Updated POLL: Why No Obstruction Charges Yet...If Ever???

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Why Have None of the Anthony's Been Charged w/Obstruction?? Can pick more than one...

  • LE/SA Office does not think they did anything wrong

    Votes: 14 5.6%
  • LE/SA Office does not have a strong enough evidence to make it stick

    Votes: 69 27.8%
  • LE/SA Office does not want to go after them because of public sympathy

    Votes: 60 24.2%
  • Just waiting for the right time for LA

    Votes: 122 49.2%
  • Just waiting for the right time for GA

    Votes: 68 27.4%
  • Just waiting for the right time for CA

    Votes: 110 44.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I suppose in that case, the tow yard guy Sb should be arrested too. Oh also Le for not securing this crime scene or even reporting on it, basically ignoring it for several hours or not taking it seriously.

Here is my take: If the car really smelled like Human Decomp then all of those things would have happened. Sb would have called police, Ga would have called police, the police would have secured the car, Ym would have secured the car and searched right then and there, it would have been documented in reports, they would have confronted Kc about it during her interogation out at Universal. I mean none of those things happened. There is a reason for that. That reason in my opinion is that it just didnt smell bad enough to make people think it was human decomp. My opinion only

Man this is getting old. Cindy said "it smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car". What on EARTH are you talking about?? It DID smell like human decomp...both Cindy and George said exactly that.
Do we have any current or former LE on the board?

My experience from 20+ years ago as a dispatcher, is that when you have multiple officers on the scene, things get rather chaotic...dispatch calling for officer checks, each officer trying to figure out what happened (whether to who, or to what), each officer trying to get a hold on what actually happened. Add family histronics and the chaos increases.

I think the officers did what they could do under the circumstances and in even when hindsight is 20/20, they were working with a bunch of liars.

As for GA&CA being charged with anything, I don't see that happening till after KC's trial, and I think it will be very low key and quiet (as much as the A's will let anyway).
Do we have any current or former LE on the board?

My experience from 20+ years ago as a dispatcher, is that when you have multiple officers on the scene, things get rather chaotic...dispatch calling for officer checks, each officer trying to figure out what happened (whether to who, or to what), each officer trying to get a hold on what actually happened. Add family histronics and the chaos increases.

I think the officers did what they could do under the circumstances and in even when hindsight is 20/20, they were working with a bunch of liars.

As for GA&CA being charged with anything, I don't see that happening till after KC's trial, and I think it will be very low key and quiet (as much as the A's will let anyway).

I agree 100%, they were quite busy trying to drive Casey from location A to Z to look for Caylee, etc.

I also agree when mom and pop are charged, it will be done will little fanfare, after the trial, much like M. Furhman, after the OJ trial. He was charged and plead and I didn't even know about it until years later. ( This is no reflection on him, I am just using him as an example ). SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA

MARK FUHRMAN, Defendant.

Original Charge: Count I: Violation of Penal Code section 118 (a felony)

Convicted Of: One Count - Count I of Information - of Penal Code sec 118

Date of Offense: On or about March 15, 1995.

Guilty by: Plea of nolo contendre.

Imo, Brad will have them plead nolo contendre.
I don't believe GA will be charged with anything, unless he perjures himself at trial. I think when GA took his trip to Daytona was about the time that CA came clean about her knowledge, sending DC to the woods, etc., and I am not sure if GA has acted in a way that meets the bar for obstruction charges. Maybe I am forgetting something...Thing about GA is he has made sure to keep himself nice and ignorant, from the time that KC left the house on the 16th or June until now. He opens his trap a lot, then gets quiet later after CA tells him to zip it-For example, we won't hear him talk about a book deal again, CA will put a stop to that and will end up telling us that there was never a book deal (once someone confronts her about it being blood money).

Don't believe LA could or should be charged, because if you listen very carefully to everything he had to say, LA has not helped KC one bit.

Now Mama Anthony-should be locked up in an asylum if not a jail cell. I really think she is not well, not sure she has ever been well. Just little things about her personality, that I might not even be able to put into words, don't rest right in my assessment of her. Anyway, this latest doc dump may have shed more light on CA than it did Casey, and she is gonna have some splainin to do.
I'm thinking they'll be charged after the trial as well. Unless I missed something, I doubt that there will be many (if any) people to come forward and testify on KC's behalf. It might be better for the SA if the Anthony family do testify. Imagine how easy it would be to prove the different mistruths they have stated? They've already been caught fibbing numerous times. There's a small part of me that thinks GA might possibly be the one to implicate KC. But it would not surprise me if he tried to cover for her as well.
I don't believe GA will be charged with anything, unless he perjures himself at trial. I think when GA took his trip to Daytona was about the time that CA came clean about her knowledge, sending DC to the woods, etc., and I am not sure if GA has acted in a way that meets the bar for obstruction charges. Maybe I am forgetting something...Thing about GA is he has made sure to keep himself nice and ignorant, from the time that KC left the house on the 16th or June until now. He opens his trap a lot, then gets quiet later after CA tells him to zip it-For example, we won't hear him talk about a book deal again, CA will put a stop to that and will end up telling us that there was never a book deal (once someone confronts her about it being blood money).

