Unexplained evidence in Darlie Routier trial

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
There is no blood in between Devon's bedroom and the downstairs so he was not actively bleeding in his bedroom and then removed and taken downstairs.
Yes I believe I did qualify in another post that it was a sleeping bag and not a blanket. It wasn't the blanket from his bunk beds.

You can believe or think what you want this is a free country after all. I'm not trying to tell anyone what to think or believe.

Respectfully, I never said you were telling me what to think. I'm saying that the coroner called it a blanket. I haven't seen anywhere else yet that it was called a sleeping bag. I don't want to think what I want to think. I want to know the truth.

I have learned that the other blanket was down there, and it was green, hanging halfway off the sofa. But I still have not heard of bed third pillow in testimony yet.
Yes they had an air conditioning unit, they said they didn't put it on that night. I have no idea why they allowed Damon to sleep in his clothes. But according to both of them, she wanted to sleep down there because the baby rolling in his crib kept her awake. The kids wanted to sleep down there with her.

I don't know why they weren't bathed and put in pajamas, you'd have to ask Darin and Darlie.

I don't recall reading that they didn't turn it on, but okay. It's just really weird that one is only in underwear, the other is in ALL his clothes, and she is in a nightshirt in full makeup. People are offering excuses for it and those are fine; however, the more excuses and explanations, the more suspicious in my view.

For example, Damon might have been dressed because he went somewhere with his father for all I know. Or maybe Darlie was really that depressed that she didn't care who was dressed, who wasn't, who'd had a bath, who hadn't, etc.

Since the tracker dogs only found one sock, I strongly doubt that Darin and Darlie were throwing out evidence for the K9 and/or cops to find but if they were they've hidden it very well. Many people believe her panties went down the storm drain and that is where the sock was headed but was missed. But they checked the drain and didn't find anything.

Officers found the sock, not a dog. Reading their testimony, I'm not sure if they did a good job checking for evidence in the alley. The two who worked together had conflicting statements about how they searched. One said they looked in trashcans and turned them over, and one said he didn't see all that going on. They flashed the light in the sewer, but I didn't read that they put a person or camera down it. But I'm only halfway through the trial, so maybe there's more in the rebuttal or something.

I strongly doubt Darin or Darie were throwing out evidence for the cops to find, too, which was why the cops did NOT find anything but that sock. I see no reason for her panties to go down the drain if she could just put them in the dirty clothes hamper -- if there was no blood on them, that is. I really do not understand why she wouldn't leave them to be found if she wanted people to think an attempted rape was involved.
Yes Darin does talk about Damon and that he thought he was dead, he felt his pulse and couldn't find one.

According to the testimony, Darin was focused on Devon. So much so that the prosecutor had to ask if he tended to Damon. The answer:

I went over to Damon, and I got up from Devon, and I looked up at Darlie, and I didn't even see the cuts on her neck. And I looked at her, and it was just this look, this contact that we had, just this immediate contact. She didn't have to ask me nothing, and I didn't have to ask her nothing.

Q. Was she on the phone?

Isn't that strange? when asked about Damon, he talks about Darlie?

From there, they didn't talk about Damon anymore until the prosecutor again brought it back to him, and Darin claimed he didn't want to turn the boy over because of his back injuries. He said Devon was the one with no pulse.

Q. Okay. And was, in your judgment, was Devon dead by the time the police got there? A. Yes, sir. I checked his pulse, I couldn't get a pulse. Q. All right. And was Damon still 24 hanging on at that time. 25 A. Yes, sir. Damon was laying on his stomach, and he was laying along the wall.

I don't really recall what I was getting at with my original statement about Damon, though, but I was bothered by Darin not even trying to go to the hospital in Damon's ambulance. Instead, he wanted to go with Darlie. But even more strange, neither paramedic even mentioned him being in or near Darlie's ambulance.

I found it weird because the paramedic who had Damon actually saw Damon staring at him when he walked over to him. But no one was near him when the cops or the paramedics entered. The paramedic saw Damon take his last breath -- alone while Darin was still with Devon and Darlie was standing by the kitchen.
Thanks everyone for your comments. As I said before, I do appreciate people taking time to rehash an old crime with me.

