Updated POLL: Why No Obstruction Charges Yet...If Ever???

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Why Have None of the Anthony's Been Charged w/Obstruction?? Can pick more than one...

  • LE/SA Office does not think they did anything wrong

    Votes: 14 5.6%
  • LE/SA Office does not have a strong enough evidence to make it stick

    Votes: 69 27.8%
  • LE/SA Office does not want to go after them because of public sympathy

    Votes: 60 24.2%
  • Just waiting for the right time for LA

    Votes: 122 49.2%
  • Just waiting for the right time for GA

    Votes: 68 27.4%
  • Just waiting for the right time for CA

    Votes: 110 44.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Ahh, NTS, you assume these are logical, rational people. Have you not seen them in the media, police videos, etc? Their earth logic does NOT match our earth logic one bit. In fact, I think their logic is from a whole other planet. They covered for Casey from the getgo and I think only now are starting to realize they could get into big trouble for it. They are where Casey got her higher-than-the-law attitude from.

They know what they did, and eventually, they will pay for it.
Doesn't Casey have to be convicted of the crime before they can hold anyone accountable for covering up said crime?
What I'm saying is, what if Casey was found not guilty ( I totally believe she will be found guilty but look at OJ.) and they had already arrested GA and CA for evidence tampering or whatever. CA and GA could go back and sue LE for arresting them without knowing a crime had been commited, they could say they were simply cleaning a stinky car, and were wrongly arrested.
Doesn't Casey have to be convicted of the crime before they can hold anyone accountable for covering up said crime?
What I'm saying is, what if Casey was found not guilty ( I totally believe she will be found guilty but look at OJ.) and they had already arrested GA and CA for evidence tampering or whatever. CA and GA could go back and sue LE for arresting them without knowing a crime had been commited, they could say they were simply cleaning a stinky car, and were wrongly arrested.

What a neat question! I would guess that they could still be charged, though. Even if, let's say, Casey didn't do it, they could still have destroyed evidence that could have led LE to the person who did. So my totally uneducated guess would be that they should still (even in that outlandish scenario) be held accountable. Dunno, ya think?
I suppose in that case, the tow yard guy Sb should be arrested too. Oh also Le for not securing this crime scene or even reporting on it, basically ignoring it for several hours or not taking it seriously.

Here is my take: If the car really smelled like Human Decomp then all of those things would have happened. Sb would have called police, Ga would have called police, the police would have secured the car, Ym would have secured the car and searched right then and there, it would have been documented in reports, they would have confronted Kc about it during her interogation out at Universal. I mean none of those things happened. There is a reason for that. That reason in my opinion is that it just didnt smell bad enough to make people think it was human decomp. My opinion only
All the misdirection in the world, NTS, won't absolve GA from what he did...


ETA: "in the world" for emphasis!
Doesn't Casey have to be convicted of the crime before they can hold anyone accountable for covering up said crime?
What I'm saying is, what if Casey was found not guilty ( I totally believe she will be found guilty but look at OJ.) and they had already arrested GA and CA for evidence tampering or whatever. CA and GA could go back and sue LE for arresting them without knowing a crime had been commited, they could say they were simply cleaning a stinky car, and were wrongly arrested.
...accessory after the fact? They would need to have proof I assume.
I suppose in that case, the tow yard guy Sb should be arrested too. Oh also Le for not securing this crime scene or even reporting on it, basically ignoring it for several hours or not taking it seriously.

Here is my take: If the car really smelled like Human Decomp then all of those things would have happened. Sb would have called police, Ga would have called police, the police would have secured the car, Ym would have secured the car and searched right then and there, it would have been documented in reports, they would have confronted Kc about it during her interogation out at Universal. I mean none of those things happened. There is a reason for that. That reason in my opinion is that it just didnt smell bad enough to make people think it was human decomp. My opinion only

Cindy said it smelled like a dead body.
George indicated the same.
Tow yard owner compared it to the other car that had a body in it.
LE said decomp.
New fangled sniffer test says decomp.

Can you tell me anyone, anyone at all who said it did not smell like human decomp? Oh yea, except Casey, who said it was George's dead squirrel.

There is huge agreement that many smelled it. And many of them were familiar with experiencing what human decomposition smells like. Wow, even a nurse of human decomposition.

One can't quantify, qualify and record peoples' olfactory senses and nerves but one can, if willing, follow common sense and logic.

And I don't really think it was ever ignored, as you suggest. I think everyone was so busy that other things took priority over the act of securing the car. I think George and Cindy were busy trying to clean the mess and LE was busy trying to get Casey to help them find Caylee. What a shame! Had they known there was no Caylee to be found then they would have immediately understood the significance of the stinky car. . . unlike George and Cindy.

