Unsolved 18 From The First Zodiac Code And Possible Kaczynski/Zodiac Connection

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
We all know that Ted Kaczynski eluded capture as the Unabomber for 18 years, and that the FBI had a 25,000 name suspect list that did not include his name. But Ted Kaczynski's downfall, what led to his capture, was that he used certain very specific and odd words and phrases that virtually no one else used. David Kaczynski recognized these words and phrases used by the Unabomber as ones that his brother Ted had used. This included the phrase "cool headed logician." It also included Ted's unique phrasing of the old cliche "You can't have your cake and eat it too" as "You can't eat your cake and have it too."

Similarly, when we look at the words and phrases of the Zodiac, many very specific and unusual, we see that Ted Kaczynski often used these exact same odd words and phrases. This first example was discussed first by Doug Oswell, Linda and Kite, but I don't think it has been examined in depth.

Six months after the abduction and presumed murder of Nevada resident Donna Lass, the Zodiac sent in a card thought to hint at her murder. The card included the very odd phrase "AROUND IN THE SNOW". The card seems to imply that the dead body of Donna Lass can be found AROUND IN THE SNOW. The phrase is odd. Normally we might expect to hear that a body is "IN THE SNOW", or "ON THE SNOW", or "OUT IN THE SNOW".

Thus the term "AROUND IN THE SNOW" is very unusual.


In his new book Technological Slavery, on page 400, Ted Kaczynski discusses hunting rabbits and states that after shooting a rabbit it can be found bouncing "AROUND IN THE SNOW."

Both the Zodiac and Ted Kaczynski use the odd term "AROUND IN THE SNOW" to refer to where a body may be found.

There are many, many other examples.

Zodiac: Police should have "sat there quietly waiting for me to come out of cover." Zodiac Stine Letter, October 13, 1969, to SF Chronicle.

Kaczynski: "I went down there and watched, from cover, a guy with a bulldozer...". Unabomber: The Secret Life of Ted Kaczynski, by Chris Waits and Dave Shors, p. 278.

Analysis: Both Zodiac and Kaczynski descibe hiding from and watching enemies behind forestry as from "cover", a military term.

Zodiac: "was a negro about 40 -45 rather shabbly dressed." Zodiac Letter of August 4, 1969, to SF Examiner.

Kaczynski: "their homes looked shabby". Technological Slavery, p. 397.


Z = Zodiac K = Kaczynski/Unabomber

Z = It is more fun than killing wild game in the forrest because man is the most dangerou anamal of all. To kill something gives me the most thrilling experence. Three-Part Cipher, 1969.

K = I drove up to Humboldt county for deer hunting.... deer hunting is very exciting. Turchie Affidavit, Addendum, 1996.

Z = The S.F. Police could have caught me last night if they had searched the park properly instead of holding road races with their motor cicles seeing who could make the most noise. The car drivers should have just parked their cars & sat there quietly waiting for me to come out of cover. Stine Letter, 1969.

K = For example, a variety of noise-making devices: power mowers, radios, motorcycles, etc. If the use of these devices is unrestricted, people who want peace and quiet are frustrated by the noise. Manifesto, 1995.

When I see a motorcyclist tearing up the mountain meadows ... I want to kick him in the face while he is dying. GX-2003F, p. 11.

Z = This letter should be published for all to read it. Typewritten Letter, 1966.

K = We encourage you to print this letter. New York Times Letter, 1995.

Z = I shall (on top of every thing else) torture all 13 of my slaves that I have wateing for me in Paradice.The Mikado Letter, 1970.

K = I hadn't previously been troubled by rats around here, but I just discovered that my pack has been chewed up so badly that it is nearly ruined ... This means some deadfalls are going to be set. I hope I catch one of those [expletive] alive--I will torture it to death in the most fiendish manner I can devise. Journal entry, July 31, 1974

Z = I hope you enjoy your selves when I have my Blast. Jolly Roger Card.

K = For these reasons, I want to get my revenge in one big blast. GX18-2003F, p. 11.

Z = At the moment the children are safe from the bomb because it is so massive to dig in & the triger mech requires much work to get it adjusted just right. Belli Letter, 1969.

K = Its no fun having to spend all your evenings and weekends preparing dangerous mixtures, filing trigger mechanisms out of scraps of metal .... New York Times Letter, 1995.

Z = I gave the cops som bussy work to do to keep them happy. Seven-Page Letter, 1969.

K = This seems to us a thoroughly contemptible way for the human race to end up, and we doubt that many people would find fulfilling lives in such pointless busy-work. Unabomber Manifesto, 1995.

Z = This is the murderer of the 2 teenagers last Christmass at Lake Herman & the girl on the 4th of July near the golf course in Vallejo. To prove I killed them I shall state some facts which only I & the police know. Three-Part Cipher, 1969.

K = To prove that we are the ones who planted the bomb at U. Of Cal. last May we will mention a few details that could be known only to us and the FBI who investigated the incident. S.F. Examiner Letter, 1985.

Z = The police shall never catch me, because I have been too clever for them. Seven-Page letter, 1969.

K = And it doesn't appear that the FBI is going to catch us any time soon. New York Times letter, 1995.

Z = 2 cops pulled a goof. Seven-Page letter, 1969.

K = The FBI is a joke. New York Times letter, 1995.

Z = As of yet I have left no fingerprints behind me contrary to what the police say. Seven-Page Letter, 1969.

K = Contrary to what the FBI has suggested, our bombing at the California Forestry Association was in no way inspired by the Oklahoma City bombing. New York Times Letter, 1995.

Z = This is the murderer of the 2 teenagers last Christmass ... July 31, 1969 Letter (Chronicle).
This is the Zodiac speaking. Numerous correspondences, 1969 through 1971.

K = This is a message from the terrorist group FC. New York Times Letter, April 24, 1995.
This is a message from FC. Tom Tyler Letter, June 30, 1995.

Z = I promised to punish them if they did not comply, by anilating a full School Buss. But now school is out for the summer, so I punished them in another way. Mt. Diablo Letter, 1970.

K = The people who are pushing all this growth and progress garbage deserve to be severely punished. New York Times Letter, 1995.

Z = By the way it could be rather messy if you try to bluff me. Seven-Page Letter, 1969.

K = A special case of Theorem (b) was proved (in effect) in [6, proof of Theorem 6] by means of a rather messy lemma. T.J. Kaczynski. Boundary Functions and Sets of Curvilinear Convergence for Continuous Functions. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 141 (Jul., 1969), 107-125, p. 124.

Z = [Called violent movie]"deplorable".

K = [Called violent bombing in OKC]"deplorable".
Many people ask me "Didn't Ted Kaczynski have a DNA draw done when he was arrested? Hasn't his DNA already been compared to the possible DNA in the Zodiac case and found to be a non-match?" And what about the statement from the FBI that implies they have some kind of DNA from Ted Kaczynski but merely want a "fresh sample"?

Here is what I know.

If Ted had a DNA draw in 1996, the sample would not degrade if stored correctly, but even if it did, the results would exist on paper. The results on paper are what matter.

I know it sounds incredible, but Ted Kaczynski never had a DNA draw from his body done.

They collected one marker of DNA off the very last Unabomber stamp that they say they matched to one marker on a stamp from Ted to Dave, a DQA1 of "1.1, 2". About 5% of the American population has that marker. Problem is Ted never licked stamps, they never collected any DNA off of any Unabomber letters or stamps for 18 years. Ted records he dipped stamps in salt water while his fingers were wrapped in plastic, then rubbed the stamps with soybean oil.

Acting on information from me, Zodiac and EAR/ONS investigators verified – to their shock – that the feds never did a DNA draw on Ted.

Investigator Larry Montgomery of the Orange County, California, DA Office determined, after slogging through tons of federal red tape, that Ted never had a DNA draw from his body and never had his DNA put into the national FBI DNA databank called CODIS. He was and is shocked.

I communicated with Thomas Callaghan, Senior Biometric Scientist, FBI Laboratory, the former Director of CODIS, and I think he solved the mystery of why – other than incompetence and oversight – Ted never had the DNA draw done. He told me “When I was involved in the Federal Convicted Offender DNA Database Program, it was my understanding that BOP [Federal Bureau Of Prisons] collected from offenders during “in processing” and from offenders scheduled for release.”

The problem was when Ted pled guilty to federal explosives charges (NOT murder) those charges did NOT trigger DNA collection. So he was not collected from during in processing. New laws now manadate DNA collection for all federal prisoners. Now here is the “Catch – 22″, because as Ted has a LIFE sentence, he was never and will never be scheduled for release! Thus he slipped through the cracks, as have hundreds of the worst offenders.

Also remember the FBI lab scandal happened before and during Ted's case. They should have done an “investigative” DNA draw but they didn’t. I can’t explain that at all. They settled for the one marker on a Unabomber stamp matching one marker on a stamp to David Kaczynski. But Ted never licked any stamps, he dipped them in salt water, then rubbed them with soy bean oil, while his fingers were covered in plastic. At the time, Ted released a statement through his lawyer saying it was "impossible" that the FBI collected his DNA off a stamp. He was right.

It also appears that the DNA marker from the Unabomber stamp WAS compared to the possible Zodiac DNA and found to be a mismatch. But by the FBI now seeking a court order to get a DNA draw from the body of Ted Kaczynski in the Tylenol Murders case, despite the statement by a "spokesman" that they just need a "fresh sample", that is actually a clear de facto admission that it is very likely NOT Ted's DNA on that Unabomber stamp. Indeed, there were multiple strands present, indicating probable contamination, both an early Unabomber suspect and a victim had the same DQA1 of "1.1, 2", the investigation into the lab scandal revealed that work stations were not cleaned and gloves not always used, and Ted's procedures for stamps preclude his real DNA from being on the stamp.

So it appears that the primary reason the SFPD and FBI dropped the investigation into Kaczynski as the Zodiac - a nonmatch of DNA - was premised on false grounds. The real DNA of Ted Kaczynski has never been compared to the possible Zodiac DNA.

I made the Chicago FBI Tylenol Task Force aware of the possible Zodiac connection to the case. They were aware of the Zodiac case and interested in what I had to say. But they explained that they only have jurisdiction over the Tylenol Murders, not any of the Zodiac murders done in California. They said the relevant California branches of the FBI and local police would have to pick up that end of the investigation. I think some behind the scenes things are happening along those lines. And by their action of requesting the Kaczynski DNA, they are making it easier for the Zodiac and EAR/ONS investigators to get access, eventually, to the real Kaczynski DNA so it can be compared to the suspect DNA in both cases.

Zodiac and EAR/ONS investigators are aware of what is happening and they want to get the real DNA of Kaczynski to test it against the suspect DNA in those cases. Also, the Kaczynski DNA by law must be put into CODIS, where it will automatically be compared to suspect DNA in thousands of unsolved cases.

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A discussion between Doug Oswell and myself sheds a little more light on this situation.

Doug = "I agree, AK, on the idea that Ted somehow slipped through the cracks when it came to a DNA draw. I believe they did get Ted's DQ-Alpha and polymarker alleles from a letter he sent to his brother, and see no reason to think otherwise. Ted treated the stamps he used as the Unabomber, but there would have been no reason for him to go that far for everyday correspondence."

