GUILTY UT - Destiny Norton, 5, Salt Lake City, 16 July 2006

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DNA Solves
jaybird said:
These new developments upset me so much. When we learned that Destiny probably died right away, there was at least a little relief that he didn't have time to rape her....but to find out that he did it AFTER he killed least she was already gone and didn't have to try to understand what was happening.

I hope this sick *advertiser censored* gets what's coming to him. Karma will get you every time, hopefully it will get him, too.
I am wondering if the rape truly was after he murdered the little girl. I can envision the cops telling him that they had DNA from her body; and he said that he sexually molested her afterwards (like that would save face for him or something).

He confessed to killing her. So, how does that jive with the wife saying that she thinks that he is innocent. Also, if there is DNA linking him to the crime, can she still be that stupid?
kwatson696 said:

This is an awful photo of the basement.....:furious:
Before Destiny was found, I recall reading something that said she slept in the corner of the basement of her family's home. If her house is just like Gregerson's and the neighbor, Troy Cox's, then she had to sleep in a nasty, dirty, dingy cellar like the one in this picture. I wouldn't have wanted to go to bed either! That is sad. I hope her's was nicer.

"Police called for help in the "desperate" search for Destiny, who vanished from a tiny ranch house shared by 10 young people -- a loose circle of couples and friends who opened their door to reporters on Wednesday and showed where the girl slept in a corner of the basement."
I hope her basement was nothing like his. My son sleeps in a corner of the basement, but it is a finished basement and he has his own room. In other words, it is a nice place.

This guy's basement was described as a crawl space with ceiling about 6 feet high. I sure hope Destiny's basement was not like his.

This is a photo of the basement....
kwatson696 said:
If she had to open a trap door and crawl down dismal steps like that every night its no wonder why she would put up a fight and run outside. I probably would too. Especially if there were black widows such as in the neighbors basement. However, I am going to assume her parents bug bombed or sprayed some Raid down there before making her sleep down there!
Not sure if this has been posted yet, but I don't recall seeing it.

"Craig Roger Gregerson, 20, is accused smothering Destiny Norton on the night of July 16 after luring her to his home, then sexually assaulting the body and storing the remains in a plastic container in his basement, Assistant District Attorney Bob Stott said."

Puke. So after he sexually assualts her body and hides her, he heads over to his wife's house for some reconciliation- where she said he spent the night. :furious:
nanandjim said:
He confessed to killing her. So, how does that jive with the wife saying that she thinks that he is innocent. Also, if there is DNA linking him to the crime, can she still be that stupid?
I think so.
The autopsy also shows she was raped post-mortem. It's consistant with what he has said.

nanandjim said:
I am wondering if the rape truly was after he murdered the little girl. I can envision the cops telling him that they had DNA from her body; and he said that he sexually molested her afterwards (like that would save face for him or something).
I am going to assume that where Destiny slept was nothing like the neighbors' basements. If she slept in those conditions, I would think Trinity would be would taken away and the soon to be born baby, too. Destiny's parents showed the police where she slept. If the conditons had been that bad the police probably would have assumed she was an abused or ill cared for child and focused a lot more on the parents and not out in the neighborhood. I also don't think the parents would have admitted, "Yeah this is where my kid sleeps" if it had been like the other basements. CPS would have stepped in so fast.
Maddy's Mom said:
Before Destiny was found, I recall reading something that said she slept in the corner of the basement of her family's home. If her house is just like Gregerson's and the neighbor, Troy Cox's, then she had to sleep in a nasty, dirty, dingy cellar like the one in this picture. I wouldn't have wanted to go to bed either! That is sad. I hope her's was nicer.

Her house was not like Gregerson's.
And it was never reported that she didn't want to go to bed.
The picture in the above link to the basement is not
her house!
It is either the neighbors, or Gregerson's.
That is not where she slept.
harleysnana said:
Her house was not like Gregerson's.
And it was never reported that she didn't want to go to bed.
The picture in the above link to the basement is not
her house!
It is either the neighbors, or Gregerson's.
That is not where she slept.
She went outside that night after arguing with her parents about having to go to bed.
"At about 8:30 that night, the Nortons had been arguing with Destiny about her not wanting to go to bed and Destiny left the house. "

I realize that is not her house. That is why I said "If her house is just like Gregerson's and the neighbor, Troy Cox's"...that picture is of the trap door leading into the neighbor's basement, per the article.

