UT UT - Dylan Rounds, 19, wkg on farm, “weird run-in” with a guy walking on gravel rd, no phone & CC activity, Lucin, Box Elder Co, 25 May 2022

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Some quotes from CC transcribed from the video above (BBM):

"I was lied to, I was told the boots were at the lab and there was blood on them." The host then asks CC if she knows for sure it was blood, and CC responds "We do now, but when they told us on June 2nd, then, fastforward to that Saturday, [...] June 4th, Justin and I meet with detectives again and Justin asked them, 'Hey, what about the blood on the boots?' and it was just a deer in the headlights look. And they're like 'Oh, they haven't been to the lab yet.' So we were told the boots weren't even at the lab."
If I'm reading this passage correct (bolded / italicized) CC confirms they now know that it was blood on the boots. I know it was suspected blood, but had not seen confirmation from LE or other sources. If indeed this is true, I wonder if they confirmed it was Dylan's blood and if testing can determine how long the blood had been there.
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From everything that's been said here, I don't think the run-in with the barefoot man is relevant to the disappearance. If I remember correctly, nothing appeared to be missing from the farm right? But if you're wandering the desert without shoes, asking for favors (give me a ride, etc.), and looking to do harm to someone, why would you leave the farm without taking Dylan's truck, shoes, and any valuables you could find on the farm? Would a drug-addled crazy shoeless person take the time to move Dylan's truck back to his house and power wash it?

I think that when people go missing, it's natural to point to anything that could explain it and the encounter with the shoeless guy is certainly suspicious. But to me it seems like if this is a murder it was probably committed by someone who knew the kid and who had a non-monetary motivation for getting rid of him. Maybe there is some money or something hidden on the property that no one except dylan and whoever (maybe) killed him knew about, maybe not. But I'm thinking that if Dylan was killed whoever did it probably came to his property in their own car, used Dylan's car to move the body, and then tossed Dylan's boots out the window of their own car as they drove off the property. The seat of the truck being moved and the truck being power washed speak to a killer who knows what they are doing or at least knows enough to try to cover their tracks.
Ok, last thing. A lot of people have been talking about how weird it is that Dylan supposedly only had one pair of boots (or only wore one pair), but that's not weird to me. I have 20 pairs of shoes but I probably wear the same pair of boots 90% of the time. I know a lot of guys that only have one or two pairs of shoes, one pair of pants etc. If you have a really good pair of work boots that are comfortable, look good, or are a hassle to take off after the work day then you can imagine that you would rarely, if ever, be seen in a different pair of shoes.
CV reached out to CC and told her himself.
Didn't Dylan tell her he didn't give the guy a ride? Why would she believe CV over her son? CV would certainly has reasons to lie. Just find that strange.

Okay, I see now from reading on that apparently there was independent confirmation.

That tells me a little more about Dylan. He not only didn't talk to his parents about "personal stuff", he was willing to outright lie to them.
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My reading is that he didn't have a social life like that of his High school peers.
I agree with this, although in one breath CC says that she hadn't known about his "girlfriends", then in the next says that he doesn't do anything but work. What does he do with his girlfriends?

And, if he lives on the farm in Lucin "in season", what does he do the rest of the year, "off season"? Only farming-related things, such as equipment repair and other farming chores?

Trying to get a picture here is all.
I agree with this, although in one breath CC says that she hadn't known about his "girlfriends", then in the next says that he doesn't do anything but work. What does he do with his girlfriends?

And, if he lives on the farm in Lucin "in season", what does he do the rest of the year, "off season"? Only farming-related things, such as equipment repair and other farming chores?

Trying to get a picture here is all.
Thats where I am right now.. at first I thought he was a quiet guy, no friends, no hobbies just worked by himself. Now he's got girlfriends, goes to the bar. I just cant get a read on anything.
The seat of the truck being moved and the truck being power washed speak to a killer who knows what they are doing or at least knows enough to try to cover their tracks.

While I agree with the point that someone known to DR may have been involved in his disappearance, I would say that moving the seat implies, that the person was at least partially inside the vehicle which means leaving traces. Partial erasing of the traces may indicate hurry, mental blurriness or just no need to do so.
On the other hand, moving the seat may have been related to cleaning up the inside of the truck and DR may have done so on his own, so this must not be related to his disappearance at all.
Sorry if I overread something already said.

Poor guy who has his whole life ahead of him. I hope he will be found!

Thats where I am right now.. at first I thought he was a quiet guy, no friends, no hobbies just worked by himself. Now he's got girlfriends, goes to the bar. I just cant get a read on anything.