AK = That is what I thought at first. But Ted records his procedures with stamps, he would "treat" the whole sheet of stamps, all dipped in salt water, all rubbed with soy bean oil, all the time wearing plastic over his fingers. He would then use these stamps for Unabomber letters AND personal letters. The same treated stamps. I have seen a picture of the envelope he sent to his Mexican penpal, and it has the US Flag "G" series stamp that he often used as the Unabomber.

So when the government says it found multiple strands of DNA (indicating probable contamination) on both a Unabomber stamp and a stamp on a letter to Dave, with a dominant strand of DQA1 "1.1, 2", I think it is highly, highly unlikely that either stamp had any of Ted's real DNA. And after 2 years, apparently the FBI now agrees with me, as they are seeking a DNA draw from Ted. Several Zodiac and EAR/ONS investigators now also think it is unlikely that Ted's DNA is on these stamps, and also want his real DNA from a draw from his body.

Doug = "I'm a bit confused here, because Ted actually pled guilty to multiple counts of murder; that was the deal he struck with prosecutors to avoid the death penalty. I don't recollect that he pled guilty to the explosives charges; he might have, but he did indeed plead guilty to each murder for which he was charged.

AK = That is the common perception, that Ted pled guilty to "Murder" charges, which would have triggered DNA collection even back then. Even most of the reporters, detectives, lawyers and FBI Agents I communicted with think Ted pled guilty to "Murder" charges. He did not. Ted pled guilty to these charges, seen here from his plea transcript:


THE COURT: I'm now going to have the Government to

state each of the essential elements of the offenses in the

indictment so that I can be assured that the defendant

understands the charges. After that is stated, Mr. Kaczynski,

I will ask you the precise question, "Do you understand those

charges?" The Government will now explain the elements, and

the elements constitute the charges.

MR. LAPHAM: Thank you, Your Honor. Your Honor, there

are three types of offenses in the two indictments.

There are several counts of transportation of an

explosive device with intent to kill or injure.
With respect

to that charge, the Government would be required to prove,

number one, that transportation in interstate commerce; two,

of an explosive; three, with the knowledge or intent that it

would be used to kill, injure or intimidate any individual.

With respect to the crime of mailing explosive device

with intent to kill or injure,
the Government would be

required to prove, one, that the defendant knowingly deposited

for mailing or knowingly caused to be delivered by mail a

device or composition that could ignite or explode; and, two,

that the defendant acted with the intent to kill or injure


And with respect to the third type of offense charged in

the two indictments, using a destructive device in relation to

a crime of violence
, the Government would be required to prove

beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant used or carried a

bomb and that he did so during and in relation to a crime of

violence, that crime of violence being the use of that bomb.

THE COURT: Mr. Kaczynski, do you understand those


THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor. I understand them

AK = "At the time, Ted released a statement through his lawyer saying it was "impossible" that the FBI collected his DNA off a stamp.

Doug = "That's a very interesting quote; so interesting, in fact, that you should probably cite a source when relaying it."

AK = "Lawyers for Kaczynski asserted it was "impossible" for the FBI to have obtained his DNA. In regards to DNA, this is what the writers of a book on the lab scandal found:

"The IG follow-up report dealt only with the explosives unit. But since the publication of our book in the United States, we have investigated the operations of the DNA unit which the IG claimed was a model of scientific integrity. We found that the original IG investigation discovered quite the contrary. That the DNA unit was seriously negligent, but the IG covered up this finding. We discovered that Drs. Greg Parsons and Martin Alevy of the DNA unit had refused to testify on behalf of the FBI because they felt the DNA testing could be faulty, unreliable, and inaccurate. They felt so strongly about this that they left the lab to resume being street agents with a cut in pay and rank.

The head of the DNA unit, Dr. Jenifer Lindsey Smith, and her subordinates totally botched the DNA testing in the Unabomber case such that the prosecution would not have been able to use the results if Unabomber suspect Ted Kaczynski had gone to trial. Smith did not even bother to obtain a sample of Kaczynski's actual DNA, and an FBI affidavit lied that there was a match found between the Unabomber's DNA and Kaczynski's DNA. "

Tainting Evidence: Inside the Scandal at the FBI Crime Lab, John Kelly and Phillip K Wearne.

See also http://articles.latimes.com/1997-03-04/news/mn-34621_1_defense-lawyers

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A new picture of Ted Kaczynski, I think it is from his U of M graduation, 1967.

More than any other picture I have ever seen, it looks the most like the Zodiac sketch IMO. The shape of the head, the angles, the cheeks and prominent jawline. The lips, eyes and ears. Hairline. Forehead. The overall smoothness of skin and lack of distinctive or rough features.


Two other new pics from the 1970's compared to the Maggiore/Probable EAR/ONS sketch.



Also, look at the sketch of the VR. who police believe went on to become the EAR/ONS, and compare it to the ZODIAC sketch. Look at the shape of the face, the angles, the chin and jaw line. Overall appearance of a fresh faced young student or military man, short haircut contrasting to popular styles of the time.



Picture of Ted Kaczynski and sketch of Maggiore Suspect/Probable EAR/ONS.

An unknown person sent in a "Code Key" to solve the first Zodiac cipher, right about the time that Donald Harden solved it. Zodiac case researchers have long speculated about this code key, and if it may have been sent in by Zodiac himself. The public has never before seen this code key until now, as it was obtained vie a FOIA request to the FBI by MORF.

Here is what Morf said:

RE: Zodiac code key sent to Vallejo PD 8/10/69

I have long heard about, and read about this "code key" sent to Vallejo PD in August 1969. It was addressed to a Sergeant at Vallejo PD. A long time ago, maybe almost a year (so long ago I had forgotten about it), i sent the FBI a FOI request for this code key, and today, after forgetting about it and figuring I would never get it, it arrived in my mailbox! So here it is.

It consists of 5 pages, although 2 of the pages are blank and only have a number written on top of the blank pages ( I assume these were not written by the author, and instead are some kind of FBI or VALLEJO reference #)I will include those blank pages here too. It seems that the pages were deliberately deleted by the FBI,as not to release info that they do not want made public.(I will also include an explanation of that too)

My first thoughts:

*The handwriting does not look exactly like Zodiac's known writing, but this could be another disguised writing by him, or maybe it is more like his normal everyday printing

*The envelope has a FDR stamp as did Zodiac's letters from July-November 1969

* I would like to know the name of the Sergeant that the writer sent the code key, and why he was chosen. Also, I would love to know what was on the two redacted pages.

I look forward to hearing opinions on this letter. Over at Zk.com, they had a good discussion going about this key code:


AK Wilks: Yes, Morf, the FDR stamp! I mean, there are 50 or so stamps that can be used at any time - weird that Zodiac and the "concerned citizen" share the same stamp.

The writer does a 3 stroke "K".

Something in this writing looks similar to some other writing I have seen in the case, maybe the more blocky writing?

A "slip of the tongue"? Huh? It strikes me as odd a real person wouldn't want the credit for solving it. And the language has some word play in it.

Not sure on this one. Good job though Morf!

I agree this could very well be Zodiac.

Also, Zodiac signed one of the 1974 letters "A Citizen".

The FDR stamp was the exact same stamp Z was using in this time period.

Perhaps the two pages deleted by the FBI contained the solution? Or something else pointing to this being Zodiac? They thought it might well have been Zodiac, they dusted it for prints, getting a partial palm print.

Also, strange that the writer wants no credit, and the word play is odd, "slip of the tongue".

Check this out. I got this from the Michael Butterfield site www.zodiackillerfacts.com .

It states that the code key has some alternative translations, and they sent this key to Donald Harden.

Could any of these alternative translations help us decipher the last 18?

I remain very confident in the solution to the last 18 arrived at by Kite, and with my work on it. But every thing most be looked at, every idea challenged.

I will have to examine this over the next few days, hopefully some of other code people can as well.

Of course if this is Zodiac, it could be him leading us down a false path and away from the real solution. Maybe he had second thoughts about his name in there.

But regardless of whether this is from the Zodiac or a real amateur codebreaker, maybe there is something in these alternative translations that can shed a new light on the unsolved 18?


Harden Key

"Concerned Citizen" Key

AKWILKS, As always, I am in awe of your (and others) sleuthing abilities. So much so that I don't post often and just read along.

WRT TK's use of the words 'we' and 'us' in his writings..... Was this just to throw off investigators or would it indicate an alter ego(s) from a prior persona(s), ie Zodiac, EARSON, Tylenol murderer? I am fascinated by the research being done here but am no profiler. Sorry if this has been previously addressed.


Thanks for the comments! I really appreciate them.

The FBI thought that Ted's use of the terms "we" in his letters was largely an attempt to try to throw them off track and into thinking that the anti - technology terrorist group "Freedom Club" was real. The FBI gave Ted the name Unabomber, he signed the letters "FC", which he also stamped on half his bombs.

I belive that is likely the correct explanation.

What you propose, however, goes to a possible psychological explanation. I do think Ted occupied multiple persona's, such as "FC", the Zodiac and the Tylenol Murderer. And I think there are ties between these cases, often in the form of clues, most probably unintended but perhaps some intentional, that Ted left that connect the cases.

For the most complete info on Ted K and possible ties to other crimes see www.unazod.com and the message board there.
In 1969, some 40 years ago, Don and Bettye Harden solved the first Zodiac code. Since that time, the three other codes Zodiac sent to the SF Chronicle have remained unsolved. If one takes the Harden solution and general code solving principles and applies them to the unsolved codes as well as the last 18 symbols from the first Zodiac Code, you get a string of letters with no apparent meaning. It seems clear that there is at least one more "step" needed to solve the codes. But what is it? And did Zodiac give us a clue as to what it might be?

The solved portion of the first Zodiac Code and the last 18 characters which are unsolved.

The last 18 letters are:


This is actually 9 seperate letters, the rest are repeats:


The 9 seperate letters are:


For reasons which will be clear soon, and building on work from Zander Kite, I am going to take these 9 seperate letters that appear in the unsolved 18 and re-arrange their order:


Why did Zodiac select these 9 letters? He told us the code held his name...but then said we would not "give us" his name. Names usually go at the end of letters. Did he hide his name in these 9 letters, and do we have to "find it", as he would not "give" it to us? He also said if the code was cracked we would "have" him, and that the code contains his "identity".

What is significant about these 9 letters?

Let us create a Caesar Code Matrix with 0, 3, 6 and 9 for shift values. A "+" at the bottom indicates the letter string goes FORWARD in the alphabet, a "-" indicates it goes BACKWARDS in the alphabet.

* A * * Y * * K *
* * L * M * J * *
* * O * J * G * *
* * * * * * D * *
+ + - + + + + + -

That is a Caesar Matrix for the 9 letters we have in the unsolved 18. What do you see?

Do you see the last name of a Zodiac suspect, a known serial killer, bomb designer and code expert who lived in the SF Bay area during 1967 to 1969? Do you also see his first name?

Look again - I will color the last name of this suspect:

* A * * Y * * K *
* * L * M * J * *
* * O * J * G * *
* * * * * * D * *
+ + - + + + + + -

Now you can clearly see the last name. And how it appears in a PATTERN.

6..9..6..6..9..6..6..9..6 (To be precise it is +6 +9 -6, +6 +9 +6, +6 +9 -6).

Can we calculate the odds that the name occurs from random chance? And in that pattern?

