Found Deceased UT - MacKenzie "Kenzie" Lueck, 23, Salt Lake City, 17 June 2019 #15 *ARREST*

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OT ... There I am! Haha! I know attorneys are high on the list. But I promise I’m not a psychopath. :) I actually don’t know if I’ve encountered a true psychopath lawyer, but narcissists and sociopaths - yes, many.

I’d love to see the numbers for the tech industry. While I know AA was little more than a geek squad guy, it’s interesting that he nominally chose that industry. Type A, detail oriented, fast paced. Seems tech would attract more than it’s fair share of psychos. IMO

“I promise I’m not a psychopath.”

That sounds exactly like something a psychopath would say. :p
I don’t think most of the media is concerned about anything here, other than generating clicks.

That’s why we’ve seen sensational headlines, especially from outlets like the Daily Mail.

It’s a juicy story, and they continue to milk it for all it’s worth.

Predators lurk everywhere, but there’s no doubt that dating apps have changed the game for them.

We still don’t know how this meetup came to be, or the true nature of their relationship.

It is important to analyze risk, and evaluate what people can do to keep themselves safe.

But we don’t know how her dating habits, played into his hands.

Not yet.
I would encourage people to ignore
Daily Mail.
Yeah, it’s like a fricken contest or something.

Fotis Dulos, Patrick Frazee, Chris Watts; now this guy.

“Oh, you think you’re the worlds dumbest killer? Hold my beer.”
Oh dear so many stupid men? I’m not surprised and am not singling men out but gee there is a whole lot of stupid going on here IMO

OT ... There I am! Haha! I know attorneys are high on the list. But I promise I’m not a psychopath. :) I actually don’t know if I’ve encountered a true psychopath lawyer, but narcissists and sociopaths - yes, many.

I’d love to see the numbers for the tech industry. While I know AA was little more than a geek squad guy, it’s interesting that he nominally chose that industry. Type A, detail oriented, fast paced. Seems tech would attract more than it’s fair share of psychos. IMO
Hah! That's like crazy people saying "I'm not crazy!" j/k I was really surprised at the list especially the Clergy, wth? :eek:
Hah! That's like crazy people saying "I'm not crazy!" j/k I was really surprised at the list especially the Clergy, wth? :eek:

Surely you've followed the news...

It's a side topic, and would derail this thread, but yeah, just start reading news in English (and it'll be very much like news across the world). Plenty of clergy and cops do bad things. And politicans and mayors and other CEO-types.
iow they are Everywhere.

The Professions With the Most Psychopaths

According to a fascinating (if not exactly easily actionable) recent PsyBlog post, psychopaths aren't evenly scattered through the population. According to research done by psychologist Kevin Dutton called the Great British Psychopath Survey, some jobs seem to attract them and have higher than average numbers of psychopaths among their practitioners. And sorry, business leaders, you're not going to like which gig tops the list:

  1. CEO
  2. Lawyer
  3. Media (TV and radio)
  4. Salesperson
  5. Surgeon
  6. Journalist
  7. Police officer
  8. Clergyperson
  9. Chef
  10. Civil servant

Things that make you go hmmmmm….
You will always be able to find an article somewhere on anything.

But statistically, the danger in dating violence is from people the same age. For example, here in SLC, we had a killing this weekend by a 27 year old male of his 24 year old girlfriend. That's pretty typical. In contrast, how often do you see something involving a successful 40 year old guy hurting a 20 something college student?

ML wasn't killed by a successful older guy who was paying her tuition.

She was killed by a sicko who is of a more normal dating age and doesn't appear to have a steady job. I'll add that this is similar to another college student killed in Utah by a sicko relatively close in age who didn't have a steady job. As I think about it, I'm wondering if that didn't play some inspiration in AA's mind.

I sure don't get your point. It wasn't an article on "anything," my links are very specific to the dangers of sugar dating websites. The point of the news articles is to warn young women about the dangers when they subjugate themselves to men who expect something in return.

This article notes both ML and AA had profiles at sugar baby websites. At the end of the article are resources for women to call.

So-called sugar dating can put women at risk, former 'sugar baby' says

I feel most of the speculation are baseless because you are failing to understand what LE has said so far:

LE said they found charred remains of female tissue which they have linked by DNA analysis to ML.

They also said conclusively that ML is dead.

Now the question is what constitutes a female tissue?

How are they conclusive that ML was dead before they found her body?

