UK UK - Sarah Wellgreen, 46, Kent, 9 Oct 2018

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'Diabolical shoes did not match his clothes'

The next statement read out was from Charlie Carter, who was in the rear office of All Night Cars on October 10 between 10.33am and 10.35am.

His statement was made in November last year.

The statement, read to court today, said:

Ben Lacomba came in and my colleague Carmen made a comment about his shoes.

I remember this conversation now I have seen the CCTV with audio.

I remember Ben was wearing a pair of battleship grey horrible pointy shows, they looked diabolical as they did not match his clothes.

They looked quite fresh, there were no creases on them.

I’ve never seen him in those shoes before, they stood out so much we took the p*** out of him for that. He always dresses to match.

The court was then played CCTV from that morning

Where did you get those shoes, he was asked.

“River Island ages ago but I’ve lost my brown ones at the moment,” he replied.
Sarah Wellgreen's Tinder friend had met her the day prior
Joe Eleini, a friend of Sarah Wellgreen, made a statement to police on October 14, 2018.

It was read to the court today.

I’m a member of TInder, a dating site.

In July to August, I received a notification in my Tinder inbox that I had been liked by Sarah, so I looked at her profile and liked her back.

After that, at around August 24 2018 we started messaging each other on our mobile phones and Whats App.

I found her really friendly, really forthcoming and I think after around one week we had a phone conversation.

She was quite flirty and we got on really well.

She was always happy to come over to meet me and she made it clear she was happy to come over rather than me entering her home.

The first time she came to mine was two weeks after we matched on Tinder.

The statement goes on to describe how they met up at his flat and started a sexual relationship, but that distance became an issue.

The last time I saw Sarah was on Monday, October 8. We had met up in Richmond and had a really good time.

We had some food, but due to a few things she said about commitments I didn’t invite her back to my flat, we left on good terms.

When I got home that evening I had a missed call, I called her back and we spoke for nine minutes.

She said I was too kind and I should have invited her back.

We had a nice conversation and she said the following day she was working in Croydon and she would come and see me at home.

I was really pleased but I doubted it would happen as I knew how busy she always is.

On October 9 at 7.48am I saw a missed message from the night before, I sent her a message and throughout the day we continued to send messages back and forth, just general stuff.

We texted and she said about meeting up next Tuesday being October 16 and at about 10pm we said goodnight to each other, I had no worries about Sarah.

The following morning:

The following morning on Wednesday, October 10 at about 11.36am I sent Sarah two messages, and at about 2.56pm I sent Sarah a further two messages and that’s when I received contact from Kent Police who told me she had gone missing.

The statement went on to say that Mr Elleni knew about Sarah’s personal life, including the fact she shared a house with Lacomba.

He said he knew her husband still lived in the house in Kent, and that she had said he “wouldn’t move out and was causing her problems.”

She had told him of her intentions to try and buy Lacomba out.
'I keep thinking about it, I have been very upset'

Mr Eleini continued:

Since hearing about Sarah’s disappearance, I have been very upset and keep thinking about it, I am so worried.

Having only known her a short while I got the impression she loved her family, she would not go a day without speaking to her kids.

She was obsessed with her phone and her car and relied on both.

She had never shown me any weakness, she did not appear depressed and had never spoken about suicide.

She had only said she had hoped to return to Spain.

We didn’t really know each other that well, we only met up a few times.

Sarah loved her mum an dad a lot and had a great relationship with them.

A further statement, made on October 16, said:

We only met up four times, we kept a text and Whats App dialogue going but I wouldn’t regard it as being in a relationship.

I know she didn’t have any expectations, but she denied she was seeing anyone else.

I would say we had a level of trust and transparency, I’d like to think she wasn’t seeing anyone else.

Sarah told me about problems with her ex partner Lacomba, he never lifted a finger and didn’t contribute enough money to the kids.

I never met any of her friends or family.

Everything i know about Sarah is what she told me.

I have no reason to doubt her.

She came across as such as good girl, obviously really busy in her life. Really nice, clever and strong.”

Sarah left a note saying 'she was looking forward to our life together'
A statement from Neil James, made on October 14 2018 was read out to the court.

Mr James had met Sarah online in November 2016, this was either on Plenty of Fish or Tinder dating sites.

After messaging each other, she said she wanted to meet, he said.

Around the beginning of December 16 I told her she and her kids could move into my house and they did.

Thereafter, when Sarah moved back in with Ben I did find it a bit weird and of course her living with her ex was never ideal.

But I knew they were not together and had separate rooms, so it is not something I was worried about.

She told me around five or six weeks ago she and Ben had come to a verbal agreement she would buy Ben out of the house and had gained a buy-to-let mortgage in her son’s names with the intention to make sure he had to move out.

The last time he saw Sarah was on Sunday, September 30 2018 where she brought her family to see him and they went to a food market in Farnham.

That day she left a card at my home saying she was looking forward to our life together.

On Tuesday, October 9 Sarah and I had exchanged a number of messages during the evening and at 8.12pm she told me she was going to bed as she didn’t like sitting downstairs with Ben.

At 9.24pm, we spoke on the phone for 14 minutes. This conversation was heated between us as she had told Ben about a new well paid job she had been offered and I thought it was a mistake to tell him.

After the call we messaged some more.

