US Virgin Is - Sarm Joan Lillian Heslop, 41, British, aboard vessel Siren Song, St. John, 7 Mar 2021

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The latest news about the loss of any CCTV footage from the restaurant combined with the number of days Sarm's been missing and a tropical environment puts RB in a strategically good position IF he had something to do with her disappearance.

He's not been named a suspect - yet - but based on msm reports his behavior is suspicious. The entire timeline after 10 pm comes from him alone with no evidence that he's telling the truth. And now, over 4 weeks later, even if Sarm's body was found what would an autopsy show?

IMO the anchor alarm is somehow important to RB's story and timeline. A little research says one doesn't have to be on the boat to monitor it. However, many apps log the boat's position and will additionally send an email report if the alarm goes off. So it may be impossible to know if anyone was on board at 2 am and maybe it only can be verified that an anchor alarm went off. IMO MOO.

Based on the ridiculous gap of 10 hours before RB called the Coast Guard for help and then refused to even cooperate with them PLUS the fact that an occupant of a boat moored close to Siren Song stated he saw and heard *nothing* that night to indicate RB was concerned about Sarm falling overboard I believe foul play occurred.

IMO we can argue about constitutional rights and protecting oneself by hiring an attorney but the reality is that RB did nothing - nothing! to indicate he was seriously concerned about Sarm's well-being and location. Not then not now. MOO.
Last-known movements of missing Brit Sarm Heslop were not caught on bar's CCTV due to power failure | Daily Mail Online

To my knowledge neither RB nor his attorney have ever made any statements indicating distrust of USVIPD or the FBI or the Coast Guard. Only RB's "close friend" has made such statements. From the link:

A close friend insisted last week that the rugged yacht skipper was not in hiding but was refusing to speak to the island's police officers because he didn't trust them.

'My suggestion to him was that he makes some sort of statement and is as cooperative as possible,' the friend said. 'But I think he's scared, I think he's totally spun out. He is definitely bereaved. He had finally found a girl he was in love with.

'I think that his concern is that the VIPD is not real well known for conducting any sort of investigation with clarity.

'He's concerned that something could go wrong or be spun the wrong way, or that they're going to be looking for something to implicate him as opposed to the other way around.'​

Notice only USVIPD is mentioned. Why then didn't RB speak to the FBI or Coast Guard? Are they inept and corrupt too? MOO. Hinky stinky IMO.
Last-known movements of missing Brit Sarm Heslop were not caught on bar's CCTV due to power failure | Daily Mail Online

To my knowledge neither RB nor his attorney have ever made any statements indicating distrust of USVIPD or the FBI or the Coast Guard. Only RB's "close friend" has made such statements. From the link:

A close friend insisted last week that the rugged yacht skipper was not in hiding but was refusing to speak to the island's police officers because he didn't trust them.

'My suggestion to him was that he makes some sort of statement and is as cooperative as possible,' the friend said. 'But I think he's scared, I think he's totally spun out. He is definitely bereaved. He had finally found a girl he was in love with.

'I think that his concern is that the VIPD is not real well known for conducting any sort of investigation with clarity.

'He's concerned that something could go wrong or be spun the wrong way, or that they're going to be looking for something to implicate him as opposed to the other way around.'​

Notice only USVIPD is mentioned. Why then didn't RB speak to the FBI or Coast Guard? Are they inept and corrupt too? MOO. Hinky stinky IMO.

Is anyone else suspicious of this "close friend"?

I may be barking up the wrong tree, but at the beginning of this disappearance she seemed overly loquacious to me. JMO. I'm not sleuthing her, just wondering about where her self-interest lies.
The owner of the bar, Ryan Sharkey, told The Mirror: “The CCTV was blown out a few days before by an electrical outage.

“She and Ryan were at the edge of the bar, no arguing, no trouble, not that we know about. They were talking, that was it. It was about 6pm or 7pm when they came in. I think he had three beers and Sarm no more than two. They were here for about an hour-and-a-half.”
Missing woman Sarm Heslop’s last known visit to bar wasn’t caught on CCTV because cameras were broken
The owner of the bar, Ryan Sharkey, told The Mirror: “The CCTV was blown out a few days before by an electrical outage.

“She and Ryan were at the edge of the bar, no arguing, no trouble, not that we know about. They were talking, that was it. It was about 6pm or 7pm when they came in. I think he had three beers and Sarm no more than two. They were here for about an hour-and-a-half.”
Missing woman Sarm Heslop’s last known visit to bar wasn’t caught on CCTV because cameras were broken
Even if no camera, there should be a receipt with a time stamp.

The owner of the bar, Ryan Sharkey, told The Mirror: “The CCTV was blown out a few days before by an electrical outage.

