GUILTY UT - Ethan Stacy, 4, Layton, 10 May 2010 - #8

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Time-Line for Stephanie Croft-Stacy-Sloop (updated/edited--new or updated information italicized)

• Stephanie Christine Croft was born on 1/21/83 to Katrina Busby and unknown father in Michigan, Stephanie Croft reports her heritage as Greek and Irish. *Unknown Date of Birth*
•Step-father John Busby
•Stephanie has two paternal half-siblings. Her oldest brother, Greg Croft, saw Stephanie once when she was an infant. The siblings did not meet again until 2007, after Stephanie located him on Myspace. She also has a teen half-brother whom she met for the first time around 2008, while visiting family in Michigan. His name is unknown.

•Stephanie reported to a co-worker in 2009 that her biological father was abusive and he abandoned her. Her brother Greg described their father as a “rolling stone” and stated he had little involvement in their lives. Stephanie visited Greg in Michigan around 2008, with her then husband, Joe Stacy and child, Ethan Stacy (along with Joe’s children from a previous marriage). They made a trip to visit their father and half-brother at that time, who also live in Michigan.
•Stephanie and her mother moved to Florida when Stephanie was a young girl.
•Stephanie reports she began modeling as a child.

Adolescent/Teen Years:
•1995—Stepanie Croft (12yrs) meets Nathan Sloop (15/16 yrs old). Nathan is the boyfriend of Stephanie’s best friend’s sister. Croft and Sloop will marry fifteen years later.
•Stephanie Croft and Nathan Sloop both attend High School in Orlando, but due to their age difference (four years) they did not attend high school together.
•Stephanie attended Edgewater High School in Orlando. She graduated in 2001.
• As a teen, Stephanie would sneak out of her house at night to meet with boys.
• Stephanie falsely accused her step-father of physical abuse, according to an ex-friend. The charge was dismissed.
•Stephanie's mother disclosed to Joe Stacy that Stephanie was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder at age 13.

Young Adult Years:
•2001—Stephanie is employed as a “Jager Girl” (Jagermeister Promotions in bars/clubs/events)
•2002-2004—Stephanie is employed as a “Bud Girl” (Budweiser Promotions in bars/clubs/events)
•Stephanie had a brief marriage, but no further information is known at this time about the marriage or the groom.

Marriage to Joe Stacy and Military History:
•Unknown—Stephanie meets Joe Stacy while they are both enlisted in the military. Joe is in the process of a divorce with Michelle Rodriguez, with whom he shares two children.
•Stephanie reported on Windows Live that she was discharged from the military due to an injury sometime prior to 2007. Joe Stacy reports that she was *not* honorably discharged from the Air Force during basic training.
•When Stephanie is 21, she and Joe Stacy marry. Stephanie becomes pregnant with Ethan Stacy
•The family mainly resided in Orlando, but spent three years in Savannah, GA were Joe Stacy was stationed at Hunter Army Airfield.
•September 22, 2005 Ethan Stacy born at Fort Stewart Army Base in Savannah, GA, to Stephanie Croft-Stacy and Joe Stacy.
•2008—Stephanie reports on Model Mayhems that she has modeled nude and would like to explore a career in fashion and/ or artistic pictures. She states she’ll be in “Hot Housewives—Playboy Edition in 2009”
•Stephanie has a lot of prescriptions from doctors. Joe reports she always knows what to tell them.
•Late 2008--Joe is injured at work and Stephanie begins commuting to Las Vegas to work as a exotic dancer, a profession she has previously worked in back in Orlando.
•Early 2009—Stephanie employed at Wing House. According to a co-worker, she reports a happy marriage to Joe. Her comments suggest that she is jealous of Joe’s ex-wife, Michelle, and states that she is the real mother figure to Michelle’s two children, as the children were living with the Stacy's while Michelle worked as a flight attendant. Most initially report Stephanie as a good mother to Ethan at this time and normal family activities, such as time with friends, vacations, cook-outs, etc… However, they also report that Stephanie often lies, is overly concerned with money and can be vindictive.
• Michelle and Joe's children report that Stephanie insisted they call her "mom" and their bio mom by her first name. They also state that Stephanie would hit them with a metal spatula and slap them in the head with the back of her hand, hitting them with her diamond ring. The oldest child reports that Stephanie made him care for Ethan while Joe was working. She reportedly also made the children make her alcoholic beverages and clean until things were spotless.
•Stephanie reportedly sold laptops that were given to Joe and Michelle’s children as a gift. She also took money from the children, given to them by their mother. Stephanie threw away the children’s clothes that their mother sent for them.
•Joe reported that Stephanie could be viewed as a good mother in public, but behind closed doors things were different. She was narcissistic and had to be “number one.” Joe reports that he tried to get her to be more of a mother, but that she was not cut out for that. He said, “She just is a person with no patience.”
•Stephanie has breast augmentation surgery.
•She participates in some modeling photos and in August 2009 Stephanie contacts a previous co-worker on Facebook asking for a photographer, as she hopes to begin modeling again. She also is planning a trip home to Orlando.
• August 2009, Stephanie and Joe Stacy have a fight. Stephanie accuses Joe of choking her. Joe spends a few hours in jail, but charges were never filed. After the fight, Joe returned to Orlando with Ethan, his other children, Destrian and Alisa went to live with their mother in Illinois.
•October 2009--Joe Stacy files for divorce from Stephanie Stacy. Both parents were ordered to complete parenting classes per Florida law. The Uniform Child Custody Act was invoked due to the parents living in two different states.

