Found Deceased UK - Susan McLean, 61, U.S. tourist, Aberfeldy, Scotland, 17 May 2015

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Sorry to keep posting! See on your map just to the right of no4, there's a trail which bends to the west before straightening up north? Could she have attempted that trail but carried on west at the bend (it looks like there's a route there) and ended up in the pink area you've circled?

Yes exactly how I was thinking at the beginning of this story. There is a deer gate, locked, but a stile for human use, as well as a hole in the deer mesh larger enough to slip she may have thought that was a good wide vehicle track, I'll head downhill from here, but not remembered at what point to turn off north to head down, so she kept walking west. Lots of deer, stags about at this time of evening. Allso with the wet, she may have slipped and injured herself. But yes initially I thought this is what happened and that the dog had found her somewhere in the vicinity of that second parallel track, taking cover under thick trees but unable to obtain the path again to keep heading home . It has all been guesswork, I have found no other items of litter, except tissues, an empty packet of baby wipes, and an empty water bottle in that general area.
Hippy - next time you're up there please would you take a photo of the trail map? Just curious to see whether it's likely Susan would have thought a round trip was a good bet, in the rain and with night drawing in.

Will take a photo today of map. Marking today as 9weeks on. Btw same damp rainy weather today but no wind.
So you think the dog could have caught a deer or hare and mauled it ? I've never seen rabbits up there, and only once found a fox but it was curled up and dead, still intact so a recent death and the dogs sniffed it but let it. I hate to think she killed or wounded a large ish animal but I suppose it's possible. If the police had taken some of her fur right away we would have known the answer to this question...
Hippy-I spoke to a police detective 2 years ago about the cold case disappearance of Sylvia Lwowski here in New York; after 38 years, the police are still defensive about how they're handling their work in this case. I can bet that the ones you spoke to about Susan would be even more so. I always find it remarkable when they miss a potential opportunity to follow an avenue that can't remain open to them indefinitely, in order to find a missing person. I mean, it isn't like they're sharing private, classified information with you. I am sure that they are doing their jobs, but it seems stubborn and proprietary of them.
So you think the dog could have caught a deer or hare and mauled it ? I've never seen rabbits up there, and only once found a fox but it was curled up and dead, still intact so a recent death and the dogs sniffed it but let it. I hate to think she killed or wounded a large ish animal but I suppose it's possible. If the police had taken some of her fur right away we would have known the answer to this question...
Sorry for the delay in response hippy, I am in New York. I posted Lacys story because it seems that she has a penchant for very newborn bunnies. And I wanted to explain the similarity in behavior you explained because Lacy's was very much like that. Perhaps you dog came upon a nest, or a dead animal? Just to consider all sides. If your dog had come upon Susan (which is very likely) it could account for the behavior and agitation. I would be as haunted as you are now if this happened to me with my dog. LE should have had dogs there as soon as you reported this. I hate that your doubting what you should have done with clippings and such. You have gone above and beyond, and I commend you! I also think that you are going to find her. God bless and please take care when you are out there.

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I think your suggestion of amnesia is as likely as any other although I would think that someone would have called the police or taken her to a hospital before now. A psychic suggested Susan was picked up by a mentally disturbed person locals believe is harmless & that she is being held as a replacement for a woman he was caring for who died. Certainly also possible. Another said Susan was hit by a car on Creiff Road was picked up and dropped off a cliff; also a reasonable possibility in which case a much more sinister & dangerous situation. No trace of Susan so all are possible senerios.
Well I certainly hope the latter isn't true, equivet.

I feel we are close to getting an answer and am looking forward to hearing from HH and LJ soon.

This path is a few minutes walk along trail from trail map board


Stile and deer gate leading to track that runs parallel to main trail, off which various routes downhill through forest and then field to Aberfeldy
View attachment 78438

This path is a few minutes walk along trail from trail map board

View attachment 78439

Stile and deer gate leading to track that runs parallel to main trail, off which various routes downhill through forest and then field to Aberfeldy

hippy hippy, would\could you add the location of your photos to your map with colored trails? Your information has been a fantastic addition to this forum, and I appreciate your time and effort.
Ok in YELLOW, photo number 1 is general view from trail back across to garden centre, number 2 is break in wall and easy path across fields to great panoramic, then descent to town , and number 3 photo, upside down sorry, is stile and gate to secondary trail.
I've been following this case since the beginning and thought I'd chime in with a few thoughts and theories.

First I want to say...Hippy Hippy, you are AMAZING for all that you are doing with the searching, and the maps have been very helpful to get a better visual idea too! And equivet I am so incredibly sorry for what you and your family are going through at this time and appreciate the info you have been providing when you can on the board.