I think both is possible. While being a relatively quiet and focused-on-work guy, there still may exist a social DR. One does not exclude the other imho but it gives us a hint to approximately which type of person he was.
Thats where I am right now.. at first I thought he was a quiet guy, no friends, no hobbies just worked by himself. Now he's got girlfriends, goes to the bar. I just cant get a read on anything.
Same here. I am not sure what to think at this point. I thought his mom said he dropped out of high school to pursue the farming and that they weren't too happy with that but support him nonetheless. In this video yesterday, where she answered questions with this creator ZavGirl
Around 57:12 in the video is when she starts retelling that story of Dylan calling her, telling her the story about this man/Chase and what he encountered, she says:
"the whole reason Dylan left out that he gave him a ride is because he knows I would've chewed his butt. I would've lectured him for hours and days and weeks over that. So yeah, he's 19 he is going to leave out some stuff to Mom..."

I think that is reasonable but, with that, I also think that there could be other things that he did not want to share with his parents, for any number of reasons, and those questioning possibilities of him hiding some parts of his life from them (regardless of the reason) is also reasonable/understandable.
I agree with this, although in one breath CC says that she hadn't known about his "girlfriends", then in the next says that he doesn't do anything but work. What does he do with his girlfriends?

And, if he lives on the farm in Lucin "in season", what does he do the rest of the year, "off season"? Only farming-related things, such as equipment repair and other farming chores?

Trying to get a picture here is all.
I don't know.
I find it easy to understand her.
I don't think she is in the slightest bit complicated, just a mother desperately searching for her son.
No less than 3 PD's are involved in this search, including his hometown dept.

I do understand difference and that he has his own unique interests and characteristics.
I doubt he's responsible for his own disappearance though and possibly made no contribution to it at all.
If I'm reading this passage correct (bolded / italicized) CC confirms they now know that it was blood on the boots. I know it was suspected blood, but had not seen confirmation from LE or other sources. If indeed this is true, I wonder if they confirmed it was Dylan's blood and if testing can determine how long the blood had been there. ^^bbm
To my knowledge, there's been no confirmation the presumptive test for blood was returned proof positive (or DR's blood). We know from CC that to her dismay, LE held the boots for a week longer before they were sent to the lab.

I interpreted the statement by CC differently. CC thought the stain was hydraulic oil until LE indicated they wanted to test the boots for blood evidence. Testing for blood is not a confirmation but a presumption that needs to be confirmed positive or negative. This discussion was all before the investigation was upgraded to criminal.
It would not be unusual for a farmer to have some of his own blood on his boots (or clothes). Especially a small amount would not indicate anything necessarily suspicious as farming is a very physical occupation even with all the new technology. Now if it was a lot of blood, or someone else’s, that could be a bigger deal.
The Find.. fb page admin addressed the topic of scratches that one of the locals had on their arm. Apparently the police determined the scratches weren't from fingernails. Comment in question: Log into Facebook

I found another explanation for the "hoax" call on the fb page, which involves superstition.
My opinion only....I find the excuses/explanations for these troubling.
Clarification-It seems a lot of coincidental things are being "cleared" by LE or family. I will just hold out and see what actually happens but I am hesitant.
Timeline, if it helps anyone. I've been looking over it but there's so little known/confirmed about 25/05-28/05 that it's getting more confusing every time.