“She and Ryan were at the edge of the bar, no arguing, no trouble, not that we know about. They were talking, that was it. It was about 6pm or 7pm when they came in. I think he had three beers and Sarm no more than two. They were here for about an hour-and-a-half.”
Missing woman Sarm Heslop’s last known visit to bar wasn’t caught on CCTV because cameras were broken

Interestingly forensic account of the number of drinks which were had by two people a month ago.
“She and Ryan were at the edge of the bar — no arguing, no trouble, not that we know about,” Sharkey said. “They were talking, that was it. It was about 6 p.m. or 7 p.m. when they came in.”

He added: “I think he had three beers and Sarm no more than two. They were here for about an hour-and-a-half.”
Sarm Heslop's final movements not caught due to power outage

I thought they left the restaurant at 10 because of the curfew.
Interestingly forensic account of the number of drinks which were had by two people a month ago.

Yes, this struck me instantly while reading the bar owner’s account. And had it been previously reported anywhere that the bar owner was friends with or at least acquaintances with RB and/or Sarm? The way he’s speaking about their actions at the bar that night definitely sounds like he knows them personally!
Yes, this struck me instantly while reading the bar owner’s account. And had it been previously reported anywhere that the bar owner was friends with or at least acquaintances with RB and/or Sarm? The way he’s speaking about their actions at the bar that night definitely sounds like he knows them personally!
Bugged me too... That is a strange detail to A) remember and B) mention
The same day Sarm was reported missing, the bar owner probably heard via locals or law enforcement that she had reportedly been a patron of his bar the night before. If he didn’t already know her, her likely saw or was shown photos of her. So his memory (and the memory of any other employees working that evening) would have been quiet fresh as to where RB and Sarm sat, how much they drank, whether they appeared upset, etc. Possibly LE asked to see RB’s receipt, which may have been timestamped, listed what they ordered, and what table they sat at. I doesn’t seem suspicious to me that he would then remember these same details when asked about them a month later.
The same day Sarm was reported missing, the bar owner probably heard via locals or law enforcement that she had reportedly been a patron of his bar the night before. If he didn’t already know her, her likely saw or was shown photos of her. So his memory (and the memory of any other employees working that evening) would have been quiet fresh as to where RB and Sarm sat, how much they drank, whether they appeared upset, etc. Possibly LE asked to see RB’s receipt, which may have been timestamped, listed what they ordered, and what table they sat at. I doesn’t seem suspicious to me that he would then remember these same details when asked about them a month later.

That’s very true, thanks for pointing it out. I also wonder if he had been interviewed by LE earlier. I seem to remember reporting about this, or about him saying he was waiting to be interviewed by LE in MSM at some point... but I could definitely be mixing cases!
The same day Sarm was reported missing, the bar owner probably heard via locals or law enforcement that she had reportedly been a patron of his bar the night before. If he didn’t already know her, her likely saw or was shown photos of her. So his memory (and the memory of any other employees working that evening) would have been quiet fresh as to where RB and Sarm sat, how much they drank, whether they appeared upset, etc. Possibly LE asked to see RB’s receipt, which may have been timestamped, listed what they ordered, and what table they sat at. I doesn’t seem suspicious to me that he would then remember these same details when asked about them a month later.
Agreed. Which is why I'd like to know where the reported 10 pm time came from if RB and Sarm left the restaurant somewhere between 7:30 and 8:30.

Right now the only accurate timeline we have is RB calling LE at 2:30 am and RB calling the Coast Guard later at 11:46 am.
Agreed. Which is why I'd like to know where the reported 10 pm time came from if RB and Sarm left the restaurant somewhere between 7:30 and 8:30.

Right now the only accurate timeline we have is RB calling LE at 2:30 am and RB calling the Coast Guard later at 11:46 am.
He said they watched a movie. Was that something broadcast on a tv channel or streaming online that could be verified to establish a time (not that it would prove they actually did watch).

Agreed. Which is why I'd like to know where the reported 10 pm time came from if RB and Sarm left the restaurant somewhere between 7:30 and 8:30.

Right now the only accurate timeline we have is RB calling LE at 2:30 am and RB calling the Coast Guard later at 11:46 am.

If they arrived at bar at 6pm and stayed 1.5 hours, they left at 7:30pm
If they arrived at bar at 7pm and stayed 1.5 hours, they left at 8:30pm

Captain said he wanted them in bed by 10pm since must awaken early for their next day's schedule.

Judging by allowing time to walk to the dock for the dinghy, 15min. and for the dinghy ride, 5min. Then, they should arrive to board the yacht by 9pm. Sounds like they may have cut their land visit short. That is, unless during the walk to the dock something nefarious went sideways to account for the hour between 9 and 10pm.
If they arrived at bar at 6pm and stayed 1.5 hours, they left at 7:30pm
If they arrived at bar at 7pm and stayed 1.5 hours, they left at 8:30pm

Captain said he wanted them in bed by 10pm since must awaken early for their next day's schedule.

