UK UK - Sarah Everard, 33, London - Clapham Common area, 3 March 2021 #3

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Sarah Everard, 33, vanished as she walked home to Brixton, south London, from the Clapham Junction area.

She spoke to her partner en route but has not been heard from since about 21:30 GMT, friend Rose Woollard said.

Sarah Everard: Police 'increasingly concerned' for Brixton woman^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1367784499237576704|twgr^|twcon^s1_c10&ref_url=

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We do not know whether or not SE broke lockdown rules. To speculate or assume that she did is to somehow apportion blame toward a victim and is not victim friendly.

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Hey everyone,

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from: The Rules: Copyright Violations:

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Update: Links to the traffic cam site are allowed. Screenshots including random individuals are not. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
I imagine this is the most likely explanation (JMO).

Also, we are in the middle of a pandemic/lockdown- the usual dating/out with friends/meeting up socially scenarios might just not be following a “normal” pattern. Eg if he is fairly new, they could be close-ish but won’t have necessarily met each other’s friends/family. And if he has flatmates etc then she technically may not have been allowed round to his.

I think it is easy for us to have “normal” expectations of a situation. But lockdown rules and lack of daily social life means people are doing everyday things slightly differently.

(Eg - I have seen questions over why she used her friend’s back gate out of the house - well could be as mentioned because she was following the spirit if not quite the strict “letter” of the rules by hanging out in the garden when maybe the lockdown rules suggest she shouldn’t have been there at all; same goes with just deciding to walk 50 mins there and 50 mins back. In “normal” times we might all find we have better things to do; or would be coming to and from work etc etc. But if one is working from home - and safe to assume she probably currently is, then in looking for ways to escape the constant confines of our own 4 walls, many of us are behaving in ways perhaps considered slightly less explicable in “normal” times).

I'm guessing it may be a new-ish relationship - they didn't seem to live together, and it's not the usual plea from a partner (I love & miss her so much, come home / let her go, etc.) so he might have felt more comfortable describing himself as a close friend.
The “strong beautiful friend” message was a coordinated post by her friends and acquaintances on IWD. It’s all over social media with no variation.

LE will of course investigate him — as they should considering the terrible statistics about women being killed by their partners — but I don’t think her boyfriend was trying to hide anything. He wasn’t pretending they were only friends by posting it. It’s perhaps all he can manage right now? Not everyone wants to bare their soul publicly or run to the media. As long as he’s cooperating with LE, that’s the most important thing.
His family have put him in the public domain, it's not unreasonable to assume he's OK with that IMO

The media found him through twitter. A colleague of his dads posted something which lead back to him. By media reports from yesterday of them asking a friend at his address I'd say the media have gone to his home. His father may have been accosted by them on arrival .
I am still fixated on the phone call because I don't feel her phone would have ran out of battery - I live in a small town and when I go for walks and talk on the phone via headphones or just handset it is hard to have a conversation sometimes when it is windy or cars go past (even during lockdown). In the location she was last spotted It looked like the traffic would have been flowing. Why talk for 15 mins when she could have got home at 10pm and had a conversation in the quiet and comfort of her own place. It only would have been 1opm. But if you chat for 15mins why not 30/40mins especially know that SE was walking home. Just a thought JMO
Hi Blue Guardian,
I tried to do both but to no avail. Didn't spot SE. Some snippets from outside Sainsbury's are missing at around 1800 hrs (enroute to Leathwaite) and also at Cavendish at 2115 hrs (return - appear to be missing).

Poynders has the 2 dog walkers 2130-2145 hrs + a few buses that hopefully have external Cams.
Thanks again Rex for the link. Yes i've spotted the dog walkers, I hope they've been found as they could be vital witnesses - even if to rule things out, if they didn't see anything.


  • 1614807954.mp4
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Technically no - He's the last person he talked to that we are aware of. Even if they asked me for a voluntary interview I'd want a lawyer present. He would/will be target number 1. The Police would not just be interviewing him to ascertain events but also to understand the strength of his story. When there is the potential this is going to end up in Murder charges you don't want to be taking risks.

If you haven't committed a murder what is the risk? I may be misunderstanding but you really seem to be suggesting that the police are going to be fitting him up for a crime, what do you mean by target number 1?

