Unraveled: new LISK podcast with Chris Loeb interviews

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I’m hoping Alexis includes more from Chris Loeb in future episodes.

I have a lot of questions. First, were all of the DVD’s homemade? The snuff film guy was hooded, but on the other DVD’s, assuming they are of the homemade variety and not professional *advertiser censored*, if Alexis showed him pictures of victims and suspects, I wonder if Loeb would be able to identify any of them as having been on the DVD’s?
Not saying Loeb is lying but it is odd to me that he is able to describe the other films in more detail but offers rather vague details regarding the "Snuff" film.

Given the severity of the film in the white DVD case, he didn't elaborate on what he actually saw. A snuff film by nature concludes with a murder, yet he said he watched for 2 minutes and didn't say he saw a murder so why is he defining it as a "Snuff" film?

He did reveal this information in a response to one of his YouTube videos months back when someone asked what was on the DVDs in the comment section that is was "Snuff DVD. Girl being tortured"... so it is not new information per se.

Perhaps the Unraveled team is saving content for later episodes, it just begs the question of why he wouldn't disclose other details about the tape including but not limited to:
  • Location - Did it look like it was in a barn? A high end home? A hotel? A basement? A closet? What else was visible in the frame?
  • Victim - Body type? What was the individual saying, if anything? Race? Age? Tattoos? Any descriptors?
  • Perpetrator - What kind of mask did he have on? What specifically was he doing to torture the victim? Any descriptors on him? Accent? Body type? Distinguishing features?
  • Film Quality - Did it look like it was filmed from a tri-pod? An iPhone? Was the footage grainy or clear?
I could go on and on, just noting his description of what he saw in 120 seconds of footage is about as vague as it could possibly get. Perhaps this is by design and he is only giving us the broad strokes and sharing the rest with the FBI....

What a saga.
The impression that I got from listening to his genre/descriptions of the dvds was that all of them either had cases w. the titles/images (i.e. “Barely Legal Thai Girls Vol. 3”, etc.), or had similar label prints on the discs. So the unlabeled white dvd stands out immediately from the rest, and would immediately pique interest as to its content. That’s why it’s not that hard to believe that he checked it out right away, to see what the content was.
If he only viewed it for 2 min., as he claims, then he is only really describing, from memory, the vague recollection of its contents. That doesn’t mean that what he saw, if he actually viewed it, was some sort of homemade bdsm torture film, although it sounds like it was from his description of it.
The impression that I got from listening to his genre/descriptions of the dvds was that all of them either had cases w. the titles/images (i.e. “Barely Legal Thai Girls Vol. 3”, etc.), or had similar label prints on the discs. So the unlabeled white dvd stands out immediately from the rest, and would immediately pique interest as to its content. That’s why it’s not that hard to believe that he checked it out right away, to see what the content was.
If he only viewed it for 2 min., as he claims, then he is only really describing, from memory, the vague recollection of its contents. That doesn’t mean that what he saw, if he actually viewed it, was some sort of homemade bdsm torture film, although it sounds like it was from his description of it.

All valid points. My gripe is that he uses the term "Snuff". By very definition, this is :
  1. a pornographic movie of an actual murder
So, if he only watched for 2 minutes and did not witness a murder, then he is throwing this word around. Perhaps from the content he saw, he believed it would end in murder or perhaps he did see enough to make this determination.

You can hear on the episode that Loeb's voice is turned down and Jensen narrates over it. So it is highly likely that the Unraveled team is saving content and more specifics about the actual tape for later episodes. Very curious to see where this goes and no doubt, Burkes response leads one to believe that what was in the bag was more than just embarrassing (pink butt plug, gay *advertiser censored*) but incriminating (*advertiser censored* depicting non-consensual activity, assault, possibly murder)

What I'm curious about is how they got to Loeb so quickly. Perhaps the dealer that gave Loeb the drop on Burke gave him up? If I recall correctly, it was only a matter of hours before Burke was at Loeb's residence with the entire cavalry. The whole thing is stranger than fiction.
I agree with all points made in the comments above. I still come back to the quick response that JB and the crew had (as Eagle mentioned). Obviously JB was worried the jig was up, was Loeb seen prior to the theft? Was he surveilled? Ugh!
I listened to this podcast and I have a bunch of concerns and questions.

