UK - Nurse Lucy Letby, murder of babies, 7 Guilty of murder verdicts; 8 Guilty of attempted murder; 2 Not Guilty of attempted; 5 hung re attempted #35

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Because the “lucy letby is innocent” crew are people who obviously didnt follow the trial closely at all, they read a (biased) New Yorker article and decided LL was innocent of all charges based on that.

At least if the inquest is live streamed, all the information will be in the public domain and people will know the full picture Instead of cherry picking evidence ( like the author or the New Yorker article did )
But if they didn't follow the trial why would they follow the live streaming? They won't and what is said in it will just be cherry-picked for the bits which fit their narrative. People who think the prosecution case's "smoking gun" was their daft little chart haven't put much thought into this and likely never will. I mean, it's not as though a packed court sat on their behinds for 9 months discussing a chart with some names with an "x" next to them.

They were campaigning for her innocence long before the article in question. These people simply haven't thought the whole thing through rationally.
So, there is indeed a court order in place restricting what can be reported, it's made under section 4(2) of The Contempt of Court Act 1981. The order states;

“It is ordered that the following matters may be reported:

  1. The outcomes of the original trial (ie the verdicts or failures to reach verdicts);
  2. That the prosecution presently intend to proceed to re-try the defendant on one count of attempted murder upon which the jury at the original trial were discharged from reaching a verdict (count 14 the attempted murder);
  3. The provisional trial date is June 10 2024 with an estimated length of trial of up to four weeks.
  4. There should be no reporting of any matter which will create a substantial (that means ‘not minimal’) risk of prejudice to the administration of justice in a trial on count 14.”

Edit: and, obviously, publishing these facts isn't a breech of the order or the Press Gazette wouldn't have done it.
Is there any chance Letby's new trial could be delayed, pending the appeal outcome ?
Someone told me yesterday that the appeal outcome will need to be known before the new trial begins.

Does anyone know if there is any truth to that ?
Is there any chance Letby's new trial could be delayed, pending the appeal outcome ?
Someone told me yesterday that the appeal outcome will need to be known before the new trial begins.

Does anyone know if there is any truth to that ?
Really? I thought they were deliberately delaying the appeal outcome due to not prejudicing the upcoming retrial.

I deff think it could possibly sway an upcoming jury, let’s say if they decide she can appeal for example.
Is there any chance Letby's new trial could be delayed, pending the appeal outcome ?
Someone told me yesterday that the appeal outcome will need to be known before the new trial begins.

Does anyone know if there is any truth to that ?
There's this from last September -

Recap: Lucy Letby retrial decision on murder attempt charges due today


The prosecution say they are seeking a retrial in the case of the attempted murder of Child K, and not the remaining counts.


Such a retrial would last about two weeks, the prosecution and judge agree on, but the judge adds that juries can deliberate for some time. He says a retrial would therefore last up to three weeks.


The judge says it would be "inappropriate" for that retrial to take place until the application of appeal was processed.


Such a retrial would take place from October 7, 2024, the judge adds, saying that is "the first available date".


Mr Myers rises to say Letby maintains her innocence on the unresolved matters.
He outlines the difficulties on what could be presented to the jury in a retrial.
He says '2-3 weeks' is a "reasonable estimate" for the length of that trial, and says next October presents some difficulties for the defence team, owing to a long-running case scheduled for around that time.


The judge says he is prepared not to fix a date for a retrial, but to say the trial would 'not take place before' a specific date.
A date next June is now offered by the court clerk, and the retrial is provisionally fixed for June 10, 2024, as that availability appears more suited to the prosecution and defence.
Mr Justice James Goss says he is unable to confirm whether he would be the judge for that retrial.
Really? I thought they were deliberately delaying the appeal outcome due to not prejudicing the upcoming retrial.

I deff think it could possibly sway an upcoming jury, let’s say if they decide she can appeal for example.
I definitely think that the appeal outcome is being held until the retrial has taken place.
As a side note I actually attended all the days of the appeal hearing, I know the judges said the actual grounds of appeal cannot be published until after the new trial has concluded but the outcome of the application can be announced (subject to any further restrictions being put in place)
But if she is granted an appeal what is the point of a new trial taking place ?
I was reading up on this - there's a CPS page about retrials; apparently, a retrial can include evidence different to what was given in the first instance trial (which I wasn't aware of).

So, it's essentially a potentially different set for facts than to previously. If she's granted an appeal it's on the facts presented at the original trial. It means that she can still appeal the retrial if she's convicted. But allowing her an appeal (or not) may prejudice the jury at the retrial.

I'm not exactly sure if that makes any sense. This whole case makes my head hurt, quite frankly!
As a side note I actually attended all the days of the appeal hearing, I know the judges said the actual grounds of appeal cannot be published until after the new trial has concluded but the outcome of the application can be announced (subject to any further restrictions being put in place)
Did they give the grounds for the appea or do they mean that the court won't publish them before then?
Did they give the grounds for the appea or do they mean that the court won't publish them before then?
Yes I was present when the grounds of appeal were dealt with and what they said was "No detail is to be released about what the grounds of appeal are until after the new trial has concluded" So the media put out a blanket reason for the appeal grounds but aren't allowed to discuss the actual grounds in any detail whatsoever until the conclusion of the new trial. The media can report on the "outcome" of the application before the new trial starts,but not the grounds until the new trial is concluded.
I agree. I think we won’t hear the decision of the appeal until the conclusion of the retrial.
Trying to find 12 inpartial Manchester jurors is going to be one tough job !
I'm not in Manchester or the immediate area where all this happened so can't really comment but it still surprises me as to how little many people actually know about this case. Considering it was one of the longest criminal cases ever, and the whole thing has been in the public eye for a couple of months off eight years now (she was first arrested July 2018), I'm quite amazed it's not more talked about.
I'm quite surprised. As above, I thought they'd save it until the end of the retrial. Although there may be some rule where the decision has to be handed down according to a certain time scale.

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