UT - Ethan Stacy, 4, Layton, 10 May 2010 - #7

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Thanks Calliope. I honestly don't know if I can handle it. I find the details of most cases interesting, but there is something too brutal about this for me. It's even worse than Caylee. :( God, I am practically in tears already.
I'll bring over the time-line so the new people can catch up without reading all threads. BB in a couple
Time-line for Ethan Stacy 4yo.

revision (05/23/10 - eyes4crime & wonderful fellow sleuthers)

April 28th - Wednesday
Divorce papers finalized in Florida. Ethan and mom Stephanie fly to Utah

May 3rd - Tuesday
..Stacy said that Ethan told him in their last phone conversation on May 3rd that he was having fun visiting his mom in Layton. Prior to leaving, Ethan hadn’t wanted to go. **
..Last time Ethan talks with dad Joe.

May 4th - Tuesday
..Post on Face Book, the first of 17 cell phone pictures & videos mom takes of abuse over the days.
..Picture time-stamped May 4th or 5th of Ethan with large, notable, area of swelling to jaw and face.
.. Ethan's father, Joe Stacy, told his son wasn't available to talk, a trend that continues through Ethan's limited stay.
....Stephanie continues to complain to dad Joe about Ethan's behavior.

May5th - Wednesday
..Nate's mom sees son Nate, Ethan, and Stephanie - says all is fine (meeting place not mentioned).
..Stephanie visits Nate's mom.
..Nate takes Ethan in bedroom to punish and beats child around head area; face begins to swell.

..May 5th. Stephanie texted her brother that she and Nathan Sloop were going to a courthouse the next day to get married so that they could apply for food stamps, Medicaid and other public assistance, he said. Their "real" wedding in Colorado was still on, she told him. **

May 5th - May 8th
..Ethan "exhibits signs and symptoms of a possible head injury or brain swelling due to a head injury,"

Stephanie Sloop told police Tuesday while being interviewed about her son's death: Ethan did not eat well, was vomiting, lethargic and exhibited non-responsive behavior, according to the reports.

May 6th - Thursday (wedding day)
..Ethan locked in bedroom while Stephanie and Nate marry; door knob taken off. Nate and Stephanie leave child in bedroom due to swelling and bruises.

From Warrant of Probable Cause:
Over the next several days, Ethan got progressively ill, police said Stephanie Sloop told detectives. He was vomiting, running a fever and would not eat. The couple forced the boy to drink two 16 oz. bottles of water, a bottle of KoolAid and orange juice in a two-hour period, police wrote in the jail statement. (from warrant of probable cause). Motrin and Benadryl were given for the swelling and Nate gave Benadryl so Ethan would stay quiet.

Thursday, May 6 or Friday, May 7:
Neighbor recalls seeing Stephanie walking away from the apartment seemingly agitated and stopping to look back at the apartment several times. A short time later Nathan followed her, put his hands on her face in a manner leading the neighbor to believe he was asking she please listen to him.

May 7th, Friday
Three nights before Stephanie and her new husband, Nathan Sloop, reported Ethan missing, Jones (Steph's good friend) said Stephanie left a series of frantic voice messages:
.."She left crying, messages while she was crying, 'Ethan, he's crying. He won't stop crying. He wants his mommy. I don't know what to do. Please, please, call me. I don't know how to handle it. I don't know what to do,'" Jones said. **

..The final message, she now believes, may have come after Ethan died.

.."It was absolutely hysterical, sobbing to where I couldn't understand what she was saying," Jones said. "if I had to look deep into my heart, yeah, I would probably have to say that Ethan probably was dead, if not close to being dead at that point. And it was her grief reaching out." **

May 7th - Friday
..Stephanie, while shopping at Walmart receives a phone call from Nate informing her Ethan is badly burned on hands, feet, and legs up to buttox area from running water in bath. (claims Ethan turned on hot water).
..Stephanie returns to find human feces in child's mouth.
..In attempt to remove feces, Stephanie brushes Ethan's teeth until his gums bleed.

May 8th - Saturday
..Found smeared feces on bathroom wall and on Nate.
..Found feces in mouth and again brushed teeth.
..Notices Ethan's lips bleeding.
.. Blood and vomit found in child's bed.
...Stephanie needs to wash bed sheets due to blood and vomit from Ethan's mouth

May 9th - Sunday (Mother's Day)
.. 5:00am - Stephanie makes trip to Walgreens to pick up RX.
..5:30am - Returns from store and told by Nate Ethan is dead.
..Stephanie finds Ethan dead in bed - reports Ethan feels cold and stiff, and without pulse.
..Stephanie attempts CPR to no avail.
...Stephanie goes to bed.

Ethan is wrapped in plastic garbage bags and taped, brought to Powder Mountain area for burial. Hammer used to disfigure facial features and teeth of Ethan.
Stephanie goes on errand purchasing 2 slushies and 2 cans lighter fluid to destroy evidence.

May 10th (Monday)
..Reported that Nate and Stephanie were shopping at Best Buy for video games and to fix Play Station 3(not verified)
..Ethan's father calls and talks with Nate rather than Stephanie.

