UT UT - Dylan Rounds, 19, wkg on farm, “weird run-in” with a guy walking on gravel rd, no phone & CC activity, Lucin, Box Elder Co, 25 May 2022

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Ok one more thing and then I’ll stop haha

"Elko sends out six people. They go search this gentleman's house. He and his mother let them search everything: open locked sheds, all the vehicles, on and on. Well, Elko, they come out, six deputies, they were in full force."

What came of this? LE goes out to search and doesn’t find him … was Kurt questioned by officials as to why he believed or led others to believe all of this was going on??
Yes. I live in the Midwest US, and while a 4 hour round trip is not super significant, it would be for a phone charger… but again, like you said, if that was his only means of communication, it makes sense. I think the fact of him driving in the middle of the night for a charger could speak to the significance of his social life… I know Snapchat is very popular w Dylan’s age group, but I think it’s an interesting account for him to have, especially w as much as his parents insist that all he did was work, eat, and sleep. I’m just seems his phone and its portal to the life lived on social media were more important to him than his parents realized, in my opinion.

(And again- all of this is very common for “kids” his age. For parents not to know what’s going on, social media accounts, unknown social life, etc. I just think it’s worth noting because there is likely a whole other side of Dylan which hasn’t become clear yet, and this could certainly lend clues to the investigation.)
I think CC is talking in general and her point of reference about DR stopping by at all hours is all year long. DR only lived in Lucin during farming season -- he did not live there year-round or winter. But I also don't doubt he would drive two hours to ID to raid his mom's supplies.
I’m so confused!

It appears to me that Dylan did have a social life to a degree and I don’t understand why CC wants everyone to believe he didn’t.

How and why was his shotgun found on Dylan’s bed in his Great Grandfather’s house? Where is that house? Is this significant?

Hostage story comes from Kurt but he keeps changing his story. Kurt worked on the farm as well as owning the Saddle Sore Bar which is where Dylan would eat and socialize but he didn’t have a social life. Add to that he sometimes stayed in Kurt’s trailer if he was too tired to drive home but no one was there. It was empty. OK

The shoeless guy that Dylan did or didn’t give a drive to and a pair of boots that may have a spot of blood on them are also thrown into the mix.

TBH, I can’t get a “feel” for Dylan. I want to but none of it makes sense.

I sure hope that LE and the FBI have some solid intel because I haven’t got a clue anymore.

My reading is that he didn't have a social life like that of his High school peers.
He apparently had a bedroom in his grandfather's house.
Trailer was empty but Dylan had permission to use it if he didn't feel like driving home .
Summary of important information:
  • Dylan did drop out of high school to farm.
  • Dylan has a history of breaking phones and losing chargers. He was known to show up at CC's house unannounced in the middle of the night to get new chargers or buy a new phone.
  • His pistol and key fob are missing. His shotgun was found on DR's bed at his great-grandfather's house.
  • DR's pickup is registered to his dad, JR.
  • DR usually kept his pistol in his pickup.
  • Kurt worked on Dylan's farm and helped dig the irrigation pond. Kurt and his family also owned the Saddle Sore Bar. Kurt also helped search for DR. After the search, he called both CC and DR's grandmother to say DR was being held hostage somewhere in Montello.
  • Dylan talked with CC and JR about farming, animals, etc., but not personal stuff.
  • Dylan had a Snapchat.
  • Dylan would sometimes stay in Kurt's motor home near the Saddle Sore Bar when he got too tired to return home.
Some quotes from CC transcribed from the video above (BBM):


When asked about whether Dylan had other shoes besides the boots that he wore when he would go out, CC responds, "Dylan didn't go out, guys. Dylan didn't go out. Dylan worked. That's like the video I put on FB on Christmas, that was Christmas of this year, at my parents, Christmas of '21, and he is in his work boots."
Edited for focus.
Say what ?
His only footwear was a pair of work boots ?
How unusual.

Didn't he have any casual footwear, like loafers of some sort or shoes for when he ate out or did the karaoke ?
Most people have more than one pair of shoes.

I admit I'm finding it odd the emphasis on Dylan's never going 'out' socially.
If it's a small town and that appears to be the case, and people are somewhat into each other's business ... the locals would know if Dylan had a social life or not.

And it was said in the post I've linked that locals do know what's going on and may even be silent about what they know.
Assuming they have a better idea of what happened ?

Sorry if this post is confusing.
The entire case is confusing !

I'm a bit leery of the person, Kurt, who said that Dylan was maybe being held somewhere.
As in inserting oneself into the investigation ?