Don't believe LA could or should be charged, because if you listen very carefully to everything he had to say, LA has not helped KC one bit.

Now Mama Anthony-should be locked up in an asylum if not a jail cell. I really think she is not well, not sure she has ever been well. Just little things about her personality, that I might not even be able to put into words, don't rest right in my assessment of her. Anyway, this latest doc dump may have shed more light on CA than it did Casey, and she is gonna have some splainin to do.

We know GA lied under oath,during his deposition. Isn't that Perjury?
The one good thing about the Anthonys is that they can't keep their traps shut.
Some character problems just don't fit any diagnosis other than evil.
BBM - I think calling 911 was the last resort for Cindy. Cindy is not the type of person who likes to involve 'outsiders'. IMO she believed she could get the 'truth' from Casey.

How does a mother who has a habit of lying teach her daughter to tell the truth. They wouldn't know the truth if it smacked them in the face.
We know GA lied under oath,during his deposition. Isn't that Perjury?
The one good thing about the Anthonys is that they can't keep their traps shut.
Some character problems just don't fit any diagnosis other than evil.

Yep, I figured he did something wrong and I forgot about it...Thanks!
If there are going to be any charges pressed against any of the Anthonys I think they will be charged after the trial.

My daughter's killer's mother was charged but they waited until his sentencing was complete and then they went after her. Our detectives were told to call the FBI the minute the sentencing was done. They wanted one thing out of the way before they started another.

Even though it probably won't be the FBI who charge the Anthonys I think LE will wait until after the trial and then go after them. I know there are laws to take care of people like the Anthonys and the things they have done but it takes a judge to enforce those laws. Sometimes they will and sometimes they won't do anything. I do hope they are arrested and made to be responsible for every single thing they have done.

Oh my, I am so sorry for your loss. I know somewhat how you feel. :(
I think if the Anthony's are guilty of any crime with regard to this case they should lock them up now. The Anthony's are no different than any other citizens who commit crimes. Maybe if KC knew her parents were behind bars she would tell the truth to spare them any more pain, and get this case over with, so we the taxpayers of Florida don't end up paying for KC's defense. The "Dream Team" has no more funds to defend this murderer, so guess who gets the bill...we do. Apparently, the Ant's are not happy with the attorneys representing KC or they wouldn't be attorney shopping with promised payment of book deals. Give me a break!!! Talk about making money off this sweet baby look no further than Caylee's family. They pretend they are out there looking for missing children when in fact they are looking for the highest bidder to line their own pockets with money. Am I mad...you bet I am, because I care...sound familar?

BBM. Ain't gonna happen. She thrives on causing them grief!


My vote is charge her!

Six minute mark--
According to LP Cindy said to Tracey and Casey ...you know when the FBI asked me for Caylee's toothbrush, I should have given them the one I use to brush the dog's teeth. To that I vote...get a rope!



My vote is charge her!

Six minute mark--
According to LP Cindy said to Tracey and Casey ...you know when the FBI asked me for Caylee's toothbrush, I should have given them the one I use to brush the dog's teeth. To that I vote...get a rope!


I hope and pray she is charged. There is no reason she and hopefully george and Lee should not be in prison.
GA reported it to Yuri Melich immediately upon his arrival at the Anthony's. he told Yuri that it smelled like something dead was in the back of the car and that KC was not telling the truth. CA reported it to LE on the phone when she was reporting the whole thing.
may be neither here nor there but let's get it straight.

I think what was meant here about GA was that because he is ex-LE he should have never taken the car out of the tow yard. He should have had SB call LE right then and there. Instead he drove it home and apparently there was an attempt to clean it. GA went to work and CA gets KC. CA calls police, police come out to the house and GA feels now maybe he should alert the police to the smell in the car. GA never attempted to call the police, ever. CA called because KC said the Nanny had Caylee. My guess, at that point, GA did not want to get into trouble. JMO
I think what was meant here about GA was that because he is ex-LE he should have never taken the car out of the tow yard. He should have had SB call LE right then and there. Instead he drove it home and apparently there was an attempt to clean it. GA went to work and CA gets KC. CA calls police, police come out to the house and GA feels now maybe he should alert the police to the smell in the car. GA never attempted to call the police, ever. CA called because KC said the Nanny had Caylee. My guess, at that point, GA did not want to get into trouble. JMO

You probably are right, that GA did not want any troubles for himself.
He seemed like a dad at the end of his patience for KC...Mom's have unconditional love, and CA has no moral conditions anyway, so her and KC's relationship is not surprising (all be it dysfunctional and poisonous)...But GA is one of those guys that have conditions on their tolerance, and some dad's don't suffer their teenagers well, let alone their grown child that is still acting like an irresponsible child.
I really believe that GA might have worried about Caylee, but when his thoughts turned to KC, he immediately thought 'let her fend for herself' on some level, and he rolled out of the towyard and got himself back to his peaceful place-work.
I really don't think he was trying to let KC get away with a murder by not reporting that car. He was just self-centered and didn't want her troubles, a common thread with these people.
KC's other family members have referred to GA as being an a-hole to KC. When in realty, their version of a-hole is our version of a dad getting ticked off at his deadbeat kid. Welcome to the world of relationships with grown men, KC, they are not going to baby you.

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