Unknown male DNA and the panties discussion

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SD, you're answering why they didn't move the body. You're not answering why they came up with a kidnapping story, having not moved the body.

Because I think it's the best they felt they had to work with. It's easy to SAY all of the things IDI claims from the safety and security of our computers. It's another thing altogether for highly agitated people with limited knowledge of criminal workings to think these things through. What do you think they did, anyway? Discussed it in committee?

And your following comments aren't very persuasive.

I might take it into my head to put that to a vote!

I don't follow your logic.

I can see that!

The kidnapping story with the body in the house is riskier and more unbelievable.

According to WHOM? Like I said, the ransom note gives them the whole WORLD as a suspect pool.

I've seen transcripts but haven't watched any of the interviews. Are they available somewhere?

Our old friend whynut might have them.

Anyway, she didn't learn of the murder night assault during that interview. She was asked about prior molestation, which she said she would be shocked if true.

That's not what you said. I answered your question. When told about the prior molestation, she tried to get out of it. She SAID she was shocked, but with no emotion, like she didn't want to think about it.

That's not proven fact, and if so, there is likewise no proof the body wouldn't be visible without the light on.

What's so remarkable about Fleet White's memory and observation abilities, as opposed to most humans, that it is so unimpeachable that I shouldn't doubt it?

That's not what I'm saying. It's a question of trust. Who do you trust more, the Ramseys or Fleet White? It's been shown repeatedly that the Ramseys are INCAPABLE of being trusted.
That's not what you said. I answered your question. When told about the prior molestation, she tried to get out of it. She SAID she was shocked, but with no emotion, like she didn't want to think about it.
Patsy is easily caught unawares...she didn't even know John had had an affair on Lucinda when she was asked about it during her 4/2007 police interview - even though Nedra, Pam, and Pollie (?), all knew and were questioned about it prior to the interview.
Patsy is easily caught unawares...she didn't even know John had had an affair on Lucinda when she was asked about it during her 4/2007 police interview - even though Nedra, Pam, and Pollie (?), all knew and were questioned about it prior to the interview.


the more I know about Patsy the more I wonder, did she play the dumb game to perfection?


the more I know about Patsy the more I wonder, did she play the dumb game to perfection?


Patsy loved to bat her lashes and play the dumb, pretty naif. But she graduated with honors, with a degree in journalism.

the more I know about Patsy the more I wonder, did she play the dumb game to perfection?


Puhlease, Patsy mentored many a beauty pageant contestant, as is witnessed here:

Patsy loved to bat her lashes and play the dumb, pretty naif. But she graduated with honors, with a degree in journalism.

Dumb like a fox. If Patsy was the one who orchestrated the staging that night, she deserves an award....I don't know what kind they give for that, but she deserves it :great:

the more I know about Patsy the more I wonder, did she play the dumb game to perfection?


I've always thought PR was a narcissist...smart, yes, but also a sense of grandeur and superiority...never thinking she would get caught. I guess she was right.
One thing that is clear from the BODY OF EVIDENCE is that it was not an intruder, but someone within the home, someone who had access to JonBenet that night, someone Patsy Ramsey would write a faux ransom note to cover for. You think that's a stranger/intruder? Fine, your opinion, just like I have mine.

The evidence pointed to the Ramseys: Patsy's clothing fibers tied into the garrote knots; Patsy's paintbrush; Patsy's pad, pen, handwriting, etc. John's shirt fibers were found in the genital area where the child was wiped down, as well. John and Pasty lied repeatedly to LE through their interviews; they withheld evidence they knew was extremely important in the investigation--the alleged package of Bloomies; they obstructed the investigation through hiring lawyers they hid behind from Day One. Their child was found in their basement, with all the evidence which has ever been linked to anyone belonging to the Ramseys, with the exception of minute particles of DNA which even Mary Lacy once stated could be artifact.

If you don't think that's evidence against the Ramseys, then that's your opinion. Sure RDI have differing opinions. None of us has ever seen the full case files, including Dr. Wecht and Dawna. None of any of the evidence in this case has been tested in a court at trial, so we're all crippled by not hearing any expert testimony about any of it under oath. IDI have differing opinions as well. What I have is my opinion, and I don't "expect" anyone to believe it, buy it, or care a flip about it. I'm not the judge and I'm not the jury. I'm just discussing my own observations. I thought that's what we do on forums.

[I inserted some things to clarify the issues you were addressing.]