Time in Las Vegas
•Tina Rieyes, (friend of Stephanie Stacy) reports that she has a girls trip with Stephanie in Las Vegas. Tina states that Stephanie begins to do a “180” during the trip.
•September 2009—Stephanie reports to her brother that she and her husband are having trouble. Stephanie relocates to Las Vegas to "find work" and Joe plans to follow her with the family in August. However, his ex-wife Michelle fights him over the move, as the children would be too far from her.
•Stephanie works as an exotic dancer in Las Vegas, after a failed attempt to work in the law enforcement field.

Life with Nathan Sloop and Divorce from Joe Stacy
•October 8, 2009--Nathan Sloop responds to a message from Stephanie Stacy on Facebook. They talk on the phone for 24 hours straight and within 24 hours of their first phone call, Stephanie is on a plane to Utah to meet Nathan in person on October 9th. They share their first kiss moments after reuniting. Nathan reported that the couple has not spent one night apart since that date. Stephanie recounts on that she and Nathan “began with full disclosure so that way our ex's couldn't try and use things against us. Its proven to make our relationship even stronger. “
•November 2009—Joe Stacy files for an Emergency Motion for Custody and writes in court documents that Stephanie Stacy is “unstable” and he fears she will flee with Ethan Stacy. While this is occurring, Nathan Sloop’s ex-wife requests a restraining order from Nathan Sloop, after he leaves threatening messages on her voicemail. She reports being afraid to send her daughter to Nathan’s for the Thanksgiving holiday, as she is worried he will harm their daughter to get back at her. She writes in court documents that Nathan has “multiple personality disorder” and he was physically abusive during their marriage.
•December 2009—Stephanie loses twins --discloses an ectopic pregnancy, a cyst on her ovary and a blood clot that required a lengthy surgery. She states, “you can always have more children, but Nathan couldn’t replace me.” She also discloses that this is the second time that Nathan “saved” her life. The first apparently being taking her to the hospital when she began to bleed while pregnant with the twins and another when he caught her during a fall brought on by an episode of diabetic shock. She discloses that she does not believe she would have lived through these events, if she had not been with Nathan.
•February 3, 2010— Despite Joe’s concerns regarding Stephanie in November, the couple reached a settlement agreement with the assistance of a mediator. The agreement allowed for Ethan to spend the school year with his father and spring break and summers with Stephanie Stacy in Utah. Reportedly, Stephanie agreed to allow Joe to retain custody as long as Joe paid Stephanie half of an insurance settlement that was due to be issued to him regarding an injury at work.If Stephanie receives no money from Joe, she regains custody of Ethan. She reports to a friend, Carla Jones that she "sold" her son. Stephanie is not required to pay child support. It also prohibited Stephanie Stacy’s mother and step-father from having contact with Ethan, Stephanie or Joe Stacy, but there is no additional information regarding the reasoning. The agreement was signed by both Stephanie Stacy and Joe Stacy on this day.
•March 2010—Nathan Sloop’s ex-wife moves to have a permanent restraining order put in place against Nathan Sloop. Joe Stacy reported in May 2010, that he was threatened several times via text message by Nathan Sloop in the six months prior to Ethan's visit.
•April 2010—Stephanie reports to friend, Amber Navarre Llewellyn that she is excited to pick up Ethan and plans to keep him “for good.” Joe reported later that Stephanie only used Ethan as a pawn to get what she wanted. Many friends report a change in Stephanie while she is with Nathan. She appears "obsessed" with the relationship. At some point, the couple become engaged and set a July 4th wedding date.
•April 28, 2010—Joe Stacy appeared for a ten minute final divorce hearing. Stephanie Stacy did not show. The Judge stated it was a “cut and dried” and the settlement was uncontested. She later admitted that she never read Joe’s petition for emergency custody filed in November 2009, as the agreement came after that filing.

