Updated POLL: Why No Obstruction Charges Yet...If Ever???

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Why Have None of the Anthony's Been Charged w/Obstruction?? Can pick more than one...

  • LE/SA Office does not think they did anything wrong

    Votes: 14 5.6%
  • LE/SA Office does not have a strong enough evidence to make it stick

    Votes: 69 27.8%
  • LE/SA Office does not want to go after them because of public sympathy

    Votes: 60 24.2%
  • Just waiting for the right time for LA

    Votes: 122 49.2%
  • Just waiting for the right time for GA

    Votes: 68 27.4%
  • Just waiting for the right time for CA

    Votes: 110 44.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
Sep 9, 2008
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After LA's lawyers press tour that seemed like he was doing damage control BEFORE we had even gotten an idea he would be charged and then Brad C.'s "conflicting statements in the past" comments, I was sure that Obstruction of Justice or some sort of charge was pending for one of the A's. Then I thought they were waiting until after the memorial and still nothing.

CA/GA/LA do not appear to be cooperating any more than they were before so what is up?

What are your thoughts?
I think LE knows there were things that were done that could warrant charges, but weren't able to get evidence they needed for anything to come of it. They prolly didn't want to risk any damage to the murder case and just didn't chance it. If the public can question one part of the case who's to say they wouldn't question more importantly the other. Another thing I think is they were trying to scare aome confessions out of the family but they are all concrete in wavering--I have NEVER seen anything like them and can't say I ever want to again! JMO!
LE is probably waiting for CA to testify at the ZFG depo. Maybe LE is waiting for the trial so they can tack on perjury? LE will probably leave GA alone because the suicide attempt garnered a lot of public sympathy.

That being said, I doubt anything will happen until after the jury is in.

I think the LE officials and the SA's are a lot more empathetic and understanding people than the A's are, so they have chosen so far not to charge anyone other than the suspected killer. They also seem to have a plan. I think they are focused on the main goal and don't want distractions from that, at least for now. I think they also may be leaving the door open for some possible future truth-telling by the family. If the LA deposition is any indication, they would be waiting a very long, long time, though.
I can't vote in this poll because it doesn't state anywhere near what I believe is going to happen. I believe all involved are waiting for the outcome of the trial. At this point they have very little to gain in going after the family as far as PR is concerned. Also, like the check forging incident, LE and SA don't want to show their hands prior to the trial so they will wait it out.
Waiting until after the trial for murder, so they can't plead the 5th on the stand!
I didn't answer the poll question because ... I really don't know what the right answer may be ... I am leaning toward not enough evidence and public sympathy ... but it may very well be that they do not believe the A's have done any wrong. Personally, I wish they would arrest LA just to turn the screws because to the depth of my soul I believe that he knows much more than he has sworn to under oath ... and from previous accounts we know that he is frightened of being charged. However, if they did arrest him I think that he would immediately invoke his right to counsel and refuse to cooperate. So, maybe it is better that they do not arrest him in hopes that he will eventually talk.
:cow: It seems to me that the more the A's talk, the more they help the investigation. Perhaps LE doesn't want them to stop talking or give them the ability to plead the 5th. I don't think it is out of sympathy given the way the A's have treated the very people who tried to help find Caylee.
I chose #2 as the closest answer to how I feel. In my opinion, LE/SA don't eve intend to charge anyone in the A family. Why, because it just is not that big a deal to them. They have much more important cases to deal with. They had no problem getting the evidence they need. While I am sure all the A's were annoying, to say the least, it had made no difference at all in their case. the facts are out there, the evidence has been weighed and deemed good enough to indict and take KC to trial. While WE may be outraged at what has gone on, it isn't anything LE hasn't seen before. This is not the first case they have worked where people have been less than helpful, and it certainly won't be the last. I think LE works from the 'don't sweat the small stuff' point of view and when you get down to it. CA, GA, and LA are definitely 'small stuff'!

My opinion only, of course.
I chose public sympathy, but I think it's more public empathy. I think they don't want to do anything that might generate feelings of 'family being wronged during grief' because they are desperately trying to get the conviction for murder. They'd rather have the murder I wrap as an obstruction on the support team.
:cow: It seems to me that the more the A's talk, the more they help the investigation. Perhaps LE doesn't want them to stop talking or give them the ability to plead the 5th. I don't think it is out of sympathy given the way the A's have treated the very people who tried to help find Caylee.

Exactly. If charges come, IMO, they will happen after the trial. To charge them now would just add another layer of problems for the prosecution's case against Casey. There is no reason to rush to charge the A's, they aren't going anywhere. Time is on LE's side. The longer the A's have to do what they do, the more rope they have to hang themselves.

The Feds are investigating, the Feds do not have sympathy or care about public opinion.
Exactly. If charges come, IMO, they will happen after the trial. To charge them now would just add another layer of problems for the prosecution's case against Casey. There is no reason to rush to charge the A's, they aren't going anywhere. Time is on LE's side. The longer the A's have to do what they do, the more rope they have to hang themselves.

The Feds are investigating, the Feds do not have sympathy or care about public opinion.

I agree with SuziQ, that if charges are to come, they will come after the trial. I think LE wants to see what Cindy says at the civil deposition, and thereafter. Cindy must be ready to burst open and implode, she has never been this silent before. I think when Morgan gets started with her, she may not be able to contain herself, and will revert to her old self. So far, BC has been able to contain her, but we know, with Cindy, that won't last...she will not be controlled, she has to be in control.
There was no choice of none of the above so I did not vote. I think they are not charging them because if they do so then the A's can plead the 5th when called to the witness stand and THAT is something that LE will not see happen-not even for well deserved charges against them all!
there was no choice of none of the above so i did not vote. I think they are not charging them because if they do so then the a's can plead the 5th when called to the witness stand and that is something that le will not see happen-not even for well deserved charges against them all!