You brought up probabilities, so I was asking you to consider probabilities in face of the factual evidence. You seem to be applying 50/50 chance to individual pieces of evidence. But to correctly calculate the probabilities you'd have to include each element built upon other elements. That's typically called "the body of evidence" in a case, which is supposed to be considered by a jury to determine if the standard of "beyond a reasonable doubt" has been met.

You also seem to believe JonBenet could have been molested by someone and Patsy Ramsey didn't much care about it, if you think she would ignore that someone they did or didn't know was molesting her child before JB's autopsy proved it.

Here's a simple, unambiguous question that you might consider: why would Patsy Ramsey refuse to help LE find the molester and killer of her child? That's exactly what she did when she allowed her lawyers--who worked for HER--to stand between her answering questions ONLY SHE could answer for LE in the investigation into who murdered her child.

If someone were sexually assaulting JonBenet before that night--and the actual autopsy evidence is damning that someone was--then Patsy was the most likely person to help LE find out who that was. Maybe the only person.

Considering the injuries inflicted on JonBenet the night she was killed, finding the person who was molesting her before that night could be THE KEY to finding out who in fact abused and murdered her. Even if it were an intruder, that would be the one thing that should lead LE right to the killer; whether the person who committed the prior sexual assault was the killer or not, it's certainly critical to identify that person, because that could have been the catalyst to the series of events on Dec. 25th. It's important. How can LE ignore it? How can Team Ramsey ignore it?

But of course, IDI have to deny, deny, deny those facts of evidence. Why? Why can't you simply accept that this is factual evidence and that it is very relevant that a six year old murder victim was being molested in the days/wks./mo's. before her death?

Because you also don't believe Patsy Ramsey would cover up for someone she wasn't invested in who molested and murdered her child. That's why you refuse to admit the facts of the ransom note lead to Patsy, or that the Ramsey's refusal to cooperate with LE not only crippled the investigation from the start but is evidence the Ramseys meant to do exactly that. You refuse to admit the prior molestation happened, as well; because if you admit the facts of evidence of prior sexual abuse, then you have a huge set of elements incriminating the Ramseys to explain which begin with that "no history" IDI so love. Prior sexual assault is HISTORY.

And that sexual abuser would certainly have to be someone who knew the child, unless you think Patsy was in the habit of handing her 5/6 year old over to strangers for periods of time adequate to groom and molest JonBenet.

Now why wouldn't Patsy and John be racking their brains to figure out who did this before that night, instead of denying it and arguing about the evidence when faced with it by LE? There is a limited number of people who could have done that, after all, and the Ramseys would know all of them.

Now answer me this: why did the Ramseys OWN INVESTIGATORS ignore that evidence, not even discuss it with the Ramseys, if they were actually looking for that old intruder, as they told us countless times? More Ramsey lies to make themselves appear not guilty to the public; we only found out the truth of that when under oath in the Wolf deposition JR said their lawyers were only building a defense, not looking for the killer. May not be evidence admitted in court, but it is yet another example that the Ramseys were very comfortable lying to anyone and everyone about the investigation into the murder of their child. You may not think being a pair of studied liars is incriminating when the stake is a child killer has never been identified whom they allege targeted their family, but it seems a no brainer to me.

The Ramseys have never sought an answer to the question, who was molesting their child before that night? Patsy quickly skipped over that evidence in 1998 when asked about it by Det. Haney. What innocent parent of a child murdered by an intruder would do that?

I never said stats were evidence. I was responding to you because you brought up probabilities. You conveniently are taking what I wrote out of context.

Now you're misstating the evidence; you should read more on the ransom note, the expert opinions, including the Ramseys' own experts.

Now you're insulting me. Attacking me, because you can't win on the evidence. That's the hallmark of a weak argument; I think I've clearly backed up with evidence my theory that the Ramseys are guilty of this murder. By dismissing me as just picking a name out of a hat, you ignore my fact-based points and prove you know you have lost the debate.

Again, I don't expect anything. You take my opinions very personally. If you are somehow invested in the Ramseys personally, then I understand. They inspire loyalty among their family, friends, and fans.

But that doesn't erase the evidence, which I'm looking at to guide my own OPINIONS. Call it a conspiracy if you like; the facts are that the detectives Hunter hired ended up working for Team Ramsey. That's indisputable. The fact is that Hunter refused to get subpoenas for the phone records and the Ramsey's clothes. Ever. The fact is that Hunter decided not to indict the Ramseys and ended up on TV quoting the Ramsey's own disinformation about the "scale" upon which Patsy Ramsey was compared to the ransom note writer--a scale that in fact does not even exist other than in the propaganda of Team Ramsey. The fact is that Mary Lacy, without any legal ability or professional responsibility, spent her 8 years in office working to exonerate the Ramseys, effectively putting the last nail in the coffin of any prosecution, ever, of anyone, when her job was to act on behalf of the State.

