Unanswered questions about Kyron's case ***LIST ONLY-NO DISCUSSION***

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Jun 10, 2010
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This case is so mysterious. I just can't seem to get a grip on the details....due to so many rumors and so few facts. What I do know is LE is putting some kind of focus on the SM and the truck on June 3rd and 4th. I think that LE is being as careful as they can be not to botch the investigation. On the one hand, they cannot imply anything about SM because if she is innocent=lawsuit. If she is guilty, they have to tread carefully in order to not make any mistakes and make her feel more comfortable...eventually guards do come down. Are they giving her more rope? I don't know.

To me it is one of three things......

1. Abduction from school. Would explain the lack of evidence/witnesses and not finding Kyron within the 2 1/2 mile radius.

3. Wandered away and then abducted. I feel if Kyron had just wondered away, he would have been found within the search area. So maybe he wandered and then was abducted from the road.

2. SM. I do feel though that if she is involved, it was no accident, it seems to me it would have to have been carefully planned out in order for him to just vanish. I have a hard time trying to think of where he could be, what could have happened. The thoughts start to get pretty dark when you try to think of possible scenerios.

I still have so many questions as i know you all do as well. Some of them are...

-Did anyone really see Kyron after 8:45am on June 4th.

-What time did she pick up her daughter from the sitters on that morning?

-Where did she say she went after leaving the school?

-Has media ever reported items being removed from the home to take to a lab.....like maybe the clothing TH was wearing that morning? I know that a warrant might be needed for this, but you would think these items might have been given up willingly to help with investigation.

-The deskmate's account of that morning??????? If LE is claiming that SM was the last to see Kyron, how does the deskmates account come into play? Are they discounting his story? Including his story of the teacher and the sub talking about Kyron not being with the group. This part really does not make sense to me....Did LE ever make any comment on this? Because it seems to be HUGE to me.

-Teachers.....nothing from them.....to my knowledge there has been no official statement from them as to their accounts of that morning. LE has said TH was last to see Kyron that morning.....does that mean he was never in the class after 8:45 when SM left him in the hallway? and does that mean he was never a part of a group touring the SF with his teacher?

-was Kyron to preform in talent show? I would think that with so much effort put into a Science project, that preforming in a talent show would have shown the same effort and attention. No comment on this either from LE....maybe he was just supposed to attend.

-Why the attention to Sauvie Island? What exactly is bringing LE there to search? Is it cell phone pings? Was she not where she said she was?

-LE is asking about TH and the white truck. Ok this is the same truck with mechanical problems????? When did the problems with the truck start?

I know we all have so many question, the main one being Where is Kyron? I pray you are safe somewhere little one.

I moved the above post from another thread to get us started. There are so many things we all want to know!!!

My questions at this point are:

1) Why are they searching on the island???

2) Did anyone see TH at the school at all???

3) Has Kyron's school backpack been found???

Those are my top three. What questions are on your mind?
BTW, if you'd like to open a topic thread for discussion regarding a question, please feel free. This thread is not for discussion, just for accumulating questions.
My unanswered questions so far.

Did the electric exhibit or project really exist?

Were any other children accounted for and then unaccounted for that day?

How many people partook in the science fair that were not parents? Such as Mother's boyfriends, uncles, aunts, Father's girlfriends, grandparents, siblings, neighbours, common law spouses, etc...

What exactly is the responsiblity of the teacher and the school , in failing to report Kyron missing that day?
My unanswered questions so far.

Did the electric exhibit or project really exist?

Were any other children accounted for and then unaccounted for that day?

How many people partook in the science fair that were not parents? Such as Mother's boyfriends, uncles, aunts, Father's girlfriends, grandparents, siblings, neighbours, common law spouses, etc...


This and has Kyron has any older friends, particularly middle schoolers who may have mentored him at school, "buddy" programs or just any older students who took an (unusual) interest in him? Who lives near the school?

I am really, really feeling like this is the likely scenario, although I admit I would prefer this over a relative being responsible.
I'm curious about SM using the babysitter that morning. Is this something she would normally do? Often? Once in a while? Ever? Would she normally have the baby with her, being a SAHM?

Is there truly confimation that SM and Kyron WERE seen at school that morn?

When did she tell the teacher that Kyron had an appointment the following Friday? Was it *before* Friday, June 4, or the morning of?

