Found Deceased UT - MacKenzie "Kenzie" Lueck, 23, Salt Lake City, 17 June 2019 #5

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ML's parents did not disappear her. They are grieving the death of a loved one and their daughter is missing. They are victims and there is no manual for how to handle a missing child; family dynamics differ. I don't see how judgement of ML's parents has any bearing on what happened to Kenzie. MOO
I am with you on this one. The only scenario that I can think of that her phone would turned off like that immediately after she met this person and she is not voluntarily missing, is that once the Lyft driver left and the coast was clear, he/she killed her, turned off her phone, and from there, who knows where he/she went after that.

This is the only way that it makes sense, in a foul play situation.
Or he could have subdued and restrained her and then took her phone. Imo
Earlier today on HLN a former FBI agent explained that the FBI is called in when forensic help is needed. He continued to say “the FBI isn’t called bc more manpower is needed ... the FBI isn’t called to help search in the woods ... we get involved to help w DNA and science related things since police depts aren’t equipped w those type of things”
Like getting info from apps and SM?
Here are the 3 reasons I turn my phone off. 1- To preserve battery, 2- because it’s overheating and 3- so that certain people on my life 360 app don’t know I’m passing right by their house without stopping. I’m wondering if she had a location share app with any friends or family.
'I text her and call her still,' says friend of missing student Mackenzie Lueck
“I text her and call her still,” she said. “I check her location to see if it will pop up magically.”
The potential that she was familiar with, knew and trusted this person is high imo—-so if so, how does nobody know about this person? Not a single person? Why is he such a secret? Maybe he’s “hiding in Plain Sight”, posing as an alliance, moo. Maybe someone in her circle that may be obsessed with her.


Again, WHY MEET IN THE PARK. Why would she go to the park? He could’ve come to her house or she could have gone there.

Likely a married man, moo. Or friend she didn’t suspect. Or other man or even woman for all we know with ill intentions.

I want to tell you guys about some cases where a FEMALE poses as a friend, only to be part of the lure (trafficking). How strong of a possibility is this, maybe not that strong but it has happened and I can cite cases.

I think someone had mentioned earlier, that maybe the person she met lives further to the north? ML’s flight was late getting in...maybe they decided to meet halfway and the halfway point was Hatch Park?

Still stuck on this camera issue. This may have already been addressed. Apologies if it has. Does anyone know if there are cameras around the area that could have captured any vehicles driving that early in the morning? Like a corner store? Bank? Police Station? Etc...Wondering if these places video surveillance could be checked.

There is, I'm quite certain they know what kind of car she met up with, just simply because they are not addressing it. I'm sure the Lyft driver gave at least a basic description of if it was car, truck, dark, light, and from that I do believe they have some camera evidence at least enough to show they left the park, since they have not paid much attention to the park whatsoever from what I can tell. They for some reason don't want the public to know what kind of car she met up with, which tells me they know what it is. But it was four days before she was even reported missing, so they could be long, long gone by then. If this is nefarious, the person had about a five to six day head start unfortunately. It's interesting to hear her phone was powered down pretty much immediately, that's very perplexing to me.
I am with you on this one. The only scenario that I can think of that her phone would turned off like that immediately after she met this person and she is not voluntarily missing, is that once the Lyft driver left and the coast was clear, he/she killed her, turned off her phone, and from there, who knows where he/she went after that.

This is the only way that it makes sense, in a foul play situation.

Well, foul play or not—if she was using the phone to communicate with the person she was meeting, once she’d met that person, the phone was no longer needed, and she could turn it off. To me, that’d be the most likely reason for it to be turned off at that time. Unfortunately, there’s nothing about that explanation that would preclude foul play happening later.
ML's parents did not disappear her. They are grieving the death of a loved one and their daughter is missing. They are victims and there is no manual for how to handle a missing child; family dynamics differ. I don't see how judgement of ML's parents has any bearing on what happened to Kenzie. MOO
Right on.

I agree, it's all speculation as to why the phone got turned off but even in the most benign scenario - she somehow turns it off out of politeness, or he asked her to turn it off and she does - it's not normal. Why would he ask her to power down her phone? Can you remember once in your life when someone asked you to power down your phone, or when you did it in any circumstance that wasn't a movie, church, dinner, etc? This bit of information is concerning, as it's hard to come up with a plausible reason for the timing.

I agree it screams red flags. You have to turn off your phone to fly. Maybe he told her they were taking his private jet out of Skypark and maybe as soon as she got in the car he reminded her to turn her phone off right away so they wouldn't be delayed any longer (because her flight was late). A predator of course could use this ploy to then take her someplace in the nearby industrial area and harm her rather than taking her to the non-existent private jet. MOO.
Or she was overpowered quickly and the perp turned the phone off :/

That seems unlikely since she willingly went with the unknown person that she may have known to some extent and they were in a public location. It would make more sense that he would wait to get her back to a more private discreet location if he had planned on doing something.
Knowing the bag she carried might help locate ML if someone finds that bag somewhere discarded, for example.

The board is moving so fast, I hope I'm following the gist of this convo properly. If not, sorry.


We have pictures of the bag. So we know what to look for. Besides, wouldn't any suitcase sitting around by itself stand out? It does not matter the size of the bag or who didn't or did unload it.

Sometimes I thing we sleuth just to sleuth and lose sight of the reason Or think about if it's even helpfull.

As always, MOO.
Hatch Park is not a very impressive or attractive park. There is really only one long strip of parking, with some other spots back a bit by the tennis courts. I had envisioned more secluded parking.