Instead, Lacy finally destroyed any possibility of prosecution for all time. With the very public arrest of John PERV Karr, with Lacy's public statements and letters "exonerating" the Ramseys, it's over for any successful conviction in a court of law. It's that simple. There isn't a half-brained lawyer in the country who couldn't build reasonable doubt with the (Patsy's) ransom note and the arrest of Karr for anyone ever tried.

Why do you think it took Karr's public defenders exactly two weeks to get him released without so much as one question being asked of him by LE while he was in the Boulder jail?

As for influence brought to bear on behalf of the Ramseys: if you don't believe there is any power in being an executive of Lockheed Martin, you probably also believe in Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny. I'd be the last to disabuse you of that childish trust. So yeah, you're so right; Hunter and Lacy would have spent $2 million of their paltry budget to make sure any of us wouldn't have been unfairly prosecuted. Sure they would!

Any defense picks at each piece of evidence individually. That's how it's done, I know. But what you don't want to address is that added together, it's a damning case against the Ramseys, with little-to-no room for an intruder. Which one did what to JonBenet, WE don't know. Maybe LE has the evidence to prove that, but WE have never seen it. There were three people in the house who could have executed the elements of the crime in several combinations; because they lived there, I admit it is hard to determine exactly what happened among those four people that night. The three who remain have covered up the truth, have lied about it to the public and to LE for 15 years, which the actual evidence has proven without any doubt.

That this never went to trial, that there are various opinions on who did what, does not negate that the actual evidence points to none other than one or more of the Ramseys as perpetrator(s) of all the crimes against JonBenet: I belive that they know what happened and why.

And that's my opinion. As my tag says, nothing more. You don't agree. Got it.
Outstanding. :clap:
Like lets go upstairs?


Haha! In your dreams, boys, in your dreams!

More as in, Gee, Grandma, I don't want to eat my vegetables! Or do my homework! Or do any of those things you nag nag nag about! :floorlaugh:
The case against the Ramseys is not only strong, it's undeniable that they are guilty if you follow the evidence LE does have.

I hate to say it, KK, but I think you're wasting your breath. If they can't see it NOW, I don't know what we can say that will do it!

You want to talk probabitlities? What is the probability that the child had chronic vaginal injuries which occurred in the days or weeks before she was sexually assaulted on the night she was murdered in her home, yet those were not from sexual abuse?

Somehow, I DOUBT they want to talk probabilities! I'm surprised the subject was even brought up, since IDI rests on the improbable.

Here's a statistic for you: one out of twelve murdered children are killed by someone unknown to the victim. The younger the child's age, the higher those odds go that it was a perpetrator known to the victim. Another: the highest percentage of molesters of children are older siblings.

Now consider that Patsy Ramsey cannot be eliminated as the ransom note writer--and for good reason, because she clearly wrote the note. But to satisfy your need to minimize the actual mountain of evidence against the Ramseys: what is the probability that the same intruder--who chose this child to victimize for some reason still unknown after 15 years, attempted to kidnap her, then changed his mind in mid-execution and carried her instead to the basement past numerous exterior doors, sexually assaulted her with a paintbrush, murdered her, all in her own home while her family slept upstairs and heard not one peep, all with items that can either be sourced to the home or are likely to have been in the home--coincidentally happened to write like Patsy, to use language like Patsy, to know the Ramsey's personal habits, inside jokes, and finances, all present in a 2.5 page note written while in the home? And all this he managed to do in the home, then slip out without leaving more than such a minimal number of complete and degraded DNA strands it took LE 11 years to even find them?

Okay, that last paragraph was too complicated, I see. So how about just telling us what are the odds this genius of an intruder/child killer would also have handwriting so like Patsy Ramsey?

Now what are the odds that this lucky child killer chose a family who would not cooperate with LE, one so arrogant as to completely obstruct the investigation by hiring the most powerful lawyers in Colorado to defend them, not just as a family, but individually, within hours of the body being "found" by John Ramsey? Separate lawyers for every member of their family, even some clearly in Atlanta at the time of the murder?

