UK UK - Sarah Everard, 33, London - Clapham Common area, 3 March 2021 #4 *Arrests*

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Thanks for clearing that up. I read it completely wrong it’s late
I was wondering how they could of got his number

I'm still actually unsure how they have. I just think even if it was possible (If an entire Police Force we are saying are incapable of getting in contact - How would he?) Why would he do that? It's such a bold move.
Thanks for clearing that up. I read it completely wrong it’s late
I was wondering how they could of got his number

I'm still actually unsure how they have. I just think even if it was possible (If an entire Police Force we are saying are incapable of getting in contact - How would he?) Why would he do that? It's such a bold move.
JMO, but I'm wondering now if SE walked this route around this time frequently (especially during lockdown, she may have visited this particular friend a lot) and if the PO drove this route around this time frequently, as part of his commute home to Kent after finishing his regular shift as a PO working somewhere west of Clapham. Perhaps he had noticed her distinctive coat and knew he could find her on this route. Though it still seems extremely brazen to plan anything on such a main road.

Also, the person on here who was called by an officer as a result of their tweet about traffic cams (and correct me if I'm wrong, but this person didn't post their phone number on twitter, but surmised that the officer must have been able to access it through twitter somehow?) reported that the officer said they worked for Putney police. Which is west of Clapham. This case is really giving me the creeps now.
Just throwing this out there... In the absence of a phone, it is still possible to trace phone records, social media, emails etc. There is a possibility that SE was known to the PO and whatever the nature of this relationship, the investigators have discovered it via digital footprint. All speculation, as let’s face it, cannot rule anything out now.

A lot can be obtained, with the right authorisations. Some social media companies are not always so willing to cooperate.
I am not familiar with the area but it seems to me that if he could've got her into his vehicle without being seen, he could've hit her with his vehicle without being seen. I think both options are still in play here.

And ALSO, he probably was seen, in either scenario, which is how they found him & arrested him.
I guess I’m just trying to rationalise it in my head, and think of a ‘best case scenario’, so, IMO it maybe it was a kind of RTA...?

SE had just hung up the phone from her boyfriend, and wasn’t concentrating; PO just off shift and heading home down Poynders Road. Maybe SE steps into the road and the PO just clips her? Smashing SE’s phone, which then goes off. SE appears okay, maybe just a few visible cuts (so only a small amount of blood by the drain?), and the PO offers to take her home, or to the hospital... en route some internal injury takes affect, and the PO panics?
I'm still actually unsure how they have. I just think even if it was possible (If an entire Police Force we are saying are incapable of getting in contact - How would he?) Why would he do that? It's such a bold move.

I wonder if the poster got a bit carried away maybe after a few drinks and was portraying himself as lead investigator ;) and maybe told a couple of porkies
I'm still actually unsure how they have. I just think even if it was possible (If an entire Police Force we are saying are incapable of getting in contact - How would he?) Why would he do that? It's such a bold move.
I agree, you have to ask why - when he could just search the web and find it for himself? Oh, plus - Twitter account holders information is available to the account holder only, unless it is hacked. In which case yes, there's a chance a phone number is stored there. But that is mental territory and I ain't going there.
Even though I just did...
I can understand why people are shocked and angry but there are sick people in every profession. While we expect LE to have the highest standards, some unfortunately may slip through the net. On the whole, the police can and and should still be trusted.
The above is based on the assumption that a member of LE is involved in this.
I am not familiar with the area but it seems to me that if he could've got her into his vehicle without being seen, he could've hit her with his vehicle without being seen. I think both options are still in play here.

And ALSO, he probably was seen, in either scenario, which is how they found him & arrested him.

I am wondering if perhaps they saw him in the general vicinity on CCTV/Ring cameras and that arose suspicion without actually seeing him with SE.
Statistics indicate that if this officer is involved, then he will have most likely been known to SE. Possibly he was a former obsessive partner who was stalking her or an infatuated police officer who had come into contact with her through his work.

Maybe unlawful use of police computer systems to search for her by name, prior to her going missing, was a line of enquiry which led to his arrest.

Yes, I've been thinking about the possibility that he may have been SE's ex BF. and was possibly jealous of a new relationship.

Perhaps this info was given to LE from the fam.

Maybe SE had reported some previous harassment and it threatened his job in some way.

That would have made it a more 'complex' investigation.

That could be the motive.

so what i'm suggesting is he gave them his number, and then they called him back. Which sounds far more normal police protocol, to me anyway.

But the poster’s post didn’t indicate that, to me at least. The opposite in fact, when mooting that someone could somehow access your number via Twitter. Maybe the officer could convince Twitter itself to give out a customer’s number for a good reason, but I’m not convinced of that. Something doesn’t add up with either the post itself or the caller’s claim to the poster that the caller got their number from Twitter (unless, of course, there is a separate publicly accessible tweet they once made with their number in it for whatever reason that the caller saw once alerted to the fact the user tweeted the Met with the camera info).

In summary, I can’t see how the poster didn’t already know they’d given their contact no. when reporting to the Met initially and, if they didn’t therefore, I can’t buy that Twitter would independently give out their number to the caller. So did the call happen...?
In the sense that he could have intended to do one criminal thing, and the situation escalated beyond what he had premeditated.

Ah something like the Joanna Yates case?

Maybe his plan was to tick her off for lockdown infringement real or imagined as a pretext because he wants to assault her in the car, gambling she will be too intimidated to report him. Maybe he has done this before. But she fights back and it escalates.

We don’t know if he had his police badge of vehicle with him. That could alter the possibilities.

I am just really perturbed that a cop seems to me a serious suspect.

Or she gets hit by a car. That’s the other thing that might be unplanned but lethal.

I just cannot make myself believe in that stretch of road as the location a police officer would choose for something premeditated. Although possibly somewhere you could get away with something by luck.

So I keep thinking something happened suddenly and someone improvised and the woman arrested was able to be convinced to help because of the way it was portrayed to her as accidental.

Was it ever clarified that Sarah’s phonecall to her DP ended abruptly without goodbyes? Because that also suggests something very fast, if so. She is talking and then next axons the phone is dead and nobody hears a scream or a struggle.
I guess I’m just trying to rationalise it in my head, and think of a ‘best case scenario’, so, IMO it maybe it was a kind of RTA...?

SE had just hung up the phone from her boyfriend, and wasn’t concentrating; PO just off shift and heading home down Poynders Road. Maybe SE steps into the road and the PO just clips her? Smashing SE’s phone, which then goes off. SE appears okay, maybe just a few visible cuts (so only a small amount of blood by the drain?), and the PO offers to take her home, or to the hospital... en route some internal injury takes affect, and the PO panics?

I’m thinking more ex boyfriend or friend of a friend. I would not even be surprised at serial offender, the hit and run would be bottom of my list, but that’s only my opinion and that’s what I like about this forum.
I am wondering if perhaps they saw him in the general vicinity on CCTV/Ring cameras and that arose suspicion without actually seeing him with SE.

Could also be they've been running plates and that his personal vehicle comes up and they think - Hang on, why would a colleague not come forwards to tell us he was in the area?
I agree, you have to ask why - when he could just search the web and find it for himself? Oh, plus - Twitter account holders information is available to the account holder only, unless it is hacked. In which case yes, there's a chance a phone number is stored there. But that is mental territory and I ain't going there.
Even though I just did...

its interesting none the less, there is no way they could have known 12 hours later a metro cop would be arrested in relation to this
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