UT - Ethan Stacy, 4, Layton, 10 May 2010 - #2

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Me too. From the above link.....

Stacy had called his son every day since he came to Utah, and Stephanie Sloop often would call her ex-husband to complain about the boy's behavior, Stacy said. But starting May 5 -- the day charging documents say Nathan Sloop, 31, began abusing Ethan -- his ex-wife kept coming up with reasons the boy couldn't talk to his father. The last call Stacy made was Monday, when Nathan Sloop gave another reason why the boy couldn't talk to his father, Stacy said.
"I never did get a call back," he said.

I saw this coming. I wondered if she allowed a single call from dad once she had Ethan in her custody. I'm surprised he was able to talk to his son at all.

Also from the above link:

As part of their divorce, Stacy retained custody as long as he paid her half of a settlement from a pending injury lawsuit he had filed about 18 months ago.

Just gimme the money honey, you can keep the kid if I get some money - :furious: :furious: :furious:

Can this 'mother' get any worse? Who the hell bargains custody of their child for freaking money? :furious:

Casey Anthony has some stiff competion and right now it looks like Stephanie Sloop is leading the race.


I have the distinct impression we've only seen the tip of the iceberg here. In coming months, we're going to find out just how depraved she really is.

JMO, of course.

BTW, given this information coming out now, how likely would it be they could revoke her bail? $100K is nothing. :furious:
and calling Ethans dad to complain about Ethans behavior? what did she expect from a 4 year old abandoned by his mother, enduring his parents divorcing AND being taken away from the only stability he knew in his life? Undying praise and love for taking a little time to spend with him?

She is more self absorbed than I can fathom. If I wrote what I would like to see happen to her AND Nathan, especially Nathan in the GP I would surely be banned, so use your imagination.... I will add it includes something he put in Nathans mouth. Ok, I think that is as close to TOS as I can say. :furious:
IMO, that was yet another ruse and attempt to CYA by SS.

"See? I told you he was being bad !!!"
I have the distinct impression we've only seen the tip of the iceberg here. In coming months, we're going to find out just how depraved she really is.

JMO, of course.

BTW, given this information coming out now, how likely would it be they could revoke her bail? $100K is nothing. :furious:

BBM. I agree. I think it will get much much worse and I think the previous analogy made between Stephanie Sloop and Karla Homolka will prove to not be far off at all.

What is it about pathological liars? I have dealt with them in the past and always felt they were very dangerous because they seem to not have a conscious. Ethan's father describes SS as one and of course KC. When I asked a psychiatrist about it once I was told that it was a sign of a sociopath. Are all pathological liars sociopaths? Is it because they never take responsibility for their actions, it is always someone elses fault? Someone earlier was playing devil's advocate and talking about how SS was a victim. I think that is how she wants people to see it. I can see her taking this all the way to court about how she was a victim and afraid for her life. That is BS! She was not a victim of NS. She was a participant in her son's murder and should be charged right along with him.
Ok, I need some sleep now that it is almost quarter to 3.....

See everyone tomorrow and try to get some rest.

Saying an extra prayer for Ethans paternal family and Ethan.....

'Night everyone.
BBM. I agree. I think it will get much much worse and I think the previous analogy made between Stephanie Sloop and Karla Homolka will prove to not be far off at all.


I hope we don't have the same results, with her being free in time to have another child to abuse. I just can't bear the thought of her walking free, much less breathing the air we breath.
Ethan's slow deterioration time-line of hell! 3rd revision.

May 4th
- Tuesday
First of many cell phone pictures mom takes of abuse over the days. Picture of Ethan with large, notable, area of swelling to jaw and face.

May5th - Wednesday
Nate's mom visits - says all is fine
Nate takes Ethan in bedroom to punish and beats child around head area; face begins to swell.
Ethan's father, Joe Stacey, told his son was unavailable to talk as he had in prior days.

Between May 5 and May 8, Ethan "exhibits signs and symptoms of a possible head injury or brain swelling due to a head injury,"
Stephanie Sloop told police Tuesday while being interviewed about her son's death. Ethan did not eat well, was vomiting, lethargic and exhibited non-responsive behavior, according to the reports.

May 6th - Thursday
Ethan locked in bedroom while Stephanie and Nate marry; door knob taken off. Nate and Stephanie leave child in bedroom due to swelling and bruises.

Over the next several days, Ethan got progressively ill, police said Stephanie Sloop told detectives. He was vomiting, running a fever and would not eat. The couple forced the boy to drink two 16 oz. bottles of water, a bottle of KoolAid and orange juice in a two-hour period, police wrote in the jail statement. (from warrant of probable cause). Motrin and Benadryl were given for the swelling and Nate gave Benadryl so Ethan would stay quiet.

May 7th - Friday
Nate calls Stephanie to inform her Ethan is badly burned on hands, feet, and legs up to buttox area from running water in bath (claims Ethan turned on hot water). Stephanie finds human feces in child's mouth. Stephanie brushes Ethan's teeth until his gums bleed.

May 8th - Saturday
Child continues to suffer from scald burns and head injuries. Blood and vomit found in child's bed. Stephanie needs to wash bed sheets.

May 9th - Sunday (Mother's Day)
Ethan is found dead in bed

Ethan wrapped in garbage bags with tape, brought to Powder Mountain area for burial. Hammer used to disfigure facial features and teeth of Ethan. Stephanie buys 2 cans lighter fluid to destroy evidence.