1. This Chris character says he stole these items out of the car and that they were in evidence bags. EVIDENCE BAGS. If they're Burke's possessions, why are they in evidence bags? It sounds like he stole evidence in another case and likely ruined their chances of getting justice. I refuse to celebrate that.

2. Burke wasn't charged with any kind of sex-related crimes. He was charged with violating Chris's civil rights, and with obstruction of justice. And he plead guilty to those charges without a trial. There's no public record stating who those tapes actually belong to.

3. Chris says the videos were of sex workers being killed. How do you know it's a sex worker if you don't know the person in the film? How do you know the person died and it's not just some kind of movie production. How much detail can you get in 2 mins? Again, he says he found it in an evidence bag. Something about this seems off to me.

4. If you check out Chris Loeb's Facebook, he sure is enjoying all the attention he's getting.

5. The burden of proof in a criminal proceeding is higher than the burden of proof in civil proceedings. The fact that Chris win a civil suit doesn't really mean much to me. There's no video proof it happened. The Cops that flipped their stories either lied originally or lied later which means they're not credible. Whose to say they didn't get a profit for their trouble?

At the end of the day, what does any if this have to do with the LISK case? From this viewpoint it just looks like a bunch of people that are trying to get famous to launch their podcasting careers.
Good points. I'm gonna have another listen to the podcast before I comment anymore, in fear of saying something untrue.
I listened to this podcast and I have a bunch of concerns and questions.

1. This Chris character says he stole these items out of the car and that they were in evidence bags. EVIDENCE BAGS. If they're Burke's possessions, why are they in evidence bags? It sounds like he stole evidence in another case and likely ruined their chances of getting justice. I refuse to celebrate that.

2. Burke wasn't charged with any kind of sex-related crimes. He was charged with violating Chris's civil rights, and with obstruction of justice. And he plead guilty to those charges without a trial. There's no public record stating who those tapes actually belong to.

3. Chris says the videos were of sex workers being killed. How do you know it's a sex worker if you don't know the person in the film? How do you know the person died and it's not just some kind of movie production. How much detail can you get in 2 mins? Again, he says he found it in an evidence bag. Something about this seems off to me.

4. If you check out Chris Loeb's Facebook, he sure is enjoying all the attention he's getting.

5. The burden of proof in a criminal proceeding is higher than the burden of proof in civil proceedings. The fact that Chris win a civil suit doesn't really mean much to me. There's no video proof it happened. The Cops that flipped their stories either lied originally or lied later which means they're not credible. Whose to say they didn't get a profit for their trouble?

At the end of the day, what does any if this have to do with the LISK case? From this viewpoint it just looks like a bunch of people that are trying to get famous to launch their podcasting careers.
Okay so, the "evidence" bag was in the front of the vehicle (according to Loeb) and contained drugs. What I don't get is when he described the scene on the blank covered DVD he said it was a terrified prostitute being tortured. How would he know it was a prostitute? Excuse my use of that word, just quoting.
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Unless its all a bunch of BS and sensationalism? Its the newest shiat we have to work with.
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I listened to this podcast and I have a bunch of concerns and questions.

1. This Chris character says he stole these items out of the car and that they were in evidence bags. EVIDENCE BAGS. If they're Burke's possessions, why are they in evidence bags? It sounds like he stole evidence in another case and likely ruined their chances of getting justice. I refuse to celebrate that.

It's a possibility worth entertaining. Burke after all rose through the ranks after the IA investigation into his relationship with Lowrita Rickenbacker. If you've read some of the stories Hawkshaw has shared on these forums, it is not that farfetched to believe he would be driving around with evidence in his possession. If he was "shaking down dealers" as Loeb alleges, he could have put the dope in the evidence bag to make it appear legitimate to either the person he was shaking down or a 3rd party should he be found in possession of it.