On the morning of October 10, he sent Sarah a message but got no reply.

I sent her another message later that day, but still no reply.

I was worried about Sarah as there was no activity on social media so I stopped work early and called Sarah’s mum, but she hadn’t heard from Sarah

Sarah's last client before her disappearance: 'She seemed her normal self'
A statement from Antony Garnon, made on October 13, 2018 was read to the court.

He had known Sarah Wellgreen for “roughly five months” from June 18 and had began talking on dating site Tinder.

He said the last time Mr Garnon and Sarah had sex was “maybe two or three weeks” before the last time she came to his house, on October 9.

Before this, she had been visiting his house “once or twice a week” and “we would generally have sex if she came to my house.”

The initial statement said:

We’d only been speaking for one day, then I met her in person.

We’d met up on numerous occasions since then as we struck up a friendship.

The last time I saw Sarah was on 6.30 on Tuesday, October 9 when she came to my home address to do my waxing, she came and left at 7.30pm.

While there she seemed her normal self, she mentioned she was given a new job and would be starting soon and being given a company car.

Before she left, I gave her a child’s bike that my son had grown out of, and after she left my property she text messaged me at 8.21pm saying thank you.

I have had no further message or contact with her. I have sent her a further message being aware that she was reported missing, but she had not replied to any of them.

A further statement made in May, said:

Sometimes when Sarah and I spoke on the phone she would talk about her ex.

Shortly before she went missing, she told me she had got to the point she felt she could not carry on living with her ex anymore.

She felt she could not move on properly with her life as she wished to while they were still living together.

She was trying to raise enough money to buy her ex out of the house, about £50,000.

She said her plan was to pay this money to her ex, he would then move out of the house and then get a place of his own.

She had not told her ex she was planning this.

Live updates as Sarah Wellgreen's ex-partner goes on trial accused of her murder

Best friend: 'She was desperate to have Ben out of the house'

Nicole Doherty, who considered Sarah to be her best friend made a statement to police on October 17, 2018.

She had known Sarah for three years and spoke about the conversations they had regarding Lacomba and Sarah’s living arrangements.

Sarah told me that Ben asked if she would move back into the family home and she agreed.

I think it was around June this year in 2018 when she moved back to Kent.

She stayed in Ben’s room on the first night, she phoned me the next day and said she couldn’t stand sleeping in the same bed as him, she found him fat and ugly.

Ben’s mum was living in the third bedroom at the time.

The original plan was for them to live together.

It was only a couple of weeks after she’d moved back in we met up for a drink, and she said there was no way she could live in the same house for more years to co-parent the children.

I suggested she received money from an inheritance for her to buy Ben out sooner and it was in June and July that she started inquiring about mortgages.

The last time they met up:

The last time I met up with Sarah was on my birthday, we had a good night out.

We did speak about Ben on that night and she said she was desperate to have him out of the house.

I haven’s seen Sarah since that night.

I would consider Sarah as my best friend, we tell each other everything and we speak nearly everyday.

I don’t think there is any chance she would leave her children.

She was really optimistic with her new job, she was planning how she would decorate and run her business from the house when she had bought Ben out.

The only thing that was getting her down was the current living arrangement with Ben, but she knew that was coming to an end

The search
Police Sgt Ryan Law from Kent Police took to the stand.

In the last six years he has been involved in developing strategies and tactical advice for high risk missing people.

On October 13 he was contacted to help in relation to the search for Sarah Wellgreen.

Some of the things considered in the search was Sarah’s personal belongings at 22 Bazes Shaw, and how the search began spanning outewards from the address.

The search extended to 300 metres around the 22 Bazes Shaw area, and officers were looking for evidence relating to the potential find of a body.

There were 21 separate search areas within that radius and then when Lacomba was charged, the search took on a broader strategy - exceeding the 300 metre radius.

Plaxdale Green Road: Where CCTV of 'red taxi' stops
The jury were asked to look at a picture of Plaxdale Green Road, as it was here that CCTV cut off, which had initially captured the route of a car matching the description of Lacomba’s taxi overnight between October 9 and 10.

Det Sgt Law was also quizzed about searches throughout the year - and he confirmed the search for Sarah is ongoing.

The Sgt confirmed that not only has a body not been found, but neither has any of her personal items outside of her home address.

The search
Police Sgt Ryan Law from Kent Police took to the stand.

In the last six years he has been involved in developing strategies and tactical advice for high risk missing people.

On October 13 he was contacted to help in relation to the search for Sarah Wellgreen.

Some of the things considered in the search was Sarah’s personal belongings at 22 Bazes Shaw, and how the search began spanning outewards from the address.

The search extended to 300 metres around the 22 Bazes Shaw area, and officers were looking for evidence relating to the potential find of a body.

There were 21 separate search areas within that radius and then when Lacomba was charged, the search took on a broader strategy - exceeding the 300 metre radius.

So 4 days on from when SW went missing they were already looking for a body
I read in earlier posts that BL.went passed a landfill.

Whilst it's not impossible, landfill sites are required to have sufficient security to prevent unauthorised access. Also, he would need to operate a digger in order to bury a body. That means accessing keys in an office as vehicles would not have the keys left in them. Waste can get moved around in the different cells so there is a risk it would be uncovered. I don't think it's a plausible scenario .
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