Now I'm bothered by the window and screen, for several reasons.

1. It sounds like they were saying in court that the screen was flapping inward, but in pics, I see it looking like it's flapping different in each one.



2. It had two comparable prints on it that they didn't match to anyone.
3. The cat cage thing is in front of the window, blocking part of it. Doesn't that make it harder to get through?
4. How is anyone fitting through that area without tearing that screen more?


I mean, unless someone moved this cage in front of the window after the murders???

That is a way narrow escape in the dark in all that junk without tripping or touching something.

I go back and forth on whether she did it, but this trial was not good. And the evidence takers, they sucked.
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So this vacuum, the sink and the counter....

I noticed some things that are hinky.

1. Telephone. There is a phone on it's charger in the kitchen. Where did Darlie get the other phone from that's on the floor in the den?



I suppose it is possible that she has a charging phone in every room of the house, or she had been sleeping with it on the couch. I looked at other house pics and couldn't find this phone's base in them. I just wonder why be in the kitchen and not grab the kitchen phone?

2. Big kitchen towel, isn't it? I don't think the guys collected the hallway towels, but isn't that one a little big to be in the slender kitchen drawer? Isn't the bathroom right there? I don't even recall seeing pics of the downstairs bathroom. Could that towel have come from there instead of the kitchen?



See how full that drawer is? How did that big towel fit? And why are jeans, bloody where you fasten them, on the kitchen counter?

3. Seven times to the sink. Darin claims Darlie went several times to the sink. Look at the floor. The vacuum handle points to the sink. The wheels are in front of that drawer with the towels in it This vacuum is totally in her way of doing that, and she has to step over it or walk around it every time she goes to the drawer and sink. And if you look under the vacuum, you don't see all the foot traffic through blood that would indicate Darlie did what Darin said she did. Officer Wallen was able to leave a print on the floor, so why do we not see MORE of her footprints if she went back and forth several times?


Do we recall hearing running water on the 911 tape? I don't remember. When my mom turns on the sink while we are on the phone, it totally drowns her voice out. I wonder if Darlie put the rags she used to clean the sink on the boys or in the living room area.

They said in trial that the checkered rag in the pic with the phone on the floor was not the one Darlie had to her neck. So what was she doing with it then?
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This is the floor with the vacuum removed. You can only put 5 pics per post. So I had to make a new post.


The rug is to the left corner is in front of the sink. The "Defendant's exhibit"sticker is where the rag drawer is. And there might even be visible glass there. was she really walking back and forth, skirting around the vacuum and not cutting her feet while holding a rag to her neck to stop the dripping, but not getting any blood on the baby bottle in the sink or anywhere else on the counter?

Here's one more I found to show how in the way the vacuum was if you were getting towels out of the drawer and wetting them at the sink.

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This is the floor with the vacuum removed. You can only put 5 pics per post. So I had to make a new post.


The rug is to the left corner is in front of the sink. The "Defendant's exhibit"sticker is where the rag drawer is. And there might even be visible glass there. was she really walking back and forth, skirting around the vacuum and not cutting her feet while holding a rag to her neck to stop the dripping, but not getting any blood on the baby bottle in the sink or anywhere else on the counter?

Here's one more I found to show how in the way the vacuum was if you were getting towels out of the drawer and wetting them at the sink.


She didn't wet any towels at the kitchen sink, no sound of running water on the 911 call. No wet with water towels found anywhere, No towel on Damon, No towel on Devon. The wetting towels was her attempt to explain why there was blood all around the sink but none in it. She got the plaid dish clothes from that drawer, the ones she held to her own neck to stop the bleeding. There was also a white cup towel with her blood on it one of the paramedics left on the front porch.

Those two towels on the hallway floor had so little blood on them it couldn't be typed.

But yes I think you are correct about that towel in the hallway, the bathroom is right there near the kitchen.
So this vacuum, the sink and the counter....

I noticed some things that are hinky.

1. Telephone. There is a phone on it's charger in the kitchen. Where did Darlie get the other phone from that's on the floor in the den?