May 10th (Monday)
Late in day Stephanie reports child missing Make up story about child leaving the apt. 5x in in last 10 days in middle of night.

May 11th (Tuesday)
LE finds child buried - teeth and face smashed in with hammer, lighter fluid used to destroy evidence.

Please let me know of any additions or deletions. TIA
Thanks to all of you with suggestions for additions/corrections - used every one of them.

Also, I have this fear that she will actually try to gain sympathy from a jury because she has lost her son :furious::furious::furious:
Cubby I brought my time-line forward - if you find when Steph walked out of the apt. with head down, let me know and I'll add it.

Thanks to all who contributed suggestions for improvement - any other suggestions, please leave a comment.
What is it about pathological liars? I have dealt with them in the past and always felt they were very dangerous because they seem to not have a conscious. Ethan's father describes SS as one and of course KC. When I asked a psychiatrist about it once I was told that it was a sign of a sociopath. Are all pathological liars sociopaths? Is it because they never take responsibility for their actions, it is always someone elses fault? Someone earlier was playing devil's advocate and talking about how SS was a victim. I think that is how she wants people to see it. I can see her taking this all the way to court about how she was a victim and afraid for her life. That is BS! She was not a victim of NS. She was a participant in her son's murder and should be charged right along with him.

I was trying to but cha know what... you are right! I would rather die while protecting my child than to take pictures to prove someone elses guilt. I don't even understand how she ended up with that guy in the first place. and to go along with a marriage while my child is locked up dying back at home???
She didn't care about her baby at all.
I can't say what I want to but you all know what I mean.

What worthless POSs. And if NS's saw Ethan the day the abuse started she needs to be locked up too. And what's with password protecting the wedding site. I am glad we got to read what these two wrote, but, why password protect it, if who ever did that had any decency they would take it down.

No sympathy for the ED. As has been pointed out she had many opportunities to save Ethan.

Just when you think you've heard it all, you hear some more. My thoughts and prayers are with Ethan's Daddy and his family. And with all of you dear WSers.
And Mother's Day of all days! I think that creep she married was very jealous too. After reading his full statement about HIS bride I got cavities! Not that he planned for the child to die that day... he probably had hoped it would happen sooner. So sad! The little guy was able to hang on until Mother's Day. It was stated earlier that he probably died around 9 pm, not 5 am as she reported. She didn't want anyone to know what day he really died. Thank God for forensics!
Cubby I brought my time-line forward - if you find when Steph walked out of the apt. with head down, let me know and I'll add it.

Thanks to all who contributed suggestions for improvement - any other suggestions, please leave a comment.

I will look for that tomorrow (or technically later today) and give you the info.

Also, you substituted Nathan for Ethan in a few places above..... which is undertandable at this time of the morning....

I would also like to add the time they forced Ethan to drink so much fluid in a 1-2 hour time frame... that was WAY too much to call it keeping him hydrated.. that too was abuse. :furious: :furious:

'Bleep Bleep' didn't even know enough about parenting to know the signs on the skin showing dehydration..... Those two infuriate me.... I need to go do somethign else so I can get to sleep as I won't this po'd this late...

see everyone tomorrow.
I can't say what I want to but you all know what I mean.

What worthless POSs. And if NS's saw Ethan the day the abuse started she needs to be locked up too. And what's with password protecting the wedding site. I am glad we got to read what these two wrote, but, why password protect it, if who ever did that had any decency they would take it down.

No sympathy for the ED. As has been pointed out she had many opportunities to save Ethan.

Just when you think you've heard it all, you hear some more. My thoughts and prayers are with Ethan's Daddy and his family. And with all of you dear WSers.

Really! Here's a s e c r e t... the big wedding is cancelled! Why protect it now? it's too late!
I can't get past the fact that she left a beaten and bruised Ethan locked in a room within 24 hours most likely 12-15 hours to marry the man who was beating the crap out of her kid.
Anyone know what day the fluids were given and how much and what kind? TIA
I will look for that tomorrow (or technically later today) and give you the info.

Also, you substituted Nathan for Ethan in a few places above..... which is undertandable at this time of the morning....

I would also like to add the time they forced Ethan to drink so much fluid in a 1-2 hour time frame... that was WAY too much to call it keeping him hydrated.. that too was abuse. :furious: :furious:

'Bleep Bleep' didn't even know enough about parenting to know the signs on the skin showing dehydration..... Those two infuriate me.... I need to go do somethign else so I can get to sleep as I won't this po'd this late...

see everyone tomorrow.

here's a little food for thought (no pun intended)
Water can be considered a poison when over-consumed just like any other substance.
Water intoxication (also known as hyper-hydration or water poisoning) is a potentially fatal disturbance in brain functions that results when the normal balance of electrolytes in the body is pushed outside of safe limits by over-consumption of water.

I see Ethan was already wearing glasses and IF mom did have diabetes I wonder if there is a chance Ethan did as well and had not been diagnosed?

It in no way excuses what was done to him but it says sudden onset...
Surely mom knew the signs to look for but didn't care?
Just a thought that crossed my mind...

Warning signs of type 1 diabetes (these may occur suddenly):
■Extreme thirst
■Frequent urination
■Sudden vision changes
■Sugar in urine
■Fruity, sweet, or wine-like odor on breath
■Increased appetite
■Sudden weight loss
■Drowsiness, lethargy
■Heavy, labored breathing
■Stupor, unconsciousness

If you or someone you love exhibits one or more of these symptoms, call a doctor immediately.

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