*UPDATED* Trial Date May 9, 2011!

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cecybeans, you're scaring me. The thought that she could get out on bail before the trial makes me sick. I really hope that's not the case. AZ lawyer, is that possible? Please say no!

2011? Are you freaking kidding me? Not only that, but it'll start six days before I turn 35. Hey, if ends by my birthday, that would be a hell of a birthday present!

And Casey is okay sitting in jail for yet another year? I am just shaking my head right now...man justice is slooooooooooooow.

Yesterday was my Bday and the good judge gave me a trial date and the pro's gave me a motion. Come share my half full glass 'cause I see yours is half empty. lol!! :partyguy::toast:
I don't think they ever requested a speedy trial, if that tells you anything. :)

Says everything actually. It's just code talk. A speak so to speak. lol!

You know a delayed trial means a delayed movie deal or whatever JB is hoping for in the way of payment. It's all good. Part of me wonders if the date has been set to coincide with busy times professor wise. Prepping the capital case during finals will be fun for AL. :woohoo:

Since this case began I have been through 3 cycles of IVF, managed to conceive a baby and now that baby will be OVER A YEAR OLD by the time the trial starts!

I guess the wheels of justice really do turn slowly...
O/T, I KNOW!!:innocent: But I just have to extend CONGRATULATIONS on your baby news- so wonderful!!!
What's so very odd about this case is that the victim's family doesn't seem to want justice to be served quickly, or ever. Usually these delays would cause agony but in this case the bereaved seem to view every impediment as a triumph, it's all so sad and strange.
Besides the media reporting that JS has set a trial date of May 2, 2011, have they provided a source to this information?

In the docket update in Current News thread, there is a hearing listed on May 4, 2010 in regards to the trial....am now wondering if media made error in reporting?

If JS did indeed set the trial date, wouldn't this be reflected in the docket?
...and beautiful little Caylee had all of the joy in her life cut short.

am I counting my months wrong - 35 months til trial from the murder? caylee was about 34 months old at her death.

casey will have already been in jail longer than her baby was alive.
Jeez... that sure seems like a long way away!

Pretty sad when my main goal in life is to not get run over by a bus or something before Casey finally goes to trial. It would be just my luck to miss it after waiting so long, lol.

Is the defense hoping that if they keep delaying the trial everyone will eventually forget about it, and let Casey go home and eat chili?

Justice for Caylee is already long over-due!
Besides the media reporting that JS has set a trial date of May 2, 2011, have they provided a source to this information?

In the docket update in Current News thread, there is a hearing listed on May 4, 2010 in regards to the trial....am now wondering if media made error in reporting?

If JS did indeed set the trial date, wouldn't this be reflected in the docket?

There is nothing on the court calendar yet indicating May 2, 2011 is the trial date in the murder trial. Perhaps the calendar hasn't been updated yet!

There is a "Uniform Order Setting Case for Jury/Pretrial 5/4/10 1:30PM " for the Civil Case re: Gonzalez vs Anthony.
:furious:Wt...:furious: Now I am confused. Although they waived the right to a speedy trial, is there not a time frame for trial to start? :banghead: The indictment was in 2008, the state has to wait until 2011? :banghead: Why, for more bumbling motions? What does this clown expect to do by then that will be useful for the case? Does he have to have to account for the delay to trial, what do they expect to have completed by then? So he gets to waste time and the state and the people have to be on hold for justice. Will he find someone to do his leg work for him. I'm am just disgusted..... Oh, on the side note, did the check fraud case receive any jail time? If so can KC be moved to general population? :waitasec:Biting my tongue now and back to fuming and lurking. This trial may be delayed but justice for Caylee will not be forgotten.
Please look in Todays Current News. Patty G has posted a You Tube from In Session.
It is a Proposed Trial Date by the procecution.
Please look in Todays Current News. Patty G has posted a You Tube from In Session.
It is a Proposed Trial Date by the procecution

Just heard this trail date on tru TV. This date has to be approved by the court.
Also, if KC is running low on dough I wonder how she will be able to afford to pay her team for another 1+ year..
haha i've been thru a divorce, a remarriage, a pregnancy and birth... baby sleuth is now 8 months old

Ha, Casey is pretty much where she started.

Her daughter remains deceased. No nanny. No job. Still depending on other people to supply her with food, shelter... surrounded immediately by people who cater to her ego and her lies.

Her biggest accomplishment nearly two years later, she is now a convicted felon.
Yesterday was my Bday and the good judge gave me a trial date and the pro's gave me a motion. Come share my half full glass 'cause I see yours is half empty. lol!! :partyguy::toast:

Happy belated and congratulations on the marriages and little ones everyone!
Please look in Todays Current News. Patty G has posted a You Tube from In Session.
It is a Proposed Trial Date by the procecution


Why would the prosecution want/suggest a trial date that is so far off (15 mos)???

Could it be because they are anticipating a new defense attorney to replace Baez and are allowing time for that attorney to catch up on case?????

(I am basing this opinion on my suspicion on other thread that the other motion regarding private Strickland meeting is in regards to DC and role of Baez may have played in the "DC woods search")
At least KC will know where she will be for another 15 mos.......an innocent person would be screaming for a speedy trial rather than sit in prison for years before getting their day in court.....just saying....

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