It’s highly unlikely (IMHOO) that there were any other vehicles in that lot. Maybe away from the street lights a vehicle would be hidden, but I’d think the sweep of the Lyft car’s headlights would reveal a general body type and color ( white sedan, dark large SUV) so I think LE has some general idea of the vehicle. And all the parking in spaces faces the same way - so was the vehicle parked in a space, or had it just pulled inside along the road?

This isn’t a lover’s lane kind of place, either. Right next to a freeway, flat, exposed, apartment complex across the street.

It’s a place to get in the car and drive away from.

It gives me the creeps.

One thing I noticed with Lyft and Uber drivers is they generally have a couple phones, one with waze and one with the service, several have dash cams. They are basically tech enthusiasts. It would have been likely the driver had a dashcam though I haven't seen anything reported. It would be interesting if she had used Lyft to the Same Park before. It would also be interesting to find out if the Lyft driver knows that area very well or lives nearby. I get on the scopolomine line again as I have on other cases, it can be blown in the face to make someone compliant. Someone could tell a person who has been "scoped" to turn off their phone, go get in that car and they would comply. I know the Lyft driver has been cleared publicly but it still is a possibility.
This keeps being asked by myself as well as others, yet I've not seen it answered (or even simply discussed) in media, by LE, or by Kenzie's friends in their interviews or by our VI.

What made alarm bells not go off Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday morning when MacKenzie was not around and not heard from?

There is a lot of overlapping not only in relation to the ways that people know MacKenzie but in relation to one another as well.

This isn't a case of "people at school noticed she wasn't in class and her social friends noticed she was unreachable by phone but neither parties overlap, so social friends didn't know she also wasnt in class and classmates didn't know her friends were unable to reach her by phone as well.

Some people know MacKenzie via at LEAST 3 different realms of life: School, Sorority AND friendship. I imagine there is also some additional possible overlapping with colleagues and/or roommates.

But no one local reported to Campus Police or SLC PD. There has to be a reason for this. Had she had a 3 day unexpected "off the radar" break in the past. Were friends she reportedly had daily contact with unaware of what day she was supposed to fly back? Were friends afraid a missing persons report may be overreacting or jumping the gun for some reason? Did she have set or loose posdible plans to go away after the funeral but was supposed to be back Wed night/Thurs morning?
Was there something about MacKenzie's life or actions the days/weeks prior that lead people to the conclusion that this wasn't actually surprising or as out of character for her as claimed?

ETA: In one interview, (I believe it was her BFF and sorority sister?) She commented that she reached out to MacKenzie offering support or to see if she needed anything over the weekend, while she was still out of state for the funeral. She received no reply. Yet MacKenzie was active on social media during that time? Is that odd: she already wasn't responding to her BFF prior to her disappearance, but was active on social media?

I had similar thoughts last night about the time the thread closed, and it's perplexing indeed.

Initially, I thought that not being visible on Monday might be dismissed as ML extending her time at "home" with her family given the circumstances.

But then I questioned why at least one person would not know this, and share the info with others -- on the surface, it seems nobody was alarmed that ML was not responding to texts, calls, etc., and/or missing from Salt Lake.

Then again maybe several were alarmed but didn't want to contact her parents, and finally did so on Thursday -- immediately triggering Dad's contact LE to report ML missing.

So concerning her phone/gps went dark within minutes of connecting with her party.

Where are you Kenzie?

ML's parents did not disappear her. They are grieving the death of a loved one and their daughter is missing. They are victims and there is no manual for how to handle a missing child; family dynamics differ. I don't see how judgement of ML's parents has any bearing on what happened to Kenzie. MOO

My sentiments exactly! We really don't know what is going on behind the scenes, what the communication is between LE and the parents or what they are being advised to do or not do as well as personal circumstances. It's really layered IMO.
Still stuck on this camera issue. This may have already been addressed. Apologies if it has. Does anyone know if there are cameras around the area that could have captured any vehicles driving that early in the morning? Like a corner store? Bank? Police Station? Etc...Wondering if these places video surveillance could be checked.

Police station is nearby
Ok.. could we come up with ideas that we can do as a group to help? Maybe make a list? Anybody think that is a good idea? Maybe a list of questions we have and a list of things that could be researched? Then we could possibly attach to the thread?

Honestly I don’t know what’s useful or helpful but sometimes go down trails of my own investigating.

My own questions:
1. Where did she stay in Cali and with whom
2. Was it normal for her to wear baggy sweatpants?
3. What were her dreams? Where did she want to live upon graduation?
4. Did the police station nearby have cameras?
5. Has she met others at that park before?
6. Did she really have a close relationship with her grandmother? (Could it have triggered a mental episode?)
7. The assault. Surely they wouldn’t have mentioned that if she had been raped prior? What was this about, who? (Yes I know they said not related)
8. Stolen property returned . Same questions. (Yes I know they said not related)
9. Did someone have a creepy fixation with her? Did she have someone that repeatedly asked her out?
10. Was she ever seen with an older man?
Restaurants, clubs, hotels, events?

Things to do:
1. Sleuth profiles of SD’s in the area
2. Monitor comments on Facebook posts for info, weird posters etc.
3. Check for similarities with other cases or missing persons.
4. Look for obscure social media profiles of hers. Yelp reviews? TripAdvisor? I haven’t seen her Twitter and read a tip about it. Reddit profile? Cautious not to Doxx If not public. All can give tips as to where she’s been, etc.
5. Profile perp and look for open cases. Hard to do- motive?
6. Monitor missing people in California, Utah and surrounding states.
7. Look to see if private plane manifests are available online?
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