..Elswick, Joe's fiance, opens card in mail to find 'Mother's Day' card signed...from your son Ethan...in Stephanie Sloop's handwriting.**

..11:55pm - Stephanie reports Ethan missing

...Tells police a made up story about Ethan leaving the apt. 5x over the last 4 nights.

May 11th (Tuesday)
..LE finds child buried - teeth and face smashed with hammer; lighter fluid used to destroy evidence.
..Stephanie and husband Nate arrested.

May 19th (Wednesday) **
Funeral service for Ethan in Grundy, Virginia
Burial for Ethan in Richland, Virginia.

**New Information

Thanks to all who took the time for suggestions, additions/corrections - used every one of them.

Warrant of Probable Cause: Most of the time-line comes from Probable Cause document. Quotes, LE media leases

http://connect2utah.com/images/Multi...an Sloop.pdf

http://connect2utah.com/images/Multi...0C Sloop.pdf

Fellow sleuthers - please continue to let me know of updates, new information, corrections. Thanks for all your help!
The time-line covers Ethan's short stay with Steph and Nate...I have not added specifics about Steph and wonder if another time-line of her should be started. I try not to mix TL of different people. moo

ETA: Any volunteers to do a time-line of Steph's life?

I can hardly stand to do little Ethan's horrific few days - it's exhausting and very disturbing. Anybody care to help me with Ethan's TL? TIA
OK, please excuse my initial shock. But I just read a comprehensive story on this case: http://www.deseretnews.com/article/...old-son-was-home-locked-in-his-room.html?pg=1

SO, he beat her son senseless one day, and the next day she locks her 4 year old in a room and marries the *advertiser censored*? And then he burns him with hot water and shoved feces in his mouth? I don't understand. I just don't get this. I hope the men in prison get to this guy-the needle is too kind.

One thing that has given me comfort is knowing little Ethan has this man in his corner:

thank you guys for helping me get this off my chest and the ability to talk about it a lil.
I am still in shock on the whole matter and not only because of the events that occurred but also because there was contact while the events were taking place. I'm sure numerous friends of mine on fb feel the same when they received msgs from them during that week.

Welcome! And thank you so much for being open to talking about this and sharing the information!

I am a little behind in the conversation, but did read some of the FB message that SS sent you. I also noticed that her message to you came from the same account that the horrible picture that we have all been discussing came from. I almost hate to ask this, but I wonder if you or any of your friends saw that photo or any others. I ask, because I am sure that SS had a whole slew of "excuses" should anyone ask about those pictures, and I am wondering what some of them were. I also wonder if that may be part of the reason for denying the friend requests, so that you and others would be unable to view the photos posted. Not sure though... MOO
We may discover that Ethan was actually killed by the blows to his face and head by the hammer.

Since it seems that NS and SS were hoping the authorities would believe the abduction scenario, why would they find it necessary to destroy Ethan's face and teeth with a hammer?

If they wanted LE to think that Ethan was abducted, why would it be so important to them to make sure he couldn't be identified?

If their story was to be believed, and Ethan was 'kidnapped', and a 'stranger' killed Ethan, there would be no reason to worry about Ethan being identified, because it would be assumed that the 'stranger' killed Ethan, right? In which case, NS and SS would have been in the clear.

The hammer being used to 'destroy Ethan's identity' just doesn't make any sense.
I don't believe the hammer was used on Ethan after he died, but instead, it was used
to cause his death.

Maybe by that point they figured it was best to put Ethan 'out of his misery', as one might do to an injured animal. But, I doubt it, as we already know NS and SS lack compassion and empathy. More likely it became obvious Ethan would never be 'normal' again, and there was no turning back- and they just wanted to get rid of the evidence. Ethan had become the evidence.

ETA: Any volunteers to do a time-line of Steph's life?

I can hardly stand to do little Ethan's horrific few days - it's exhausting and very disturbing. Anybody care to help me with Ethan's TL? TIA

I'm about to go out of town for the rest of the week, and I don't have the personal resources to spearhead the SS time-line project alone, but I'm more than happy to assist someone else who takes on the job. That goes for Ethan's time-line, too. I make a pretty good assistant, actually, and do much better in a "support" kind of position.

Soooo...whoever volunteers, I'm here to help. I'll be back to my regular online routine next Monday.
Thanks Calliope. I honestly don't know if I can handle it. I find the details of most cases interesting, but there is something too brutal about this for me. It's even worse than Caylee. :( God, I am practically in tears already.

Having been involved so to speak, since day 1, I would highly recommend NOT reading the probable cause affidavits!!

I have had several people in my family ask me for links to this case, and to those documents, and it always comes with a warning that they should NOT read them.

Actually, even some of the posts from the first two days of the case are so intense (due to the nature of this crime), I would read selectively if you are having a difficult time trying to fathom how people could do such a thing to a child.

I had to step away from WS for a while, I could not sleep without having horrible nightmares...needed a break to get my head straight.