But also consider this - the 9 letters used in the unsolved last 18 from the first Zodiac Code don't just produce the name KACZYNSKI in a patterned way, they also produce the name THEODOREJ as well. In fact, 5 of the 9 letters used in the last unsolved 18 are in the name THEODOREJ, and the rest are produced by Caesar shift.

* A * * Y * * K *
* * L * M * J * *
* * O * J * G * *
* * * * * * D * *
+ + - + + + + + -

The motiviations of Zodiac and Ted Kaczynski were NOT different. What led Ted to kill was not politcal or social views, but sexual frustration. Frustration at COUPLES HAVING SEX. Just like the Zodiac who killed couples in love making spots. And you don't have to take my word, that is right from Ted himself. And don't forget both Zodiac and Ted both made bomb threats and demanded their words appear on the front page or innocents would die.


In the summer of 1966, most likely late August/early September 1966, Ted Kaczynski records a break through moment in his life. He is a genius, yet socially alienated and isolated. He decribes hearing the sound of couples having sex in the apartment next door to his, and he says it fills him with frustration and anger. Out of despair and self described "acute sexual starvation", he records in his journal that instead of killing himself he will "really kill everyone I hate."

The people he says he hates and wants to kill are many, but they include two distinct groups. One group is what he calls "bigshots" or "government officials", and these include "scientists", "big businessmen", "politicians" and "police".

The other group of people he hated and wanted to kill included love making "couples", "rowdy college students" and those college men and women he deems "promiscuous". Look at the government psychiatric report on Kaczynski done after he was arrested for the Unabomber crimes:

In the summer after his fourth year [of graduate school, the summer of 1966], he describes experiencing a period of several weeks where he was sexually excited nearly all the time and was fantasizing himself as a woman and being unable to obtain any sexual relief. He decided to make an effort to have a sex change operation. When he returned to the University of Michigan [most likely in late August or early September 1966] he made an appointment to see a psychiatrist to be examined to determine if the sex change would be good for him. He claimed that by putting on an act he could con the psychiatrist into thinking him suitable for a feminine role even though his motive was exclusively erotic. As he was sitting in the waiting room, he turned completely against the idea of the operation and thus, when he saw the doctor, instead claimed he was depressed about the possibility of being drafted. He describes the following:

"As I walked away from the building afterwards, I felt disgusted about what my uncontrolled sexual cravings had almost led me to do and I felt humiliated, and I violently hated the psychiatrist. Just then there came a major turning point in my life. Like a Phoenix, I burst from the ashes of my despair to a glorious new hope. I thought I wanted to kill that psychiatrist because the future looked utterly empty to me. I felt I wouldn't care if I died. And so I said to myself why not really kill the psychiatrist and anyone else whom I hate. What is important is not the words that ran through my mind but the way I felt about them. What was entirely new was the fact that I really felt I could kill someone. My very hopelessness had liberated me because I no longer cared about death. I no longer cared about consequences and I said to myself that I really could break out of my rut in life an do things that were daring, irresponsible or criminal." [Psych Report] {Emphasis added}

That happened sometime in the summer of 1966, most likely in late August/early September 1966. Probably mere days later, on or around September 3, 1966, bombs go off at the suburban Chicago house of Elmwood Park Mayor Elmer Conti and at a glass company on Paulina St. in Chicago. About two weeks later and just minutes away, Valerie Percy is brutally murdered in the home of her father, Bell & Howell CEO and Republican Senate candidate Charles Percy. On October 30, 1966, when evidence shows Ted Kaczynski is in California, the first probable Zodiac crime, the murder of college student Cheri Jo Bates occurs.

His first confirmed Unabomber crime was in 1978, when he was 36 years old. Yet we know from research that the most active and violent period for the majority of serial killers is from their late teens to late twenties. And we see that Kaczynski reports the motivation, desire and ability to kill at least as early as the summer of 1966.


One of the main objections some people will make to the evidence about Kaczynski being the killer of Valerie Percy or the Zodiac - and I admit it is at first glance a reasonable objection - is that Ted was mainly known to kill with bombs, not up close and personal with a gun, blunt object or knife.

If at some point you talk to an FBI Agent, criminal psychologist or serial killer profiler, they will no doubt tell you that the majority of "distance killers", those who kill by bomb or poison, do not typically also commit "up close and personal" crimes with a gun, knife or blunt object.

First, even if studies of known cases show that majority did not also do personal crimes, there is a minority who did. Kaczynski had a unique pathology - a specific hatred of technology, business leaders and politicians (which shows up in his Unabomber crimes from 1978 to 1996 and also may have played in a role in the selection of the Percy and Bricca homes as a target), but also the general rage expressed in 1966, in which he wanted to kill "college students" and women. So Kaczynski may well be in the minority of distance killers who also kill up close and personal. Joseph Paul Franklin was a racist bomber and sniper, but he also killed lone women up close and personal just to satisfy his bloodlust.

Second, after his close call with SFPD in the murder of Paul Stine, Zodiac himself showed increasing interest in DISTANCE crimes. He made sniper threats against a school bus, then repeated and detailed bomb threats against buses. He is also suspected of arson in the case of Kathleen Johns, and one of the Sonoma victims, Caroline Davis, was killed by poison. SNIPER ATTACKS, BOMB THREATS, ARSON and POISONING are all considered DUSTANCE crimes. Thus, there is evidence to sugest Zodiac was making a transition from up close and personal crimes to distance crimes.

Ted Kaczynski was convicted of BOMB THREATS and BOMBINGS, and the FBI says he also did ARSON and did a SNIPER ATTACK on a miner. He is currently being looked at as a POI in the TYLENOL POISONINGS.

Third, there is evidence Kaczynski actually thought about and even did kill up close and personal.

The FBI states he actually did shoot and wound a miner with a rifle. In his journal that recorded in detail all of his bombing crimes, he also wrote of unspecified other crimes whose evidence he had destroyed and accounts of had burned or buried, because their revelation (in light of his growing reputation as a political terrorist and anti-technology activist) could prove "dangerous, embarassing or just very bad public relations." Certainly the lovers lane killings of young couples by the Zodiac would not be something he would want publicly known, when some on the fringes of the radical environmental and anarchist movements now touted him as a hero of sorts.

He recorded a desire to kill people by "bomb or other means". He wrote fantasies about mutilating a women's face with a knife and raping a woman in front of her husband. He spent a year and made a one shot .22 pistol from wood and junk parts that he wrote he intended to use as a "homicide weapon". As a one shot untraceable weapon, it would best be used in situations were the victim was immobile, such as being bound or asleep.

For the first time ever, I think this is how Zodiac meant the last 18 in the first Zodiac Code to be solved. To be solved and shown.

This is a Caesar Code Matrix with 0-3-6-9 shift values, numbers used for their absolute value of distance from zero, with the vertical letter shifts going + or - to produce the name in a consistent manner.

The patterns here are incredible, undeniable and seemingly intended. If this is all pure coincidence, it is on a par with throwing 13 cards up in the air and having 13 land in a sequence of Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K.

In 20 years of interest in the Zodiac case and almost 4 years of intense work on the codes, this is absolutely as amazing as anything I have ever seen, and ranks with the 1986 Graysmith solution to the Zodiac 340 on the 3rd line producing THEO KACZYNSKI with application of the same Caesar Code 0-3-6-9 shifts as here on the last 18 from the first Zodiac Code. See http://unazod.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=36&start=150 .

Can anyone look at this and honestly say this name, with these patterns, is pure chance?

Look at THEODORE as one sequence for patterns, and then JKACZYNSKI as another sequence for patterns. The shift digits in THEODORE add up to 33, which appears twice in that name, and the shift digits for JKACZYNSKI add up to 66, which also appears twice in that name.

A reseacher who works in the applied physics lab at a top ten research univeristy subjected this code solution to a 3 month computer probability study, seeking to prove that my solution was likely just a chance result. He found that the odds were 5% or less of getting either "Theodore J" or "Kaczynski" in the unsolved 18 by chance, using a Caesar Code with 0-3-6-9 values, and a 1% or less chance of getting both. For the methodology and results of his study see http://unazod.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=131 .

I have a result here that seems incredible. What does it mean?

I am open to alternative explanations, but what are they?



----- ----- ----- ----- -----

Why did Zander Kite and me decide to try a Caesar Code with 0-3-6-9 shift values, which produces the stunning result seen above?

Some history is needed to understand.

In 1969, some 40 years ago, Don and Bettye Harden solved the first Zodiac code. Since that time, the three other codes Zodiac sent to the SF Chronicle have remained unsolved. If one takes the Harden solution and general code solving principles and applies them to the unsolved codes as well as the last 18 symbols from the first Zodiac Code, you get a string of letters with no apparent meaning. It seems clear that there is at least one more "step" needed to solve the codes. But what is it? And did Zodiac give us a clue as to what it might be?


The solved portion of the first Zodiac Code and the last 18 characters which are unsolved.

If the next step involves a number, I thought it would be a number with meaning to the killer. The first probable Zodiac killing was of Cheri Jo Bates, in Riverside, California, on Devil's Night, 10/30/1966. One other killing had similar numbers — the murder of Cecilia Shepherd and wounding of Bryan Hartnell on 9/27/1969 at Lake Berryessa. In fact, Zodiac wrote a message on the victims' car door, the last part of which read "Sept 27 1969 6:30."


Why write the time? Looking at the common numbers, with the Bates murder date we have 30 (1)966 and with the door message we have (1)969 630. So we have possible numbers of 30 9 66 and 9 69 6 3 0. So we have common numbers of 0-3-6-9. And in Norse mythology, something we know Zodiac (and Zodiac suspect Ted Kaczynski) had knowledge of, the numbers 3, 6, 9 and 27 (which is 3 x 9 and also 2 + 7 = 9) have special meaning. And 9 is magic number in math.

Using a clue on the cipher sent by Zodiac, the Phillips 66 Map Code, there is the Zodiac symbol and the numbers 0, 3, 6 and 9.


Once again, we have the numbers 0-3-6-9. In the context of the map, one would expect to see N, E, S and W, or perhaps 90, 180, 270, 360. Could the numbers 0-3-6-9 be a clue, a clue on how to break all the Zodiac codes and the unsolved last 18 letters from the first Zodiac Code?

There is a famous code system that used shifts of 3 letters. It is called a Caesar Code, as it was first used by the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar.

Applying a Caesar Code method with 0-3-6-9 shift values to the last 18 letters in the first Zodiac Code produces the amazing result seen above and here below:



This is the "Unolved 18" from the First Zodiac Code as solved by the Harden's, put into a Caesar Code Matrix with 0-3-6-9 shift values, numbers used for their absolute value of distance from zero, with the vertical letter shifts going + or - to produce the name in a consistent manner.



An excellent post by Jem prompted me to see something in this I never saw before!

Aquiman/thebigZ told me that a key for probabilty studies is CONTINUITY. In other words, does the first name appear bunched together, or is it jumbled up with the last name? If it is jumbled up there is greater probability it could be random. In order to be more impressive it must be continuous or very close to it.

Until this very moment I thought they were jumbled in the unsolved 18, thus the odds are getting 9 out of 18 as a name - in the order of 3% for THEODOREJ and 5% for KACZYNSKI, according to the excellent work by Aqui/bigZ.

Now look at this, and then I will comment afterwords.