IMO, the female tissue could be some sexual organ that was cut out and burned and/or they have some video evidence. They only arrested AA on Friday after analyzing what they took from his house.

This still doesn't prove whether he did it until they find out there are no one else involved in it. We know for a fact that AA was the only person burning something in his yard.

<modsnip: no link to image; all images require a link to source>
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I feel most of the speculation are baseless because you are failing to understand what LE has said so far:

LE said they found charred remains of female tissue which they have linked by DNA analysis to ML.

They also said conclusively that ML is dead.

Now the question is what constitutes a female tissue?

How are they conclusive that ML was dead before they found her body?

IMO, the female tissue could be some sexual organ that was cut out and burned and/or they have some video evidence. They only arrested AA on Friday after analyzing what they took from his house.

This still doesn't prove whether he did it until they find out there are no one else involved in it. We know for a fact that AA was the only person burning something in his yard.

<modsnip: no link to image; all images require a link to source>

Not to be too graphic, I think he could have bitten her.

Then disposed of the flesh in the fire pit
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I sure don't get your point. It wasn't an article on "anything," my links are very specific to the dangers of sugar dating websites. The point of the news articles is to warn young women about the dangers when they subjugate themselves to men who expect something in return.

This article notes both ML and AA had profiles at sugar baby websites. At the end of the article are resources for women to call.


This is the only article I have seen that says AA had a profile. There aren't any screen shots of him and if there were they would be shown. The paid interview media has been in town looking and they haven't found anyone saying they met him to discuss an arrangement. There's not the slightest evidence they met through a sugar baby website.

If I was worried about dangers to young women and not click bait, I'd be warning them about the dangers of dating unsuccessful guys who can't hold down jobs. That's the common denominator in violence against women in their 20's. For example, the last three murders in Utah of women in their 20's have been from (a) a bouncer at a bar with a criminal record, (b) AA, and (c) a cable installer. I'm not seeing much danger from 45 year old divorced doctors.
I'll throw out another possibility ... he lives 5-10 minutes from the airport so it wouldn't make sense to meet him at the park which is further away. I think they knew each other well. He could have said, I'm in Weber/Davis county visiting friends, why don't we meet at Hatch Park and head up to Logan. That could fit.
I don’t think she knew him well or she would never met up with him.

Did she know him so well that almost everything out of his mouth and was written was a lie, a narcissist, a sex addict, that he was accused of raping a woman? If she knew him well she would know about his shady past, his falsification of jobs on linkin, all his 121 sex interest on Meetup, if she knew him well she would have known about his erratic high temper that ex roommates had said they witnessed and was scary and that’s why at least one moved out. Did she know him so well that he was trying to hire a construction worker to build a secret soundproof room with hooks high up with only a fingerprint entry but and that he had such a bad feeling about him he refused to return to do the job at any cost?

I think like most women dating all you have to do is google to see his sick Forge Identity book pop up on Amazon read the description and first few pages about seeing people murdered by being burn in bonfires and would have thought this was a good guy?

I don’t think she knew him well and she obviously didn’t know him well that possibility would kill her once she took that Lyft to Hatch Park
I don’t think she knew him well or she would never met up with him.

Did she know him so well that almost everything out of his mouth and was written was a lie, a narcissist, a sex addict, that he was accused of raping a woman? If she knew him well she would know about his shady past, his falsification of jobs on linkin, all his 121 sex interest on Meetup, if she knew him well she would have known about his erratic high temper that ex roommates had said they witnessed and was scary and that’s why at least one moved out. Did she know him so well that he was trying to hire a construction worker to build a secret soundproof room with hooks high up with only a fingerprint entry but and that he had such a bad feeling about him he refused to return to do the job at any cost?

I think like most women dating all you have to do is google to see his sick Forge Identity book pop up on Amazon read the description and first few pages about seeing people murdered by being burn in bonfires and would have thought this was a good guy?

I don’t think she knew him well and she obviously didn’t know him well that possibility would kill her once she took that Lyft to Hatch Park

Your points all make sense.

For me, it's just really hard to reconcile the 3 AM meetup at the park unless she knew him. Keep in mind he didn't get out of the car so she must have put her luggage in his trunk. Both those are signs of some familiarity which doesn't mean she knew all those things. (I'll confess I've never sat in a car while a woman put her luggage in my trunk ...) I can only reconcile this with a drug meetup, which has questions too.