What are the odds that in the midst of all this, this very family would have the sheer luck to be in the county of a D.A. who would thwart the LE investigation to the point of obstructing the BPD in getting the most basic of evidence subpoenas, even going so far as to hire FOUR detectives for his own office to HUNT UP AN INTRUDER? Which had the effect of giving the defense its own investigators paid for by the citizens of Colorado, since all these four detectives found would then be handed over to the defense during discovery, if it ever came to trial. And those four detectives--Lou Smit, Ollie Gray, John San Agustin, and Steve Ainsworth--all ended up working for Team Ramsey, paid and/or de facto. What are those odds?

And finally, what are the odds that the intruder would be so lucky as to choose the child of a woman who would lie to LE repeatedly during her interrogations, the same woman whose handwriting his matched so well as he wrote on her pad, with her pen, in her home?

What are the odds and probabilities of this, my friend?

And so much more....

DAMN! :rocker:
I thought I already agreed with that completely.

If you're saying that you deduce the Ramseys would have expected LE to find the body--again, I agree. I think that's exactly what they expected. I must have written about this on another thread recently, because you seem to think I disagree. Sorry if I was unclear.

If you study the psychology of the writer of the note, you can see what the goals were. You can also see into the thoughts of the writer.

For example, Greg McCrary, a former FBI profiler, has said that the writer of a fake ransom note reveals what his/her actual fears are in reality. If the ransom note is a fake--and even the Ramseys conceded that early on--then what is the reality of the writer's world that kidnapping by a foreign faction would come to mind as a viable red herring?

For example, when I think of any abduction of children in my family, like most Americans who watch too much news, I fear a stranger abduction, a pervert randomly trolling for victims.

But in the Ramsey ransom note, the fear that came to the writer's mind was related to John's international business--Lockheed Martin. Clearly the writer of the note was familiar with the threat of kidnapping of executives of international companies, which has been so common for decades now, to the point of there being kidnapping insurance available for executives with lots of overseas travel. It's the reason for the Mercedes E Class vehicle, with bullet-proof windows, and bodyguards, etc.

So in addition to the level of education of the writer, the handwriting, the linguistic style, etc., being entirely consistent with Patsy Ramsey, the writer in fact understood details of the rarefied business world in which the Ramseys lived.

The writer, writing to create a red herring, was no stranger to the Ramsey's lifestyle.

Then there is another fear that crops up in the ransom note: a proper burial for JonBenet. What kidnapper/child killer is worried if the child gets a proper burial? What cold-blooded human being who could abuse JonBenet so completely, yet be so sensitive to the RAMSEY'S OWN NEED TO SEE THE CHILD BURIED PROPERLY? It was the Ramseys who spoke to their need to give JonBenet a "proper burial"--verbatim, on TV.

People often ask why they didn't just take her body out of the home, dump her somewhere? John Douglas wrote long ago, before he became Team Ramsey and dismissed everything he'd said/written about the topic, when a victim is killed by someone who has emotional attachment to him/her personally the body will be "cared for." JonBenet's body was wiped, redressed, wrapped in a blanket, concealed in the cellar "tomb" until she could be found and PROPERLY BURIED. No animals gnawing on her; but a loving memorial service--dressed in her pageant finery, flowers, grave and headstone.

That was important to the Ramseys; the ransom note writer knew that, even mentioned it. It was on her mind, wasn't it?

As has been pointed out many times by those who are professionals in legal and scientific circles, the Ramsey's pursuit of the donor of the DNA has painted them into a corner: how many people known to them have been tested and eliminated by the DNA? So how could someone completely off the radar write this very personal ransom note, addressing the personal lives and fears of the Ramseys? Not mine, not yours. THEIRS.

What are the probabilities of the ransom note writer being an intruder whom the Ramseys did not know; yet whose handwriting, linguistics, and knowledge of the Ramsey's fears and cultural needs were spot on with Patsy Ramsey's; and who wrote on her pad, with her pen, in her home?

Your probabilities are vastly in favor of the Ramseys being the perpetrators of these crimes, IMO.

DAMN, again!
I do like your message about the "proper burial". It is really good.

Damn skippy it is.

And I see no logic that the Ramsey's would write a note based upon executive kidnappings all the while their dead kid was in their house.

That's sort of your problem, pilgrim: you EXPECT child murder to be logical.

These were good people for the most part. And we have to create imaginary demons because their past shows no signs of this behavior. I know it happens all the time but we can't make the evidence fit and LE did a horrible job. It is not fair to put square pegs in round holes.

Wow, are you getting your talking points DIRECTLY from John Ramsey now?! Geez!
I gotta say it. At least you know PR could not have done this. I dont' think JR wrote the note but PR did not and could not do this.

