Found Deceased UK - Nicola Bulley Last Seen Walking Dog Near River - St Michaels on Wyre (Lancashire) #4

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#MISSING | Have you seen Nicola Bulley, who has gone missing from home in Inskip?

Nicola, 45, was last seen at around 9.15am today (Friday, January 27th) on the footpath by the river off Garstang Road in St Michael’s on Wyre.

She is described as white, 5ft 3ins tall, with light brown shoulder-length hair. She speaks with an Essex accent.

She was last seen wearing a long black gilet jacket with a hood, black jeans and olive green ankle wellies. Her hair was tied into a ponytail.

Immediately prior to going missing she was walking her dog, described as a brown-coloured Spaniel. Although the dog has since been found close to where we believe Nicola was last seen, we hope this might help jog the memory of anybody who saw her at around the same time and who may have information about where she was going.
Lancashire Police

Nicola Jane Bulley FB page
Nikki Bulley - Mortgage Adviser - FB page

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3 Feb 2023

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How many people actually saw the lady walking there with her dog on the morning she disappeared?
I find the newspaper reports very confusing, especially with regard to where her mobile phone was found and it seems to me, from these boards, there is now confusion over dog leads/harness.
The phone has been found at the bench/on the bench/on the ground. Which actually is it? Other than this I do hope the lady is found safe and well, I really feel for her family and friends who must be going through hell.
It's common for there to be conflicting information in cases, especially ones with a high public interest where it is heavily reported in the media. And as time goes on the info will be more uniform. According to the latest police conference, there were 3 sightings (8:43am, 8:47am, and 9:10am). As for the phone, they believe it was on the bench at 9:20.
Sorry I'm a bit of a noob at replying from previous threads but the below was a response to someone questioning why she couldn't get herself out (if this is what happened)

This is all personal anecdote but I jumped (not fell) into a river in an attempt to end my life around 6 years ago and basically the second I hit the water I regretted it. Even though I was expecting the cold I can't overstate the shock your body goes into, it's like I turned into a stone. I consider myself a very strong swimmer, happily will swim in the sea but genuinely my body was unable to move and I had no air in my lungs. I was wearing shoes so kicking around was impossible and I just basically accepted I had made my bed by jumping in, and even though I really wanted to get out, I couldn't. Anyway luckily a DPD driver was out delivering nearby late at night, saw me and rescued me but without anyone there I would have easily gone under. This was the river tees too so not a very big or very strong river.

All completely anecdotal of course but just an insight into how even a very strong capable swimmer can be shocked by cold water/fear/panic and not be able to get out
The fact her mobile phone was found at the scene makes me think it was an accident as surely an attacker would have chucked it in the river to dispose of it quickly. JMO

Also I'm assuming the dog would have protected Nicola and the attacker would have therefore kicked (or worse) the dog to subdue it and therefore there'd have been injuries to the dog, the dog would be more aggressive or subdued when found rather than frantic/confused. I do feel it is likely it is just a tragic accident but it's the not knowing exactly what happened between the bench and the river that is so puzzling, and unfortunately we may never know.
I noticed that the police were interested in the 10min window between 9.10 (last sighting) and 9.20 (phone on bench). I wonder why that is? If they assumed she reached the bench with her phone, surely it’s the 9.20-9.35 time period when something happened? Unless they still think something could have happened between 9.10-9.20 and her phone was placed at the bench after. Im struggling to see anything other than an accident now with cctv covering most exits. Unless any of the witnesses are lying of course. JMO.
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