2. Burke wasn't charged with any kind of sex-related crimes. He was charged with violating Chris's civil rights, and with obstruction of justice. And he plead guilty to those charges without a trial. There's no public record stating who those tapes actually belong to.

All true, in fact, there isn't evidence the tapes existed. As the Unraveled team said in their conclusion, there are only 2 people that know what was in that bag/on the tapes and that is Burke & Loeb.

3. Chris says the videos were of sex workers being killed. How do you know it's a sex worker if you don't know the person in the film? How do you know the person died and it's not just some kind of movie production. How much detail can you get in 2 mins? Again, he says he found it in an evidence bag. Something about this seems off to me.

I agree with you on this 100%. It's so odd he notes the profession of the alleged victim but no other details whatsoever. In 2 minutes you should be able to get a fair amount. At the very least, a physical description of the victim. Yet, he notes they are a sex worker which strengthens the connection to the LISK case, though this would be a much more difficult determination to make than saying "she was petite", "she appeared to be white/asian/african-american/latina/mixed race" , approximate age, etc. Why is the profession the most notable piece of information he is presenting?

4. If you check out Chris Loeb's Facebook, he sure is enjoying all the attention he's getting.

I feel he could be telling the truth about the tapes. However, his antics have and will continue to diminish his credibility. His YouTube channel offers a glimpse into the psyche of Chris Loeb. He appears to be unstable/manic. I'm no psychiatrist but take a look and see what you come away with....

5. The burden of proof in a criminal proceeding is higher than the burden of proof in civil proceedings. The fact that Chris win a civil suit doesn't really mean much to me. There's no video proof it happened. The Cops that flipped their stories either lied originally or lied later which means they're not credible. Whose to say they didn't get a profit for their trouble?

3 cops though. You're saying these cops threw Burke under the bus for a payout? Bold, if so. If the accounts we've heard are true, Burke has goons in Suffolk County, I don't find Loeb's account regarding the assault to be farfetched at all. Some would just say it was good ol' fashion police work. Burke beating up Loeb and denying him counsel sounds par for the course to me.

At the end of the day, what does any if this have to do with the LISK case? From this viewpoint it just looks like a bunch of people that are trying to get famous to launch their podcasting careers.

Lot's of "podcasters" have jumped on the LISK bandwagon no doubt. But from what i've read online, the Unraveled team has been established and are not using this as a spring board. You can tell they take the podcasting serious, some of the other LISK podcasts i've heard are half baked and unlistenable. What it has to do with the LISK case is that Burke was appointed chief of police during the LISK investigation. Him and Spota willfully and strategically kept the FBI at bay, Geraldine Hart and Tim Sini have gone on record , on television saying this much. There are anecdotal accounts of Burke attending sex parties in Oak Beach... that's what it has to do with the case.

So it could be Loeb and the Unraveled team trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill or there could be a legitimate connection between Burke, Oak Beach & BDSM...
But you guys, let's not necessarily discount that evidence in a cop car can be there for a legitimate honest reasons too.

Again, he was charged with beating up someone who robbed evidence out of his car. Maybe he didn't want to be caught taking it but maybe he beat him up for interfering with a case. We don't know because there was no trial. There's just a bunch of opinions getting thrown around.

And just because people have wild crazy sex lives, it doesn't make them a serial killer. Lots of people enjoy BDSM without ever killing anyone. If possessing those items makes you a suspect, no one who owes a butt plug is safe from scrutiny here. Lol.

My problem with this podcast and really any coverage of this case, is that it should be fair and honest. Don't mold things to fit a wackadoodle theory we already know isn't correct. Burke isn't LISK. Don't make loose connections like some junkie saw a snuff film of a sex worker on long island and there's murdered sex workers on long island it must be Burke's fault. Smh. A film can be filmed anywhere and sent anywhere. But does it even exist or is this guy just doing what he can to get attention? I personally think he's not worth anymore air time.

