Found Deceased UT - MacKenzie "Kenzie" Lueck, 23, Salt Lake City, 17 June 2019 #17 *ARREST*

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Definitely NOT a veteran. No Basic or AIT.
I fully agree with you but something extremely weird is going on here. I noticed people claiming they served with him at the guard armory in Utah (Tooele). Some of them claimed they just saw him but didn't ever talk to him.

I know the military more than pretty much anything and there is just no logical explanation as to how a guy could not go through BMT, not go through tech school and yet still be serving on a guard base. It just makes no sense but the fact that other actual guard members are saying he served makes me seriously have concerns about this issue in regards to how he got in, how he duped the military in some way and what he had access to on the base as an IT guy.
I fully agree with you but something extremely weird is going on here. I noticed people claiming they served with him at the guard armory in Utah (Tooele). Some of them claimed they just saw him but didn't ever talk to him.

I know the military more than pretty much anything and there is just no logical explanation as to how a guy could not go through BMT, not go through tech school and yet still be serving on a guard base. It just makes no sense but the fact that other actual guard members are saying he served makes me seriously have concerns about this issue in regards to how he got in, how he duped the military in some way and what he had access to on the base as an IT guy.
@Thespyma addressed it here. It confused the hell out of me too, even though I have a military background.

I had no idea the National Guard worked like this.

Found Deceased - UT - REMAINS FOUND - MacKenzie "Kenzie" Lueck, 23, Salt Lake City, 17 June 2019 #12 *ARREST*
@Thespyma addressed it here. It confused the hell out of me too, even though I have a military background.

I had no idea the National Guard worked like this.

Found Deceased - UT - REMAINS FOUND - MacKenzie "Kenzie" Lueck, 23, Salt Lake City, 17 June 2019 #12 *ARREST*
Learn something new everyday then, guess I don't know it as I once did but I have to say it still doesn't really jive with me from a military standard. No BMT or tech school and yet able to wear the uniform, take part in drilling and have access to the armory. Washouts used to get placed on base detail where they would paint, mow lawns, be a gopher, etc, when I was in so this is very odd. I mean let's say that everything in that Thespyma post is right, and I think he is right, it still doesn't make sense to me how a person without those two things was still granted access and still able to work within the service as a servicemember when he was fated to be booted out of it. It feels like a massive security risk.
UT - MacKenzie "Kenzie" Lueck, 23, Salt Lake City, 17 June 2019 #16 *ARREST*

UT - MacKenzie "Kenzie" Lueck, 23, Salt Lake City, 17 June 2019 #16 *ARREST*

I probably could have worded my post better. Realize the park meet was to avoid the Lyft leading police directly to his house, just thinking if he put a little thought into that then he probably also wouldn’t want someone to potentially see her at his house. Certainly possible it wasn’t a worry for him. Chances are probably pretty slim that anyone would see her (esp clearly enough to recognize her again) at 3am. But it’s also not impossible and I’m not sure he would leave it to chance. Then again, I’m talking about a guy who took his personal gps tracker to the canyon so who knows. Jmo

I likely messed up quoting posts. Apologies. I tried!
I fully agree with you but something extremely weird is going on here. I noticed people claiming they served with him at the guard armory in Utah (Tooele). Some of them claimed they just saw him but didn't ever talk to him.

I know the military more than pretty much anything and there is just no logical explanation as to how a guy could not go through BMT, not go through tech school and yet still be serving on a guard base. It just makes no sense but the fact that other actual guard members are saying he served makes me seriously have concerns about this issue in regards to how he got in, how he duped the military in some way and what he had access to on the base as an IT guy.

The National Guard will give a menial (low level job which needed little or no training/busy work) to those awaiting decisions of discharge or awaiting training. I am betting this was the case for AA as they got his paperwork together and significant medical documents on his discharge. They do not let the person awaiting discharge stay home and draw pay. They HAVE to come in every day and do some kind of work and participate in PT as is allowed if they have a medical profile.
Learn something new everyday then, guess I don't know it as I once did but I have to say it still doesn't really jive with me from a military standard. No BMT or tech school and yet able to wear the uniform, take part in drilling and have access to the armory. Washouts used to get placed on base detail where they would paint, mow lawns, be a gopher, etc, when I was in so this is very odd. I mean let's say that everything in that Thespyma post is right, and I think he is right, it still doesn't make sense to me how a person without those two things was still granted access and still able to work within the service as a servicemember when he was fated to be booted out of it. It feels like a massive security risk.