George and Cindy both said and knew it smelled like human decomp. We have those words coming right out of their mouths. And they knew what to do about it. They cleaned it up as best they could.

So, because of a poor prioritization (only in hindsight) of securing the car you are concluding that it did not reek of human decomposition?
If there are going to be any charges pressed against any of the Anthonys I think they will be charged after the trial.

My daughter's killer's mother was charged but they waited until his sentencing was complete and then they went after her. Our detectives were told to call the FBI the minute the sentencing was done. They wanted one thing out of the way before they started another.

Even though it probably won't be the FBI who charge the Anthonys I think LE will wait until after the trial and then go after them. I know there are laws to take care of people like the Anthonys and the things they have done but it takes a judge to enforce those laws. Sometimes they will and sometimes they won't do anything. I do hope they are arrested and made to be responsible for every single thing they have done.
If there are going to be any charges pressed against any of the Anthonys I think they will be charged after the trial.

My daughter's killer's mother was charged but they waited until his sentencing was complete and then they went after her. Our detectives were told to call the FBI the minute the sentencing was done. They wanted one thing out of the way before they started another.

Even though it probably won't be the FBI who charge the Anthonys I think LE will wait until after the trial and then go after them. I know there are laws to take care of people like the Anthonys and the things they have done but it takes a judge to enforce those laws. Sometimes they will and sometimes they won't do anything. I do hope they are arrested and made to be responsible for every single thing they have done.


The SA will not drop any charges on any of the non KC A's until after the trial. To do so at this point limits their ability to use them as witnesses in the trial itself. Much of George and Cindy's statements are far more damning and valuable to the prosectution then would be any benefit from bringing charges on them at this point. Right now for all the major annoyance and unbelievability factor they are still a prosecutors dream come true. They just will not shut up in public. They just keep talking and talking. Any competant prosecutor is just going to let this continue in order to see what useful goodies come out, and will not do anything to impede the flow of rather obvious bull****.
I agree, it wont happen until after the trial, but I think Cindy will be charged for lying by omission to the federal officer when she gave the wrong hairbrush rather than Caylee's. Lying to a federal officer is a crime and it will not stand. If, as and when she and George commit perjury on the stand, they will be charged with that as well. They need to be, partially to deter others in the future. ( just my opinion )
I also wonder if there's an element of sympathy for them though. Losing a granddaughter to a heinous murder... their daughter obviously guilty of the crime... LE may not have the heart to twist the knife any further.

..i would hope that LE doesn't have the option of "twisting/not twisting" the knife.

........for example---------if cindy was pulled over for drunk driving:

cindy :" but officer, i'm a grieving grandma------(blah blah blah).

officer:" ok, my sympathies----------but you were still driving drunk--------and therefore are being charged."

..if they were obstructing justice etc---------they have to be charged, it's a crime. ( sympathy should not factor in one bit ).

..i agree though with many others--------this will happen after kc/s trial ( so the anthony's cannot plead the 5th every 5 seconds while on the stand.)

..they will also tell a number of "mis-truths" while on the stand---and then perjury will be added to the charges against them .
A little OT but I wonder how many reports the IRS has received on them too.

To add to your little OT, wasn't that how they nailed Al Capone?? Of course they would have preferred stronger criminal (murder, etc) charges against him, but they went with the IRS fraud because they had the goods on him in paper. Either way, he did get sent to prison!
I agree...that it seems like a crime. However! These two (GA and CA) could not face the truth. That's how they operate--they reinvent things to make it the way they want it to be. So they needed for there to be a good reason for the smell...certainly he was relieved when he found no body. Think about how it would look for LE to jail these grandparents. They loved Caylee. LE didn't want to put the entire family in jail

I think if the Anthony's are guilty of any crime with regard to this case they should lock them up now. The Anthony's are no different than any other citizens who commit crimes. Maybe if KC knew her parents were behind bars she would tell the truth to spare them any more pain, and get this case over with, so we the taxpayers of Florida don't end up paying for KC's defense. The "Dream Team" has no more funds to defend this murderer, so guess who gets the bill...we do. Apparently, the Ant's are not happy with the attorneys representing KC or they wouldn't be attorney shopping with promised payment of book deals. Give me a break!!! Talk about making money off this sweet baby look no further than Caylee's family. They pretend they are out there looking for missing children when in fact they are looking for the highest bidder to line their own pockets with money. Am I mad...you bet I am, because I care...sound familar?
I suppose in that case, the tow yard guy Sb should be arrested too. Oh also Le for not securing this crime scene or even reporting on it, basically ignoring it for several hours or not taking it seriously.