I'm not saying the police are perfect by any means but IMO your comments seem a little extreme

I am still fixated on the phone call because I don't feel her phone would have ran out of battery - I live in a small town and when I go for walks and talk on the phone via headphones or just handset it is hard to have a conversation sometimes when it is windy or cars go past (even during lockdown). In the location she was last spotted It looked like the traffic would have been flowing. Why talk for 15 mins when she could have got home at 10pm and had a conversation in the quiet and comfort of her own place. It only would have been 1opm. But if you chat for 15mins why not 30/40mins especially know that SE was walking home. Just a thought JMO
Not always. I’m an avid walker and will 99% of the time call somebody on my walk, for company. I’ve actually just done it and spoke to my OH for an hour - I think it’s a pretty common thing to do.
I imagine this is the most likely explanation (JMO).

Also, we are in the middle of a pandemic/lockdown- the usual dating/out with friends/meeting up socially scenarios might just not be following a “normal” pattern. Eg if he is fairly new, they could be close-ish but won’t have necessarily met each other’s friends/family. And if he has flatmates etc then she technically may not have been allowed round to his.

I think it is easy for us to have “normal” expectations of a situation. But lockdown rules and lack of daily social life means people are doing everyday things slightly differently.

(Eg - I have seen questions over why she used her friend’s back gate out of the house - well could be as mentioned because she was following the spirit if not quite the strict “letter” of the rules by hanging out in the garden when maybe the lockdown rules suggest she shouldn’t have been there at all; same goes with just deciding to walk 50 mins there and 50 mins back. In “normal” times we might all find we have better things to do; or would be coming to and from work etc etc. But if one is working from home - and safe to assume she probably currently is, then in looking for ways to escape the constant confines of our own 4 walls, many of us are behaving in ways perhaps considered slightly less explicable in “normal” times).

Another thought on top of this - it could also be that they are in a relationship but were having a difficult time / talking of breaking up and their 'status' was a little more complicated. This could also explain the 'complex' comment by the police.

Complete speculation on my part of course. No one knows how they will react until they're faced with a situation.
If you haven't committed a murder what is the risk? I may be misunderstanding but you really seem to be suggesting that the police are going to be fitting him up for a crime, what do you mean by target number 1?

I'm not saying the police are perfect by any means but IMO your comments seem a little extreme

This is a useful link Suzyjackson, even though you will want to help the police as much as you can, you should have a solicitor present: Do I Need A Solicitor When Being Questioned By The Police? - Stephensons Solicitors LLP
If you haven't committed a murder what is the risk? I may be misunderstanding but you really seem to be suggesting that the police are going to be fitting him up for a crime, what do you mean by target number 1?

I'm not saying the police are perfect by any means but IMO your comments seem a little extreme


I'm not saying they are/will. Just that there is a history before of Police forces having jumped on suspects having not looked at the wood through the trees. If it's a minor crime it's one thing but when you're talking potential abduction/kidnapping/murder etc why on earth would you take that risk? The average person is oblivious in an interview when Police are switching from asking for info to treating you as a suspect. That's what you want a lawyer for.
I imagine this is the most likely explanation (JMO).

Also, we are in the middle of a pandemic/lockdown- the usual dating/out with friends/meeting up socially scenarios might just not be following a “normal” pattern. Eg if he is fairly new, they could be close-ish but won’t have necessarily met each other’s friends/family. And if he has flatmates etc then she technically may not have been allowed round to his.

I think it is easy for us to have “normal” expectations of a situation. But lockdown rules and lack of daily social life means people are doing everyday things slightly differently.

(Eg - I have seen questions over why she used her friend’s back gate out of the house - well could be as mentioned because she was following the spirit if not quite the strict “letter” of the rules by hanging out in the garden when maybe the lockdown rules suggest she shouldn’t have been there at all; same goes with just deciding to walk 50 mins there and 50 mins back. In “normal” times we might all find we have better things to do; or would be coming to and from work etc etc. But if one is working from home - and safe to assume she probably currently is, then in looking for ways to escape the constant confines of our own 4 walls, many of us are behaving in ways perhaps considered slightly less explicable in “normal” times).

we are still in national lockdown so she would not have been able to meet up with him unless in a bubble as single people but as she had already been to visit friend for the night then doesnt seem like he was unless she was blatently breaking lockdown which is also possible.
I think nowadays when they have to keep updating their website with new content they use anything they can get. I don't read too much into photos of the bf JMO

exactly because of shabby Journalism people new to this case keep thinking the CCTV footage of her entering Sainsburys is the last none CCTV footage of her at 9.30 pm
The media found him through twitter. A colleague of his dads posted something which lead back to him. By media reports from yesterday of them asking a friend at his address I'd say the media have gone to his home. His father may have been accosted by them on arrival .

Yep, the Daily Fail’s MO is trawling through social media and posting found images, followed by surprising or hounding people until they get a quote.
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