UT - Ethan Stacy, 4, Layton, 10 May 2010 - #4

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Ethan looks just like his daddy.....probably why SS enjoyed torturing him.
Didn't the apartment neighbors HEAR anything? I don't understand that either.
she looked like a cold an evil hearted monster in that picture. what a thought... she IS a cold and evil hearted monster!

nursie - after working on the time-line for hours on end, the logic of it somehow spells Staphanie as the orchestrator of this crime. Actually, I'm beginning to think this was pre-meditated. The reason, I don't know yet, but I feel certain she is behind all this. MOO

PS - thanks for bringing over the time-line I have a copy that I can update as necessary and will bring it down when appropriate. Thanks for thinking of it nursie!!! :blowkiss:
I've thought about this, just like you! What I come up with is that they had a congratulatory dinner on a 'job well done'. I also believe he may have passed the day before. And I am beginning to believe this was pre-meditated in advance of his arrival. Maybe they just didn't want a kid around to bother them. Maybe they took out an insurance policy, maybe they did it for fun. Who knows, but somehow, I think it was planned. moo mho and all that stuff

The thought has crossed my mind that it was planned. The reasons, Nathan no longer had his daughter in his life - so in his mind he lost 'his' daughter, they as a couple lost a pregnancy, and to balance the scales she had to lose Ethan. A trinity kind of thing.... cleansing them of their pasts - just like they had disclosed 'everything' to each other so that neither of their ex's could use anything against them. Thus giving them the chance to start fresh, and Nathan to have a reason to hold onto his anger because his ex 'kidnapped' his child.

As sick as that sounds, that came to mind regarding a possibility on how those two thought.

jmo of course.
I want to know if they have found any evidence of drugs in the apartment. I still keep thinking that drugs somehow play a role in this.
I want to know if they have found any evidence of drugs in the apartment. I still keep thinking that drugs somehow play a role in this.

I keep wondering about that also. It's so hard to read about the torture the two of them orchestrated, even harder to think that it came naturally. moo
OMG.....this may have been posted and I missed it, but Ethan died on MOTHERS DAY!

Don't know why I did not realize that before...god I am going to be severely ill.
I know all this speculation doesnt do much good...we are all grasping at straws as to WHY they did what they did. My gut tells me that SS hated her ex, we already see how she tried to use Ethan as a pawn in getting half the "settlement". I feel she goaded NS into hurting that poor baby...she is no innocent here.
If she continues to claim that she did not report the abuse because she was afraid of hubby dear, that dog don't hunt! She went to the store by herself and could have gotten police protection to get that baby out of there after the first abuse. She did nothing except to leave him with someone she KNEW had abused him. She is just as guilty!

wow... at this link abc4 has a poll up on if you think they should seek the death penalty... and 92.4% (after I voted YES myself) think they should seek the death penalty

Things like that (including that "execute 'em" Facebook page) are a defense attorney's dream, especially since they are self-selected and not a true statistical representation of the populace. The defender can claim that his/her client cannot get a fair trial anywhere, and attempt to lower the penalty.

The emotions behind it are valid, but I think it's unprofessional for a news organization to put up such a poll. Leave it to our two most sensationalizing news organizations (Fox13 linked to the "execute 'em" page) to do this.
Neither one of them is innocent. I read somewhere that she brushed his teeth until they bled. Real caring mom there. They both make me sick and I hope they get DP or a very, very long, long prison sentence. That BLEEP crying for himself. Well, what did he think would happen? All they had to do was let the child just stay with his father. Then they wouldn't have to be bothered with a little kid they apparently didn't really want around except as a punching bag. But no, they hurt the kid to the ultimate extreme and then they're surprised to be in jail facing charges? Rhodes scholars, they are, I tell ya. :furious:
OMG.....this may have been posted and I missed it, but Ethan died on MOTHERS DAY!

Don't know why I did not realize that before...god I am going to be severely ill.

I wouldn't be a word either of them said; for all we know, the child died long before. Remember, SS reported Ethan's arms were stiff and his body was cold. No way he died when she claimed he did.