Did Kyron actually have an appointment scheduled for the following Friday (June 11th)?
- Why wasn't the school and/or teachers concerned about Kyron not being there for the rest of the day? Especially since his backpack and jacket were left in the classroom.

- Was the picture uploaded via "mobile web" to FB or was it done on the home computer?

- How often was a "sitter" used for the youngest child? Who is this person/place?
I keep reading in several areas that his teacher DID MARK HIM ABSENT later after the science fair when the classes regrouped. Considering his age WHY WEREN'T HIS PARENTS CONTACTED? I FIND THIS HIGHLY DISTURBING!

Also, jmhoo... but no one saw him after his step mom took the picture and he was seen walking the halway (perhaps to the car???)

what could step mom could have told him to make him leave the project day/talent show day? dental appt, etc? or perhaps your mom wants to pick you up let's go? who knows. .. but OBVIOUSLY this kid was at school with his step mom and than left with her. And now he is gone for good. And yes, I DO BELIEVE THAT HE LEFT WITH HER AGAIN. JMOO. The alternatives are just too slim imhoo. I mean this kid went missing from the inside of a school for the love of God!

eta: my question: when did his teacher mark him absent and why wasn't a missing child report issued at that time knowing that he had been at school previously??????? AND WHY WEREN'T HIS PARENTS NOTIFIED AT THIS TIME?????????
I keep reading in several areas that his teacher DID MARK HIM ABSENT later after the science fair when the classes regrouped. Considering his age WHY WEREN'T HIS PARENTS CONTACTED? I FIND THIS HIGHLY DISTURBING!

Also, jmhoo... but no one saw him after his step mom took the picture and he was seen walking the halway (perhaps to the car???)

what could step mom could have told him to make him leave the project day/talent show day? dental appt, etc? or perhaps your mom wants to pick you up let's go? who knows. .. but OBVIOUSLY this kid was at school with his step mom and than left with her. And now he is gone for good. And yes, I DO BELIEVE THAT HE LEFT WITH HER AGAIN. JMOO. The alternatives are just too slim imhoo. I mean this kid went missing from the inside of a school for the love of God!


It was reported early on the school did not have autodialers, and did not call when kids were absent because they didn't consider absenteeism an issue.
Did LE use search and rescue dogs and/or cadaver dogs at the school and where did the trail lead and end?

Did any other children, besides Kyron's deskmate, see him, after the photos were taken with the science projects, and where?
was there a babysitter?
if so, why? Esp. if she only was at the science fair for such a short amount of time?

Terri often volunteers at the school, working closely with Kyron's teacher, Kristina Porter. Shelby said that Porter saw Kyron in her classroom with his stepmom before 8:45 a.m. and another instructor reported seeing him in another classroom at some point.

At 8:45 a.m. when the bell rang, Terri walked her stepson down the hall close to his class.

"He told her, 'I'm going back to the classroom, Mom,' and she waves to him and left," Carol Moulton said. "She thought he was safely at school just like he is everyday."

What happened to the boy who went missing is unclear.

Carol Moulton said the kids were supposed to report to their classes and be divided into small groups of a few students each. Each group was supposed to tour the science fair with a chaperone. Afterward, when they returned to their classes for roll call, Kyron wasn't there, she said.

After leaving the school, Terri went about her day, running errands and taking care of household chores. She is a former elementary school teacher and has worked as a substitute teacher at various schools, but Moulton said that in recent years she has mainly been a stay-at-home mom http://www.oregonlive.com/portland/index.ssf/2010/06/details_emerge_about_the_day_k.html

((((snip and link above seem to indicate that SM was very involved at the school/in his classroom and also was a stay at home mom fwiw))))
1. Why did she need to use a babysitter that morning when her husband works from home every Friday (per reports) and could have watched the baby while she accompanied HIS son to the science fair?

2. Why have a babysitter watch the baby (well, 18 month old) at all, why not put 18 mo old in a stroller like other moms do and take her along? My DD does this all the time. I see other moms at my grandkids school bring their younger children to school events, also. Was it because she cold not do -whatever it was she potentially did- to Kyron with the 18 month around, too?

3. What happened with the search dogs, did they pick up Kyrons scent going out of a door, or what? I read they were brought in, just never heard the results of the dogs search.

4. I know it was a busy day and everything, but when Kyrons book bag was left in the classroom and he was nowhere to be found, why did the teacher not call the office to see if Kyron had been signed out by his parent for the day, instead of just marking him "absent"?