I keep hoping Dylan is o.k. and simply walked away from his old life.
But as time passes hope grows fainter. :(
My .02.
I have the same takeaways as manby of you have expressed. No social life, eh? but karaoke is pretty social. Eating out is social. And yep, all the driving for phone chargers. How many did he lose really, how often, and never found them? With his reportedly isolated solitary all work no play life, with no one really around to misplace or borrow them... Come on, did he lose one a week? And drive 4 hours (round trip) to "order a new phone" at mom's? ETA: I don't think this is of any consequence or importance, just musing.

But biggest for me is still the "hostage"/"hoax" issue - I want more facts about all of this. It is still just way, way too coincidental IMO. Where there's smoke, there's fire. Why insert such an odd contention? So odd there's got to be some truth to it IMO
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I have the same takeaways as manby of you have expressed. No social life, eh? but karaoke is pretty social. Eating out is social. And yep, all the driving for phone chargers. How many did he lose really, how often, and never found them? With his reportedly isolated solitary all work no play life, with no one really around to misplace or borrow them... Come on, did he lose one a week? And drive 4 hours (round trip) to "order a new phone" at mom's?

But biggest for me is still the "hostage"/"hoax" issue - I want more facts about all of this. It is still just way, way too coincidental IMO. Where there's smoke, there's fire. Why insert such an odd contention? So odd there's got to be some truth to it IMO
There just seems to be a multitude of questions and barely any answers.

Unfortunately I do believe foul play is afoot. I can’t really see any way around that.

There just seems to be a multitude of questions and barely any answers.

Unfortunately I do believe foul play is afoot. I can’t really see any way around that.

I agree, sadly.
A strong hunch that Dylan found something out ?
Like to think I'm way off.
Did Dylan ever express any fears to his parents ?
I have the same takeaways as manby of you have expressed. No social life, eh? but karaoke is pretty social. Eating out is social. And yep, all the driving for phone chargers. How many did he lose really, how often, and never found them? With his reportedly isolated solitary all work no play life, with no one really around to misplace or borrow them... Come on, did he lose one a week? And drive 4 hours (round trip) to "order a new phone" at mom's? ETA: I don't think this is of any consequence or importance, just musing.

But biggest for me is still the "hostage"/"hoax" issue - I want more facts about all of this. It is still just way, way too coincidental IMO. Where there's smoke, there's fire. Why insert such an odd contention? So odd there's got to be some truth to it IMO


Not picking on you, just jumping off your post...

We all have a different idea of what "going out" entails in our respective lives. For me, stopping at the pub to grab a meal and maybe staying for a game of pool or karaoke (well, not me personally) before heading home isn't really "going out." For me, "going out" would mean making plans and even doing something wild like putting on makeup or curling my hair. My husband stops at a pub with his friends from work at least once a week, and that's just how he phrases it when he lets me know; when we "go out", we make plans to meet people or engage in an activity like a concert or bowling or eating at someplace other than the same pub we frequent day-in and -out. That may be completely different from what the person reading this does in their day-to-day life, but what I'm trying to say is that the routine nature of someone's behaviors is what determines their definition of "going out."

At some point this winds up as an argument of semantics. Although word meanings are certainly important in communication, sometimes the reality of the situation is lost because of that intense focus.

I took this to mean that Dylan has some typical places he goes for a meal and to shoot the breeze with the other patrons, and that he doesn't frequently get all "duded up" to take someone on a date or to see a movie, etc. Just because he speaks to people and eats in public doesn't make him a social butterfly who is out dancing at a different club every weekend.

Not picking on you, just jumping off your post...

We all have a different idea of what "going out" entails in our respective lives. For me, stopping at the pub to grab a meal and maybe staying for a game of pool or karaoke (well, not me personally) before heading home isn't really "going out." For me, "going out" would mean making plans and even doing something wild like putting on makeup or curling my hair. My husband stops at a pub with his friends from work at least once a week, and that's just how he phrases it when he lets me know; when we "go out", we make plans to meet people or engage in an activity like a concert or bowling or eating at someplace other than the same pub we frequent day-in and -out. That may be completely different from what the person reading this does in their day-to-day life, but what I'm trying to say is that the routine nature of someone's behaviors is what determines their definition of "going out."

At some point this winds up as an argument of semantics. Although word meanings are certainly important in communication, sometimes the reality of the situation is lost because of that intense focus.

I took this to mean that Dylan has some typical places he goes for a meal and to shoot the breeze with the other patrons, and that he doesn't frequently get all "duded up" to take someone on a date or to see a movie, etc. Just because he speaks to people and eats in public doesn't make him a social butterfly who is out dancing at a different club every weekend.
OT: yes, semantics, fascinating stuff really. Thanks for the insight - I appreciate your thoughts, and totally understand what you're sharing. It is all about perspective.