May 25, 2022

  • DR calls family members about ‘weird run-in’: a man is walking barefooted down the road and acting erratically. The man asks to use DR’s phone and for a ride. DR thinks the man may be dangerous/high. [He tells his mother that he refused to give a ride, but actually DID do so.] [the man is in a nearby county jail for unrelated charges, booked June 4, 2022]
May 26, 2022
  • Visits Montello, NV.
  • DR gets groceries at Montello Gas & Grocery. [confirmed by LE and bank statements].
  • DR calls each parent on the phone and talks about his upcoming farming plans. Dad mentions spotty service. [confirmed by phone records]
May 27, 2022 [Last known sighting]
  • Visits Montello, NV.
  • DR dines at Saddle Sore Bar-Cafe. [confirmed by LE, not by bank statements, possibly paid cash, possibly back-tracked]
May 28, 2022 [Last heard from]
  • Presumably in Lucin, UT.
  • 6.51am: DR calls grandmother to talk, but hangs up early as he needs to cover his seed truck for the upcoming rain. [confirmed by phone pings to be at the farm at this time]
  • There is heavy rain during day.
  • 3.41pm: DR’s phone gives off its last confirmed ping, covering a 15.4 mile radius which includes DR’s farm.
May 29, 2022
  • The man that DR gave a ride to and that was acting erratically, is spotted in town. [presumably in Montello, NV, unconfirmed and presumably unrelated.]
May 30, 2022 [Reported missing]
  • ±4pm: Mom recieves a phone call from DR’s best friend that nobody has heard from Dylan since May 28. She and DR’s dad travel to Lucin, UT, from Idaho and inform LE.
  • ±5pm: Police arrive at DR’s property in Lucin.
  • DR’s residence/trailer is searched: himself, his phone, wallet, car fob/keys and 0.40 pistol are missing. His trailer is not ‘ransacked’. DR’s truck, a maroon Ford, is found locked and parked near the trailer. It has been recently cleaned on the outside, in the back tires and the inside bed. The seat is pushed forward and 4WD switched on, despite having been inoperable. Family breaks the truck front window. [this is allowed by LE present]
  • ±6pm: DR’s boots are found 100 yds from the ‘shop’, where his grain truck is stored. They are taken by police as they found ‘a spot of blood’.
May 31, 2022
  • A fake call is made to LE that DR is being held hostage in Montello, NV. The call is possibly made by the owner of Saddle Sore Bar, who also worked for DR in the past. [caller unconfirmed]
Jun 6, 2022
  • DR’s boots, previously held for cadaver dogs, are sent to the labaratory.
  • DR’s brother and best friend are called in for DNA testing. [presumably routine]
Jun 13, 2022
  • Equusearch Midwest, a horse-mounted volunteer organization, joins the search.
Jun 15, 2022
  • Box Elder County Sheriff’s Office (Lucin, UT) releases a statement labeling DR’s case as a “Missing Person/Criminal Investigation” for the first time.
  • FBI and Rigby, ID police (DR’s hometown) join the search.
Jun 17, 2022
  • Box Elder County Sheriff’s Office (Lucin, UT) names the case as a criminal investigation.
Jun 17, 2022 — Jun 20, 2022 [unknown date, presumably around this time]
  • DR’s trailers are taken into police custody.
  • Daily searches, both by LE, family and volunteers.
  • Family, especially mom, interviews with the media.
I wanted to bring the timeline forward.

Also, I’ve been thinking about him calling both of his parents 5/25. Was this normal? Did he typically call them the same day? Did he have a normal routine of calling his parents? Were these calls unexpected?

While it still seems like foul play, there are just so many questions that seem like it could voluntarily missing or suicide.
Didn't Dylan tell her he didn't give the guy a ride? Why would she believe CV over her son? CV would certainly has reasons to lie. Just find that strange.

Okay, I see now from reading on that apparently there was independent confirmation.

That tells me a little more about Dylan. He not only didn't talk to his parents about "personal stuff", he was willing to outright lie to them.
You’re assuming that he even said that in the first place. I’ve seen no confirmation of that conversation occurring and without Dylan to confirm, it’s possible he didn’t have that conversation at all. JMO
I'm interested in the railroad tracks. What is the level of activity on that rail line? Is it mostly freight or passenger?
I have had a lot of cases over the years where rail right-of-ways have been an overlooked clue in the case.

I would guess freight lines.

The Cowboy Bar in Montello, NV is on Front Street. It's appx 26 miles to Dylan's property.

This review for TCB was left on yelp:

Many the time we have called in an order of burgers and fresh cut fries. We stop our train long enough to walk across the street and pick them UP.
A little slice of western Americana at the Cowboy bar & grill.

Screenshot 2022-06-22 3.36.14 PM.png

Case Map
Dylan Rounds Lucin, Utah - Google My Maps

From 01:42 in video
Screenshot 2022-06-22 3.40.59 PM.png

In the video, the train tracks are shown near Dylan's property @ 01:42

I agree with this, although in one breath CC says that she hadn't known about his "girlfriends", then in the next says that he doesn't do anything but work. What does he do with his girlfriends?

And, if he lives on the farm in Lucin "in season", what does he do the rest of the year, "off season"? Only farming-related things, such as equipment repair and other farming chores?

Trying to get a picture here is all.

Respectfully, I think it's a mistake to take the mother's words literally. It also should come as no surprise that only hours after the former PI was on the same YT channel alleging her son was gay and in a relationship with an elderly man, the mother would mention her aunt (HS teacher) has since informed her about DR's high school girlfriends that were unknown to her.

I think in retrospect, mom realized how her own earlier words that DR did not date, did not socialize, only worked and farmed may have indirectly supported the idea of an alternate lifestyle. Just the same, CC made it known that her son's sexuality, would never make him any less her son (grandson, brother, friend), that's most likely been the victim of a crime.

But more importantly, CC wants the focus to remain on locating her son and not fueling rumors purported by the PI and his followers.
Again, no one, including the mother (i.e., "nobody cleared"), is discounting any credible leads or evidence that named locals may have had a part in disappearing DR but any investigating here is being handled by the county, state LE, and FBI. To my knowledge, officials have not named any POI(s) and/or suspect(s). MOO
"the whole reason Dylan left out that he gave him a ride is because he knows I would've chewed his butt. I would've lectured him for hours and days and weeks over that.
<modsnip: Not victim friendly>
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