But if she knew him, wouldn't she know he lived in Rose Park and have met him there? Wouldn't some of the neighbors have recognized her car? Maybe they did and told LE but not media.
All legitimate points of view. On the other hand, if you think back, you'll remember that some of your classmates did tend to date older guys and some spent the weekend away from college.

Statistically, the danger is much more significant with people close in age, such as the situation with AA and ML where they were in a normal dating age range. Plus, I suspect the University of Minnesota has far more reports of dating violence between students in a month, than they have had from arrangements combined from the past several years.

The majority of college students today are women. It's even a higher percentage of women students in graduate schools. I don't think they're naive. 23 year old college students from LA don't meet people for the first time at 3 AM in a park.

Back on topic, there isn't the slightest evidence that ML and AA met through an arrangement site. I don't know if they met through Tinder, Bumble, or at a bar.

BBM. Enough with the victim blaming. I have no idea how ML met AA or if she ever met AA. I think he found her online profile, stalked her and lured her to the park. 3AM is irrelevant because her plane was late.

This case has nothing to do with dating violence between students. AA was NOT a student at Univ. of Utah.

The University of Minnesota Daily is a student run newspaper warning students about the dangers associated with sugar baby websites. The warnings are necessary because some of the websites are specifically targeting young college women and assuring them it is safe.


“Sugar daddy” dating sites such as are aggressively targeting college students — with free premium memberships for signing up under an .edu email plus plenty of assurances that being a “sugar baby” is safe, empowering and profitable.

But sugar babies typically do not, in fact, have control over these relationships, which often turn dangerous and exploitative, experts said Wednesday at a “World Without Exploitation Youth Summit” held in Downtown Brooklyn for high school and college students.
It doesn't appear that ML was into drugs, but it's one of only two reasons I can think of for a 3:00 a.m. meetup in a park. Complete Speculation: If she was in fact using, or was just looking for a little something to get her through midterms that week or even work or school the next day after a late flight, it might explain the encounter on her part. After a delayed flight, emotional weekend, and staying in what residents of her hometown call "Mayberry by the Sea", maybe she had been without the entire weekend and needed to get her hands on something.

We know that ML's flight was delayed arriving SLC about 30 minutes or 2AM arrival, and that she had checked luggage to claim, and that she arrived Hatch Park via Lyft about 3AM.

ML's friends describe her as nurturing, care-taking, mom-like, wanting to feed you -- making sure you have a drink, etc.

In one word, I'd say accommodating.

Viewing map routes below, Hatch Park is not even a midway location of convenience! After a late night journey, ML still traveled the furthest to meet AA - again, most likely to accommodate him, being true to her nature.

Since AA reportedly once lived across the street from Hatch Park, he's likely the only one of them known to have a history with Hatch Park. (Park is 9 miles out of ML's way - and far past AA's home).

I believe ML likely traveled to Hatch Park for convenience only, and lured into thinking their ultimate destination was a residence near the park -- someplace AA had already been waiting for her at.

I'm more inclined to believe ML thought there was a summer party taking place near the park, than a drug purchase. I think ML wanted to be around people when she arrived SLC more than she wanted to score something for just herself.


1). Travel time from AA's residence to SLC Airport is estimated at 5-6 miles, or 7-9 minutes, depending on route.


2). Travel time from AA's residence to Hatch Park is estimated at 5-6 miles, or 7-10 minutes. (Park is north or opposite direction of airport).


3). Travel time from SLC Airport to Hatch Park is estimated at 10-14 miles, or 17-18 minutes.


4). Travel time SLC Airport to Trolley Square area (near ML's apartment) estimated at 10-13 miles, or 15-20 minutes.

Your points all make sense.

For me, it's just really hard to reconcile the 3 AM meetup at the park unless she knew him. Keep in mind he didn't get out of the car so she must have put her luggage in his trunk. Both those are signs of some familiarity which doesn't mean she knew all those things. (I'll confess I've never sat in a car while a woman put her luggage in my trunk ...) I can only reconcile this with a drug meetup, which has questions too.

But if she knew him, wouldn't she know he lived in Rose Park and have met him there? Wouldn't some of the neighbors have recognized her car? Maybe they did and told LE but not media.
We don't know if AA got out of the car, just that the Lyft driver did not see it. Who knows what happened after the Lyft driver left, assuming the Lyft left first. I also think AA lived in Fairpark, not Rose Park. Could be wrong. MOO
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