Ethan's Visit
•April 28, 2010-May 9, 2010—Ethan Stacy is physically abused by Nathan and Stephanie Sloop. Stephanie documents the abuse via pictures and videos on her cell phone. Stephanie was also calling Joe Stacy to complain about Ethan’s behavior.
•May 6, 2010 --Stephanie Stacy and Nathan Sloop marry in a Utah courthouse eight days after her divorce from Joe Stacy, while Ethan Stacy is locked in a bedroom at home due to his injuries.
•May 7, 2010—Stephanie leaves her friend, Carla Jones, frantic messages stating that Ethan is crying, won’t stop and is asking for his mommy. She reports she does not know what to do and asks Jones to please call her. She calls a second time, but Jones states that Stephanie is hysterical, she can’t understand what the message says. Jones reports that she did not call back. Jones describes Stephanie as “…very conniving, manipulating and deceiving person," Jones stated, "She would sell her own mother if it was going to get her something….She was not a fit mother….She was not a fit wife. She had a personality disorder. She had anger issues. She should have never had that child."
•May 9, 2010, Becky Elswick (Joe Stacy's fiancée) receives a Mother’s Day card that says, “Love your son, Ethan” in Stephanie Sloops handwriting. She finds this strange, as Stephanie disliked her. Joe reports that each time he calls Ethan, Stephanie and/or Nathan have a reason why he cannot talk at the time. Joe and Becky discuss that Nathan's tone of voice has changed during recent calls.
•May 10, 2010—Ethan Stacy is reported missing by Nathan and Stephanie Sloop
•May 11, 2010—Ethan Stacy’s body is recovered. Nathan and Stephanie Sloop are arrested.
•May 14, 2010—Nathan and Stephanie Sloop make their first court appearance. Nathan Sloop cries. Stephanie was silent, though her attorney stated she was “very emotional.” Both waived their right to bail until their second hearing on May, 28, 2010. Charges are also delayed until this time.
•May 26, 2010—ABC4 reports they wrote Stephanie Sloop a letter asking details of her life. She responded, “HA, HA, HA (in capital letters she writes), I've invoked my right to remain silent or didn't my attorney already say that?”
•May 29, 2010--Nathan and Stephanie Sloop make their second court appearance and are charged with aggravated murder, second degree felony child abuse, second degree felony obstruction of justice and third degree felony abuse or desecration of a body. Nathan Sloop also charged with third degree damaging a jail cell. wedding registry—screen shots/websleuths forum
I am not sure, but that I read on here that you were not allowed to pull something from another site and bring it over here. I hope that it's ok to post a link. If it's not, please let me know.

In the comments section of the article posted today about Nathan and Stephanie, there was a comment on page 3 by Spookylilgirl, who knew the couple via chat rooms. She had some interesting comments and posted some favorite sayings of Nathan's. If I am allowed to post these, please let me know. Otherwise, here's the link:
I am not sure, but that I read on here that you were not allowed to pull something from another site and bring it over here. I hope that it's ok to post a link. If it's not, please let me know.

In the comments section of the article posted today about Nathan and Stephanie, there was a comment on page 3 by Spookylilgirl, who knew the couple via chat rooms. She had some interesting comments and posted some favorite sayings of Nathan's. If I am allowed to post these, please let me know. Otherwise, here's the link:
Wow! Hearsay, but still. If there's a chat log somewhere, it would support a notion that Nathan had killing Ethan totally justified in his mind ahead of time. I'm sure Mr Rawlings would like that handed to him, dates and all, but it seems unlikely to happen. :waitasec:
There you have it. I take this to be the truth and an answer, not that it matters.