There's no doubt Burke's actions or situation atleast stalled the case. I'm sure he was trying to prevent people from finding out he beat him up, if that happened. There are still great people in law enforcement working on this case. Why can't we turn to them and see if we can use the media to help the case instead of getting everyone all hot and bothered over things that are just distractions in the end. Like these poor relatives of the victims are probably horrified by this podcast.
But you guys, let's not necessarily discount that evidence in a cop car can be there for a legitimate honest reasons too.

Again, he was charged with beating up someone who robbed evidence out of his car. Maybe he didn't want to be caught taking it but maybe he beat him up for interfering with a case. We don't know because there was no trial. There's just a bunch of opinions getting thrown around.

And just because people have wild crazy sex lives, it doesn't make them a serial killer. Lots of people enjoy BDSM without ever killing anyone. If possessing those items makes you a suspect, no one who owes a butt plug is safe from scrutiny here. Lol.

My problem with this podcast and really any coverage of this case, is that it should be fair and honest. Don't mold things to fit a wackadoodle theory we already know isn't correct. Burke isn't LISK. Don't make loose connections like some junkie saw a snuff film of a sex worker on long island and there's murdered sex workers on long island it must be Burke's fault. Smh. A film can be filmed anywhere and sent anywhere. But does it even exist or is this guy just doing what he can to get attention? I personally think he's not worth anymore air time.

There's no doubt Burke's actions or situation atleast stalled the case. I'm sure he was trying to prevent people from finding out he beat him up, if that happened. There are still great people in law enforcement working on this case. Why can't we turn to them and see if we can use the media to help the case instead of getting everyone all hot and bothered over things that are just distractions in the end. Like these poor relatives of the victims are probably horrified by this podcast.

I feel the relatives of the victims are horrified that no one has been brought to justice for their loved ones murder(s).

Heres something to consider, if this snuff allegation existed in a vacuum, that would be one thing. However, over the years there have been countless anecdotal tales of Burkes exploits and also corroborated stories as well as internal affairs investigations into his conduct.

Here a few facts:
  • James Burke engaged in sexual activity with a known street walker prostitute named Lowrita Rickenbacker in his department vehicle. He claimed he was unaware of her criminal background/history despite the fact that she had dozens of arrests in his precinct, he left her in possession of a loaded weapon.
  • James Burke was involved with a woman named Heather Malone, her husband Guy Malone hired a PI who traced the pager number she was in contact with , registered to a "Jane Burke" back to Burkes home in Smithtown. This number was allegedly used over a long period of time in some kind of a sex operation based on the activity and individuals (including career criminal and prostitute, Lowrita Rickenbacker) who had access to it.
  • James Burke interfered with the FBI's investigation into the LISK case, he did so willingly and shamelessly.
  • Burke was sentenced to 40+ months in federal prison and was caught smuggling in opiates while he was there.
That doesn't get into the other accusations, including those of "LeAnne" , John Ray's client that puts Burke at an Oak Beach sex party. How do you know for certain this "wackadoodle theory" as you put it, is not correct? How do you know for certain Burke is not LISK or involved in a cover up?

I agree with you , that Loeb's statements on the podcast deserve to be scrutinized to the umpteenth degree. However, this is James Burke we are talking about, this is not Mr.Rogers. I don't think Loeb being crazy and Burke being corrupt are mutually exclusive. If you don't feel there is merit to the podcast, that is fair and it is your choice to listen or not. It's evident there is an agenda of some sorts, but let's wait until more episodes come out before we rule it out as a cockamamie conspiracy.
I feel the relatives of the victims are horrified that no one has been brought to justice for their loved ones murder(s).

Heres something to consider, if this snuff allegation existed in a vacuum, that would be one thing. However, over the years there have been countless anecdotal tales of Burkes exploits and also corroborated stories as well as internal affairs investigations into his conduct.