It is done on anyone awaiting discharge like his. They don't usually send someone home in a day or two. There is getting discharge paperwork done, having a decision by board made by the medical personnel and out-processing time. This can surprisingly take a long time, weeks, or even months to get this all worked out. There is usually a psych eval also done to ensure the discharged member is not a risk for retaliation. It would be interesting to know what his discharge was for but my bet is it is a psych discharge, especially with his history of deception and this horrible act of depravity on an innocent young woman.
It is done on anyone awaiting discharge like his. They don't usually send someone home in a day or two. There is getting discharge paperwork done, having a decision by board made by the medical personnel and out-processing time. This can surprisingly take a long time, weeks, or even months to get this all worked out. There is usually a psych eval also done to ensure the discharged member is not a risk for retaliation. It would be interesting to know what his discharge was for but my bet is it is a psych discharge, especially with his history of deception and this horrible act of depravity on an innocent young woman.
Technically we could find out as the DD214 could be requested. Stolen Valor and ThisAintHell do it all the time so it can be done although I never tried with any individuals but I assume it's just a FOIA public record request. You're right it would be interesting to see the type of discharge, exact entry date and so on. I would think MEPS would have identified the psych issue early so if it actually was psych then there was a major ball dropped even letting him in.
UT - MacKenzie "Kenzie" Lueck, 23, Salt Lake City, 17 June 2019 #16 *ARREST*

UT - MacKenzie "Kenzie" Lueck, 23, Salt Lake City, 17 June 2019 #16 *ARREST*

I probably could have worded my post better. Realize the park meet was to avoid the Lyft leading police directly to his house, just thinking if he put a little thought into that then he probably also wouldn’t want someone to potentially see her at his house. Certainly possible it wasn’t a worry for him. Chances are probably pretty slim that anyone would see her (esp clearly enough to recognize her again) at 3am. But it’s also not impossible and I’m not sure he would leave it to chance. Then again, I’m talking about a guy who took his personal gps tracker to the canyon so who knows. Jmo

I likely messed up quoting posts. Apologies. I tried!

Thanks PurplePolkaDot, a relative newbie.:):):)
Pleased you tried, as definitely you didn't mess up.
I agree, AA wouldn't want anyone seeing ML at his house.
Technically we could find out as the DD214 could be requested. Stolen Valor and ThisAintHell do it all the time so it can be done although I never tried with any individuals but I assume it's just a FOIA public record request. You're right it would be interesting to see the type of discharge, exact entry date and so on. I would think MEPS would have identified the psych issue early so if it actually was psych then there was a major ball dropped even letting him in.

Ajayi was discharged from the Utah Army National Guard in June 2015 after six months of service, according to Utah National Guard Public Affairs Officer D.J. Gibb.

Ajayi was a member of the 214th Forward Support Company in Tooele, according to Gibb. He did not go through basic training and did not receive any certificates or awards, Gibb said. Therefore, Ajayi was not eligible to deploy with the Army National Guard, he said.

Ajayi did not meet “medical procurement standards” and was discharged as a result, Gibb said.

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I would not be surprised if AA's medical deficiency was his vision. Based on his photos, there's a demonstrated progression in his eyeglasses. MOO
In the Guard or Reserve, people enlist but may not go to basic training right away. Instead, the show up for weekend drills for a month or two where they work with someone to make sure they are in shape and to have some prep for basic training. There's usually a group of a couple of people like this and they have a sergeant working with them so the rest of the unit doesn't really know them.

Some drop after a couple of weekends and saves a lot of money from failing out of basic. Most are better prepared mentally and physically for basic and do well. Think of it as orientation.

In his case, it looks to me like he was one of the dropouts...wondering if "medical" meant mental. It then took the Guard a couple of more months to finish the paperwork and discharge him.

It's similar to active where the recruiter has recruits coming in one day a week during the weeks before they go to basic.

Basically, he showed up on a couple of weekends and couldn't cut it. I'm a little confused about someone saying he went to basic ...maybe he did but didnt finish.

There's nothing unusual about this other than the media claiming he's "military" when he really flunked out of pre basic orientation.
Am I the only person who believes that the real AA, the way he looks when arrested, and AJ on all his media profiles, are two different people? That AA simply stole photos of a muscular good-looking AA male and used them for own modeling and media pictures?
No doubt Mackenzie must have noticed the difference.

So I see two equally plausible situations here,

A) she does not know him. She gets into the car, sees a man very different from his profile, decides against getting in his car but he pulls her inside and kidnaps at this point. This would explain the phone switched off.

