UK - Nurse Lucy Letby Faces 22 Charges - 7 Murder/15 Attempted Murder of Babies #13

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@Sweeper2000 regarding evidence or lack of;

putting aside the *how* people die or become injured etc for a moment if you will; when crimes are reported, even with a lack of hard evidence (but suspicious events) it all still requires such scrutiny as we are seeing.

I completely hear you when you mention “concrete evidence” and I recognise a lot of people - rightly so, feel that factor is needed to establish for definite there is foul play.

But equally, sometimes, lots of crimes do not have the kind of evidence some are hoping for to make firm/definite views. Domestic and sexual abuse is an example of that. The evidence might not be concrete or even at all noticeable (which has been reported in dozens of cases)- but in such situations they actually do need to examine who was doing what and also rely on medical experts reviews, notes and accurate record keeping to help establish events.

The problem we have is that we just don’t know *where* LL was stood for definite (in either baby M or N) but it doesn’t completely rule it out if she was there or went near etc. Another issue as we have already heard so far is some of the notes are not always recorded timely as they should. Therefore, if that is the case, equally then- is that timeframe accurate?

We have already heard LL has omitted medical results from baby Ns file yet shared it with this *unamed* doctor she’s messaging on social media. Her account of this babies care is quite inaccurate here on the very basis of withholding medical information from others involved in his care. She cannot explain herself for this reason and this is a major concern (imo and the professional duty) in her fitness to practice. It’s like playing roulette with peoples lives which simply isn’t right.

Lots of things to consider here, all my own opinions of course.
Text messaging (reformatted)

Evening of 15th June 2016

"Manchester Crown Court heard that the registrar, who was working nights, messaged Letby..."

Bef 5.25pm

Doc: 'Only a few hours to go and it's holiday time - do you think you'll manage to hand over quickly?'


LL: 'I'll still be here. He's (Child N) poorly, bled again and became apnoeic.

LL: 'Sat having a quiet moment and want to cry. Just mad with so many people and lack of space etc.'

Doc: 'Oh Lucy, poor little thing and you.

Doc: 'Are you OK? Have a cry, you'll feel better for it I'm sure. You're welcome to take my car home if you're too tired to walk. I sort out picking it up in the morning.

Doc: 'So sorry you've had a rubbish day at the end of your long run - holiday well and truly deserved.'

LL: 'I'm OK just feel like I've been running around all day and not really achieved anything positive for him.

LL: 'Don't want to cry in front of people here, maybe when I'm home! That's very kind re the (car) but should be OK. Have you managed to switch off at all and sleep?'

Doc: 'No not really. Your day sounds as though as it's been horrible. Poor you. Are you going to be OK?

Doc: 'I'm sure he's had the best care possible today and that you will have done everything you can for him.

Doc: 'Are you doing anything nice before you go on holiday? You're not having to do a long run of shifts to get the time off for that are you?'

LL: 'No off for nearly 2 weeks!'

Doc: 'Oh what an end to a rubbish day. I haven't been back to Torbay for a few years .. I'm always surprised how little it changes when I go back. Happy memories.

Doc: 'I used to love Cockington in the summer - it always looked so pretty when the flowers were out. Have you handed over yet?'

Doc: 'Look on the top shelf. Right hand side. For the walk home. Your [sic] still welcome to the car.'

LL: 'Cockington is gorgeous!! We always go there for afternoon tea. Dad was offered a job in Paignton many moons ago, could have been a very different childhood growing up by the sea. Looking forward to going back.

LL: 'Hope little man is OK and your night isn't too stressful. On the home straight now at least.

LL: 'You are a sweetie (name of doctor), thank you.'

Doc: 'Chocolate makes bad days a little better. Hope you liked it.'

LL: 'That's true. Just a shame I don't usually eat chocolate ... but on this occasion ...'

Doc: 'It was well deserved today. Are you OK?

LL: 'Yes thank you. Just glad he's (Child N) OK.

LL: 'Hopefully I'll sleep well tonight and can enjoy getting ready for hols. Are you OK?'

Abt 11pm

Doc: 'He's just left the building. I'd be surprised if you didnt sleep well after so many long days.'

LL: 'Glad he got off safely.'

Doc: 'My night is complete! Just been handed a 3-week-old for a cuddle, who am I to refuse!!'

LL: 'Aww baby cuddles make everything seem better.'