Here is my take: If the car really smelled like Human Decomp then all of those things would have happened. Sb would have called police, Ga would have called police, the police would have secured the car, Ym would have secured the car and searched right then and there, it would have been documented in reports, they would have confronted Kc about it during her interogation out at Universal. I mean none of those things happened. There is a reason for that. That reason in my opinion is that it just didnt smell bad enough to make people think it was human decomp. My opinion only

IIRC, after the money was paid to the tow yard and release papers signed by George, the car was officially George's property.....and SB the tow yard guy was not legally in possession of the decomp car. The onus was on the Anthonys to report the suspicious smell......NOT the tow yard. What do you think of the clean-up efforts by the family (Cindy)? What about the washing of the smelly pants? Isn't that tampering with evidence?????????? There is another thread that lays out why the car was not immediately seized by LE. The #1 concern was to find Caylee. Hard to believe, but I genuinely think that LE was trying to give Casey the "benefit of doubt" and believed there was a kidnapping that occured. It was after the ridiculous wild goose chase and ridiculous lies from Casey that they knew Casey was hiding something and then took the car. The priority was CAYLEE and her recovery. George and Cindy should never never never have tried to clean that car and wash the pants (evidence!!!!).
This reeks of obstruction of justice......and the fault lies squarely on GA and CA. IMO, LE should have seized the car earlier.....but again LE was doing what was logical and going out with Casey to try and find the imaginary Zanny. I find absolutely NO FAULT with the actions of the tow yard and LE. IMO, if the defense tries the "LE messed up" tactic....it's going to blow up in their face.
IIRC, after the money was paid to the tow yard and release papers signed by George, the car was officially George's property.....and SB the tow yard guy was not legally in possession of the decomp car. The onus was on the Anthonys to report the suspicious smell......NOT the tow yard. What do you think of the clean-up efforts by the family (Cindy)? What about the washing of the smelly pants? Isn't that tampering with evidence?????????? There is another thread that lays out why the car was not immediately seized by LE. The #1 concern was to find Caylee. Hard to believe, but I genuinely think that LE was trying to give Casey the "benefit of doubt" and believed there was a kidnapping that occured. It was after the ridiculous wild goose chase and ridiculous lies from Casey that they knew Casey was hiding something and then took the car. The priority was CAYLEE and her recovery. George and Cindy should never never never have tried to clean that car and wash the pants (evidence!!!!).
This reeks of obstruction of justice......and the fault lies squarely on GA and CA. IMO, LE should have seized the car earlier.....but again LE was doing what was logical and going out with Casey to try and find the imaginary Zanny. I find absolutely NO FAULT with the actions of the tow yard and LE. IMO, if the defense tries the "LE messed up" tactic....it's going to blow up in their face.
The Anthony's did report the suspicious smell. They both reported that it smelled like a dead body, theior granddaughter was missing and that KC was not being forthright. The only people that were worried about the car having something to do with anything were GA and CA. LE did not investigate the car for 12 to 15 hours and they knew well before that that KC was not being truthful.
The only thing that the thread about why LE didn;t take the car shows is that they perhaps made a big mistake. It was not due to CA or GA that they didn;t take the car, in fact just the opposite. The Anthony;s were worried about the car, but LE wasn't.
I am not attacking LE at all but we have to get the facts straight wherever they lead.
. Maybe if KC knew her parents were behind bars she would tell the truth to spare them any more pain, and get this case over with, so we the taxpayers of Florida don't end up paying for KC's defense.

..a). kc tell the TRUTH ??? i find that hard to imagine.

..b). to spare her parents any more pain ? i doubt that, if kc could think up a scenario that would IMPLICATE them, she'd jump all over it.

..c). get the case over with ? she's loving where she is at the moment-------doesn't have to deal with the pretend job,pretend life,pretend sitter,pretend to care about anything.........she has her private cell ( as she told tracy m. "the guards LOVE me---sneak me extra food! or some such thing.)

..she gets to go to court, with her yellow legal pad and PRETEND she's one of the defense team!

..and now that she's out of $$'s----------she doesn't care! that the citizens of florida will be paying her legal bill.

..( after all, she's had someone or another paying her bills all of her life.)( whether it was through stealing from her mother, or amy, or her grandparents---------she could care less.)