---------- ---------- ----------

The name as thus created the following 18 letter string seen beneath it:





The use of color shows how similar much of the reverse string from the TJK name is to the actual string at the end of the first Zodiac code. It is the exact same 18 letters, some are shuffled, some are in the same sequence, like "E B E" and others:





OK, until this very moment I thought the names THEODOREJ and KACZYNSKI were totally jumbled. Meaning that in the first 9 letters of the Harden EBE string you might find 4 or 5 for THEODORE and 4 or 5 for KACZYNSKI, and the same for the last 9.

Let us now look at this, I am making THEODOREJ in RED and KACZYNSKI in BLUE:



As Zodiac gives us the 18 letter EBE string, that order, the order solved by the Harden's, we do not merely get the 18 letters of the TJK name, impressive enough, BUT 8 OF THE FIRST 9 LETTERS AS GIVEN BY ZODIAC CAESAR SHIFT TO KACZYNSKI AND 8 OF THE LAST 9 LETTERS CAESAR SHIFT TO THEODOREJ.

Look at it again:


In other words, now we must not only ask is it coincidence that the Unsolved 18 from the First Zodiac Code Caesar shift with 0-3-6-9 values to the name THEODORE J KACZYNSKI, but is it also coincidence and pure chance that of the first 9 letters Zodiac gave us 8 shift to KACZYNSKI and 8 of the 9 last shift to THEODOREJ?

A person with an MS in Applied Physics, who works at a top ten university in failure analysis and probability, did a 3 month long computer probability study of the Kite - Wilks code work on the Zodiac case, and was very skeptical to start, and came up with very interesting phase one results.

Using a Caesar Code method with + and - 0-3-6-9 shift values, the odds of getting THEODOREJ are about 3%, and for KACZYNSKI 5%; to get both is about 1% or less.

See the full phase one report at http://unazod.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=131 .

Aquiman/thebigZ did the study, and is doing more work now, and has no final conclusions yet. He does wonder if the sheer multitude of options generated by a Caesar shift MAY make an otherwise impressive figure like 3% chance of random happening LESS impressive than it seems.

He has sent his work to several fellow staff physics and computer scientists, as well as several skeptical Zodiac Case researchers. So far nobody has detected a flaw. If anyone sees a major flaw in methods or numbers please let me know.

Portions of a post from Aquiman/thebigZ:

Over the last several weeks, I attempted to perform a comprehensive analysis of AK's (et al) cipher theories. It turned out to be a very difficult task and I now hate math. What follows will, no doubt, be quite a boring read for most; however, I believe it may shed some light on how useful probability analysis can (or cannot) be in regards to proving or disproving theories. For those without a math background, I hope I've explained things well enough to understand probability analysis in general. For the math geeks (like myself), I hope I don't bore you... but at least you will be able to correct any mistakes I may have made along the way. Comments, criticisms, and suggestions are welcome. Be gentle.


First, I want to discuss some basic probability and then delve into why this was not the typical probability exercise. Let’s take the name “Theodore J. Kazcynski.” For each of the 18 letters in his name, we have a bag filled with all 26 letters of the alphabet. If you reach into the first bag, the odds of pulling out the “T” are one in 26. Reaching into the second bag, the probability is again 1/26 that the “H” will be chosen. The overall probability that a “T” and an “H” will be chosen from the first and second bags respectively is 1/26 x 1/26 = 1/676. Someone choosing one letter from each bag, hoping to spell out the entire 18 letter name should expect that the odds are very thin; (1/26)^18 to be precise.

Let’s make the odds a little better. You can now choose one letter from each bag, but you don’t have tp choose the letters in “name order.” You can then rearrange them any way you like to try and spell the name. The number of possible arrangements of 18 different letters would be 18! (i.e., 18x17x16…x2x1). All the letter in THIS name, however, are not unique; there are two E’s, two O’s, and two K’s. Therefore, the number of unique arrangements is given by 18!/(2!x2!x2!). The overall probability then of choosing 18 letters (each from a different bag) and obtaining any one of those arrangements is (1/26)^18 x 18!/(2!x2!x2!).

This is where things begin to get tricky. AK, Kite, et al have proposed that you can use a Caesar shift (of -9, -6, -3, +3, +6, or +9) on each letter, essentially giving you six additional letters from each bag; not just any letters, but those within the constraints of the allowed shifts. The difficulty now lies in determining the number of permutations of 18 sets of seven letters, several of which may be duplicated between sets.

The total number of arrangements when choosing one of seven letters from each of the 18 sets is given by 7^18; however, they are not all unique. Many arrangements are duplicates, not just because of the three pairs of duplicate letters in the name, but also because of the Caesar shifts. Take the letters “H” and “E” for example. With Caesar shifts, they form the following sets: {Q, N, K, H, E, B, Y} and {N, K, H, E, B, Y, V}. There are six duplicates just within those two sets. Eighteen sets will share many more.

A “closed-form” mathematical solution to this problem is not readily apparent (and likely does not exist). Therefore, a brute-force computer program was developed to determine the number of unique arrangements and corresponding probability of obtaining at least one of those arrangements. For 18 letters with Caesar shifts, the number of possible arrangements borders on infinity. To obtain a “true” probability for the proposed solution of 18 letters, it would literally take years to run all the permutations, even if I had the computing power; my computer could only handle nine letters with Caesar shifts. The results of the analysis of two nine letter sets are shown below.






I could only give an estimate as to what the outcome might be for the full 18 letter set, based on the trends of two subsets of nine letters. I can theorize that the general trend would continue downward (as I extend a trend line past nine letters), falling to maybe 1% or so. I'm sure it would bounce around a bit on the way as seen in the two corresponding graphs, but likely be small in the end. Now, if the final 18 were something like ODEHTJROENKZAIKSCY, where THEODORE and KAZCYNSKI were in separate nine letter groupings, then I'm allowed to multiply the two probabilities together to get 0.176%. Otherwise, I can only hazard a guess at this time. I would not theorize that the probability is going to rise substantially (if it rose at all) from nine to 18 letters anyway. So <5% is a pretty good bet.


Thanks again for taking the time to do this work. I think it is an important step in the right direction, perhaps to be followed up by more steps from you, me or someone else who takes the ball and moves it further.

The code work by Zander Kite and myself was dismissed by most of the posters at other Zodiac Case Message Boards. The primary reason was the majority of critics said that the Caesar Code method produced so many letters, and thus names, that the discovery of the 18 letter TJK name was totally insignificant. Many posters told me that ANY 18 letters string when Caesar shifted would likely produce the TJK name, thus a "100%" probability"; others said the odds of the TJK name appearing by chance in any 18 letter string were "65% or better", "more the 50%" or "about 50%". And thus, the appearance of the name was not significant.

I said that the work of Kite and myself showed that it was not very likely to occur, and that the odds of the TJK name appearing by chance were probably 10% or less, and indeed possibly as low as 5% or less.

Well, we now have for the first time the results of an independent computer study done by a qualified professional who was skeptical of the work, and it shows that the odds are about 3% for "THEODOREJ" to appear, 5% for "KACZYNSKI" to appear and perhaps 1% or less for both to appear. In my opinion, based on what the critics said before and what Kite and I said before, their predictions and my predictions, this is total vindication for me and proof that I was right!

And it probably won't make much of a difference to those researchers who already have their minds made up in favor of a particular theory or suspect!

The FBI Code Unit, Cal DOJ and SFPD will see the final results, and if they make a difference to them, perhaps there is hope for progress in this case.

Several Zodiac case researchers dismissed Ted Kaczynski as a Zodiac suspect because they were told the DNA of Kaczynski was compared to possible Zodiac DNA found on a stamp and it did not match. Actually Ted Kaczynski has never had DNA drawn from his body. They only compared DNA found on the last Unabomber stamp, which was NOT Ted's DNA. After getting evidence from myself and Doug Oswell, the FBI is now seeking a court order for the DNA of Ted Kaczynski in the Tylenol Murders case, and local California authorities want it in the Zodiac.

For the first time ever, I think this is how Zodiac meant the last 18 in the first Zodiac Code to be solved. To be solved and shown.

This is a Caesar Code Matrix with 0-3-6-9 shift values, numbers used for their absolute value of distance from zero, with the vertical letter shifts going + or - to produce the name in a consistent manner.

The patterns here are incredible, undeniable and seemingly intended. If this is all pure coincidence, it is on a par with throwing 13 cards up in the air and having 13 land in a sequence of Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K.

In 20 years of interest in the Zodiac case and almost 4 years of intense work on the codes, this is absolutely as amazing as anything I have ever seen, and ranks with the Graysmith solution to the Zodiac 340 on the 3rd line producing THEO KACZYNSKI with application of the same Caesar Code 0-3-6-9 shifts as here on the last 18 from the first Zodiac Code.

Can anyone look at this and honestly say this name, with these patterns, is pure chance?

Look at THEODORE as one sequence for patterns, and then JKACZYNSKI as another sequence for patterns. The shift digits in THEODORE add up to 33, which appears twice in that name, and the shift digits for JKACZYNSKI add up to 66, which also appears twice in that name.

I have a result here that seems incredible. What does it mean?

I am open to alternative explanations, but what are they?



----- ----- ----- ----- -----



Aquiman/thebigZ told me that a key for probabilty studies is CONTINUITY. In other words, does the first name appear bunched together, or is it jumbled up with the last name? If it is jumbled up there is greater probability it could be random. In order to be more impressive it must be continuous or very close to it.

Until this very moment I thought they were jumbled in the unsolved 18, thus the odds are getting 9 out of 18 as a name - in the order of 3% for THEODOREJ and 5% for KACZYNSKI, according to the excellent work by Aqui/bigZ.

Now look at this, and then I will comment afterwords.

---------- ---------- ----------

The name as thus created the following 18 letter string seen beneath it:





The use of color shows how similar much of the reverse string from the TJK name is to the actual string at the end of the first Zodiac code. It is the exact same 18 letters, some are shuffled, some are in the same sequence, like "E B E" and others:





OK, until this very moment I thought the names THEODOREJ and KACZYNSKI were totally jumbled. Meaning that in the first 9 letters of the Harden EBE string you might find 4 or 5 for THEODORE and 4 or 5 for KACZYNSKI, and the same for the last 9.

Let us look at this, I am making THEODOREJ in RED and KACZYNSKI in BLUE:




As Zodiac gives us the 18 letter EBE string, that order, the order solved by the Harden's, we do not merely get the 18 letters of the TJK name, impressive enough, BUT 8 OF THE FIRST 9 LETTERS AS GIVEN BY ZODIAC CAESAR SHIFT TO KACZYNSKI AND 8 OF THE LAST 9 LETTERS CAESAR SHIFT TO THEODOREJ.

From the first phase of the computer probability study by Aquiman/thebigZ:


Aquiman/thebigZ: I could only give an estimate as to what the outcome might be for the full 18 letter set, based on the trends of two subsets of nine letters. I can theorize that the general trend would continue downward (as I extend a trend line past nine letters), falling to maybe 1% or so. I'm sure it would bounce around a bit on the way as seen in the two corresponding graphs, but likely be small in the end. Now, if the final 18 were something like ODEHTJROENKZAIKSCY, where THEODORE and KAZCYNSKI were in separate nine letter groupings, then I'm allowed to multiply the two probabilities together to get 0.176%. Otherwise, I can only hazard a guess at this time. I would not theorize that the probability is going to rise substantially (if it rose at all) from nine to 18 letters anyway. So <5% is a pretty good bet.

