video down into four parts:

1. We're going to talk about an old 151 page document that Leavitt referenced where he claims he was named as an abuser.
2. Talk about one of the known subjects of this investigation, what Leavitt says his relationship is with that man, and why he thinks the case has already been debunked.
3. Why Leavitt says the timing of all of this is unfair with ballots set to drop in his re-election campaign within the week.
4. Why Leavitt says false rumors are also being spread by another man who's currently being charged with rape."

At 9:15 in the 11:05 min video, Herbets discusses Arthur Knight's claim to have received "exclusive confirmation from the department's public information officer Sgt. Spencer Cannon" when he named Prosecutor Leavitt as a suspect.

Fugitive launches £25K crowdfunder to fight extradition
9 Jun 2022
Nicholas Rossi’s begging letter on an online site asked unsuspecting members of the public for £25,000 to fight his extradition to America on rape charges. [snip] The fundraising page was taken down from [EBM]G.F. M. after they learned about Rossi’s true identity. A [EBM]G.F. M. spokesman said: “This campaign has been removed for violating our terms of service.”


He was due to appear yesterday at an extradition hearing at Edinburgh Sheriff Court. But his case was deferred again to July.

American sex offender begs for £25k for fight to stay in Scotland under fake ID
10 JUN 2022


His missus posted: “We’ve no money or savings remaining. We’d welcome any support you can give, whether it’s big or small. “All donations will go to a good cause and it will help us fight this injustice spread by the media who continue to spread the lie that my husband’s a fugitive when he has everything one has as a British/Irish citizen. “We need to pay for solicitors. We need to pay for Queen’s Counsel. Please help as much as you can.”

But by last night no one had donated a single penny to the couple, who are staying in Woodlands, Glasgow.

Article behind paywall
We’re being held hostage, says wife of US rape suspect
June 10 2022
TV star lost thousands by US fugitive who faked own death and fled to Scotland
23 JAN 2022

The convicted sex offender tricked a Canadian TV celebrity out of $40,000 and lied about being a professor at Glasgow University – all while he was meant to be dead.


We can reveal how he used a fake Irish accent and posed as a marketing expert to trick a Canadian star into handing over $40,000. Nafsika Antypas – a vegan food and lifestyle writer and TV host – was persuaded by Rossi to let him get involved in her successful international food business, which she wanted to expand to the UK. But when she realised he was a conman and severed ties, Rossi made up lies about her online, sent vile messages and made threats to her family.


“I have called the police in three countries asking them to track him down but they told me outright they couldn’t help me, even though he harassed my house and parents’ home by phone. I was afraid for my safety – he threatened he would come to my house.”


The last she heard from Rossi was when a lawyer’s letter arrived at her home in Canada in June 2020, threatening court action over $70,000 in unpaid wages after she shut the firm. [snip] Nafsika’s lawyer wrote back to demand back the $40,000 he’d already been paid, stating he’d failed to carry out the work he promised and demanded compensation for the abuse she’d suffered from him.


Nafsika said: “I hired a private investigator in Dublin who could not come up with anything, I tried reporting him to various fraud organisations and everyone told me they couldn’t do anything since he hadn’t committed a real crime. I was so frustrated.”

# Much more at link

"A US fugitive accused of faking his own death, has been detained by police in Glasgow accused of behaving aggressively to hospital staff.

Arthur Knight allegedly behaved in a threatening or abusive manner at the city's Queen Elizabeth University Hospital on Tuesday."

"A US fugitive accused of faking his own death, has been detained by police in Glasgow accused of behaving aggressively to hospital staff.

Arthur Knight allegedly behaved in a threatening or abusive manner at the city's Queen Elizabeth University Hospital on Tuesday."
The charge states that Mr Knight acted aggressively towards a hospital consultant and a senior charge nurse.
It is alleged that he shouted, swore, lunged at them and pursued them. It comes after Mr Knight failed to turn up last week at Edinburgh Sheriff Court, where the extradition case is being heard.

Poor frail, innocent man. I can't imagine how he ever found enough energy and breath to remove his Covid mask, shout, lunge at and pursue those evil hospital staff. :rolleyes: I'm sure he was simply defending himself the best he could under those circumstances because, well, you know...the whole world is out to get him. :mad:

I wonder what's his excuse for missing court last week. Surely he's got a good one. :D:p

"A second rape charge has been filed against an alleged US fugitive who is at the centre of an extradition case.

US prosecutors in Utah said Nicholas Rossi raped a former girlfriend in 2008 - the same year he is accused of raping another woman."

They claim Mr Rossi faked his own death and fled to Scotland to evade these and other sexual assault charges.
Rossi offered to go to America on the condition the court accepted that he was Arthur Knight — which the sheriff said “wasn’t acceptable”.

The law chief also told him his fingerprints would be taken “in the interests of justice” and as a “belt and braces” measure — despite Rossi protesting he did not want Police Scotland to do it.

Prosecutor Julie Clark told the court Rossi has had his prints taken but the Lord Advocate believed they should not be used for the extradition matter, so must be redone.

Sheriff McFadyen agreed to postpone the case until August 11 — two days after the American stands trial in Glasgow accused of threatening two medics at the city’s Queen Elizabeth University Hospital.