Agree 100%
I didn't vote because I could not find an opinion I agreed with completely. However, I do have some thoughts on this question. (Which is a timely question).
There is a murder trial in front of LE right now. And that's where all the energy and investigation is focused.
AT the same time I do believe LE has taken a strong look at the family's behavior and the possibility of bring charges. But those can wait and will wait until Casey's day in court begins.
I'm not completely sure Lee, George and Cindy will be ordered by the prosecution to testify in Casey's trial. Maybe one of them, maybe all, maybe none. But, I think keeping the trio of them waiting to see if the other shoe drops with charges is a smart tatic by the officials handling this case. George, Cindy and Lee, will continue to be the people they are and that could mean more evidence to complile in the charges against Casey - something good for the prosecution and maybe something not so helpful for the defense. Or, who knows the other way around. But I do believe LE is willing to take that risk. I think LE has a solid case against Casey and we haven't heard a fifth of the evidence they have against her.
I do not think obstruction charges will be brought against the senior Anthonys. Their behavour was at times disgusting and perhaps against the law ( I am not a lawyer, but their attorny seemed to think they needed immunity), but LE has been delicate with them so far. And there are many people who see the Anthonys as grieving, in denial grandparents.

As for Lee, his actions have been mostly behind the scenes and LE knows more of his actions than we do. Lee's lawyer also was worried about Lee facing charges so perhaps those charges will come.

However, if underhanded, financial dealings ( re CMA Fund, donations, Caylee Search Fund, ect) by ANY of the Anthonys have been uncovered, then I would imagine charges would be laid.

Maybe we are looking at two different sets of charges here, obstruction of justice/accessory charges on one hand and fraud charges on the other. I have no idea of the Florida or US federal laws on these matters. It was just a thought that crossed my mind while listening to the lawyers. What exactly was BC requesting immunity for? What charges was Lukas discussing?

It is way too soon. There is no issue of coming up against a statute of limitations so they have plenty of time. They might commit still more offenses. The focus is on spending the prosecutorial effort on the main case involving KC. There's plenty of time to make that choice with their prosecutorial discretion and/or cut any plea deals. In the meantime, there is every advantage to NOT charging anybody else at this time.
I would have had CA handcuffed and shackled ages ago, but that's just me.

I know publicly GA has done his share of obstruction, but privately he actually did advance the investigation. Obviously he was publicly following CA's orders.

While LA pretends to be helping with the investigation and cooperating with authorities, it's obvious to me and to his attorney that he was in jeopardy of charges, thus, his "cooperation" with the ZFG deposition. There must be more hidden to us that LE/SA isn't saying, but obviously his attorney knows what's going on.

If anyone thinks there is no evidence against CA, you haven't been following the case. Nearly every public interview, TV appearance, public appearance, and LE/FBI interview screams obstruction. Sure, she was a grieving grandma/mother trying to keep going, but she forgot about the victim and protected the guilty. She lied, held back evidence, purported KC's concocted stories as truth, and blasted LE for doing their job. Her refusal to be forthcoming was a slap in Caylee's lovely little face. Plus, she had a private investigator out searching the woods where Caylee was eventually found! Did she know something? Was she planning to hide the remains if found?

They are probably waiting until all the ZG depositions are complete and waiting for Casey's trial and conviction before moving forward, unless there is some sort of statute of limitations where they must do it sooner. If any of them are charged now, would they be allowed to take the 5th when being questioned in KC's trial because it may incriminate them and hang them in their own charges? I don't know. I really wasn't expecting any charges this soon or so far off from KC's trial.

If KC is acquitted (oh, please, no!) there will probably be no charges filed for any of the As. :eek: It's been so long since I took law courses in college, I can't recall all the tiny details, but I didn't study the Florida law system anyway.
IMO if they go after anyone right now they can plead the 5th and that's the end of that. However, if they wait until after CA's trial, they can then charge them and have better results. There is no hurry. They aren't going anywhere.
I didn't vote because I could not find an opinion I agreed with completely. However, I do have some thoughts on this question. (Which is a timely question).
There is a murder trial in front of LE right now. And that's where all the energy and investigation is focused.
AT the same time I do believe LE has taken a strong look at the family's behavior and the possibility of bring charges. But those can wait and will wait until Casey's day in court begins.
I'm not completely sure Lee, George and Cindy will be ordered by the prosecution to testify in Casey's trial. Maybe one of them, maybe all, maybe none. But, I think keeping the trio of them waiting to see if the other shoe drops with charges is a smart tatic by the officials handling this case. George, Cindy and Lee, will continue to be the people they are and that could mean more evidence to complile in the charges against Casey - something good for the prosecution and maybe something not so helpful for the defense. Or, who knows the other way around. But I do believe LE is willing to take that risk. I think LE has a solid case against Casey and we haven't heard a fifth of the evidence they have against her.

I voted "public sympathy" because it's the closest to what I believe.. but I tend to agree with AZ here. LE has one focus right now... getting KC convicted. The only thing they want from the A's is their help.. and they're certainly not getting that.. so the A's are being left alone.

I also wonder if there's an element of sympathy for them though. Losing a granddaughter to a heinous murder... their daughter obviously guilty of the crime... LE may not have the heart to twist the knife any further.

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