Judging by allowing time to walk to the dock for the dinghy, 15min. and for the dinghy ride, 5min. Then, they should arrive to board the yacht by 9pm. Sounds like they may have cut their land visit short. That is, unless during the walk to the dock something nefarious went sideways to account for the hour between 9 and 10pm.

I agree with other comments here that the bar man probably made a mental or written note at an early stage, as he presumably would have been aware of the situation. I do believe he was quoted as waiting to be interviewed as someone else has already mentioned.

I am also intrigued by the timings of this.

The Times reported they "left the restaurant sometime before 10pm". (Paywall)

The Telegraph reported that they had been to the restaurant "before returning to the vessel at 10pm to sleep". (Paywall)

The DM reports they "went back to the boat at 10pm, watched a movie then fell asleep."

The Sun reports "According to Bane, on the night in question the couple had dined in a local restaurant until 10pm, before taking their dinghy back to his yacht".

The Indy states "According to reports, Mr Bane and Ms Heslop had dinner on the night of 7 March and returned to the boat at around 10pm."

The VIPD press releases do not mention the timing, beyond the date.

I hope all my hyperlinks are correct, please just flag if they seem to link to the wrong source! Some are paywalled.

As far as I can tell, those original reports of timings came from Bane's purported call to the police, is that right?

So the restauranteur/bar man statement suggests they left 420 somewhere between 7.30-8.30pm going by his timings, as others have already noted here. That leaves 90-150 minutes to make the return trip in the dinghy to the yacht, which seems an awfully long time, even allowing for dawdling, transfers and the like. Or am I misjudging how long that might take?

If RB has lied about the time they left the restaurant/bar, that seems like a foolish move on his part.

There would be no logical reason for the barman to lie about the timings unless he is in cahoots with someone. We are also dependent on his version of events as a witness being reliable.

Other theories?

EBM to correct timings and to clarify.
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I agree with other comments here that the bar man probably made a mental or written note at an early stage, as he presumably would have been aware of the situation. I do believe he was quoted as waiting to be interviewed as someone else has already mentioned.

I am also intrigued by the timings of this.

The Times reported they "left the restaurant sometime before 10pm". (Paywall)

The Telegraph reported that they had been to the restaurant "before returning to the vessel at 10pm to sleep". (Paywall)

The DM reports they "went back to the boat at 10pm, watched a movie then fell asleep."

The Sun reports "According to Bane, on the night in question the couple had dined in a local restaurant until 10pm, before taking their dinghy back to his yacht".

The Indy states "According to reports, Mr Bane and Ms Heslop had dinner on the night of 7 March and returned to the boat at around 10pm."

The VIPD press releases do not mention the timing, beyond the date.

I hope all my hyperlinks are correct, please just flag if they seem to link to the wrong source! Some are paywalled.

As far as I can tell, those original reports of timings came from Bane's purported call to the police, is that right?

So the restauranteur/bar man statement suggests they left 420 somewhere between 7.30-8.30pm going by his timings, as others have already noted here. That leaves 90-150 minutes to make the return trip in the dinghy to the yacht, which seems an awfully long time, even allowing for dawdling, transfers and the like. Or am I misjudging how long that might take?

If RB has lied about the time they left the restaurant/bar, that seems like a foolish move on his part.

There would be no logical reason for the barman to lie about the timings unless he is in cahoots with someone. We are also dependent on his version of events as a witness being reliable.

Other theories?

EBM to correct timings and to clarify.
I wouldn't rely a great deal on the specific times mentioned in those articles unless they come from a direct quote or an official release of some sort. From reading Daily Mail articles in other cases, they often summarize facts from other articles in not totally accurate ways. For example, 'sometime before 10 PM', which is consistent with the bar owner's statement, becomes 'at 10 PM', which isn't. And then it's possible that other places just repeat that change, kind of like a game of telephone.
I wouldn't rely a great deal on the specific times mentioned in those articles unless they come from a direct quote or an official release of some sort. From reading Daily Mail articles in other cases, they often summarize facts from other articles in not totally accurate ways. For example, 'sometime before 10 PM', which is consistent with the bar owner's statement, becomes 'at 10 PM', which isn't. And then it's possible that other places just repeat that change, kind of like a game of telephone.
Exactly, and what I was hoping to convey ie that reports can all be very misleading.

But what I can't quite recall is where the original 10pm reference arose. Was it in Bane's original alert to the police or simply reported in the press? Because if it came from Bane himself, then there could be an issue with timings if what we are seeing reported from the bar owner is true.... (and not compromised )
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