At this point and as our system works, it doesn't make a difference. People don't want to hear it, or believe it, much less have a clue what to do about it. So the cycles of abuse go on and on.

Whatever happened to her, happened before she was four years old. She probably doesn't even know. This insures that she is an abusive person, and possibly more so than whatever people imagine of NS.

It seems that many but not all persons with BPD were abused as a child. Though it seems she does fit the criteria, I'm a little suspicious that she was diagnosed as a teen. Regardless, this doesn't make her incompetent to stand trial, nor does it mean she didn't know right from wrong. In fact, IMO, if she truly is borderline, I think this points to her being a willing participant in the abuse.
Calliope....great find with this article!!! Lots of info! This is great for the Stephanie time-line. I"ll use this to update the time-line later today! Thanks for locating it and sharing this! You did a great job pulling everything over here too!

Thanks! I put your updated timeline on the start of the thread. I couldn't use quote tags because it doesn't show the italics.
Wow! Hearsay, but still. If there's a chat log somewhere, it would support a notion that Nathan had killing Ethan totally justified in his mind ahead of time. I'm sure Mr Rawlings would like that handed to him, dates and all, but it seems unlikely to happen. :waitasec:

IIRC, Mr. Rawlings said they were searching their computers and other electronics. If NS had his account set to save chat logs...
perhaps someone could contact that person and ask for copies of chat logs or any other evidence she may be in possession of

I haven't found anything in yahoochat - was looking for their 'profiles' but am not willing to download

found the person who made the claims on other sites including ms
before I lose internet access during our military move.. I just have to chime in my opinion:


They make me sick and there is no excuse... MENTAL or otherwise.

Happy Memorial Day to all who serve.
There is no excuse. If a person has ever been abused, they know how bad it feels. It's a choice they make early on, to do unto others instead of learning a better way to be and not doing the same and worse bad things.

There was a comment after one of the news stories, where someone said they heard dog food was put around the grave, to attract animals. This person said other things that turned out to be correct. As for an actual news story reporting it or LE there has not been anything.

Thank you kindly for answering my question, RubyRed. I hadn't heard that before. I guess it makes sense, in a twisted kind of way. :{
I am generally a supporter of the DP. And I have never known of two people who deserved it more than SS and NS. Ever.

That being said, I do hope they plead out for LWOP. Only because, IF this goes to trial, twelve, unsuspecting people will have to SEE, with their own eyes, what happened to this precious little boy. His father and family will have to know what happened to him - in sick detail. To save them all that pain and heartache, I hope they plead. I would not wish it on my worst enemy.

They will never again be able to see one another and if, by God's good grace, they are drug addicts, they will be forced into withdrawl. I hope it's all horrifically painful and brings them both to the brink of death and despair. But not quite.

They should live out the rest of their miserable lives thinking about what they've done (not that they care) and thinking about what could have been if they had left that sweet little boy with his Daddy and left their petty little S*i* behind.
I am generally a supporter of the DP. And I have never known of two people who deserved it more than SS and NS. Ever.

That being said, I do hope they plead out for LWOP. Only because, IF this goes to trial, twelve, unsuspecting people will have to SEE, with their own eyes, what happened to this precious little boy. His father and family will have to know what happened to him - in sick detail. To save them all that pain and heartache, I hope they plead. I would not wish it on my worst enemy.

They will never again be able to see one another and if, by God's good grace, they are drug addicts, they will be forced into withdrawl. I hope it's all horrifically painful and brings them both to the brink of death and despair. But not quite.

They should live out the rest of their miserable lives thinking about what they've done (not that they care) and thinking about what could have been if they had left that sweet little boy with his Daddy and left their petty little S*i* behind.

I hope they do to but...... and this is horrible to think about, but with as much as these two despised Joe along with BeanE's theory on why SS would post photo's of Ethan being abused - (the theory, IIRC, was to sell those photo's) it is possible they won't plead simply because they know how much it would torture Joe. Along with torturing those who loved Ethan and ALL those who must sit through a trial. Not pleading and forcing a trial would be both of their way to say HA HA HA one last time..... Especially since they know they have nothing to lose and getting the DP would ensure they were not allowed into the GP if I understand correctly.

