UT - Parenting influencer, Ruby Franke, and blogger/podcast partner Jodi Hildebrandt, arrested for Child Abuse, Aug 2023 #2

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Was it a corporation, LLC, Org? How could she qualify?
" LLC" In the video I posted it was reported that RF did nothing illegal and other Youtubers also applied for and received the PPP loans.

Ruby Franke got pandemic PPP loans for '8 Passengers,' ...​

Deseret News
https://www.deseret.com › utah › how-much-did-ruby-f...

Sep 17, 2023 — According to ProPublica's loan tracker, Ruby Franke's company 8 Passengers Productions LLC received over $80000 in Payroll Protection ...
" LLC" In the video I posted it was reported that RF did nothing illegal and other Youtubers also applied for and received the PPP loans.

Ruby Franke got pandemic PPP loans for '8 Passengers,' ...

Deseret News
https://www.deseret.com › utah › how-much-did-ruby-f...

Sep 17, 2023 — According to ProPublica's loan tracker, Ruby Franke's company 8 Passengers Productions LLC received over $80000 in Payroll Protection ...

I had no idea it was an LLC. How were they making money? Sponsorships, online workshops or services?
Bolding mine.
I appreciate your point of view; esp. the bolded !

Also, I don't want to write the husband off, but admit I'm deeply skeptical of him at this time.
He doesn't seem to want to admit he may have been wrong to not protect his kids more; and he's also more apologetic of Ruby than he should be. Again this is my opinion.

My issue with the husband is that he is an adult.
A fully grown man.
Was he raised to think like this somewhat ... and thus more vulnerable to the twisted suggestions of his wife and her friend ?
If so, following what Jodi and Ruby said or commanded him to do, makes him seem like a milquetoast.
That's my .02.
If the safety and well-being of his own children was at risk, he needed to 'man up' and even go to the authorities if necessary.
Idk, I can't imagine some of the actions he witnessed , were easily written off in Kevin's mind !
Jodi used standard brainwashing techniques. Kevin gives the entire method in his second interview. She used increasing vituperation and isolation to effect this. See Patty Hearst, who was kidnapped from her privileged life and became a gun-toting criminal.
I always go back to Jodi H, and Jessi H commenting that people do not realize how incredibly powerful Jodi H is.

Jodi H's pathological counseling specialized in making men feel "less than", that they were evil *advertiser censored* addicts who were a danger to their families and were so dangerous that they must be separated from their wife and children while they work on personal redemption. Kevin was not Jodi H's only victim in this regard.

Idle speculation and MOO: I wonder if Jodi H was decompensating and becoming crazier at the point she encountered RF, in 2018 I think. JH could maintain her public-facing "professional" facade but was becoming unhinged in the shadows. Kevin alludes to Jodi H having visions and being haunted by demons in one of his interviews. MOO: I'd strongly consider that JH and RF were taking psylocybin mushrooms, ketamine, whatever, to have religious visions. Kevin notes in one interview that JH and RF would go upstairs (where Kevin was not allowed) and come down 4 or 5 hours later, glowing and happy. There are other obvious explanations that I won't go into. It could have been both.

Psilocybin has recently had some high profile moments in the MSM, for it's therapeutic potential. Take a walk down Google lane searching for "Mormon moms + psilocybin" or similar. Apparently an ex-Mormon mushroom cult has sprung up, using psychedelics to search for the divine.

I also salute the person who noted that the Air BnB apartment at the Ivins compound may have been for people who were coming for intensive "counseling" with JH.
Jodi and crew (Pam, too?) also went to Mexico supposedly to get “medication”.
Was anything ever reported about the money the 6 minor children made being exploited by their parents on Youtube and if it was protected from their parents?

Kevin Franke filed for divorce from Ruby in November, after the couple had been separated for about a year, his attorney said in September. On Jan. 12, Kevin filed a temporary restraining order to establish restitution from Hildebrandt, requiring that she not be able to liquidate or transfer her “personal assets” before sentencing.


