UK UK - Yafiet Tesfalem, 17, was on school trip from Denmark, YHA hostel, Manchester, 21 Mar 2019

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Greater Manchester Police

Can you help police find a missing boy who was on a school trip from Denmark ?

Yafiet Tesfalem, 17, was last seen about 7.40am on Thursday 21 March 2019 at YHA hostel on Potato Wharf in Manchester City Centre.

Yafiet is described as black, 5ft 6ins tall and with short black afro hair. He was last seen wearing grey jogging bottoms and grey tracksuit top.

Officers are becoming increasingly concerned for Yafiet and want to make sure they are safe and well.

Anyone with information about Yafiet’s whereabouts is asked to contact police on 0161 856 4409.


Danish teen on school trip goes missing
How do Danish people look?

This is Leroy Sané, a German, btw.

By German i take it you mean that his father married a german woman?

His father is senegalese

I was not making any racial statement but its bleeding obvious that hes an Eritrean refugee!....big Eritrean refugee community around manchester/salford

Describing him as Danish aint gonna help anyone find him!
By German i take it you mean that his father married a german woman?

His father is senegalese

I was not making any racial statement but its bleeding obvious that hes an Eritrean refugee!....big Eritrean refugee community around manchester/salford

Describing him as Danish aint gonna help anyone find him!
No, Sané was born and grew up in Germany and is a German citizen. His father grew up in France, Sané has dual citizenship (German/French). All I’m saying is you cannot go by the looks to define citizenship. Just like not all black people in the UK are Africans, there are many 2nd generation immigrants all over Europe. According to his Facebook page (comments), this lad speaks Danish very well IMO.
<modsnip - removed a deleted quote and subsequent comment on that quote>

The fact is that he came to the UK from Denmark on a school trip. Yes, it's possible he may be staying with people he knows in the Eritrean community in Manchester, but that doesn't mean he isn't Danish. Considering his Facebook is in Danish, he speaks Danish pretty well. Even if he wasn't born there, he's been there long enough to have picked up the language. It's important to not have tunnel vision, and consider all possibilities. He may have come to harm, harmed himself, had a medical episode, or gotten lost.

He looks about 17 to me. Maybe 17 year olds where you live look younger, but he looks about the same as some friends of mine did at 17.
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Apparently, he upped and left. Did not want to join his classmates for a run, claimed he had a stomach ache and could not make it.

So he stayed behind and went to bed ..... oh wait.
CCTV shows that he left the premises after that.
Obviously, he had other plans.

Politiet sætter navn og billede på savnet skoleelev

This is 17-year-old Yafiet Tesfalem, who was last seen at 7.40 local time Thursday last week. Here he disappeared from the YMCA Hostel, located in the center of Manchester.

He was with Helsingør Ungdoksskole on a trip. Thursday, the students had to go for a run, but Yafiet Tesfalem told them he had a stomach ache so he could not cope. Immediately after, the authorities saw later on surveillance videos that he left the site.

On Friday, the students came home from the trip. But Michael Mathiesen, chairman of the school board, tells Ekstra Bladet that the mood has now turned from worry to wonder.

- Now one might have got an explanation that he has gone, but we have no explanation of why he has gone. His classmates are left with a wonder. We are all waiting for a message with news, he says.



Yafiet Tesfalem (...) has probably planned his disappearance

There are several indications that the 17-year-old had planned to disappear.

It has previously been stated that surveillance images from the hostel show that the 17-year-old boy leaves the site.

At the same time he should have takes his passport, residence permit in Denmark and other personal documents with him, while he had left all other luggage at the hostel.

He would also have made calls from a disposable phone shortly before his disappearance.


If he has a residence permit, he is not Danish. If he is from Eritrea, he would have gotten an asylum status almost automatically. He does look older than 17, but IMHO Denmark has age checks.

His disappearance is cause for concern. Human traffickers need to be paid, and unaccompanied minors who disappear often end up working illegally to pay off debts. The school has been a little naive IMHO.
I have to rely on Google Translate for this one, because I don't speak Danish: Mobil peger på, at 17-årig havde planlagt sin forsvinden under studietur

A review of the 17-year-old's room shows that he disappeared from the place with all personal papers - including a residence permit, since he is not a Danish citizen.