ETA, I am not implying that anyone here was posting anything that was especially disturbing or hurtful, it is just the reality of the case.
Having been involved so to speak, since day 1, I would highly recommend NOT reading the probable cause affidavits!!

I have had several people in my family ask me for links to this case, and to those documents, and it always comes with a warning that they should NOT read them.

Actually, even some of the posts from the first two days of the case are so intense (due to the nature of this crime), I would read selectively if you are having a difficult time trying to fathom how people could do such a thing to a child.

I had to step away from WS for a while, I could not sleep without having horrible nightmares...needed a break to get my head straight.

I agree...I cant even fathom TRYING to put myself in their shoes, doing what they did to that sweet, innocent little boy. You truly have to be a sociopathic monster to do the things they did. DP is too good for them, IMO!!!
I just re-read an early article, and noticed something I hadn't the first time around, regarding Nate...
"He just had a fetish with throwing knives, holding knives", Shelly continued, "He would slice his hands from playing with knives".
it was said prior to the murder that, "Nate will eventually kill somebody, and he will be on the news one day, said his cousin, who did not want to be identified".


~ I am fully convinced that SS knew exactly who, and what, Nathan was before bringing Ethan to Utah. I don't think Nathanael was very good at hiding it, or even attempted to hide it.

I now believe that SS was a fully active, and equal, participant in the torture and murder of Ethan.

I just can't wrap my mind around why.
Obviously stepping away isn't working because I can't stop thinking about this case. I keep thinking about Stephanie and Nathan.

Stephanie isn't too difficult to figure out. She is one of those pathetic women who will do anything to keep some loser in her life. She is nothing without the guy she is with, so whatever. She's trash and isn't even worth discussing since she is so simply worthless.

Nathan-what was his deal? Was he SO angry to have to deal with her child that he beat him senseless? What is up with his anger? What was his family life like? He is a control freak obviously, but what gets someone to the point they will burn a child after giving them a severe head injury and then stuff feces in their mouth? What kind of psych profile is that?

Edited to add: Sometimes, my 4 yr old daughter has a hard time with getting herself clean after using the potty and has wiped her poop on the wall. It's super gross (and I'm embarrassed to admit that she has done that, lol) but she is little and still needs help sometimes. It's a normal part of growing up for some kids. I can't imagine abusing her for that. :( Kids are messy, and sometimes a little uncoordinated. They need our help and guidance.

OK, time to step away again. :(
I'm still praying that facebook message mentioning having children is *not* because she's pregnant.
We may discover that Ethan was actually killed by the blows to his face and head by the hammer.

Since it seems that NS and SS were hoping the authorities would believe the abduction scenario, why would they find it necessary to destroy Ethan's face and teeth with a hammer?

If they wanted LE to think that Ethan was abducted, why would it be so important to them to make sure he couldn't be identified?

If their story was to be believed, and Ethan was 'kidnapped', and a 'stranger' killed Ethan, there would be no reason to worry about Ethan being identified, because it would be assumed that the 'stranger' killed Ethan, right? In which case, NS and SS would have been in the clear.

The hammer being used to 'destroy Ethan's identity' just doesn't make any sense.
I don't believe the hammer was used on Ethan after he died, but instead, it was used
to cause his death.

Maybe by that point they figured it was best to put Ethan 'out of his misery', as one might do to an injured animal. But, I doubt it, as we already know NS and SS lack compassion and empathy. More likely it became obvious Ethan would never be 'normal' again, and there was no turning back- and they just wanted to get rid of the evidence. Ethan had become the evidence.

oh my god oh my god oh my god I hope you're wrong

I am so sorry I couldnt even read your post past the first 3 lines

oh I hope you're wrong
I'm still praying that facebook message mentioning having children is *not* because she's pregnant.

Me to!!! I didn't include that message in the time-line cause some wanted it deleted - was it? While reading it, I thought - oh no, can this case get any sicker? That would explain why the wedding was moved up. omg moo
Originally Posted by Adfinem

Between You and Nathan Stephanie Sloop

May 9 at 5:59am Report

BBM Oh god...I just read the fb message on here (and edited it because its just disturbing). She is supposedly pregnant and HAPPY???? And she sent that damn message on May 9th??? I am physically sick now. How could this walking manic person slip by through the cracks of our justice system and even be allowed to even speak to a child much less have extended visitation. In the timeline wasn't Ethan dead at that time? How the hell could someone even THINK of facebook, responding to messages or whatever during a time like that? I can't wrap my head around it.

Adfinem, I beg of you please turn those messages into the proper authorities. I hope they already have them. I hope both of them fry, the death penalty is way to good for them. They should be tortured in the same manner as they did that poor baby.

Her and Nathan go to get him in FL after custody is agreed upon and Nathan shakes Joe's hands and comes across as a nice guy. (The NERVE of him)..


April 28th - Wednesday Divorce papers finalized in Florida. Ethan and mom Stephanie fly to Utah. NS did not go to Florida.
Joe shook NS's hand when picking up the car in UT I believe...
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