AK Wilks: In fact it does seem that the groupings are very, very close to what Aqui/bigZ mentioned.

Look at it again:


In other words, now we must not only ask is it coincidence that the Unsolved 18 from the First Zodiac Code Caesar shift with 0-3-6-9 values to the name THEODORE J KACZYNSKI, but is it also coincidence and pure chance that of the first 9 letters Zodiac gave us 8 shift to KACZYNSKI and 8 of the 9 last shift to THEODOREJ?

As I understand the numbers from Aqui/bigZ, had this been a PERFECT grouping, we would be talking about a 0.176% chance that we would naturally by random chance get THEODREJ all together in a jumble and then KACZYNSKI all together in a jumble. We do not quite have that. But what we do seem to have is 8 of the 9 in THEODOREJ in a jumble and 8 of the 9 for KACZYNSKI in a jumble.

Given what we know about the 3.3% odds for THEODOREJ and 5.3% odds for KACZYNSKI, I might think getting the results we actually have above would be somewhere north of 0.176% (less than 0.2%, or "less than two tenths of one percent"). Maybe the odds would be about 1% to 2%, or less? Which if you think about it is quite remarkable in my opinion.

But Aqui/bigZ does caution me (quite rightly) that does NOT mean we can look at the 3.3% odds for THEODOREJ and say the odds are 96.7% that the name was "placed". We cannot say that, because we don't know that for sure, because we don't know all the possibilities, there may be viable alternative explanations and sometimes longshot odds do happen by chance.

But the critics who said you would get the THEODOREJ name "100% of the time", or "80 to 90% of the time", or even those who said "50% of the time", were way, way off! And these numbers certainly are worthy of further study and analysis.

One strongly gets the feeling something is going on, in particular when you consider not only this result from the unsolved 18 from the first Zodiac 408 Code, but also the 3rd line of the Zodiac 340 and the Caesar shift of THEO KACZYNSKI, with KACZYN THEO in continuous order, with probabilities for that at an amazing 0.5% ("one half of one percent").
Looking at Kaczynski's symbols, I as a mathematician strongly suspect that if they are mathematical symbols, they are drawings of 1 + i and -1 + i (or (1 + i)\sqrt(2) and (-1 + i)/sqrt(2) in the case where the lines don't extend beyond the unit circle). These are the fourth roots of -4 (or -1 in the other case) that lie above the real axis. Why are they important? Because knowing them, you know they are roots of the equation x^4 + 4 = 0; moreover, the other roots must be their complex conjugates, 1 - i and -1 -i. Thus you can factor x^4 + 4 as (x - (1 +i))(x - (1 - i))(x - (-1 +i))(x - (-1 -i)), and then multiply to get x^4 + 4 = (x^2 -2x + 2)(x^2 +2x +2). That complex numbers allow you to straightforwardly factor x^4 + 4 (or, x^4 + 1, which is harder to write down, though) is arguably the neatest and most compelling evidence to those just beginning with complex numbers that in fact complex numbers are quite useful. (And Kaczynski is a complex analyst, who by definition studies complex numbers.) Even more so in second semester calculus you can show that factoring x^4 +4 allows you to integrate dx/(4+x^4) by partial fractions. I actually remember once when reviewing partial fractions before an exam, I went quicker than anticipated through all the kinds of problems the students needed to know on the exam, and so I thought I'd demonstrate a little the glory of another type of higher math, and asked how many students knew anything about complex numbers, and about half had seen something about them in high school, and so I decided for those who knew about them to briefly sketch how one would do this exercise (which was in the calc text) using complex numbers, which amounts to showing how to factor x^4 +4. I think I ended up drawing a picture very akin to one of those Kaczynski drew (I probably included also the roots below the real line, so it made more of an X than a V, as in his signature drawing). I knew the students would be irritated if I went into too much detail about it, so I think I just orally described what were the roots of one quadratic factor and what were the roots of the other quadratic factor. As it was, I could tell that mostly the students were annoyed that I even brought it up, though; some fled the class a few minutes early in a huff I seem to recall.

That Kaczynski's drawings sometimes have an imaginary (vertical) axis while lacking a real (horizontal) axis could be a mistake arising from it being a second-hand recollection or it could be some kind of gibe against real analysis (which doesn't involve imaginary numbers) compared with complex analysis.

The drawings of the Zodiac Killer do resemble a unit circle, but that's a good deal more basic and less specific (though it's fundamental) than what Kaczynski probably was drawing if he was drawing something mathematical.
Looking at Kaczynski's symbols, I as a mathematician strongly suspect that if they are mathematical symbols, they are drawings of 1 + i and -1 + i (or (1 + i)\sqrt(2) and (-1 + i)/sqrt(2) in the case where the lines don't extend beyond the unit circle). These are the fourth roots of -4 (or -1 in the other case) that lie above the real axis. Why are they important? Because knowing them, you know they are roots of the equation x^4 + 4 = 0; moreover, the other roots must be their complex conjugates, 1 - i and -1 -i. Thus you can factor x^4 + 4 as (x - (1 +i))(x - (1 - i))(x - (-1 +i))(x - (-1 -i)), and then multiply to get x^4 + 4 = (x^2 -2x + 2)(x^2 +2x +2). That complex numbers allow you to straightforwardly factor x^4 + 4 (or, x^4 + 1, which is harder to write down, though) is arguably the neatest and most compelling evidence to those just beginning with complex numbers that in fact complex numbers are quite useful. (And Kaczynski is a complex analyst, who by definition studies complex numbers.) Even more so in second semester calculus you can show that factoring x^4 +4 allows you to integrate dx/(4+x^4) by partial fractions. I actually remember once when reviewing partial fractions before an exam, I went quicker than anticipated through all the kinds of problems the students needed to know on the exam, and so I thought I'd demonstrate a little the glory of another type of higher math, and asked how many students knew anything about complex numbers, and about half had seen something about them in high school, and so I decided for those who knew about them to briefly sketch how one would do this exercise (which was in the calc text) using complex numbers, which amounts to showing how to factor x^4 +4. I think I ended up drawing a picture very akin to one of those Kaczynski drew (I probably included also the roots below the real line, so it made more of an X than a V, as in his signature drawing). I knew the students would be irritated if I went into too much detail about it, so I think I just orally described what were the roots of one quadratic factor and what were the roots of the other quadratic factor. As it was, I could tell that mostly the students were annoyed that I even brought it up, though; some fled the class a few minutes early in a huff I seem to recall.

That Kaczynski's drawings sometimes have an imaginary (vertical) axis while lacking a real (horizontal) axis could be a mistake arising from it being a second-hand recollection or it could be some kind of gibe against real analysis (which doesn't involve imaginary numbers) compared with complex analysis.

The drawings of the Zodiac Killer do resemble a unit circle, but that's a good deal more basic and less specific (though it's fundamental) than what Kaczynski probably was drawing if he was drawing something mathematical.

That is very interesting. Thanks for the information.

Until now my thought has been that the symbol Ted Kaczynski spraypainted was meant to be a Norse Yggdrasil symbol or Algiz Rune.

Never considered a possible mathematical meaning. Very interesting.


Just like the Zodiac, Kaczynski used crossed lines inside circles as a signature and drew crossed lines inside a circle at a crime scene.[/size]

Kaczynski had a life long interest in, almost obsession with, crossed lines inside circles.

1. He signed a yearbook with his "mark" - crossed lines inside a circle.

2. He spent several years of graduate study and his PHD dissertation on the boundary functions of circles, in particular dealing with the unit circle, which looks like the Zodiac symbol.

3. At the campus of a Unabomber target, he spraypainted the Yggdrasil symbol, also known as the Algiz Rune, along with the letters "FC" and "Anarchy". The Anglo-Saxon translation of the Algiz Rune is "Z"! It consists of, once again, crossed lines inside a circle. The Yggdrasil is the World Tree, but it also stands for "tree of terror; gallows", and the Algiz Rune also means to "wound severely; to mark with blood."


And a close up on his signature with the crossed lines inside a circle.


Close up on Unit Circle, Zodiac Symbol and Unabomber Symbols


Very interesting effect looking at Ted Kaczynski with glasses and the Bubes/Valerie Percy suspect.

Look at the framing, the forehead, hairline, nose and lips, overall face structure. Striking IMO. May send this to the detectives.

Back to Zodiac case...

What the glasses add is this - look how the glasses frame the face, forehead, ears.

Look at the over all face structure, eyes, ears, jaws, chin, look at the lips...very similar, and the glasses enhance the similarity.


A January Detroit News article mentioning the August 1968 tip from an informant, who may have had inside knowledge of the case, and the informants message that he asked to be place in a classified ad.

The ad mentions ZODIUS, almost one year before the ZODIAC announced himself to the world. Both come from the Latin word ZODIACUS.


Body of Mrs. Robison covered by a blanket. The bodies of Domigos and Edwards were also covered by a towel, as were some victims of the EAR/ONS. Like the bodies of Domingos and Edwards, the bodies of Mr. Robison and one of his sons were placed on top of each other. Former FBI Agent John Douglas says posing occurs in less than 1% of murders. Like Valerie Percy, Mrs. Robison had her dress lifted up to expose her.

Police ballistics reports in the Robison Family Murders indicate a .22 with six lands and grooves, with a right twist. This matches both Domigos and Edwards Santa Barbara 1963 and Zodiac 12/20/68.



Sharon Bubes, Evanston, IL - Attacked in her bedroom with a hammer, 6/30/66

Valerie Percy, Kenilworth, IL - Murdered in her bedroom by hammer and long 10 - 12 inch knife, 9/18/66

Bricca Family, Cincinnati, OH - Found bound with household objects and murdered in bedrooms by knife, 9/27/66

Sims Family, Tallahassee, FL - Bound with household objects and murdered, 10/22/66

Cheri Jo Bates, Riverside, CA - Murdered at campus library by short 3 inch knife, 10/30/66

Confession letter in Cheri Jo Bates murder, Riverside, CA - probably placed in mailbox on 11/28/66

Robison Family, Good Hart, MI - All family members shot, mother beaten with a hammer, 6/25/68

Cecelia Shepard, Lake Berryessa, CA - Bound and murdered by long 10 - 12 inch knife, 9/27/69

Betsy Aardsma, State College, PA - Murdered in campus library by short 3 inch knife, 11/28/69

Joan Webster, Boston, MA - Harvard grad student abducted and killed, 11/28/81

Boles Family murder scene in CRESTLINE CA is just 27 miles from Bates murder scene in RIVERSIDE CA:


I read one report that the Boles family were found in one room, and that BODIES WERE STACKED ATOP EACH OTHER, as in possible Zodiac 6/4/63, Bricca 9/27/66 and Robison 6/25/68. Amazing. Maybe someone else can confirm?

And the Boles murder weapon was a .22 LR, same as Zodiac 12/20/68 and Robison 6/25/68. Also, police in the Boles case said the weapon was likely a HIGH STANDARD, and in Zodiac 12/20/68 and Robsion 6/25/68 police said the weapon was likely a HIGH STANDARD or JC HIGGINS.