..she doesn't have feelings regarding who she's causing pain---------( i would have HOPED she would have compassion for her dear old grandparents---------nope! not kc.
.. she definitely doesn't care that her case will be paid for by the state ( florida citizens) -------as long as she doesn't have to pay for it!
The tow guy and GA both made statements as to it smelling like decomp. In fact GA gave statements under oath to LE that he know what that smell was. I'm not entirely certain why it took so long for the car to be secured into custody. However it should be noted that GA did in fact make comments under oath as to the smell and he did not call police. In fact the car was cleaned after the A's got it back from the tow yard....but yet GA made statements under oath that he knew that smell.

So to speculate that GA would have called police. Well GA already answered that for us. He knew the smell and didn't report it.
GA reported it to Yuri Melich immediately upon his arrival at the Anthony's. he told Yuri that it smelled like something dead was in the back of the car and that KC was not telling the truth. CA reported it to LE on the phone when she was reporting the whole thing.
may be neither here nor there but let's get it straight.
GA reported it to Yuri Melich immediately upon his arrival at the Anthony's. he told Yuri that it smelled like something dead was in the back of the car and that KC was not telling the truth. CA reported it to LE on the phone when she was reporting the whole thing.
may be neither here nor there but let's get it straight.

..i agree with this completely.

..i've always wondered why LE ( since we've heard there were MANY of them at the house the night of july 15th-16th) did NOT immediatley process the car??

..did the 911 operator not give them the info , she says"it smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car!" when sending them to the house ? ( probably not---she just sent officers to primarily deal wth the missing child.)

..i get it , that they were more concerned with a missing child at this point, but they (LE) dropped the ball on the car.
Actually Cindy waited until the 3rd 911 call before she said anything about the smell. She said on the 2nd and 3rd calls that the police weren't getting there fast enough. She also said during that 3rd 911 call that her granddaughter was missing, that her daughter finally told her that she (Casey) had not seen her for 31 days. Cindy later stated that she told the 911 operator of the smell (in the 3rd call) because the police weren't getting there fast enough.

So, the question is did the smell really concern Cindy at that time or was it more information she finally provided to hurry up and get an officer to her home in hopes of them getting Casey to "spill" as to the whereabouts of Caylee. If the smell really, truly concerned Cindy and George then the question of why wait so long before calling 911 comes to mind. Why try and clean the car first, then try and locate Casey before calling 911?

So while Cindy and George did finally admit that the smell was horrible they did try to cover it up to begin with.
Actually Cindy waited until the 3rd 911 call before she said anything about the smell. She said on the 2nd and 3rd calls that the police weren't getting there fast enough. She also said during that 3rd 911 call that her granddaughter was missing, that her daughter finally told her that she (Casey) had not seen her for 31 days. Cindy later stated that she told the 911 operator of the smell (in the 3rd call) because the police weren't getting there fast enough.

So, the question is did the smell really concern Cindy at that time or was it more information she finally provided to hurry up and get an officer to her home in hopes of them getting Casey to "spill" as to the whereabouts of Caylee. If the smell really, truly concerned Cindy and George then the question of why wait so long before calling 911 comes to mind. Why try and clean the car first, then try and locate Casey before calling 911?

So while Cindy and George did finally admit that the smell was horrible they did try to cover it up to begin with.

BBM - I think calling 911 was the last resort for Cindy. Cindy is not the type of person who likes to involve 'outsiders'. IMO she believed she could get the 'truth' from Casey.
Actually Cindy waited until the 3rd 911 call before she said anything about the smell. She said on the 2nd and 3rd calls that the police weren't getting there fast enough. She also said during that 3rd 911 call that her granddaughter was missing, that her daughter finally told her that she (Casey) had not seen her for 31 days. Cindy later stated that she told the 911 operator of the smell (in the 3rd call) because the police weren't getting there fast enough.

So, the question is did the smell really concern Cindy at that time or was it more information she finally provided to hurry up and get an officer to her home in hopes of them getting Casey to "spill" as to the whereabouts of Caylee. If the smell really, truly concerned Cindy and George then the question of why wait so long before calling 911 comes to mind. Why try and clean the car first, then try and locate Casey before calling 911?

So while Cindy and George did finally admit that the smell was horrible they did try to cover it up to begin with.

..as for LE though----------cindy DID say , in her 3rd 911 call "it smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car!"

..that's regardless of what cindy/george said later on..

..the question is-----------why didn't LE jump ALL over the car ( with the smell of the damn dead body ) as soon as they arrived ?

..b/c the 911 operator didn't relay that part of the call to them ?
..b/c they were more concerned with a "missing" 2 year old ?

..and yes, earlier in the day, when they 1st found the car-----at the towyard, when they believed it smelled of decomp---------why not call 911 then ???

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