5. Why exactly is Kyrons family staying out of the media spotlight and not begging for his return?

6. WHY did LE state that the sex offender relative was "part of the investigation", when he was nowhere near Portland on June 4, per his own atty?

7. Are they searching Sauvie Island exclusively now or are searches going on in other areas?

8. Why was TH's son, "J" (he's a minor so we can't use his name, I understand) sent to live with other relatives, and where was HE on June 4? Is HE a "part of the investigation"?

9. Have any of the parents or step parents lawyered up yet? Specifically, has TH retained a lawyer?

10. Did TH's tangle with her DUI while she had her child in the car which resulted in Child Endangerment charges, prevent her from getting a job working FT as a teacher?

whoops sorry thought it was Q&A
I'll delete

Arrrrrr it is question and answer sorry. It was turning into a discussion thread. We would like this thread clean Q&A not discussion so that people if possible can get their questions answered.
- Where were Kyron's biodad, biomom, stepdad, stepsister, and grandparents from 8am to 3:30pm on the day Kyron went missing, June 4?

- Did stepmom take stepsister to the school on the morning of June 4? If not, where was stepsister?

- Were Kyron's backpack and coat/jacket ever found? Who found them? Where? When? Was there a lunch or lunch money/ticket/token with or in the backpack or coat/jacket?

- What were biodad's normal working hours? What was biodad's normal day on Fridays? Work at home? Early day/half day? Work at the office? Work at a different location? Normal hours on Fridays? What did biodad normally do after work on Fridays?

- What was the normal family routine for all involved parties on weekend when biomom had Kyron? Was he picked up? Where? Was he dropped off? By whom? Where?

- When was the last time prior to the weekend of Kyron's disappearance that he had a visit with biomom? Was he scheduled for a visit on the weekend of his disappearance? Was the visit cancelled? By whom?

- Was there ever a formal, court ordered custody agreement for Kyron? If so, what were the terms? If not, was there an informal written agreement? If so, what were the terms?

- Has biomom expressed a desire or any plans to have custody of Kyron again? What desire or plans did she express? How often? When was the last time? What were the reactions of stepdad, biodad, and stepmom to these desires or plans? What was Kyron's reaction to these plans?

- Did Kyron ever express a desire for more time with biomom? To go live with biomom? How often? When was the last time?

- Has Kyron ever 'run away'? Wandered off on outings? How frequently? What caused him to 'run away'? What distracted him/got his attention and caused him to wander off?

- Has Kyron ever been approached by a stranger? What was his reaction?

- Has Kyron expressed that an adult may have had an inordinate or unusual interest in him? When? What were the circumstances? Has Kyron expressed any fear or concern about an adult? Has he expressed that he had a friendship or was special in any way to a certain adult? Has Kyron been given any gifts or money by anyone outside the family recently? From whom and what for?

- Have there been any breakins, attempted breakins, person outside home, unusual sounds at the home recently?

- Have there been any persons hanging around the school recently?

- Does Kyron play regularly at a certain playground, park, field, or other area? Does he ever play there alone? Who does he play there with? Have those children noted any adults talking with Kyron?

- Has there been any inconsistency in stepmom's story that has not been resolved? What is it?

- What is the reason that the public needs to be somewhat alarmed? (reference: need to be alarmed is low level)

- Who normally picked up Kyron at the bus stop? What are the variations on that?

- Was Kyron supposed to be in the talent show on the day he disappeared? Was anyone in the family due to attend? If so, why didn't they attend?

- Has Kyron been sick or injured recently? What are the details/circumstances?

- What method of discipline was used with Kyron by each parent/stepparent? Have any of the parents/stepparents lost their temper with Kyron and physically punished him? What were the circumstances? How did the other parents/stepparents react?
1. Why did she need to use a babysitter that morning when her husband works from home every Friday (per reports) and could have watched the baby while she accompanied HIS son to the science fair?

2. Why have a babysitter watch the baby (well, 18 month old) at all, why not put 18 mo old in a stroller like other moms do and take her along? My DD does this all the time. I see other moms at my grandkids school bring their younger children to school events, also. Was it because she cold not do -whatever it was she potentially did- to Kyron with the 18 month around, too?

Could I have the link for the babysitter and Kaine working at home on Fridays please? Those would answer some of my questions.


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