NOTE: While the Percy murder fits the lone female college girl attacks, it should also IMO be considered a family attack, BEACAUSE THE ENTIRE FAMILY WAS HOME AT THE TIME OF THE ATTACK AND MAY HAVE BEEN THE TARGET, BUT FOR THE INTERRUPTION OF THE STEPMOTHER AND THE BURGLAR ALARM.


Also, in a THREE YEAR PERIOD from 8/14/65 to 6/25/68, we have five families attacked in their homes- Percy, Bricca, Sims, Boles, Robison. All have a high tech connection. In Bricca, Boles and Robison bodies are stacked atop each other. And a .22 LR, knife and a hammer is a frequent weapon.



Very interesting that posing occurs in only 1% of murders, yet we have posing of bodies stacked atop each other in Santa Barbara 1963, the Robsion murders and the Bricca case.

And the timing - Domingos-Edwards 6/4/63, Percy 9/18/66, Bricca 9/25-27/66, Sims 10/22/66, Bates 10/30/66, Robison 6/25/68.

Kaczynski family home was 15 minutes from the Percy home in Kenilworth, Illinois.

Picture of Bubes/Percy suspect and Ted Kaczynski, glasses added by Traveller1st.

For more detailed information on the possible connections between these college girl and family murders, look here at websleuths in cold cases on the Robison and Percy threads.
Jem said:
Z - misspells words, probably intentionally in most cases. Examples of last consonant in word changed to a vowel in the Z408.
TK - encodes "yesterday" as YESTERDAE.



Zodiac 408 Code: DANGEROUE
Unabomber Code: YESTERDAE

Both Zodiac and Kaczynski have a code in which in order to increase difficulty of solution they change the last consonant in a word to the vowel "E".

Look at a Ted Kaczynski bomb design and a Zodiac bomb design.



Also, look at the part of the bus bomb diagram where it says "BUS GOES BANG."

Compare to Ted Kaczynski saying "RIFLE GOES BANG."

Identical construction...saying an object "goes bang."

And remember both Kaczynski and Zodiac used many of the same odd words and phrases, like "AROUND IN THE SNOW".



By Ted Kaczynski

It’s the autumn of 2025 AD. The technoindustrial system fell apart a year ago, but you and your friends are doing alright. Your garden has flourished this past summer and in your cabin you have a good supply of dried vegetables, dried beans and other foodstuffs to get you through the coming winter. Just now you’re harvesting your potatoes. With your spades, you and your friends uproot one potato after another and pick the plump tubers out of the soil.

Suddenly the friend at your elbow nudges you and you look up. Uh-oh. A gang of mean-looking men is coming up your trail. They have guns. They look like trouble, but you stand firm. The leader of the gang walks up to you and says,

"Nice looking potatoes you got there."

"Yeah," you reply. "They’re nice-looking potatoes."

"We’re going to take them" says the gang leader.

"The hell you are!" you answer. "We spent a long summer of hard work growing those potatoes…"

The gang leader points his rifle at your face and says, "—— you, punk." To his men he adds, "Dick, Ziggy, check the cabin and see what kind of food they got. We might just move in and spend the winter here. Mick, grab that ***** over there before she gets away. She got a nice *advertiser censored*. We’ll all screw her tonight."

You get angry and start shouting, "You *advertiser censored*! You can’t…"

The RIFLE GOES BANG. You’re dead.


In the Bates confession letter, it says "This letter should be published for all to read it. It just might save that girl in the alley. BUT THAT WILL BE UP TO YOU. IT WILL BE ON YOUR CONSCIENCE, NOT MINE".

In the Kaczynski Utah letter it says "When I contact my new friend summer of 1988 and he tells me you have kept your nose clean you will have nothing to fear. IN OTHER WORDS, YOUR FATE IS IN YOUR OWN HANDS."

In both letters, the criminal puts the responsibilty to the reader "That will be up to you" and "Your fate is in your own hands". The criminal tells the reader what to do "publish this letter" and "keep your nose clean". If they don't the threat is there for more murders, but it is up to the reader.

Very unusual, very specific and very similar.

We all know that Ted Kaczynski eluded capture as the Unabomber for 18 years, and that the FBI had a 25,000 name suspect list that did not include his name. But Ted Kaczynski's downfall, what led to his capture, was that he used certain very specific and odd words and phrases that virtually no one else used. David Kaczynski recognized these words and phrases used by the Unabomber as ones that his brother Ted had used. This included the phrase "cool headed logician." It also included Ted's unique phrasing of the old cliche "You can't have your cake and eat it too" as "You can't eat your cake and have it too."

Similarly, when we look at the words and phrases of the Zodiac, many very specific and unusual, we see that Ted Kaczynski often used these exact same odd words and phrases. This first example was discussed first by Doug Oswell, Linda and Kite, but I don't think it has been examined in depth.

Six months after the abduction and presumed murder of Nevada resident Donna Lass, the Zodiac sent in a card thought to hint at her murder. The card included the very odd phrase "AROUND IN THE SNOW". The card seems to imply that the dead body of Donna Lass can be found AROUND IN THE SNOW.

The phrase is odd. Normally we might expect to hear that a body is "IN THE SNOW", or "ON THE SNOW", or "OUT IN THE SNOW".

Thus the term "AROUND IN THE SNOW" is very unusual.


In his new book Technological Slavery, on page 400, Ted Kaczynski discusses hunting rabbits and states that after shooting a rabbit it can be found bouncing "AROUND IN THE SNOW."

Both the Zodiac and Ted Kaczynski use the odd term "AROUND IN THE SNOW" to refer to where a body may be found.

There are many, many other examples.

Zodiac: Police should have "sat there quietly waiting for me to come out of cover." Zodiac Stine Letter, October 13, 1969, to SF Chronicle.

Kaczynski: "I went down there and watched, from cover, a guy with a bulldozer...". Unabomber: The Secret Life of Ted Kaczynski, by Chris Waits and Dave Shors, p. 278.

Analysis: Both Zodiac and Kaczynski descibe hiding from and watching enemies behind forestry as from "cover", a military term.

Zodiac: "was a negro about 40 -45 rather shabbly dressed." Zodiac Letter of August 4, 1969, to SF Examiner.

Kaczynski: "their homes looked shabby". Technological Slavery, p. 397.

Zodiac: BE SURE TO PRINT the part I marked out on page 3 or I shall do my thing.

Kaczynski: BE SURE TO tell us where and how our material will be published and how long it will take to appear in PRINT once we have sent in the manuscript.


Z = Zodiac K = Kaczynski/Unabomber

Z = I hope you enjoy your selves when I have my Blast. Jolly Roger Card.

K = For these reasons, I want to get my revenge in one big blast. GX18-2003F, p. 11.

Z = At the moment the children are safe from the bomb because it is so massive to dig in & the triger mech requires much work to get it adjusted just right. Belli Letter, 1969.

K = Its no fun having to spend all your evenings and weekends preparing dangerous mixtures, filing trigger mechanisms out of scraps of metal .... New York Times Letter, 1995.

Z = I gave the cops som bussy work to do to keep them happy. Seven-Page Letter, 1969.

K = This seems to us a thoroughly contemptible way for the human race to end up, and we doubt that many people would find fulfilling lives in such pointless busy-work. Unabomber Manifesto, 1995.

Z = This is the murderer of the 2 teenagers last Christmass at Lake Herman & the girl on the 4th of July near the golf course in Vallejo. To prove I killed them I shall state some facts which only I & the police know. Three-Part Cipher, 1969.

K = To prove that we are the ones who planted the bomb at U. Of Cal. last May we will mention a few details that could be known only to us and the FBI who investigated the incident. S.F. Examiner Letter, 1985.

Z = The police shall never catch me, because I have been too clever for them. Seven-Page letter, 1969.

K = And it doesn't appear that the FBI is going to catch us any time soon. New York Times letter, 1995.

Z = 2 cops pulled a goof. Seven-Page letter, 1969.

K = The FBI is a joke. New York Times letter, 1995.

Z = As of yet I have left no fingerprints behind me contrary to what the police say. Seven-Page Letter, 1969.

K = Contrary to what the FBI has suggested, our bombing at the California Forestry Association was in no way inspired by the Oklahoma City bombing. New York Times Letter, 1995.

Z = This is the murderer of the 2 teenagers last Christmass ... July 31, 1969 Letter (Chronicle).
This is the Zodiac speaking. Numerous correspondences, 1969 through 1971.

K = This is a message from the terrorist group FC. New York Times Letter, April 24, 1995.
This is a message from FC. Tom Tyler Letter, June 30, 1995.

Z = I promised to punish them if they did not comply, by anilating a full School Buss. But now school is out for the summer, so I punished them in another way. Mt. Diablo Letter, 1970.

K = The people who are pushing all this growth and progress garbage deserve to be severely punished. New York Times Letter, 1995.

Z = By the way it could be rather messy if you try to bluff me. Seven-Page Letter, 1969.

K = A special case of Theorem (b) was proved (in effect) in [6, proof of Theorem 6] by means of a rather messy lemma. T.J. Kaczynski. Boundary Functions and Sets of Curvilinear Convergence for Continuous Functions. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 141 (Jul., 1969), 107-125, p. 124.

Z = [Called a violent movie] "deplorable".

K = [Called OKC bombing] "deplorable".



* Kacsynski lived in the SF Bay area during the time of most of the confirmed Zodiac murders.

* Kaczynski's attorney said he could not provide any alibi dates for Zodiac murder and mailing dates, starting with Bates in 1966 and going to the 1974 letters, and also including the Santa Barbara murders in 1963 and the Swindle murders in 1964.

* Both Zodiac and Kaczynski were ruthless killers, highly intelligent and interested in and expert at bombs and codes.

* Both made references to opera, literature and Norse myths.

* Both demanded their words be published on the front pages of newspapers on penalty of death for innocents if not done.

* Both threatened to bomb mass transit.

* Both left drawings of crossed lines inside circles at crime scenes.

* Both used crossed lines inside circles as signatures.

* Both sent taunting messages to police and victims.

* Both usually used excessive postage, often double postage.

* Both wrote checkmark "r" 's, three stroke "k" 's, five stroke "m" 's and had many other handwriting matches.

* Both commented on the bounty put on their head.

* Both were filled with hatred and a desire for revenge against society.

* Both owned and used Winchester Western .22 Super X ammo.

* Both claimed to have guns with flashlights attached to the barrel.

* Kaczynski shot a miner with a rifle - Zodiac threatened to shoot school kids on a bus with a rifle

* Both had an unusual walk - Officer Fouke said the man he saw at the Stine crime scene walked with a "lumbering gait...a semi-limp", a girl at Lake Berryessa observed that a man watching them who may have been the Zodiac "favored one leg over the other", and David Kaczynski said his brother Ted was "noticably pigeon-toed" and that it "affected the way he walked".

* Both had knowledge of Deer Lodge, Montana.

* Zodiac taunted police, hinted he shot SFPD Officer Radetich and most importantly attacked and killed couples in known love making spots; Kaczynski recorded a desire in his journal to kill "police", "rowdy college students", "promiscuous" women and men and "noisy" love making "couples" in September of 1966.
I made a mistake. A long time ago I said that Ted as a teenager had signed a letter as HERCULES, as that is what I had heard. But apparently that is wrong. He did indeed sign a letter as HERCULES, but it was in 1985. I have a fragment of it. I don't know what it means but it is interesting!