Not picking on you, just jumping off your post...

We all have a different idea of what "going out" entails in our respective lives. For me, stopping at the pub to grab a meal and maybe staying for a game of pool or karaoke (well, not me personally) before heading home isn't really "going out." For me, "going out" would mean making plans and even doing something wild like putting on makeup or curling my hair. My husband stops at a pub with his friends from work at least once a week, and that's just how he phrases it when he lets me know; when we "go out", we make plans to meet people or engage in an activity like a concert or bowling or eating at someplace other than the same pub we frequent day-in and -out. That may be completely different from what the person reading this does in their day-to-day life, but what I'm trying to say is that the routine nature of someone's behaviors is what determines their definition of "going out."

At some point this winds up as an argument of semantics. Although word meanings are certainly important in communication, sometimes the reality of the situation is lost because of that intense focus.

I took this to mean that Dylan has some typical places he goes for a meal and to shoot the breeze with the other patrons, and that he doesn't frequently get all "duded up" to take someone on a date or to see a movie, etc. Just because he speaks to people and eats in public doesn't make him a social butterfly who is out dancing at a different club every weekend.
All of this.
It's not like had a huge choice of eateries.
I'd eat there too, if I was hungry.
And I'd have no choice but to put up with the karaoke.

Not picking on you, just jumping off your post...

We all have a different idea of what "going out" entails in our respective lives. For me, stopping at the pub to grab a meal and maybe staying for a game of pool or karaoke (well, not me personally) before heading home isn't really "going out." For me, "going out" would mean making plans and even doing something wild like putting on makeup or curling my hair. My husband stops at a pub with his friends from work at least once a week, and that's just how he phrases it when he lets me know; when we "go out", we make plans to meet people or engage in an activity like a concert or bowling or eating at someplace other than the same pub we frequent day-in and -out. That may be completely different from what the person reading this does in their day-to-day life, but what I'm trying to say is that the routine nature of someone's behaviors is what determines their definition of "going out."

At some point this winds up as an argument of semantics. Although word meanings are certainly important in communication, sometimes the reality of the situation is lost because of that intense focus.

I took this to mean that Dylan has some typical places he goes for a meal and to shoot the breeze with the other patrons, and that he doesn't frequently get all "duded up" to take someone on a date or to see a movie, etc. Just because he speaks to people and eats in public doesn't make him a social butterfly who is out dancing at a different club every weekend.
I agree. In earlier interviews, we heard DR was a regular at the tavern in Montello because it was convenient, they served hot food and were open late. I too wouldn't think my frequenting the Saddle Sore as "going out" -- it's a dump with a late kitchen! JMO
I’m so confused!

It appears to me that Dylan did have a social life to a degree and I don’t understand why CC wants everyone to believe he didn’t.

How and why was his shotgun found on Dylan’s bed in his Great Grandfather’s house? Where is that house? Is this significant?

Hostage story comes from Kurt but he keeps changing his story. Kurt worked on the farm as well as owning the Saddle Sore Bar which is where Dylan would eat and socialize but he didn’t have a social life. Add to that he sometimes stayed in Kurt’s trailer if he was too tired to drive home but no one was there. It was empty. OK

The shoeless guy that Dylan did or didn’t give a drive to and a pair of boots that may have a spot of blood on them are also thrown into the mix.

TBH, I can’t get a “feel” for Dylan. I want to but none of it makes sense.

I sure hope that LE and the FBI have some solid intel because I haven’t got a clue anymore.


That sticks in my craw too. Did his mom not know about the women he was seeing socially or did she not want the public to think too much about it? Did he have an interest in men and maybe he belongs to a religion/ideology that frowns upon that? Did he hook up with the wrong person?
Edited for focus.
Say what ?
His only footwear was a pair of work boots ?
How unusual.

Didn't he have any casual footwear, like loafers of some sort or shoes for when he ate out or did the karaoke ?
Most people have more than one pair of shoes.
You may not be familiar with how a lot of country boys (and country girls too) dress. "If I can't wear my boots, I'm not going" is a way of life for many.
I get the feeling DR was taking on adult responsibilities without really having the adequate life experience to deal with what came his way. It seems all his "friends" were much older. It's one thing to know farming inside and out, but dealing with people in the area is a different story, IMO. I also feel he kept personal things from his parents because he did not want to disappoint them or have them say "I told you so. You're not ready for XYZ....."
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