Likewise, the British police found the packaging and charger for a cheap Nokia mobile phone that he had also brought along. It was supposed to be used for calling in England with a talk card.
Different name here:

Yafiet Abraham

  • Age at disappearance: 17
  • Missing Since: 21-Mar-2019
  • Missing from: Manchester
  • Reference No: 19-001455


Help us find Yafiet Abraham
IMHO that must be a mistake? Sofar, they are the only ones to use this name.

BTW I have not seen any mention of his parents or family.
Yeah I think you are right, I get nothing when searching that name..
Apparently, Yafiet is not the first young man from Eritrea to disappear during a study trip....

Hvorfor forsvandt de? 10 unge gik under jorden i Danmark og England i marts

Youth from Eritrea disappeared: They all left one question.
Study trips to England and running in East Jutland all got the same results. Now nine young people are missing. A 10th boy is in the custody of social authorities in London.

It was the morning of March 21, and the 17-year-old Yafiet Tesfalem had a stomach ache. Or so he said.

He was lying under the quilt at YHA Hostel at Potato Wharf in Manchester and did not want to run with his classmates from the Helsingør Youth School.

When they came back from the running, Yafiet Tesfalem had gone. In the room they only found his luggage and an empty box from a cheap Nokia phone. Since then, the boy who came to Denmark from Eritrea three years ago has disappeared.



This is where it stops, sadly the rest of the article is behind a paywall....

There has been no mention of his parents or family sofar, unless that was on his FB but I cannot access that.
Assuming he arrived alone as an unaccompanied minor, he was probably sent ahead by his family, to pave the way for the rest of the family and send them money in the meantime, because allegedly in Europe everyone is rich and money is free.
The facts of life in Denmark and other European countries turn out to be vastly different from the expectations, and this causes a lot of stress for the young people. They have great difficulty adjusting to the way of life, and they have difficulty with the claims of their families. Trust is also a big problem, and the language can be an obstacle.
If they were trafficked, they also need to pay the smugglers, but their options for making money in Denmark are limited

Prospects non-western immigrants in Europe are not good, unemployment remains high.

Tentatively I'd say he disappeared in England to make money, but how, why and for whom remains to be seen.
The Copenhagen Post - Danish News in English

According to JydskeVestkysten newspaper, a total of five African youngsters have used a study trip with their Danish schools as a platform to vanish in the UK in recent weeks.

Last Thursday, a 17-year-old Eritrean boy with a refugee background from Helsingør vanished from the hotel the class was staying at in Manchester.

Authorities in the UK contend there are indications that the boy planned to abscond from the trip as there is a large Eritrean diaspora in the UK.

In fact, three other Eritrean students aged 19-20 from an educational institution in Zealand disappeared earlier this month while on a study trip in London. There are signs that their vanishing act was also pre-planned.

Finally, a 17-year-old boy from a school in Aabenraa also vanished while on a study trip in London. He was discovered two days later and is now in the custody of the social authority in the UK awaiting a decision on his situation.

The Foreign Ministry confirmed that it is aware of the situation, but it could not comment on it at this time.

I wonder if they checked with the Eritrean communities around Manchester. I see no specific calls for info.
IMHO this would be the first place to look. He may have family there, or distant relations. How will he survive on his own? Even if Yafiet has some money, he will run out of it sooner or a bit later.
Politiet leder ikke længere efter eritreere: »Vi har en teori om, at de nok ikke vil findes foreløbig«

They were swallowed by the earth: No news of missing Eritreans.

"We have a tentative theory that they probably do not want to be found."

Østjyllands Politi has suspended the active search for a total of six runners who disappeared in Aarhus in March. A 17-year-old boy from Helsingør, who disappeared in England, has neither been found ..

There is still a great deal of mystery about a number of young Eritreans who disappeared in Denmark and England earlier in the spring.


Paywall. IMHO not many new insights are hiding behind it.
Just (a maybe unnecessary) quick note, original reports stated that he went missing from a YMCA hostel, this is incorrect and they have now updated it to missing from a YHA hostel (similar name but different types of hostel). I can see in the posts above YMCA is sometimes used so I thought I'd just clear up any confusion :)

Also, JMO but from living in England and looking after refugees, we do get a lot of Eritreans coming to England in search of a better life. Some have told me that they are promised a luxury lifestyle if they come here. To give you one example, the Eritrean girl who lived with us would throw tantrums if her food was made from frozen or we wouldn't buy her the newest Ipad...etc

They often talk about living in London, so I wouldn't be surprised if he has travelled there..

Again, only my opinion!

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