I think they sat around for days trying to figure out what to do next, and couldn't come up with a plausible story.
Stupid *advertiser censored**e* thought the child would be unrecognizable if they beat it with a hammer.
The thought has crossed my mind that it was planned. The reasons, Nathan no longer had his daughter in his life - so in his mind he lost 'his' daughter, they as a couple lost a pregnancy, and to balance the scales she had to lose Ethan. A trinity kind of thing.... cleansing them of their pasts - just like they had disclosed 'everything' to each other so that neither of their ex's could use anything against them. Thus giving them the chance to start fresh, and Nathan to have a reason to hold onto his anger because his ex 'kidnapped' his child.

As sick as that sounds, that came to mind regarding a possibility on how those two thought.

jmo of course.

If it wasn't pre-planned than they made a plan right after the initial beat down Ethan received from NS. After that beating - even if he didn't receive permanent injuries - they both knew that Ethan could NEVER go home to his daddy!! SS knew Ethan could NEVER speak to his daddy again (if that was even possible with his injuries) because the little guy would have told his father what happened or cried uncontrollably at the sound of his daddy's voice.
IMO after the first beating - there was no turning back for these monsters! Ethan's fate was sealed!!:furious: There was only one chance at stopping Ethan's torture and that was when NS's mother visited. She says she didn't see anything . Hard to believe-but, who knows how long she was there and if she actually saw him or if they told her he was taking a nap or something like what SS was telling Joe! I'll give her the benefit of a doubt till more cell phone snap shots are released.
:rose:RIP Little Man-Justice is coming!!
Does anyone know where I might look to find the places of birth for Ethan, SS and NS? (Needed in the astros thread.) I wouldn't know where to begin to look except for a general keyword search.
I don't care what either says I think they are still feeding the LE a line of carp. I too have a feeling that much more is going to come out regarding the abuse Ethan suffered. Forensics, DNA and crime scene photos are going to bury these two 's.

Someone posted earlier how everyone should leave LE to do their job without interference of the public. I'm sorry but I disagree. When left on their own we have seen toooooo many examples of the courts, cops and protective services fail an abused wife, abused child or even both. Too many dead wives and too many dead children. If we don't make changes or in the least let them system know that the public cares and is watching who will???
I wouldn't be a word either of them said; for all we know, the child died long before. Remember, SS reported Ethan's arms were stiff and his body was cold. No way he died when she claimed he did.

I think they sat around for days trying to figure out what to do next, and couldn't come up with a plausible story.
Stupid *advertiser censored**e* thought the child would be unrecognizable if they beat it with a hammer.

Hi...I think the above is way more plausible than what a few are saying on here about" cooking congratulory dinners on a job well done"

I personally dont think that this was done on purpose to get back at the ex husband etc etc...

I think getting him there for the summer certainly was

and once there Nathan personality couldnt handle little ethan maybe being a kid and having a tantrum and basically just invading him and lovers love nest so laid into him........probably told her it wasnt going to happen again......it did and then this time he was getting sick......

this is where she went wrong...took photos....I think because she knew this was not right and wanted to cover her own butt......he probably also said something along the lines of "if you take him to a doctor they are going to ask questions and put me in jail and you'll get in trouble too"

so they start with the trying to medicate him....

This is where Nathan showed what type of human he was, he couldnt stop abusing this little boy still......and put him in a hot bath and faeces in his mouth etc......

her I really cant beleive she was enjoying it......I think there was alot of heated, scared conversations like "I love you so much babe, they'll put me in jail, both of us in jail, if we get married you dont have to say anything against me".....

Her crime to me was not having that motherly bond/instinct that overtakes you to protect your children........she put Nathan first........

when this poor little sweetheart died I as well am shocked at the slushies......something so small but slushies when your child is lying dead.....

dairygirl put on the last thread about if you fall in love with a man does not mean they are automatically going to become a father to your child......

IF society is going to allow the easy breakdown of marriages and this decay of morals then education needs to be put in place for the welfare of the children......

Stepparenting IS hard......not only do we have an increase in this child physical abuse but also sexual abuse but I beleive there is an increase in what I call societys little survivors....these kids that have become so hard and put themselves first because mum and dad havent all the time.......

and there are now nearly 2 generations of them
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