In regards to equivet's recent post about one of the psychics who got that Susan was hit by a car on Crieff Road. Taking into consideration this could be one possibility, I decided to take a "drive" down Crieff Road via Google maps. I started at the entrance of Moness Lodges and went northbound (if you go southbound it changes to A826 right away). That first section of the road has no sidewalks and is very shaded by all the tall trees, whereas the rest of the road, from what I could tell, is more open and lined with a sidewalk to safely walk along till you get to the town. I could not see where a person could get hit without anyone noticing or seeing anything except for that one little section just outside of the resort entrance. Doesn't mean they couldn't have though. But I was wondering if that area across from the resort along that section of the road has been searched at all. It appears to be a sloping hill of sorts with a lot of brush and trees on the other side...can't tell how steep or thick it really is in there but maybe, if the psychic was right, it could be considered the "cliff" they were referring to. While I have been reading every post since the beginning I am not sure this area has been discussed at all, my apologies if it has.

The other theory I had is related to the dog story Hippy Hippy told. While it does not make a lot of sense for Susan to have tried to navigate that thickly forested area when there are trails easy enough to walk along, perhaps she was being chased by a deer or stag and ran in there to get away from it? From what HH said, it would not be easy to just run on in there but when scared and pumped full of adrenaline, you'd be amazed at what you can accomplish. From there I've no idea what could have happened to her other than somehow getting injured either by a contentious stag before or after going into the forest and/or tripping and falling in there hitting her head or such.

Hippy Hippy, have you considered going back to that area where your dog ran into the forest with a large set of heavy duty brush clippers to cut a path for you to walk in there? May sound easier than it would be to do, but just tossing out ideas.
Hippy Hippy, have you considered going back to that area where your dog ran into the forest with a large set of heavy duty brush clippers to cut a path for you to walk in there? May sound easier than it would be to do, but just tossing out ideas.

StarAnise-I like this idea, but while Scotland's trespassing laws are quite liberal, I wonder if they'd allow for someone to cut away brush to allow access to that property?
Today's The Courier (Perth/Perthshire edition) has a page 5 article by Kirsty Mcintosh:
I'll be meeting with local STV on Crieff Road for an interview tomorrow morning. Just got my local cell phone, and am off to see Police Scotland, who seem to have read this article and are asking Kirsty for my contact info. Interesting. Suggestions?
I've been following this thread as I am a native Pennsylvanian, recently relocated to the south, as well as a horse person. I worked professionally in the horse industry in Pennsylvania since 1999 until last year, and may have met Susan somewhere in my travels during that time. Horse women are an independent, unique bunch, who have no problem holding their own in this world.

Hippy hippy, you asked about a herding dog and whether or not it would kill a small animal. I have owned one full blooded collie and right now have a German Shepard/ collie cross. Certainly not a professional when it comes to dogs, but I can tell you my experiences.

My full blood collie was the sweetest animal that could be. He would pin our small dog down very gently and lick her face to wash it with the utmost care. It was precious to watch!

BUT, he was a very infamous chicken thief and killer. We got him from his breeder when he was 6 months old and he had been raised around chickens and kept in the chicken coop at times, so they were something he was very familiar with. He would sneak off to our neighbors and snatch a chicken, bring it home, kill it and eat it. I found it hard to believe until I actually caught him in the act.

Around the same time, we had a neighbor who was poaching deer and dumping the carcasses on a part of his brother-in-laws land that adjoined ours. We found out about the poaching when our dogs started dragging home deer parts. We had so many various parts at one point, I could have built many deer myself!

Our current German Shepard/ collie cross is also a very sweet soul. While I cannot imagine him purposely hurting anything, he does love to herd and has taken off to chase deer that roam our hay fields. He is extremely protective of me- my husband and I will sometimes play wrestle, and Pudge will insert himself in between us to break things up. He has never been aggressive towards my husband, but my husband takes his interest as a sign that no one is going to "hurt" his mommy!

We also inherited a Great Pyrenees Livestock Guardian Dog when we purchased this farm. She is turned out with our herd of horses and she thinks it is her job to protect them. I have never her seen her do anything remotely aggressive towards the horses, and most if the time she lies close to where they are grazing and observes, but when the coyotes start howling, she springs into action. She barks, paces, turns circles and lets the coyotes know they are not welcome near her herd. I know she is not aggressive with small animals- we have a couple feral cats that frequent our barn and pastures that she never bothers, but I think if you threatened her "herd", she would be much more aggressive.

Could your dog have gotten into it with a small animal and killed it? I believe that is the most likely scenario. Many times they will give chase and if they do manage to catch the animal, they may hurt or kill it just because they do not know what else to do with it.

Hippy hippy, you are doing all you can in this situation and have gone above and beyond. It sounds to me like the police, for one reason or another, do not believe Susan would have been in that area. It also sounds like there is very dense underbrush, that would be very difficult to search, especially this time of year when vegetation is at its' peak.

Have cadaver dogs been brought in? Have the authorities searched via ATV/RTV or horseback?
So the 3 young men staying at the bothy came from the same direction/path that the barking dog came from ? No conversation, apart from "hello" this correct Hippy ?

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