GUILTY UK - Rebecca Watts, 16, Bristol, 19 Feb 2015 #5

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I don't think we need to stop talking, I've seen many a family member or loved one take part in threads themselves, and thanked us for our help and concern for their loved one, and our messages of support. WS is a victim friendly forum, it is very important that we think of the family, as they are victims too, and not be mean or personal in our words, I think that is what Tricia means, to remember family are victims too and show them the respect they deserve. If anyone steps over the line the mods will swiftly take care of it, but we can help them out by thinking before we hit the post button.

I don't intend to stop posting when I have something to say, to stop talking about this heinous crime, and what happened to sweet Becky would be like sweeping it under the carpet, Becky deserves more than that. Of course it is upsetting, and like Wallace said, if you are a close loved one WS is probably not the best place to read whilst the emotions are so raw, but some have been known to have found solace in it, we never know and cannot help that. If nobody talked about upsetting crime WS would not exist, and I for one know that if I were ever to fall foul, I'd be very glad it does!

My heart aches for AG today :( I can't imagine the pain she must be going through. Hug your kids and Mums tight today!

I think this is very true. I would want to know that there were so many people that cared enough about finding justice for me or a loved one, rather than the alternative. I think talking about it - within respected limits & using common sense - can only be a good thing.
We're all talking about talking about it but not actually talking about it anymore. Threads gone very quiet. Wonder how much more, if any, information will come out at the next court date. Has there been much in the media? Nothing has caught my attention
Now that suspects have been charged we will hear very little, if anything, from the media. There will probably be a post mortem but it is unlikely we will hear anything about it. The only indication that it is complete will probably be when Becky is released to her family for a funeral to take place. I expect the media will report on that.

My understanding is that the next appearance in court is a “review” hearing and all 6 will appear in person - I don’t know what we can expect to hear from that, if anything.

Then I think it will depend on the evidence. I guess it is possible that charges may change as a result of further evidence gathering and/or forensic results and I suppose we would hear about that.

If he pleads guilty at some point there would be no trial for him, although I think the evidence would still have to be presented to a judge in order to determine sentencing. Not sure how much we would hear if that were to be the case.

Not sure what happens to the other 5 if the above were to happen. I presume that they could still plead not guilty to their charges and there would be a trial for them.

It’s not impossible that at some point, NM may plead guilty to manslaughter but deny murder and we would probably hear if he did that.
Re a guilty plea and how much we would then hear ......

Thinking back to the Georgia Williams case, the accused changed his plea to guilty on the morning that the trial was about to begin.
The Judge's sentencing remarks were later published and they gave a very detailed outline of what had occurred, so possibly we would have similar in this case ?
Re a guilty plea and how much we would then hear ......

Thinking back to the Georgia Williams case, the accused changed his plea to guilty on the morning that the trial was about to begin.
The Judge's sentencing remarks were later published and they gave a very detailed outline of what had occurred, so possibly we would have similar in this case ?
This case was very close to home for me, I have mutual friends of the parents and my daughter was at college with Georgia :( so sad for her loved ones and very happy that his whole life sentence stands.
In Canada if an accused chooses to plead guilty then, in essence their really is no trial however, the guilty person must go to court and an "Agreed Statement of Facts" is read into the record. I can recall 2 cases in recent history where this has happened. The first was Karla Homolka, who along with her husband kidnapped, raped and murdered 2 young teen girls as well as Karla's own younger sister. Karla had her day in court, the Agreed Statement of Facts was presented and off she went to jail.

The other, was Colonel Russell Williams, who murdered and raped 2 women, along with multiple rapes and fetish break ins wherein he stole women's underwear. His Agreed Statement of Facts was presented in court over a period of several days and it was all reported in the newspaper. The Crown wanted every picture, and every item read into the record as part of the Agreed Statement of Facts because they wanted the record to reflect how horrendous the acts were that were committed so that if he ever applied for parole all the evidence was available as fact.

So even though there is no trial per se, a guilty plea is still presented in court with evidence and facts read into the official record and once that happens the general public are privy to all the details.

Just wondering, since Canadian Law was taken originally from British Law, if this would be a similar occurrence in Britain?
In Canada if an accused chooses to plead guilty then, in essence their really is no trial however, the guilty person must go to court and an "Agreed Statement of Facts" is read into the record. I can recall 2 cases in recent history where this has happened. The first was Karla Homolka, who along with her husband kidnapped, raped and murdered 2 young teen girls as well as Karla's own younger sister. Karla had her day in court, the Agreed Statement of Facts was presented and off she went to jail.