That's nonsense. NEVER say someone can't do something.

Kold kase has some interesting theories on why JBR was in the house to keep her away from bugs.

KK's not alone. It's not just forum RDIs who have said it, either. And it's a little more than theory, pilgrim. Let us not forget Patsy's gushing about how pretty JB looked in her coffin.

But this was a brutal killing. Overkill. IDI all the way baby.

Someone made it LOOK like a brutal killing, that's for sure. As for the rest of it, more Ramsey talking points. Means NOTHING to me.

See, this is what bothers me about IDI (among other things): they have the gall to talk about how something is ridiculous, but as Levi Page helpfully pointed out, the sheer NUMBER of ridiculous things one has to believe to be IDI is astounding. And when taken to task on that, they always fall back on that old jive about how we can't understand why a criminal does what he does. Yeah, whatever. I'll REMEMBER you said that the next time one of ya brings up the supposed lack of logic in RDI!
Is it really so hard to imagine that sex abuse can and does happen in seemingly nice homes owned by seemingly nice people? That people with money can and do murder their children?

that mothers from good religious families do abuse their kids even in secret and fathers do sexually abuse their daughters but when faced with the accusation become horrified at the thought of being accused?

It was Christmas and this person either went too far with "his" gift to himself. Or a mother really lost her temper and mind.

If this was an intruder then he is the devil himself to commit such a horrid and perfect crime. By now I would think he would want credit for it or would have told someone.

I hope to one day know the truth. MO
Another obvious problem is that even among RDI supporters there is no agreement about which Ramsey did what, who killed Jonbenet, who staged her, etc. Dr. Wecht said JR molested her and killed her by autoerotic asphyxiation. Some believe PR because of bedwetting rage or anger at JR after catching him. Steve Thomas believes it was all PR and JR was not involved. How are you going to convict when you can't agree who killed her?

Precisely the problem, Squirrel!

Maybe they were from chronic abuse, maybe they weren't. If they were, there's no telling who did it. How are you going to prove the culprit there too?

How? Waterboarding's looking pretty good about now! (KIDDING!)

I don't know why you don't see that the same could be said for RDI about the unlikeliness of specific steps along the way (notwithstanding your characterizations are biased and unfounded here).

Provided KK doesn't beat me to it, I'd be GLAD to explain it to you.

Sorry, I'm not wearing a tinfoil hat so I don't see the merit in this grand conspiracy theory that would require all these people to be willingly covering up one of the most desired to be solved cases ever, where it would be a major legacy coup for any of them to have been a part of having helped solved, that all these LE professionals would throw JBR and their integrity under the bus because of the supermagical puppetmaster powers of the Ramseys. No sale.

I didn't see where KK was alleging some grand conspiracy, Squirrel. It's more a case of politics getting in the way. So maybe they didn't throw their integrity and JB under the bus because of Ramsey power, but the fact is they DID throw those very things under the bus, and they SHOULD be condemned for it! And as to WHY they did those things, you said it best: ego. Each one wanted to be the one who solved it, and their agendas did the rest.

"Repeatedly lying" is also an unfounded presumption and biased characterization.

Oh, IS IT, now?! Would you like us to put together a LIST, because I'm damn sure up for it!

Odds are only useful when they're calculated against sound facts, not biased characterizations.

I'll remember you said that!
That's nonsense. NEVER say someone can't do something.

KK's not alone. It's not just forum RDIs who have said it, either. And it's a little more than theory, pilgrim. Let us not forget Patsy's gushing about how pretty JB looked in her coffin.

Someone made it LOOK like a brutal killing, that's for sure. As for the rest of it, more Ramsey talking points. Means NOTHING to me.

See, this is what bothers me about IDI (among other things): they have the gall to talk about how something is ridiculous, but as Levi Page helpfully pointed out, the sheer NUMBER of ridiculous things one has to believe to be IDI is astounding. And when taken to task on that, they always fall back on that old jive about how we can't understand why a criminal does what he does. Yeah, whatever. I'll REMEMBER you said that the next time one of ya brings up the supposed lack of logic in RDI!

You can bring it up all you want. The DNA itselfs completely discredits RDI in my humble opinion. The day is coming that many will realize just how much time they wasted on things when the answer was right there in front of them. And Mark Beckner tried to tell every single one of you. His comments are really not that vague if you just think out of the box just a little and understand why for the integrity of justice he can't lay it all out there like Lacy did.

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