KF thinks his telling just how insanely scary his home became after JH moved in and the dark forces ran amok that it will garner him sympathy as some kind of ghost buster when it actually proves that he knew his kids would be under the care of these two dangerous bat-crazy women and their religious obsession with the devil and evil and he just didn't care.
It was all about Kevin.

KF-RF & JH all deserve each other from here to eternity. lol
In one of Kevin's later police interviews, he mentioned that Ruby took all the cash out of their joint account as well as draining the kids' savings accounts. He specifically mentions eldest son C, who was not a minor. The police basically advise it is a civil matter, and essentially good luck with getting it back ... because Ruby was not doubt using it to find her legal defense. I feel like he should have filed for restitution against Ruby too!
After her arrest RF cried in court and claimed one of her minor children sexually abused their siblings and about 20 kids total.
The video covers RF's accusations and the legal right for the accused abuser to civilly sue RF for defamation while addressing by the time the child isn't a minor it's doubtful RH would have any money .
I can only imagine what RH believes sexual abuse entails considering the LDS/RF/KF/JH's definition of what an addiction entails.

Has this already been discussed here?
This is news to me.

In one of Kevin's later police interviews, he mentioned that Ruby took all the cash out of their joint account as well as draining the kids' savings accounts. He specifically mentions eldest son C, who was not a minor. The police basically advise it is a civil matter, and essentially good luck with getting it back ... because Ruby was not doubt using it to find her legal defense. I feel like he should have filed for restitution against Ruby too!
There was $85k randomly in a bag when they searched Jodi’s house. Kevin said this was Franke money.
In one of Kevin's later police interviews, he mentioned that Ruby took all the cash out of their joint account as well as draining the kids' savings accounts. He specifically mentions eldest son C, who was not a minor. The police basically advise it is a civil matter, and essentially good luck with getting it back ... because Ruby was not doubt using it to find her legal defense. I feel like he should have filed for restitution against Ruby too!
Finally states are passing laws to protect minor's money.

Interesting reads on parents exploiting their kids for bucks.
"Vanessa" (pseudonym) gives good insight to what her life was like.

Paywall for me.
Anyone have a sub?
RF is mentioned.
because Ruby was not doubt using it to find her legal defense.
JH and RF were planning to purchase acreage in Arizona, and I'll speculate that the money was going towards that purchase. But to take it out in cash, and not move it into a new bank account is crazy, but a lot of what was going on with JH and RF was crazy.
There was $85k randomly in a bag when they searched Jodi’s house. Kevin said this was Franke money.
Didn't KF tell LE that RF asked him if he'd sign papers giving her permission to use money/invest as she wanted to?
Basically no questions asked.
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JH and RF were planning to purchase acreage in Arizona, and I'll speculate that the money was going towards that purchase. But to take it out in cash, and not move it into a new bank account is crazy, but a lot of what was going on with JH and RF was crazy.
Didn't KF tell LE that RF asked him if he'd sign papers giving her permission to use money/invest as she wanted to?
Basically no questions asked.

IIRC: the imbecile said yes?
JH and RF were planning to purchase acreage in Arizona, and I'll speculate that the money was going towards that purchase. But to take it out in cash, and not move it into a new bank account is crazy, but a lot of what was going on with JH and RF was crazy.
It could have been this money.

Ruby Franke received more than $80,000 in PPP loans during pandemic'​

I didn't know that Shari had her own YT show.

@ 6:35..her college fund bank account was cleared out.
Her explanations make absolutely no sense and of course she never mentions questioning her parents about the money or says how much money was stolen.
She was saving for college since age 5.

And that's why neither Kevin or PB seemed concerned about the medical status of the children when LE told them there was physical abuse the children were taken to the hospital. Not one question about the kids. And Kevin didn't even ask how his own children were doing and whether he could go see them.
That tells me pretty much all I need to know.
Totally agree. I can’t comprehend his concern about the Abuser but not about the abused/his kids. Dangerous.

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