The other, was Colonel Russell Williams, who murdered and raped 2 women, along with multiple rapes and fetish break ins wherein he stole women's underwear. His Agreed Statement of Facts was presented in court over a period of several days and it was all reported in the newspaper. The Crown wanted every picture, and every item read into the record as part of the Agreed Statement of Facts because they wanted the record to reflect how horrendous the acts were that were committed so that if he ever applied for parole all the evidence was available as fact.

So even though there is no trial per se, a guilty plea is still presented in court with evidence and facts read into the official record and once that happens the general public are privy to all the details.

Just wondering, since Canadian Law was taken originally from British Law, if this would be a similar occurrence in Britain?
Not that I'm aware of, here if the accused pleads guilty then all evidence is looked at by the judge to enable them to hand down a benefitting sentence and we may get to know some things. As someone has already mentioned Georgia Williams, the judge in that case said that some things were best not made public for our own sakes.
Re a guilty plea and how much we would then hear ......

Thinking back to the Georgia Williams case, the accused changed his plea to guilty on the morning that the trial was about to begin.
The Judge's sentencing remarks were later published and they gave a very detailed outline of what had occurred, so possibly we would have similar in this case ?

Yes, probably. One example is the case of Brian Blackwell. He pleaded guilty to the manslaughter of his parents and was sentenced to life imprisonment. The case was widely reported. A number of reports are included in the link.

Blackwell was charged with murder and was due to stand trial; however, that charge was dropped after he pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of manslaughter on the ground of diminished responsibility after experts diagnosed Narcissistic personality disorder.
I have a couple of questions if anyone can help?

What would the process be if SH were to plead guilty to PTCJ prior to any trial? I presume she could be sentenced straight away as her charge does not rely on proof that there is a principal offender, i.e. not dependent on NM being found guilty of murder or manslaughter. Is that right?

If one or more of the 4 wanted to plead guilty at the earliest opportunity, in order to try and get a reduced sentence, would that be possible and what would be the process be? My understanding is that the charge for AAO relies on their being a principal offender so surely someone has to have been found guilty of an offence first. So is it even possible for any of the 4 to plead guilty prior to a trial/NM pleading guilty? Hope that makes sense, TIA
I have a couple of questions if anyone can help?

What would the process be if SH were to plead guilty to PTCJ prior to any trial? I presume she could be sentenced straight away as her charge does not rely on proof that there is a principal offender, i.e. not dependent on NM being found guilty of murder or manslaughter. Is that right?

If one or more of the 4 wanted to plead guilty at the earliest opportunity, in order to try and get a reduced sentence, would that be possible and what would be the process be? My understanding is that the charge for AAO relies on their being a principal offender so surely someone has to have been found guilty of an offence first. So is it even possible for any of the 4 to plead guilty prior to a trial/NM pleading guilty? Hope that makes sense, TIA

Interesting thoughts Clio. I would think, as you say, that SH could be sentenced straight away, as her charge does not depend on whether or not NM is guilty.
But as for the other 4, presumably NM has to be guilty for them to be guilty also.
I suppose, if they knew he was going to plead guilty at the first opportunity ( which is at the Case Management hearing isnt it ? ) then they could submit their pleas accordingly. But that would depend on their various lawyers conferring, I guess.
I felt so incredibly awful for ever having suspected Rebecca's own father of having done something to her.
Now when I look at that same interview I still see guilt, but not because HE did something, but because he thought he knew who did or might have done, and he wasn't there to protect his little girl.

I was looking at "his and hers" facebooks and other social media, and photos, and got the impression "he" is quite short, but muscular. jmo. Steroids?

I couldn't even finish watching it... so sad...
Hello everyone,

I haven't been able to follow Rebecca's case that closely.

Question: has a definitive motive for this horrible crime been concretely established? Tia.
Hello everyone,

I haven't been able to follow Rebecca's case that closely.

Question: has a definitive motive for this horrible crime been concretely established? Tia.

No it has not margarita.

I just watched JG's tribute video on FB :tears: Beautiful
Interesting thoughts Clio. I would think, as you say, that SH could be sentenced straight away, as her charge does not depend on whether or not NM is guilty.
But as for the other 4, presumably NM has to be guilty for them to be guilty also.
I suppose, if they knew he was going to plead guilty at the first opportunity ( which is at the Case Management hearing isnt it ? ) then they could submit their pleas accordingly. But that would depend on their various lawyers conferring, I guess.

I think any of them could plead guilty at the PCMH. If they did it would put pressure on NM as if others have pleaded guilty to their involvement in this case and their involvement is through them, then they are basically saying he did it. If the others pleaded guilty and he pleaded not guilty then the prosecution would use this to their advantage.

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