Here a few facts:
  • James Burke engaged in sexual activity with a known street walker prostitute named Lowrita Rickenbacker in his department vehicle. He claimed he was unaware of her criminal background/history despite the fact that she had dozens of arrests in his precinct, he left her in possession of a loaded weapon.
  • James Burke was involved with a woman named Heather Malone, her husband Guy Malone hired a PI who traced the pager number she was in contact with , registered to a "Jane Burke" back to Burkes home in Smithtown. This number was allegedly used over a long period of time in some kind of a sex operation based on the activity and individuals (including career criminal and prostitute, Lowrita Rickenbacker) who had access to it.
  • James Burke interfered with the FBI's investigation into the LISK case, he did so willingly and shamelessly.
  • Burke was sentenced to 40+ months in federal prison and was caught smuggling in opiates while he was there.
That doesn't get into the other accusations, including those of "LeAnne" , John Ray's client that puts Burke at an Oak Beach sex party. How do you know for certain this "wackadoodle theory" as you put it, is not correct? How do you know for certain Burke is not LISK or involved in a cover up?

I agree with you , that Loeb's statements on the podcast deserve to be scrutinized to the umpteenth degree. However, this is James Burke we are talking about, this is not Mr.Rogers. I don't think Loeb being crazy and Burke being corrupt are mutually exclusive. If you don't feel there is merit to the podcast, that is fair and it is your choice to listen or not. It's evident there is an agenda of some sorts, but let's wait until more episodes come out before we rule it out as a cockamamie conspiracy.

Well, we know Burke isn't LISK because as of August 1st, 2012, in the State of New York, anyone convicted of pretty much any crime expect for juvenile offenses has to submit their DNA to CODIS and run through a search for other known unsolved crimes or is otherwise stored on file. If Burke's DNA matched anything in this case it would be known by now.

Look, it's not that I believe Burke is an angel or anything but if the case is supposed to stand on two legs it can't be flimsy and almost everything is circumstantial based on statements from other people who also have questionable credibility. And that kind of confusion and from rumours and guesses can create reasonable doubt for any suspect. It's a defense Attorney's wet dream. I almost want to disregard all the humans involved and rely strictly on science.

LISK is looking at this circus act and laughing at all the chaos he created. This case needs people with unshakable integrity to commandeer the reins and start clearing out the smoke.
Well, we know Burke isn't LISK because as of August 1st, 2012, in the State of New York, anyone convicted of pretty much any crime expect for juvenile offenses has to submit their DNA to CODIS and run through a search for other known unsolved crimes or is otherwise stored on file. If Burke's DNA matched anything in this case it would be known by now.

Look, it's not that I believe Burke is an angel or anything but if the case is supposed to stand on two legs it can't be flimsy and almost everything is circumstantial based on statements from other people who also have questionable credibility. And that kind of confusion and from rumours and guesses can create reasonable doubt for any suspect. It's a defense Attorney's wet dream. I almost want to disregard all the humans involved and rely strictly on science.

LISK is looking at this circus act and laughing at all the chaos he created. This case needs people with unshakable integrity to commandeer the reins and start clearing out the smoke.

That is under the assumption that perpetrator DNA was recovered from the bodies. As of now, that is anyones best guess as to whether DNA was collected, stored and properly preserved. As far as I am aware, neither the FBI or SCPD has spoken of any DNA profiles......

I do agree with you that there is a lot of smoke to look through, much of it caused by humans, either by the intentional spread of misinformation or honest human errors.
The response Burke gave to his gym bag being stolen is at a level that suggests there is way more going on than him just being embarrassed at sex toys and *advertiser censored* DVD’s. He risked his career, the careers of other officers and Spota’s career in the response, beating and coverup. It must have been worth it for whatever was covered up.

So that tells me, we have yet to hear and know what was really in that bag and what was really on all of the DVD’s. Has there ever been a full inventory of what was in Burke’s bag and where did all those items, especially the DVD’s end up??

I don’t know if Burke is LISK, what if he knows who is? What if Shannan and the GB4 are not the result of a Serial Killer...what if they are the result of Snuff Films being produced in Suffolk Co??

I don’t know if this podcast will solve anything or answer any of the burning questions, but it’s worth the listen. And it’s not a an amateur podcast. Billy Jensen is an experienced investigative reporter and author. He was a journalist for a Long Island newspaper in the late 90’s and is now a tv producer for true crime. Alexis Linkletter is a true crime documentary producer. Both of them have ties to Long Island. Both of them have been involved in previous podcasts.
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