GUILTY UK - Rebecca Watts, 16, Bristol, 19 Feb 2015 #9

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Surely AG at least needs to provide a written statement if not give evidence? I have never followed a trial before so I don't know much about court procedures.

She won't be giving evidence in person as she has been in the public gallery on and off throughout the trial. Hopefully a written or video statement from her will be presented in due course.
Re the boot liner. Could it be made of that thin plastic material like a hairdressers cape thing, thin enough to fold up small enough to hide in the oven. A bit like this one: (Sorry, bad English, very tired!) boot liner&qid=1445801773&ref_=sr_1_9&sr=8-9

I'm sorry but it's the only "Two Continents Separated By A Common Language" I'm trying to keep it simple, but I'm still getting confused. I thought it would be a car trunk "boot"liner. Sorry if I've got my English mixed up. It's been a long time since I've been back.
In her 1st video interview SH says she "went down into the garden". After 15-20 minutes she says "we came back up. Went into to k--itchen".

Did we ever find out if there is a useable door from the kitchen into the garden. To me it looks like you get to the back garden from the "conservatory/roof terrace".


In her second video interview, the female police officer asks what she and NM did the weekend after Becky went missing (21st/22nd Feb). She completely avoids the question and recounts where they were from Monday 23rd onwards.

That is quite literally the least glamorous "conservatory/roof terrace" I've ever seen. Looks like a complete death trap.
That is quite literally the least glamorous "conservatory/roof terrace" I've ever seen. Looks like a complete death trap.

If I am understanding the photos correctly - ie which photos belong to which house - BW's home wasn't exactly a clutter-free palace either, so how on earth NM can think anyone would believe his story about teaching Becky a lesson for leaving stuff lying around is beyond me. It appears that everyone in the entire family leaves stuff lying around; that conservatory is full of clutter and the garden is a right state.

In fact, Becky's bedroom is about the neatest room out of all those shown and I wouldn't be surprised if she was embarrassed by the state of the place - rather than being the one who left stuff out. Teenage girls are very conscious about things like that.

As for NM's home and him being the hoarder, not SH. The state of the kitchen sink, the food-related rubbish left everywhere and the stairs tells me that SH wasn't exactly a neat freak either. The stuff just lying around isn't hoarding, it pure laziness - stuff not being put away. Okay it would be hard to get to all the cupboards, but the clothes just dumped on the stairs can't just be down to him alone?
I have searched high and low and cannot find the picture of their bedroom. I know it was everywhere when the photos were first published. Kicking myself now because i screens hot everything but I reset my phone on that day so I never took any on the day they were released

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I have searched high and low and cannot find the picture of their bedroom. I know it was everywhere when the photos were first published. Kicking myself now because i screens hot everything but I reset my phone on that day so I never took any on the day they were released

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This is a pic from one of their bedrooms. There was another one but I can't find it :/

Can I ask a basic question, in case anyone knows the answer... :)

How can NM be pleading not guilty to the charge of conspiracy to kidnap, whilst at the same time saying that he er... turned up at the house with stun guns and all the kit required in order to carry out a kidnap plan he'd hatched either from his dreams or from what he'd gleaned from TV programmes..?
Can I ask a basic question, in case anyone knows the answer... :)

How can NM be pleading not guilty to the charge of conspiracy to kidnap, whilst at the same time saying that he er... turned up at the house with stun guns and all the kit required in order to carry out a kidnap plan he'd hatched either from his dreams or from what he'd gleaned from TV programmes..?

He is pleading not guilty to conspiracy to kidnap, i.e. he says SH wasn't party to his kidnap plan
I think the boot liner must have been a generic one, made of material such as the Amazon one or those available from Argos. Something you might use to protect the boot from muddy dogs, or taking garden rubbish.
The Zafira boot liner is made of very thick felt covered card or something very stiff, it's about quarter of an inch thick. It can only be folded once, in the middle, and still remains about 15in by about 40 when folded. No way could it be folded into that recess.
In fact, Becky's bedroom is about the neatest room out of all those shown and I wouldn't be surprised if she was embarrassed by the state of the place - rather than being the one who left stuff out. Teenage girls are very conscious about things like that.

DG posted an FB message on 23rd Feb asking her to come home. Paraphrasing here - something about wanting her to come home and she could make as much mess as she liked and he wouldn't say anything.

I can't help but wonder if somebody hadn't been telling him that the reason she had "run away" was because she was sick of being told to tidy up or something.
I think the boot liner must have been a generic one, made of material such as the Amazon one or those available from Argos. Something you might use to protect the boot from muddy dogs, or taking garden rubbish.
The Zafira boot liner is made of very thick felt covered card or something very stiff, it's about quarter of an inch thick. It can only be folded once, in the middle, and still remains about 15in by about 40 when folded. No way could it be folded into that recess.

Thanks, Warwicks. And a big...


If the liner in question was actually the Zafira liner (and not a thin plastic generic one like the Amazon one), would it be possible (with some effort) to fit it into an oven, the part where you would bake something? 40" seems a bit big but if it could bend at all or be folded then maybe it's possible.
Does anyone else get the impression from NM's counsel's questions that he is trying to lay the blame at SH's door? I can't be more specific and say what I think he is going to try to attribute to SH but he has said things like 'are you saying that to make it sound better for Miss Hoare?'
Yeah annoying me I can't find it because I also remember seeing it

It must have been removed from the public record because I've searched extensively on Google images and can't find it. How bizarre....
It must have been removed from the public record because I've searched extensively on Google images and can't find it. How bizarre....

I have also spent the best part of an hour searching to no avail. Strange alright...
is there a reason everyone is so keen to find this bedroom pic?
is there a reason everyone is so keen to find this bedroom pic?

I was just looking because I put one up & wasn't the right one people were looking for. Also, I can vividly remember seeing the pic and annoying me the fact I can't find it. So yeah, that's my reason lol.

From what I remember you could just see the bed but again it was piled high with junk. Also a window in the background.
Yeah same edinlass. I was just responding to iclaudia as I recall seeing one too, and as it seems to have gone poof was wondering why. Originally was hoping I could find it to prove I wasn't imagining it.
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