It was addressed to Professor Louis De Branges. The FBI says the letter was never sent, as I guess they found this version in Ted's cabin, though I wonder if Ted may have sent a copy. De Branges is one of the greatest mathematicians in the world. He solved one of the greatest unsolved math problems in history in 1984 (the year before Ted wrote to him or thought about writing to him) when he proved the Bieberbach Conjecture. As a student at U of M a prof presented his class with a historically famous unsolved problem, and Ted solved it and won a prize, just like De Branges would with a harder problem 20 years later.

The fragment by Ted below is weird. Ted got outstanding grades and won prizes, so the story he relates to my knowledge is made up. But maybe there was one teacher who gave him a bad grade.

I don't think Ted would have wanted to kill De Branges. De Branges like Ted was involved with pure math, not really technology. I don't know why he wrote him this letter or what it means.

***** ***** *****


The teacher took out a book, leafed through it frantically, and found what he was looking for..."I'm putting next to your name," he continued, opening his booklet, "a very bad grade." Since then, this little error has always pursued me. It has ruined my career.


***** ***** *****

Does anyone have any thoughts on this, what it means?

TRAV speculated that it could read that the name is AVERY. AVERY? Is he saying Paul AVERY was "little error" that pursued him and ruined his career?

***** ***** *****

ThebigZ computer probability study show that about 6% of 8 letter words will 0369 Caesar shift to 8 of the letters in KACZYNSKI. This alias is one of them:

3 6-9-36-9 9 0


***** ***** *****

The first 3 letters in the raw Zodiac 340 are HER. The raw Graysmith proposed solution has the opening as HERCEANBI. Those 9 letters Caesar shift to KACZYNSKI.

3 6-9-3-6 0 0 9 6

***** ***** *****

K K I. Z Y A N S C

Heracles was the Greek god/hero, and Hercules the Roman version of that myth, adopted in the west. Hercules beat his enemies to death with a wood club. A man who may have been Zodiac tried to abduct a college girl in Riverside in November 1966. He mentioned the Bates case, said he was not Jack the Ripper but if he wanted to kill her he would beat her to death with a piece of wood.

Trav first noted a possible cryptic read with allusions to the Zodiac case, very speculative to be sure, but interesting:


My thought now is that if there is a meaning here, if this is not just a joke, then it may have to do with the Zodiac codes. Think about this name:


Now look at the first part, the opening 8 letters of the raw unsolved Zodiac 340 Code:


Let us "turn around" the fourth and sixth symbols, so they are: < and L

So what migth we have?

H E R < _ L _ _ . Just looking at that one possible code solution jumps to mind:

H E R C_ L _ _


H. E. R .C. U. L. E .S

For more on the Zodiac Codes see http://unazod.com/Wilks_32.htm

The HERCULES alias is fascinating to me. A big daunting task is called HERCULEAN. I do think the opening of the Zodiac 340 is HERCEANBIG. In part because that translation helps to give you SEE A NAME on the 4th line.

Just looking at the raw 340 on the 4th line it looks like SEE A NAME. We have S99 ^. That LOOKS like SEE A. If we take the S as an S, what else fits with the next two as a double? SOO, SAA, SUU, SII, SYY? None of those seem to work but SEE works beautifully. If we translate the ^ as A, we have SEE A. Using the HERCEANBI translation gives us the backwards L as A, so we have SEE A _ A _ _.

Using translation from other parts and a word solve SEE A NAME fits excellently, matches with the 8th line THESE FOOLSHALL SEE, fits very well with the 3rd line name THEO surrounded by 9 letters that Caesar shift to CAK NYZ IKS and the opening line HERCEANBI which shifts to K K I Z Y A N S C, which sounds like K/ Kizz/ Yan/ Scee. KizzYanScee.

And HERCEANBI is in the 5% or so of 9 letter blocks that Caesar shift to KACZYNSKI. The way it does so even sounds phoenetically like the name and has some direct matchups to both the raw 340 and Graysmith proposed 340 solution.[/size]

For more on the Zodiac 340 see http://unazod.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=36&start=150

The first 3 letters in the raw Zodiac 340 are HER. The raw Graysmith proposed solution has the opening as HERCEANBI. Those 9 letters Caesar shift to KACZYNSKI.

3 6-9-3-6 00 9 6

***** ***** *****

K K I . Z Y A N S C


Thanks to the FBI documents obtained by MORF in regards to the unconfirmed Zodiac card with the words "Oct. 12, 1970", "The Zodiac is going to", "you taught me", "YOU ARE NEXT", we now know that was sent to Dr. Edward C. Adams, M.D., a psychiatrist who lived in Orinda and apparently had an office at Hotel Shattuck in Berkeley.

Ted Kaczynski did indeed hate psychiatrists, and the first person he expressed a desire to "really kill" was the psychiatrist he talked to about the sex change.

In 1970, Zodiac may have threatened a psychiatrist by telling him "YOU ARE NEXT".

In 1993, Ted Kaczynski threatened a psychiatrist by telling him "YOU ARE NEXT". He had just mailbombed his brother.

The San Francisco Chronicle



LENGTH: 1188 words

HEADLINE: Another Professor Hurt by a Mail Bomb

BYLINE: Ken Hoover, Louis Freedberg, Chronicle Staff Writ

"Gelernter is the author of a computer language called Linda that gives personal computers more power. He has written widely on computer issues.

Late yesterday afternoon, Gelernter's brother, Joel, a psychiatrist and geneticist, received a telephone threat at the Veterans Administration Hospital in West Haven, Conn. The caller told the woman who answered the phone ''You are next,'' referring to Joel Gelernter. Joel Gelernter is also a Yale professor."

Thanks to documents obtained by MORF of http://www.zodiackillersite.forummotion.com and graphics/computer work by TRAVELLER1ST we now have the UNREDACTED version of the YOU ARE NEXT unconfirmed Zodiac card, which was postmarked from BERKELEY California and sent to a psychiatrist, Dr. Edward Adams, who appears to have had an office in BERKELEY as well.

Theforeigner said:
Great job, AGAIN Morf ! Thank you VERY much:)

IMO the new Oct 12, 1970 card is created by the very same person as the person who created the probale Zodiac card of Oct 5, 1970. Created exactly 1 week apart.



1. the cut out day/date is proably from the same newspaper, exact same font.

2. both cards are signed with the name "Zodiac", and the name "Zodiac" in both cards are ALSO proably from the same newspaper, both in exact same font, only the Oct 5 is made by single cut out letters (NOT italics)and the Oct 12 is one single word cut out (this IS italics version of the font).

3. the crosshair symbols on the Oct 5 and the Oct 12 are very simelar in their design.


KITE noted: The possibility of that 10/12/70 date associated postcard being sent by Zodiac is particularly interesting when considering a possible parallel to Kaczynski. The more immediate or otherwise obvious postcard associated parallels are Berkeley and Kaczynski's apparent homicidal hatred and seemingly potent paranoia for psychiatrists or psychologists. Perhaps not as obvious is the possible symbolism with the use of the two LIBERTY stamps on the postcard, and that is if I'm not mistaken on that, but I read that as LIBERTY and see that as the statue of LIBERTY?

So, if I am correct in my interpretation of what I've read in this section, a possible Zodiac communication from around 10/12/70 is threatening a psychiatrist with YOU ARE NEXT and the sender of the postcard uses two LIBERY stamps?

If that is correct, in Kaczynski, you have a serial killer who talked of feeling a sense of LIBERATION when he dreamt of killing a psychologist. Here's a section from over by the THE CASE FOR KACZYNSKI... section:

(...psychologist would either be trying to convince me I was "sick" or would be trying to control my mind through psychological techniques. I would be on the dodge....and finally I would break out into physical violence against the psychologist and his allies. At the moment when I broke out into violence and killed the psychologist or other such figures, I experienced a great feeling of relief and LIBERATION.)

AK: If I am reading the entry right, and Dr. Adams had an office at Hotel Shattuck in Berkeley, that is within 1 mile of the Kaczynski house on Regent Street in Berkeley.


Excellent work by Ricardo on the unredacted card "Zodiac is going to...You are next" which names Dr. Edward Adams.


IMO this unredacted card is a major find, the biggest out of this new batch recovered by Morf.

IF this card is really from Zodiac, then there should be some connection or nexus between who Zodiac really was and this Dr. Adams.

At the link above, Ricardo has excellent large reproductions of the card, and analysis showing possible links between Dr. Adams and his circle of associates and TWO well known Zodiac suspects.

Ricardo's website is www.mk-zodiac.com

He shows possible links between two associates of Dr. Adams and Ted Kaczynski. One of the associates appears to have worked with Dr. Henry Murray, the man who did the CIA sponsored mental experiments on Ted at Harvard.

Ricardo mentions an article by Dr. Adams called "Psychological Aspects of Atomic Disaster".


I have not yet read the full article, but if Ted read this, I can tell you he would have hated Dr. Adams. Just two brief bits at the end will illustrate this - in event of nuclear war, Dr. Adams says:

* That after atomic war, ambulances should patrol with psychiatrists and other persons, and have "syringes and sedatives."

* "All efforts should be directed to getting back to work as quickly as possible."

Ted viewed psychiatrists and psychologists as evil minions of the system trying to control people's minds. The first person he expressed a written desire to kill, in September 1966, was the psychiatrist he talked to about his desired sex change which he felt was humiliating. He had repeated dreams/nightmares about psychiatrists trying to control his mind.

Reading this Dr. Strangelovian article by Dr. Edward Adams about atomic war and how psychiatrists can get people under control and back to work is interesting, and if Ted ever read this article I am confident Adams would have been on his self described "Hit List"

Ted often talked about how revolutionaries need to be as violent and tough as their enemies in the corporate and government establishments.

Keeping all this in mind, and that an associate of Dr. Adams worked with Dr. Murray, the man who did experiments with Ted at Harvard, it is interesting to reflect on the line in this possible Zodiac card that says:


Look at the part of the Zodiac Killer bus bomb diagram where it says "BUS GOES BANG."

Compare to Ted Kaczynski saying "RIFLE GOES BANG."

In the Bates confession letter, it says "This letter should be published for all to read it. It just might save that girl in the alley. BUT THAT WILL BE UP TO YOU. IT WILL BE ON YOUR CONSCIENCE, NOT MINE".

In the Kaczynski Utah letter it says "When I contact my new friend summer of 1988 and he tells me you have kept your nose clean you will have nothing to fear. IN OTHER WORDS, YOUR FATE IS IN YOUR OWN HANDS."

In both letters, the criminal puts the responsibilty to the reader "That will be up to you" and "Your fate is in your own hands". The criminal tells the reader what to do "publish this letter" and "keep your nose clean". If they don't the threat is there for more murders, but it is up to the reader.

Very unusual, very specific and very similar.

Six months after the abduction and presumed murder of Nevada resident Donna Lass, the Zodiac sent in a card thought to hint at her murder. The card included the very odd phrase "AROUND IN THE SNOW". The card seems to imply that the dead body of Donna Lass can be found AROUND IN THE SNOW.

The phrase is odd. Normally we might expect to hear that a body is "IN THE SNOW", or "ON THE SNOW", or "OUT IN THE SNOW".

Thus the term "AROUND IN THE SNOW" is fairly unusual.

