UK - Nikki Allan, 7, brutally murdered, Sunderland, 7 Oct 1992 *arrest in 2014*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Man, this is heartbreaking.
The level of violence that child suffered. What sort of person can smash a 7 year olds skull in repeatedly with a brick, stab her 37 times and then drag her by her ankles down the stairs (her head hitting every step) and then dump her body in a dingy room covered in filth and dirt. Just how? Why???? And then how can that person get away with it and carry on living and walking around society for 31 years after it?
Absolutely chilling.
I hope Nikki finally gets her justice, I can’t bare to look at her little face knowing what happened to her :(
Thank you for writing this, @Honeybirdette. You've expressed exactly what I wanted to say but couldn't put into words. And I'm sure I speak for lots of WSers when I say that... xx

Just to add that I find it incredibly distressing hearing about how little Nikki suffered, plus the awful thought that her killer may have committed other such crimes whilst roaming free for the many years following Nikki's murder. It's horrific :'(
Some Images of the crime scene showing the drag marks that lead to Nikki’s body have been released along with some others;
Deeply upsetting to see the marks on the floor :(


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No trial again? Court finished at 12pm Thursday, didn’t sit on Friday and doesn’t look like it’s going ahead today either. Wonder what’s going on?
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He said dna profiles found on the hip area of her cycling shorts/leggings and on the collar of her t-shirt matched to the defendant, with a profile found in only one in 28,000 people.

Other mixed profiles, featuring the defendant's profile, matched to one in 5,100 people, were found on the bottom of her t-shirt and under the arm pit area.

I’m a little worried about this dna evidence.
One in 28,000 and one in 5100 doesn’t seem
Particularly rare?

A match of one in 28,000 means there are at least 2.4 million other people living in the UK alone that also matches the dna that was found on her clothing. It doesn’t seem very…. Strong evidence?
He said dna profiles found on the hip area of her cycling shorts/leggings and on the collar of her t-shirt matched to the defendant, with a profile found in only one in 28,000 people.

Other mixed profiles, featuring the defendant's profile, matched to one in 5,100 people, were found on the bottom of her t-shirt and under the arm pit area.

I’m a little worried about this dna evidence.
One in 28,000 and one in 5100 doesn’t seem
Particularly rare?

A match of one in 28,000 means there are at least 2.4 million other people living in the UK alone that also matches the dna that was found on her clothing. It doesn’t seem very…. Strong evidence?

Reading back through the thread, the 1 in 28,000 result indicators are relatively quiet rare within the Sunderland region's male population.

My understanding is that prosecution says this is significant as Boyd's genelogical forebears are not of the region, so the 1 in 28,000 statistic needs to be viewed within those narrower parameters rather than the broader national population.

I can’t tell if the trial isn’t sitting or if the media is no longer reporting it live from the court room.
I am really intrigued by this case and wish more journalists were covering it.
It’s one of the most horrifically brutal crimes I’ve ever heard of, I can’t understand the lack of interest.
I can’t tell if the trial isn’t sitting or if the media is no longer reporting it live from the court room.
I am really intrigued by this case and wish more journalists were covering it.
It’s one of the most horrifically brutal crimes I’ve ever heard of, I can’t understand the lack of interest.
A match of one in 28,000 means there are at least 2.4 million other people living in the UK alone that also matches the dna that was found on her clothing. It doesn’t seem very…. Strong evidence?
I am no good at all at maths and I thought it would be about 250 other people in the UK! It’s worried me too, I do hope it doesn’t stop justice finally being done.

Judge gives jurors warning about evidence​

The trial is back underway this morning.

Jurors are given a warning from trial judge Mrs Justice Lambert about some evidence they are about to hear.

She says: "Can I say something about the evidence you are about to be given. Let me warn you against any prejudice in your mind which may arise out of what you are about to hear and any over-reliance on the evidence you are about to hear.

“You must not convict the defendant wholly or mainly on the basis of the evidence you are about to hear, so treat it in that way.”

Boyd convicted of breach of the peace in 1986​

Boyd was convicted in October 1986 of an offence of breach of the peace for an offence that happened in September that year in Sacriston, County Durham.