I am glad to hear her basement did not have the same layout, I just assumed most of the houses in that apartment complex were the same format based on these statements in the above linked article:
"Gregerson's house sits on a grassy lot at 518 E. Elwood Place alongside three other identical duplexes near downtown Salt Lake. The two-bedroom dilapidated wood structures were built during the 40s with a coal-burning basement and it's apparent they haven't been renovated since. The coal burners no longer operate, leaving behind a dank 10-by-10 foot box."
Anyone with children knows that a child will fight bedtime... there's just so much to do, to see, to want... I really don't think it was a matter of where she slept. She was being a normal child - fighting bedtime.
MagicRose99 said:
Anyone with children knows that a child will fight bedtime... there's just so much to do, to see, to want... I really don't think it was a matter of where she slept. She was being a normal child - fighting bedtime.
But why bathe her then let her go back outside? That kind of defeats the purpose of the bath.
I agree, but lots of parents do it. I often go to the playground in the evening and see kids who have wet hair and pjs on. I assume that means they've just taken a bath. I wouldn't do that, but I guess it doesn't bother some parents.
Jeana (DP) said:
If I live to be 150 years old, I will NEVER understand that statement. Its HER fault that he hit her. :doh: :doh: :doh: That woman needs to get a clue and then a life in that order and if she can't protect her own daughter, she needs to be removed from her care.

Jeana she is a battered wife. I would imagine that he has beaten her down emotionally, mentally, and physically, and made her believe that everything that happens is her fault. Batterers will tell the wife "if you hadn't done such and such then I wouldn't have hit's your own fault. Battered women always blame everything on themselves. This husband has been a nothing all of his life according to his wife. He was unpopular in school...everyone elses fault though and seems to isolate and not have any makes him feel better about himself by knocking the chit out of her and telling her what a loser she is.

Everytime I catch myself starting to judge a battered woman I remind myself that my own daughter was a battered woman for 7 years and ended up dead by his hand. When I think of my own daughter I have a better understanding of battered women and why they stay and do the things that they do. They become just as sick as the batterer. They become so beaten down that everything has to be their fault. They feel ugly and worthless...dumb and fat.
They are told those things so much that they believe them.

The only good thing that will come out of this horrible tragedy is that this wife might now have the chance to heal and get her life together. She said she would not stand by him if he told her that he killed Destiny. He has admitted it now. He will be in prison for the rest of his life. Hopfully she will get some therapy and break the cycle and find a better life for herself and her daughter. She isn't a loser Jeanna. She is caught up in his sickness.
For some reason I honestly thought that LE would find Destiny. When I read that they had found her body I just couldn't believe it. It's hard to believe how fast that all happened. That killer must have seen her as soon as she walked outside and then talked her over to his place. Little kids are so trusting and he lived right there. He was a neighbor. I wonder if Destiny had ever seen or talked to him before. It sounds like she realized right away that something wasn't right as he said she started to scream. He quieted her right then and that is why no one heard a thing.

Here is a statement from an article....see what you think.......

Police say they never had enough probable cause for a warrant and the Norton family never identified Gregerson as a suspect. In fact, neighbors barely saw him. He kept to himself.

The part that bothers me is "the Norton family never identified Gregerson as a suspect." Now when in the heck does the family go around looking for suspects and identifying them for the police? The police are supposed to figure out who the suspects are. Destiny disappeared so quickly every neighbor within a block should have been a suspect.
Maddy's Mom said:
She went outside that night after arguing with her parents about having to go to bed.
"At about 8:30 that night, the Nortons had been arguing with Destiny about her not wanting to go to bed and Destiny left the house. "

I realize that is not her house. That is why I said "If her house is just like Gregerson's and the neighbor, Troy Cox's"...that picture is of the trap door leading into the neighbor's basement, per the article.

I am glad to hear her basement did not have the same layout, I just assumed most of the houses in that apartment complex were the same format based on these statements in the above linked article:
"Gregerson's house sits on a grassy lot at 518 E. Elwood Place alongside three other identical duplexes near downtown Salt Lake. The two-bedroom dilapidated wood structures were built during the 40s with a coal-burning basement and it's apparent they haven't been renovated since. The coal burners no longer operate, leaving behind a dank 10-by-10 foot box."

Hi Maddy's Mom~
As far as the bed time fight...
her parents later came out and said that did not happen.
She was given a bath and went outside to play while they fixed
Destiny didn't live in the same complex.
I will try to find a picture so you can see what her house looked like
and what Greggerson's house looked like.
Hope this helps!

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