I suppose it is possible that she has a charging phone in every room of the house, or she had been sleeping with it on the couch. I looked at other house pics and couldn't find this phone's base in them. I just wonder why be in the kitchen and not grab the kitchen phone?

2. Big kitchen towel, isn't it? I don't think the guys collected the hallway towels, but isn't that one a little big to be in the slender kitchen drawer? Isn't the bathroom right there? I don't even recall seeing pics of the downstairs bathroom. Could that towel have come from there instead of the kitchen?



See how full that drawer is? How did that big towel fit? And why are jeans, bloody where you fasten them, on the kitchen counter?

3. Seven times to the sink. Darin claims Darlie went several times to the sink. Look at the floor. The vacuum handle points to the sink. The wheels are in front of that drawer with the towels in it This vacuum is totally in her way of doing that, and she has to step over it or walk around it every time she goes to the drawer and sink. And if you look under the vacuum, you don't see all the foot traffic through blood that would indicate Darlie did what Darin said she did. Officer Wallen was able to leave a print on the floor, so why do we not see MORE of her footprints if she went back and forth several times?


Do we recall hearing running water on the 911 tape? I don't remember. When my mom turns on the sink while we are on the phone, it totally drowns her voice out. I wonder if Darlie put the rags she used to clean the sink on the boys or in the living room area.

They said in trial that the checkered rag in the pic with the phone on the floor was not the one Darlie had to her neck. So what was she doing with it then?

I don't know number 1 about the phone. But she could have had the base phone with a couple of secondary phones, my system is like that, the base phone in the living room and I have one in the kitchen and my bedroom.

2. Testimony is Halina was there for two days doing laundry and some laundry was folded on the kitchen counter. The blood is Darlie's.

3. Yes the hallway towels were collected. They had so little blood on them however it couldn't be typed. Yes I believe the big towel is from the bathroom that is right there along that hallway. Darin is a liar, she didn't go seven times to the sink, she didn't even mention the sink until she saw it had been taken for tests. If she was getting towels, why is Waddell heard on the 911 call saying "look for a rag" and in his testimony he says he told her to get a towel and put it on Damon's back but she just stood there. No running water heard on the 911 call, No dilution of the blood or DNA. That blood in front of the sink was not watered down at all.

I'd have to re read that testimony. I don't remember anyone saying she didn't have that dish cloth to her neck and it does contain her blood so maybe she used it to clean her blood from the sink?

Maybe you know what this is on the fireplace? Is it a blanket of some sort? The cloth item that is white with the designs on it.

Defendant’s Exhibits


Okay, and I'm just gonna say it. Who finds Darlie's decorations a bit gawdy and pretentious?

Now that I've seen a larger on a video from TLD, that article looks like either a top or bottoms from a pair of little boys pajamas. To me anyway. But I've searched the evidence collection files but I don't see any pjs listed as collected from downstairs.
Officers found the sock, not a dog. Reading their testimony, I'm not sure if they did a good job checking for evidence in the alley. The two who worked together had conflicting statements about how they searched. One said they looked in trashcans and turned them over, and one said he didn't see all that going on. They flashed the light in the sewer, but I didn't read that they put a person or camera down it. But I'm only halfway through the trial, so maybe there's more in the rebuttal or something.

Read my post again, that's what I said, they found a sock, the K9 dogs you know the tracker dogs. At that point they were looking for a male intruder. I'm quite sure they didn't expect to find an over 6 ft, 200 lb one in a full rubbish bin or down a sewer drain. LOl
A lot of these questions I believe have very simple explanations.

Darlie wearing makeup and jewelry to bed is not unheard of. At all. Ask around and you’ll find plenty of women who do this.

One kid in full clothes and one in underwear. Also completely normal. Kids have different personalities and ideas of comfort. One may not want to be bothered to change and falls asleep in full clothes and as a parent you don’t dare wake him because it could be hard to get him back to sleep. Other may be sensitive to clothing and immediately wants to undress to be comfortable. Fine, go for it.

Kids sleeping on the floor downstairs in front of tv. Kids love that! It’s a special like a sleepover. And wanting Mom down there with them, totally normal.

Edited to add one more...

The “D” names. My family we all have the same letter in our first names. Not weird to me. We didn’t even plan it. Just happened.

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