We have "Windows of life" in Poland.
They are in hospitals, Church buildings, doctors' practices in every town/city.
Window of Life -
(Okno Życia in Polish)
a specially prepared place that allows mothers who cannot or do not want to take care of
their newborn to leave the baby/babies there anonymously and safely.
"What is a 'window of life'?
'A Window of Life'
is a place where a woman can anonymously leave her child after giving birth.
The main goal of creating such places
is to provide a safe space,
thanks to which the child has a chance for a loving home,
which for various reasons cannot be provided by child's biological mother.
It is also a safe space for the mother:
the woman leaves the baby anonymously,
which is not allowed by the procedure for leaving the baby in the hospital after birth."
Okno życia to miejsce, w którym rodzic może anonimowo i bezkarnie zostawić dziecko. W Polsce istnieje ok. 70 takich punktów, większość z nich prowadzona jest przez Caritas. Poznaj dokładną procedurę oddawania dziecka do okna życia i adopcji.