Daily Mail Nurse Lucy Letby 'wanted to cry' after baby collapsed, trial hears
Chester Standard Lucy Letby told colleague she ‘wanted to cry’ after baby collapsed


Irish News - Lucy Letby told colleague she ‘wanted to cry' after baby collapsed, trial hears
Text messaging (reformatted)

Evening of 15th June 2016

"Manchester Crown Court heard that the registrar, who was working nights, messaged Letby..."

Bef 5.25pm

Doc: 'Only a few hours to go and it's holiday time - do you think you'll manage to hand over quickly?'


LL: 'I'll still be here. He's (Child N) poorly, bled again and became apnoeic.

LL: 'Sat having a quiet moment and want to cry. Just mad with so many people and lack of space etc.'

Doc: 'Oh Lucy, poor little thing and you.

Doc: 'Are you OK? Have a cry, you'll feel better for it I'm sure. You're welcome to take my car home if you're too tired to walk. I sort out picking it up in the morning.

Doc: 'So sorry you've had a rubbish day at the end of your long run - holiday well and truly deserved.'

LL: 'I'm OK just feel like I've been running around all day and not really achieved anything positive for him.

LL: 'Don't want to cry in front of people here, maybe when I'm home! That's very kind re the (car) but should be OK. Have you managed to switch off at all and sleep?'

Doc: 'No not really. Your day sounds as though as it's been horrible. Poor you. Are you going to be OK?

Doc: 'I'm sure he's had the best care possible today and that you will have done everything you can for him.

Doc: 'Are you doing anything nice before you go on holiday? You're not having to do a long run of shifts to get the time off for that are you?'

LL: 'No off for nearly 2 weeks!'

Doc: 'Oh what an end to a rubbish day. I haven't been back to Torbay for a few years .. I'm always surprised how little it changes when I go back. Happy memories.

Doc: 'I used to love Cockington in the summer - it always looked so pretty when the flowers were out. Have you handed over yet?'

Doc: 'Look on the top shelf. Right hand side. For the walk home. Your [sic] still welcome to the car.'

LL: 'Cockington is gorgeous!! We always go there for afternoon tea. Dad was offered a job in Paignton many moons ago, could have been a very different childhood growing up by the sea. Looking forward to going back.

LL: 'Hope little man is OK and your night isn't too stressful. On the home straight now at least.

LL: 'You are a sweetie (name of doctor), thank you.'

Doc: 'Chocolate makes bad days a little better. Hope you liked it.'

LL: 'That's true. Just a shame I don't usually eat chocolate ... but on this occasion ...'

Doc: 'It was well deserved today. Are you OK?

LL: 'Yes thank you. Just glad he's (Child N) OK.

LL: 'Hopefully I'll sleep well tonight and can enjoy getting ready for hols. Are you OK?'

Abt 11pm

Doc: 'He's just left the building. I'd be surprised if you didnt sleep well after so many long days.'

LL: 'Glad he got off safely.'

Doc: 'My night is complete! Just been handed a 3-week-old for a cuddle, who am I to refuse!!'

LL: 'Aww baby cuddles make everything seem better.'

Daily Mail Nurse Lucy Letby 'wanted to cry' after baby collapsed, trial hears
Chester Standard Lucy Letby told colleague she ‘wanted to cry’ after baby collapsed


Irish News - Lucy Letby told colleague she ‘wanted to cry' after baby collapsed, trial hears

She was certainly getting a lot of attention and sympathy from the Dr re Baby N
It's funny because she's getting attention but my take on it is that he's putting in more effort to chat than she is.
From the texts we've seen yes. Although there's the possibility that her coming in early for her day shift was because she knew he'd still be there on his night shift. Either way, the interest in each other seems mutual.
From the texts we've seen yes. Although there's the possibility that her coming in early for her day shift was because she knew he'd still be there on his night shift. Either way, the interest in each other seems mutual.
And I suppose their paths didn't cross on the 15th night-shift (she stayed late) because people from Alder Hey were there and he wasn't needed.

LL: 'Sat having a quiet moment and want to cry. Just mad with so many people and lack of space etc.'


"The doctor has told the court she remembers the events of that evening and Ms Letby. She said the nurse 'she seemed quite agitated' when a team of specialists arrived from Alder Hey to help with Child N's treatment

'She approached me a few times and said who are these people, who are these people....from working alongside the nurses and doctors at Chester, I felt that it was out of character from what I’d experienced previously in a medical emergency', she said"
And I suppose their paths didn't cross on the 15th night-shift (she stayed late) because people from Alder Hey were there and he wasn't needed.