In his new book Technological Slavery, on page 400, Ted Kaczynski discusses hunting rabbits and states that after shooting a rabbit it can be found bouncing "AROUND IN THE SNOW."

Both the Zodiac and Ted Kaczynski use the odd term "AROUND IN THE SNOW" to refer to where a body may be found.

There are many, many other examples.

Zodiac: Police should have "sat there quietly waiting for me to come out of cover." Zodiac Stine Letter, October 13, 1969, to SF Chronicle.

Kaczynski: "I went down there and watched, from cover, a guy with a bulldozer...". Unabomber: The Secret Life of Ted Kaczynski, by Chris Waits and Dave Shors, p. 278.

Analysis: Both Zodiac and Kaczynski descibe hiding from and watching enemies behind forestry as from "cover", a military term.

Zodiac: "was a negro about 40 -45 rather shabbly dressed." Zodiac Letter of August 4, 1969, to SF Examiner.

Kaczynski: "their homes looked shabby". Technological Slavery, p. 397.

Zodiac: BE SURE TO PRINT the part I marked out on page 3 or I shall do my thing.

Kaczynski: BE SURE TO tell us where and how our material will be published and how long it will take to appear in PRINT once we have sent in the manuscript.

Z = 2 cops pulled a goof. Seven-Page letter, 1969.

K = The FBI is a joke. New York Times letter, 1995.

Z = As of yet I have left no fingerprints behind me contrary to what the police say. Seven-Page Letter, 1969.

K = Contrary to what the FBI has suggested, our bombing at the California Forestry Association was in no way inspired by the Oklahoma City bombing. New York Times Letter, 1995.

Z = By the way it could be rather messy if you try to bluff me. Seven-Page Letter, 1969.

K = A special case of Theorem (b) was proved (in effect) in [6, proof of Theorem 6] by means of a rather messy lemma. T.J. Kaczynski. Boundary Functions and Sets of Curvilinear Convergence for Continuous Functions. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 141 (Jul., 1969), 107-125, p. 124.

Z = [Called a violent movie] "deplorable".

K = [Called violent OKC bombing] "deplorable".

Z = I hope you enjoy your selves when I have my Blast. Jolly Roger Card.

K = For these reasons, I want to get my revenge in one big blast. GX18-2003F, p. 11.

Z = At the moment the children are safe from the bomb because it is so massive to dig in & the triger mech requires much work to get it adjusted just right. Belli Letter, 1969.

K = Its no fun having to spend all your evenings and weekends preparing dangerous mixtures, filing trigger mechanisms out of scraps of metal .... New York Times Letter, 1995.

Z = I gave the cops som bussy work to do to keep them happy. Seven-Page Letter, 1969.

K = This seems to us a thoroughly contemptible way for the human race to end up, and we doubt that many people would find fulfilling lives in such pointless busy-work. Unabomber Manifesto, 1995.

Z = This is the murderer of the 2 teenagers last Christmass at Lake Herman & the girl on the 4th of July near the golf course in Vallejo. To prove I killed them I shall state some facts which only I & the police know. Three-Part Cipher, 1969.

K = To prove that we are the ones who planted the bomb at U. Of Cal. last May we will mention a few details that could be known only to us and the FBI who investigated the incident. S.F. Examiner Letter, 1985.

Z = The police shall never catch me, because I have been too clever for them. Seven-Page letter, 1969.

K = And it doesn't appear that the FBI is going to catch us any time soon. New York Times letter, 1995.
I think the "final" solution offered by Graysmith relies far too much on extreme anagram use, forced word solves and baby talk langauge. But I do think the "RAW" solution, as offered by Bullitt/Kite/Obiwan and others is largely correct, at least for the first 8 lines or so.

Graysmith did NOT force the name ALLEN into his proposed solution.

For the parts that don't make sense, Graysmith then jumped to extreme anagrams and forced word solves. IMO he did not understand that other steps were needed. In some or all instances IMO those steps include a Caesar shift of 0-3-6-9 and maybe 12 and 15.

IMO there is also at least one other step needed, but I have not figured it out.

So we have a solution were certain lines make sense and read in English with very mild anagrams and usually NO ANAGRAMS:


While others need a 0-3-6-9 Caesar shift and very mild anagram use to be read:


Ted Kaczynski used vertical and diagonal elements in his codes, to increase difficulty of solution. Some words appear backwards, vertically or diagonally, correct spelling usually NO ANAGRAMS or a few very mild ones, which could be coincidence or a part of larger message which need other steps:


While most of the rest of the solution needs another step or steps which we don't yet know, but perhaps could be deduced using computer analysis, or correcting parts of the solution that Graysmith or Bullitt/Kite/Obiwan got wrong.


Since most of the critics said many names can be produced and the name TJK just appears by chance, I thought the point of the probability studies was to determine if the chances were what the critics were saying (100%, 90%, 80%, 51%) or what I was saying (under 10%, perhaps under 5%, maybe under 1%). But now the argument seems to be "Yes it was 5% or 1% or 0.003%, but those numbers are meaningless because I can get LKANE out of 13 Caesar shifted letters and many other names like NED BUNKY WILBER."

Yes MANY MANY NAMES CAN BE PRODUCED FROM THESE LETTERS. That was shown two years ago by GLURK. But NONE (I think) can be SEEN and READ by the average person. All the other names are hodge podge mixed up, extreme anagrams. Most are nonsense names, not names of real people. Nobody can seriously argue any were placed.

In other words, to a computer Z CAK NY THEO IKS is just one of thousands of possible combinations and thus insignificant. But to a human eye and mind, the name appears in readable English, and out of the thousands and thousands of names that can be produced, it is the only one that has that quality. And it is the only one of a real SF based serial killer and bomber.

Or as even Doranchak admits, it has fewer "edit decisions" to get to the actual name.

What I argue is significant is that we have THEO as is no anagrams and the last name essentially backwards by syllable. If you don't find that significant then it is one of just many names and has no meaning.

Same thing with the unsolved 18 - either the geographic patterns, few edit decisions and internal math have meaning to you or they don't.

The results for closely bunched THEODOREJ and KACZYNSKI in Moby Dick were 4 finds out of 1,176, which is 0.003%, or 3/10 of 1%, and Doranchak admits the results would be similar if not lower for the finding of Z CAK NY THEO IKS in Moby Dick as it is found in the 3rd line of the 1986 Graysmith Raw Solution to the Zodiac 340. The fact that it appears right before SEE A NAME is also interesting! "SEE A NAME?"




Asking for help from all interested members, even if this has not been a case you have studied much.

It would be great to ELIMINATE or INCLUDE Kaczynski and/or The Zodiac, and other suspects and killers.

Can we compare this cursive to Ted cursive and possible Zodiac cursive? Can we compare the map to drawings and diagrams from Ted and from Zodiac?

Like both the Zodiac and Kaczynski, the EAR/ONS used the word "punishment".

Zodiac = I promised to punish them if they did not comply, by anilating a full School Buss. But now school is out for the summer, so I punished them in another way. Mt. Diablo Letter, 1970.

Kaczynski = The people who are pushing all this growth and progress garbage deserve to be severely punished. New York Times Letter, 1995.

Like Ted, he kept a journal where he complained about ill treatment from school teachers.

Like Ted he drew maps.

I have not yet evaluated the handwriting itself, I got this 5 minutes ago! Please help me evaluate the map drawing, the handwriting and the content!




Site where the Visalia Ransacker (VR) shot at a police officer - he hit the flashlight the officer was holding.


Site where VR shot and killed Professor Claude Snelling.


Article on police theory that VR became the EAR/ONS.


Comparison of VR sketch and two pics of Ted Kaczynski 1970's.

Comparison of side view of VR sketch and side view of Ted Kaczynski


Sketch of Maggiore Killer/EAR/ONS and Ted Kaczynski 1970's



You can see above that in 1978, Ted Kaczynski looked like the EAR/ONS did in 1978 - short dirty blonde to light brown hair, clean cut look, fresh face.

And below you can see that Ted Kaczynski in 1986 looked like the EAR/ONS did in 1986 - medium to longish unkempt dirty hair, light brown in color, face is a little darker, lined.

This is a sketch of the EAR/ONS as he looked in 1986.

It is believed this man was seen in the area around the home of Janelle Cruz and attracted suspicion. We don't know the details.

Compared to pictures of Ted Kaczynski - notice they both have a visible Adam's apple on their throat, and it is purplish. Also notice the similar lines on the face and around the eyes, jutting chin and prominent jaw, beak like nose (though Ted broke his nose on purpose, the FBI says, as a disguise), almond shaped eyes, arched/crooked right eyebrow, thin lips.

Then compared to two pictures of a man at the Bari redwoods protest near Eureka, CA in 1990, thought to be Ted Kaczynski.




Then compared to two pictures of a man at the Bari redwoods protest near Eureka, CA in 1990, thought to be Ted Kaczynski.

If you recognize this voice or this writing: The Sacramento Sheriff's Department has asked that their new tip line be put on the A/E board. All tips sent through this link earinfo@sacsheriff.comwill go directly to the EAR Homicide Detective Team of Clark, Belli, and Turnbull. Please understand that not every communication can be answered, but the team will make every effort to triage and investigate those tips that merit it. You may or may not be contacted by the team, as necessary. All tips will be kept confidential. The team prefers to receive tips by e-mail.

The voice of the EAR/ONS/Golden State Killer? Saying in a fast higher pitched no accent voice "Is Ray there?" Ted was said to have a higher pitched voice. The Zodiac was said to have no accent. DOES ANYONE RECOGNIZE THIS VOICE?

One page says “General George Armstrong Custer, a man well admired but a man hated very much by many who served him”.

A poster named ONSTracker used enhancement to get the whole page of the journal.

Now Ted never went to "6th Grade" as such, he skipped it. So that might eliminate him as the author. HOWEVER Ted did fill hundreds and hundreds of pages of his journal with complaints about his parents, schools and teachers, often using words like "mad", "hate" and "disappoint". This writer blows things out of proportion just like Ted did. Also this could be a "plant" from EAR/ONS.

ONSTracker: Text from Journal Page

This is what I could make out from the page. Also, I uploaded an enhanced version where you can clearly see writing on the back of the page. I'll post it when it's approved. Are they going to release that page as well?

Text from handwirting sample:

"Mad is the word, the word that reminds me of 6th grade. I hated that year.

I wish I had know(n) what was going to be going on during my 6th grade year, the last and worst year of elementary school. Mad is the word that (remains?) in my head about my awful(?) year as a 6th grader.

My madness was one that was (worsened?) by disapointments that hurt me very much. Disappointments from my teacher, such as field trips that were planed, then (canceled?)

My 6th grade teacher gave me a lot of disappointments which made me very mad and made me build(?) a state of hate in my heart, no one ever let me down that hard before and I never "hated anyone" as much as I did him.

Disappointment wasn't the only reason that made me mad in my 6th grade class, another was getting in trouble at school, especially talking that's what really bugged me was writing sentences, those awful sentences that my teacher made "

ONSTracker says the back of this page says "More important it made me ashamed of myself when (___ it turned me __)?"

This is the enhanced EAR/ONS journal entry with some Kaczynski cursive writing, also the weird "S" from the punishment page from EAR/ONS, compare this to the similar weird "S" Ted uses for "Sir". DOES ANYONE RECOGNIZE THIS HANDWRITING, THESE IDEAS AND TONE?


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