"A man accused of being US fugitive Nicholas Rossi has been found guilty of threatening behaviour after he made senior hospital staff flee in fear for their safety.

Two staff members told Glasgow Sheriff Court they were left "utterly terrified" of the man."
The 35-year-old appeared via video link at Edinburgh Sheriff Court on Thursday wearing an oxygen mask.

The court was told Rossi, who is currently being held in the city’s Saughton Prison, had instructed defence agent David Kinloch to represent him.

Mr Kinloch asked for a one week continuation of the case to allow him to prepare and “look into a mental health situation”.


Mr Kinloch, who is believed to be Rossi’s fourth different lawyer, said Rossi had given him “haphazard information” on the case and he needed to review it properly.

Rossi wanted to make a fresh bail application, he added, but he wasn’t prepared to do so immediately.

Fiscal depute Clare Kennedy didn’t oppose the motion for a further hearing next week.

“He asked me to state that he feels like he has been denied medical treatment within the prison,” he told the court.

“He feels he needs urgent medical attention and that the prison are denying him from this,” and added that his client, whom he referred to as “Mr Knight”, said he had been “coughing up blood”.

Jenkins told the court his client was “constantly referred to as another person” whom the 35-year-old insists he is not.


The man will next appear in court on September 1, and Sheriff Maciver remanded him in custody.

Awww, poor guy. :rolleyes: He says he's dying. I bet that must be a scary feeling. My best advice to him, which comes from Nicholas Alahverdian's obituary, is to “fear not and run toward the bliss of the sun.”


SOBBING fugitive Nicholas Rossi claimed he was “tortured” in jail — as he pleaded with a sheriff to free him. [Snip] Sheriff Chris Dickson refused his bail request. Despite being represented by advocate John Brannigan, Rossi ranted at the law chief, claiming he had a “heart attack” and is being refused treatment. In a five-minute outburst, he said: “I need to go to hospital. I’ve had a heart attack and three TIAs [transient ischaemic attacks] and have not seen a doctor. “I’ve been punched by a warden in the face and in the lungs. I’m dying and I am getting no medical attention.”
Awww, poor guy. :rolleyes: He says he's dying. I bet that must be a scary feeling. My best advice to him, which comes from Nicholas Alahverdian's obituary, is to “fear not and run toward the bliss of the sun.”


SOBBING fugitive Nicholas Rossi claimed he was “tortured” in jail — as he pleaded with a sheriff to free him. [Snip] Sheriff Chris Dickson refused his bail request. Despite being represented by advocate John Brannigan, Rossi ranted at the law chief, claiming he had a “heart attack” and is being refused treatment. In a five-minute outburst, he said: “I need to go to hospital. I’ve had a heart attack and three TIAs [transient ischaemic attacks] and have not seen a doctor. “I’ve been punched by a warden in the face and in the lungs. I’m dying and I am getting no medical attention.”
What in the world! This guy is next level bananas. What is with him in the fancy pajamas holding up a peace sign?! And….he has a wife?! I missed that part I guess. Jeesh.

ETA: love your advice
What in the world! This guy is next level bananas. What is with him in the fancy pajamas holding up a peace sign?! And….he has a wife?! I missed that part I guess. Jeesh.

ETA: love your advice
Yes, he's married. She appears to be one of his biggest supporters. MOO She participated in the interview I linked in the quoted post below.


THE wife of fugitive Nicholas Rossi has launched her own PR business in a bid to fund his extradition battle, it’s claimed. [snip] Documents lodged with Companies House confirm the business’s key specialities and reveal it was set up in May this year. The firm was registered to a London address and lists M. as a sole director. Earlier this year, the couple set up a £25,000 appeal online to pay for the case. But [the popular fundraising site] (EBM) removed the page before a penny was donated.
# More at link

NBC 10's Brian Crandall talks to a man in Scotland who identifies himself as Arthur Knight. Authorities say he is fugitive Nicholas Alahverdian.
Another court appearance.

When asked by Sheriff Maciver whether he is Rossi, he replied: “No, good morning your Lordship, I am Arthur Knight and I would ask your Lordship if we could begin with a moment of silence in memory of her great Majesty.”

Sheriff Maciver said the issue of identity is not that difficult and can be tested in cross-examination and through the production of information such as photos, birth and marriage certificates and testimonials from friends.


The court also heard that a doctor is preparing a psychological report for the defence but there have been some difficulties in obtaining medical records because they are in the name of Rossi, while the man claims to be Knight.


A further hearing will take place on October 6 and the full extradition hearing is likely to take place in early November.

Article behind paywall.
Abuse, disguises, denial: Nick Alahverdian's act is all too familiar to his Oh…

1 Oct 2022

  • She revealed he even chased her in his car when she finally found the courage to leave — ending in a head-on smash.
  • ...he would lock her in their bathroom, once for up to two days, and used her mobile to track her.
  • “There were times when Nick would hit me or verbally attack me, and if I defended myself, I would get mad. And he would immediately calm down and get my mom on the phone. “My mom would hear me upset and Nick would be totally calm. So, it made the impression I was the crazy one.”
# More at link

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