LL: 'Sat having a quiet moment and want to cry. Just mad with so many people and lack of space etc.'


"The doctor has told the court she remembers the events of that evening and Ms Letby. She said the nurse 'she seemed quite agitated' when a team of specialists arrived from Alder Hey to help with Child N's treatment

'She approached me a few times and said who are these people, who are these people....from working alongside the nurses and doctors at Chester, I felt that it was out of character from what I’d experienced previously in a medical emergency', she said"

Ohhhh so even though she stayed over and was still there at the time of the 7.40pm resus, she wouldn't have seen the Dr at the resus, as they sent the Alder Hey specialists instead?
Ohhhh so even though she stayed over and was still there at the time of the 7.40pm resus, she wouldn't have seen the Dr at the resus, as they sent the Alder Hey specialists instead?
Doesn't sound like their paths crossed with him asking if she's handed over yet and telling her to take the chocolate and his car.
Ohhhh so even though she stayed over and was still there at the time of the 7.40pm resus, she wouldn't have seen the Dr at the resus, as they sent the Alder Hey specialists instead?
And who are these Alder Hey specialists?
A team from another hospital?
Is it common practice?
Doesn't sound like their paths crossed with him asking if she's handed over yet and telling her to take the chocolate and his car.
I'd assumed that conversation was around 5.25pm , the same time she said she would still be there after handover, as that's the only time mentioned . However he wouldn't have been at work at 5.25pm to have left the chooclate yet, so yes that part of the conversation about the chocolate must have been later!
And who are these Alder Hey specialists?
A team from another hospital?
Is it common practice?

It's where Baby N was being transfered to that evening.

ETA @Dotta

Child N had haemophilia and on June 15, the parents were informed the baby boy had had a bleed. The parents were informed to attend hospital as soon as possible.

Child N was in intensive care, and on arrival Lucy Letby was there with other people.

They were told they had tried to intubate Child N between 4-8am.

Child N had two collapses that day - the parents were told to go out and get some fresh air in between the two collapses. While they were out, Child N had his second collapse.

A 'spur of the moment' baptism took place. Lucy Letby stayed beyond the end of her shift, and Child N was transferred to Alder Hey, where he recovered quickly over the following couple of days.

Last edited:

We have already heard LL has omitted medical results from baby Ns file yet shared it with this *unamed* doctor she’s messaging on social media. Her account of this babies care is quite inaccurate here on the very basis of withholding medical information from others involved in his care. She cannot explain herself for this reason and this is a major concern (imo and the professional duty) in her fitness to practice. It’s like playing roulette with peoples lives which simply isn’t right.

Hmm. What did she omit and when please?
Hmm. What did she omit and when please?
An intensive care chart is presented to the court, which records the amount of dextrose going into Child N.
The bleeding record, of 10am '1ml fresh blood', recording aspirates from the NG tube.
Said bleeding, the prosecution say, is not recorded anywhere in the medical notes. It was more than 2 hours after the attempts to intubate.
At 11.29am Letby sent a Facebook message to the doctor telling him “small amounts of blood from mouth and 1ml from ng. Looks like pulmonary bleed on x ray [i.e. a bleed from the lungs]. Given factor 8 – wait and see”. Other than that phone message, there is no evidence that Lucy Letby brought the bleeding to the attention of any of the medical staff.


She could not explain the entry in her notes timed at 10am on June 15 in which she recorded aspirating more fresh blood which she had not apparently brought to the attention of anyone else.

Recap: Prosecution opens trial of Lucy Letby accused of Countess of Chester Hospital baby murders
Okay so it's not that she omitted it from her notes, it's that she didn't escalate it according to the prosecution opening statement which isn't evidence.

As far as I can see, they didn't actually explore this with evidence in court reporting. She followed her message to tk the doctor you've quoted with "Looks like pulmonary bleed on xray...". So do we really think only LL was able to see this bleed on the xray? That nobody else knew about bleeding? It sounds unlikely.

It wouldn't be the first instance the opening speech mentioned something that hasn't been explored according to the reporting. We even had something in the opening statement which have been disputed by those giving evidence. So I think we probably shouldn't be viewing it as evidence to back up statements.
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