The thought of it makes me ill..... but I could see these two enjoying watching those attending a trial being horrified. SS and NS already endured it....

The only way I see them pleading is if NS wishes to spare his mother seeing everything put out on the table at trial.

I hope they do to but...... and this is horrible to think about, but with as much as these two despised Joe along with BeanE's theory on why SS would post photo's of Ethan being abused - (the theory, IIRC, was to sell those photo's) it is possible they won't plead simply because they know how much it would torture Joe. Along with torturing those who loved Ethan and ALL those who must sit through a trial. Not pleading and forcing a trial would be both of their way to say HA HA HA one last time..... Especially since they know they have nothing to lose and getting the DP would ensure they were not allowed into the GP if I understand correctly.

The though of it makes me ill..... but I could see these two enjoying watching those attending a trial being horrified. SS and NS already endured it....

The only way I see them pleading is if NS wishes to spare his mother seeing everything put out on the table at trial.


You may be right, Cubby. But I'm not sure SS knows she has nothing to lose.

Still, I can't stand the thought of anyone who isn't involved having to SEE what happened to sweet little Ethan - even having the power to end their miserable lives. Just reading about it makes it difficult for me to sleep every night.

I do sometimes wish we were in the "wild" west, where they both would already have been hung from the highest tree. The fact that they are still breathing our air makes me want to vomit.
It may be enough then that NS would plead and turn evidence against SS if he wishes to spare his mother the details. He may...... and if so, that may be enough to get SS to plead.

I agree with your other thoughts.
Very often in cases where children are killed by one or both of their parents, I almost feel a sense of relief. That the babies didn't have to grow up in an environment of violence and/or neglect. I'm sorry to say that, but that's how I feel.

But in this case, Ethan was thriving right where he was. He was loved and cared for by those around him. SS did NOT want him for any purpose but to hurt Joe. She didn't love that sweet baby nor did she want to care for him, IMO. She is every bit as guilty as her "man." They both deserve to die, but whatever death to which the state of UT sentences them, it will not be enough. If it's not EXACTLY the way that baby died, it will not be fair or just.
I have felt all along that SS was the one in control and NS was just trying to please her. I'm not placing guilt here, but I think that Joe signed Ethan's death warrant (unknowingly!) when he stated in the divorce that he was afraid SS would take Ethan and he would never see him again. I think he let SS know in no uncertain terms that Ethan was his life (not her) and just how to cause him the most pain that she could. Unfortunately she didn't want the care of Ethan so she had to kill him. Nathan's daughter is probably one lucky little girl.
Hope I got all the background info transferred over...


New article with some very disturbing insight into SS and NS:

It's difficult to find people who will speak up for Stephanie and Nathan; most former friends and neighbors already at odds with the pair are even more angry; their parents declined interview requests.

Others, however, describe the two as the worst possible combination: An impatient, narcissistic mother indifferent to her only child, and an unstable, violent man increasingly desperate over limited access to his own 6-year-old daughter, who lives in Florida with his ex-wife.

Michelle Rodriguez -- an ex-wife of Ethan's dad, Joe Stacy -- says a couple of months ago she phoned Stephanie to tell her to stop calling. When Nathan answered, she warned him that he should never let Stephanie near his daughter.

But Rodriguez had no idea the child in danger would be Ethan, the little boy she often took for weekends and even longer vacations to Los Angeles and New Jersey with her own children, 14-year-old Destrian Stacy and 11-year-old Alisa Stacy, Ethan's half-brother and half-sister.

Nathan "blew up" when Rodriguez suggested Stephanie was unfit.

"I said, 'The two of you are just alike,'" recalls Rodriguez. "He sounded like a controlling freak. ... He called her 'my woman.'"


Stephanie's former friends say she has always been difficult. As a teenager, she would sneak out at night with boys. She once brought a physical abuse charge against her stepfather, a false accusation, according to an ex-friend. The charge was dismissed.

Joe, her ex-husband, says Stephanie's mother once told him she had been diagnosed at age 13 with borderline personality disorder, a diagnosis Joe rejects. "It ain't no disorder. It's just the way she is."

She often bragged that her purse was a pharmacy, say former friends.
"She had a lot of prescription pills from doctors," says Joe. "She'd always know just what to tell them."