B) she has met AA before so him looking so different from his photo is no news. They drive to the house, where something happens.
I can’t figure out if the arrested AA is just plain more evil looking than the SM pictures? Or if I’m seeing him for what he’s done and therefore looks evil rather than attractive ? I too go back and forth - had they met in person or not? I don’t believe anyone has found any pictures of them together have they?
ETA spelling
I can figure out if the arrested AA is just plain more evil looking than the SM pictures? Or if I’m seeing him for what he’s done and therefore looks evil rather than attractive ? I too go back and forth - had they met in person or not? I don’t believe anyone has found any pictures of them together have they?

I've not heard of any pictures of them together.

But there is evidence they had met before 3AM as (a) one of her friends had a bad vibe about him and (b) I thought I saw a reference from the DA yesterday that friends said they knew each other.
And if this was the case what a true gentlemen to pick his tired friend up from the airport who just went to her Grandmothers funeral I’m sure very sad but instead allows her to take a ride with a Lyft driver she doesn’t know and only 23 years. What a great guy. Was he the type guy who honked for his girl to come to the car on a date.
Exactly! I've said from the start that not picking her up from the airport was a clue, even as people disagreed and said it's totally normal for young women not to be expect to be picked up. Well, start expecting it, imo!

It's not the actual ACT of picking up that matters - anyone can indeed get a Lyft or Uber and women are perfectly capable of making their own transportation arrangements by swiping a phone screen - it's that the gesture reflects the character of the person. By not picking her up (at 3am after a funeral), we got a big clue to the person's character. (And, it kept him from cameras too, which was a benefit to him, not her.)

Lo and behold, we discover a perp with loathsome character. This was not an isolated incident in his life.

I am out of town, just got to service. Astonishing. No words in regards to PC. Sickening maybe is one.

My only question, that may have been answered already, just can't read through 64 pages right now...

If the zip ties and rope were still in place, that would be after the attempted cremation at his home... and then transport to LC...

I would think if her remains were charred that the zip ties and rope would be burned or not in place. Is it possible he tied them for ease of transporting her into the thick woods. It would be difficult to carry a corpse and that would seem to help?

Good question.

But, do we know the state of the zip ties and rope?

Perhaps the ties were melted and the rope singed and LE didn't mention those details. The rope could've been plastic and also melted rather than burned. IDK.

Unless I'm mistaken, all we know is that her hands were tied with zip ties and rope - we don't know the condition of the zip ties and rope (or her hands).

I think the older modeling pictures are him, but that he has aged badly and gone downhill pretty quickly for a 31-year-old. To me, the differences were in no way suggestive of 2 entirely different people.

I think he was clinging to his "glory days" as a local model like some people cling to high school glory days.

Thanks, it's 8:30 am here and you already made my day.
Try this on for a crazy theory.

Let's say for a reason none of us understand ML was really into AA and that they claimed they would date each other exclusively. Now, let's say before she leaves for grand ma's funeral she finds out AA is in a relationship with someone else as well and has actually gotten someone else pregnant.

ML is furious and demands that she speak with AA in person as soon as she returns.
This explains the urgency for a late night meet up.

Now, during this meet up things get heated and AA looses his temper and kills ML.

I realize this is kind of out there but we have all assumed they didn't know each other well, do we know for sure this is the case?

I don't think there is any evidence to confirm they "didn't" know each other. A friend claims to have advised her against him and there seems to be some unsubstantiated news that her friends said she knew him.
I don't think there is any evidence to confirm they "didn't" know each other. A friend claims to have advised her against him and there seems to be some unsubstantiated news that her friends said she knew him.

Yep, that's what I was thinking. Really struggling to figure out what was so urgent that she had to see him at 3am. If it wasn't drugs this scenario fits. I just don't see anyone being in the mood for a late night hookup after the weekend ML had so I don't think it was that either

MOO, I was fairly disgusted. I didn't even really post on ML's threads here yesterday but once after reading it. It annoys me when someone thinks they have the right to decide someone's life needs to end. AA is a narcissistic, sadistic idiot -- any thing less would be uncivilized.
Yep, that's what I was thinking. Really struggling to figure out what was so urgent that she had to see him at 3am. If it wasn't drugs this scenario fits. I just don't see anyone being in the mood for a late night hookup after the weekend ML had so I don't think it was that either

Based on the info yesterday, I think it seems likely she went with him voluntarily to his house. The timeline from her arriving in the Lyft and him being back at the house is just too tight and doesn't seem to leave even a minute for him to subdue her. I don't think he's that competent.

Of course that leaves the issue of how her phone was shut off.
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