Mr Wright said: “He approached a group of four children aged between eight and ten years old and took one of the girls by the neck and asked to kiss her. He held on to her for a few moments then let go and told the children not to tell anyone.


Boyd convicted of indecent assault on young girl in 2000, jury hears​

In March 2000 Boyd was convicted of indecent assault on a young girl in a park in Stockton. A nine-year-old girl and her 12 -year-old friend were playing in the park.

Mr Wright said: “David Boyd was not known to either girl. He approached them and asked what they were doing. They said they were looking for their friends.

“He approached them and took hold of (one girl’s) shoulder and told her not to scream.”

He asked if one of the girls had knickers on.

He then took hold of the front of the nine-year-old’s clothing and place his hands between her legs and touched her there over her clothing.

Boyd then ran off and both girls screamed and ran off.

"He expressed feelings of shame and guilt" from touching girl​

In February 2000 Boyd was seen by a doctor and jurors are read information from a record of his consultation.

Mr Wright said: “He expressed feelings of shame and guilt from touching a nine-year-old girl between the legs and said he was depressed and drunk.”


Boyd denied having fantasies about underage girls​

When Boyd was assessed by a forensic psychiatrist he denied having fantasies about underage girls and said he was a “normal lad” before he carried out the indecent assault.

He had consumed 12 cans of lager and couldn’t remember committing the offence​

A pre-sentence report was compiled in March 2000. He said he had consumed 12 cans of strong lager that day and had argued with his girlfriend and initially said he couldn’t remember committing the offence.

Mr Wright said: “He admitted while walking towards the girls he began wondering what it would be like to touch them.”

He said he had “dirty thoughts and began to feel excited about the thought of touching” one of the girls but said after doing so he felt “disgusted by himself”.

Boyd said he believed it was the effect of alcohol that led him to behave in this way.


Boyd said he began to fantasise about young girls and described it as a phase he was going through​

He initially denied having any sexual thoughts about young children. He then said when he was about 22 he began to fantasise about adults and children, in particular young girls.

Mr Wright said: “He said he would think about young girls being naked and what it would be like to touch their body and have sexual intercourse with them.

“He described that as a phase he was going through and something he grew out of.”

Jurors warned again by judge​

After hearing of his past convictions, jurors are warned again by the judge: “Keep an open mind, don’t rush to judgement, wait until you have heard all the evidence in the case and you’ve heard my legal directions.”

Prosecutors close their case​

Prosecutors have now closed their case.

I always wondered why Nikki’s coat and both of her shoes were found outside, in the grounds of the old exchange building… it never made sense to me why they’d be outside?

After listening about his previous convictions it makes me wonder if his motive started off as a sexual one. Did he start to attack her / forcibly remove her coat and shoes in the grounds? Did she then scream and he panicked and hit her? (That explains some of the evidence )
Did he then panic thinking she would tell everyone, her uncle terry Clark was Boyd’s close friend. Her babysitter was Boyd’s girlfriend, she lived in the same block as he did - he couldn’t take the risk and so he killed her.

But then he must have already had the knife on him, why take a knife unless it was premeditated?

So many questions :(

At the conclusion of the prosecution case, Jason Pitter KC, defending, said Boyd will not be called to give evidence from the witness box and will call no other defence evidence.

Mrs Justice Lambert asked Mr Pitter: “Can I just satisfy myself in the presence of the jury and in the presence of the defendant that the defendant is aware that the stage has been reached at which evidence can be given for the defence, including evidence from him.”

Mr Pitter confirmed: “He is.”
The judge continued: “And that if he wished to give evidence he could do so.”
Mr Pitter said: “He knows that.”

Justice Lambert added: “And if the defendant chooses not to give evidence or having been sworn, without good cause, refuses to answer questions , it is permissible for the jury to draw such inferences as appear proper.”

Mr Pitter answered: “Yes.”
Setting out the route to verdict, Mrs Justice Lambert said the prosecution case relies on “circumstantial evidence”.

She said: “(There are) different pieces or strands of evidence which, when put together, the prosecution says, leave no doubt that the defendant is guilty.”

The defence case is that Boyd did not kill Nikki and the strands of evidence are “the result of innocent coincidences”, the judge said.

The trial continues.

Slam dunk surely?
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