She played junior varsity softball her senior year at Edgewater High School in Orlando and graduated in 2001.

Stephanie enlisted in the Air Force, but was other-than-honorably discharged during basic training, says Joe.


Destrian says Stephanie expected him to take care of baby Ethan from the start. Their father was often gone for two weeks at a time, working as a roustabout on an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico. "She really never changed his diapers," says Destrian.

Stephanie would spank Destrian and Alisa with a metal spatula, and whack the backs of their heads with the back of her diamond-ringed hand, the siblings say.

"We felt we were back in the slave days," says Alisa. "She used to make us make her alcohol drinks, clean the pool, clean the bathroom until it was spotless white."

Alisa went to friends' houses rather than invite them to her own. "I was afraid she would yell at me in front of my friends," says Alisa. "She yelled for stupid reasons.

"She threatened my dad so much it got me mad."

When a relative gave Destrian and Alisa laptops for Christmas, Stephanie sold them, says Rodriguez. When their mother sent clothes, Stephanie threw them away. When she sent cash, the kids got empty envelopes.


Joe also agreed to give her half of the money he expected from a lawsuit settlement for his injury. If he gets nothing, the agreement said, Stephanie gains custody of Ethan.

"She said, 'I sold my son,'" says Jones, recalling a phone conversation with Stephanie this spring.

MUCH more at the link

This was on the front page of the Salt Lake Tribune this morning and includes a picture of Nathan and Stephanie, along with a snippet of a handprinted note written by "Steph." In the last line she writes:
"....Ethan will be here too."

Acting excited to have him, and then helping to torture, murder and desecrate his poor little body. I am still in disbelief at how any human, especially a mother, could be so horrendous to a child (or an adult for that matter!).
If they did drug Ethan, I pray that whatever they gave him helped ease some of his pain :( It is awful to say. I just cannot imagine what he must have endured.

Today I watched my 3 year-old son and 6 year-old daughter ride their bikes, my son in wearing his Cars helmet, peddling like a madman; my daughter beaming with pride on her second day of riding without training wheels. Once again I thought of Ethan and those who loved him and just how huge their loss is. I love my children with all of my heart already, but I can't tell you how many extra hugs, snuggles and kisses they have received this past month because of little Ethan.
I am generally a supporter of the DP. And I have never known of two people who deserved it more than SS and NS. Ever.

That being said, I do hope they plead out for LWOP. Only because, IF this goes to trial, twelve, unsuspecting people will have to SEE, with their own eyes, what happened to this precious little boy. His father and family will have to know what happened to him - in sick detail. To save them all that pain and heartache, I hope they plead. I would not wish it on my worst enemy.

They will never again be able to see one another and if, by God's good grace, they are drug addicts, they will be forced into withdrawl. I hope it's all horrifically painful and brings them both to the brink of death and despair. But not quite.

They should live out the rest of their miserable lives thinking about what they've done (not that they care) and thinking about what could have been if they had left that sweet little boy with his Daddy and left their petty little S*i* behind.

I would agree with you but Joe has already stated that he wants them to receive the DP. If it weren't for that I would hope they would plead, too. I am praying for him.
I am generally a supporter of the DP. And I have never known of two people who deserved it more than SS and NS. Ever.

That being said, I do hope they plead out for LWOP. Only because, IF this goes to trial, twelve, unsuspecting people will have to SEE, with their own eyes, what happened to this precious little boy. His father and family will have to know what happened to him - in sick detail. To save them all that pain and heartache, I hope they plead. I would not wish it on my worst enemy.

They will never again be able to see one another and if, by God's good grace, they are drug addicts, they will be forced into withdrawl. I hope it's all horrifically painful and brings them both to the brink of death and despair. But not quite.

They should live out the rest of their miserable lives thinking about what they've done (not that they care) and thinking about what could have been if they had left that sweet little boy with his Daddy and left their petty little S*i* behind.
I posted someways back that I hoped for LWOP just so his father and family wouldn't have to be exposed to all they did to that precious child. I still feel that way, but if the family wants DP, then that's what they should go for. I don't for a moment believe they have or will have any remorse for their actions except that they were caught. I truly believe too that the only time they'll think of little Ethan is to blame him for their circumstances. If not for him, they wouldn't be in jail, etc.

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