UT UT - Reed Jeppson, 15, Salt Lake City, 11 Oct 1964

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
If someone has the funding for a private search, I don't think it has to be organized by law enforcement, but it should be conducted by professional SAR.
Checking in on this as i followed it years ago, just googling to see if any updates. The more I read the more it seems like just an accident. Its sad hes never been found though.
Checking in on this as i followed it years ago, just googling to see if any updates. The more I read the more it seems like just an accident. Its sad hes never been found though.
No, nothing new except another anniversary has passed since he went missing (57 years ago now as of Oct 11th).
Reed Taylor Jeppson

Reed, circa 1964; Age-progression to age 60 (circa 2009)
  • Missing Since 10/12/1964
  • Missing From Salt Lake City, Utah
  • Classification Endangered Missing
  • Sex Male
  • Race White
  • Date of Birth 05/28/1949 (72)
  • Age 15 years old
  • Height and Weight 5'6, 140 - 150 pounds
  • Clothing/Jewelry Description A white cotton knit shirt, a reversible parka with one side black and one side blue, blue Levi's jeans and sneakers.
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian male. Blond hair, blue eyes. Reed had braces on his upper and lower teeth at the time of his disappearance.
Details of Disappearance

Reed was last seen in his hometown of Salt Lake City, Utah on October 12, 1964. After his family returned from church, he went out to feed his two dogs and take them for a walk. He lived near Emigration Canyon, near 1400 South and 3000 East, and kept his dogs about 200 yards from his house. He told his sister he would be back within half an hour, in time for dinner.

A friend saw Reed walking the dogs near the old St. Mary of the Wasatch building, near Wasatch Boulevard, at 1:00 p.m. Reed and both animals disappeared and none of them have ever been seen again. Both dogs were German shorthair pointers, one of them a puppy.

Reed was a sophomore at East High School and a member of the school football team at the time of his disappearance. He left behind eleven siblings. His loved ones don't believe he ran away, as he wasn't having any problems and he left all his belongings behind at home, including money he'd earned from his paper route.

Reed's family described him as a good student and a popular teenager with many friends in Salt Lake City and in Montana, where his family kept a summer home. One of his hobbies was training his dogs for bird hunting.

Investigators stated there was no evidence of foul play in Reed's disappearance, but his case remains unsolved.

Investigating Agency
  • Salt Lake City Police Department 801-799-3000
Source Information
These two stories ran in December on the ABC station in Salt Lake. The story mentions there was a police alert in three states after he vanished. That is the first I've heard that.
The Justice Files: Reed Jeppson simply vanished | ABC4 Utah
Missing in Utah: Reed Jeppson simply vanished Pt. 2 | ABC4 Utah

First I heard of a pedophile being questioned, but rulled out by LE.
Investigators in part 2 want to talk to classmates next, The World "Talk" is highlighted in blue, going to a link, but the link goes nowhere.

I think the dogs got spooked by a wild animal, took off like being shot out of a cannon, and ran into danger. Reed instinctively ran to save them, but was overpowered and killed by the danger as were the dogs, or all three fell into something, and could not get out. A pedophile would be less likely to take Reed with two dogs in his company. Note that German Short Hair Pointers are noted for massive running, as they can be used for small hunting tasks. Reed was training them to bird hunt and was experienced at his age in the outdoors.

Lions, cougars, coytes, bobcats, and bears are in Utah. The school where a friend saw Reed walking his dogs, behind the building is all mountain-like wilderness. I think an animal incident, or natural disaster when running or walking, is more probable than a pedophile incident.

You would think though with an animal attack or natural danger entrapment that evidence would turn up. Abduction is still possible, but less so, only because Reed and the dogs are completely gone and have never been found. If Reed was taken, it would have to be by someone IMO who knew both he and his dogs.

Reed's sister sure was/is convinced that he was kidnapped by a pedophile. Part 2 of the news story mentioned visiting the ABC4 website to see what police were saying about Reed's disappearance, but I can't find that interview. I emailed the reporter to see if it's still available.

I wonder if the entire ravine/gulley behind Clayton Middle School was ever searched. I know they dug in a specific area there in 2012, but I believe the other searches focused on the area around St Mary's and Emigration canyon. The ravine behind Clayton is only a half block west of the Jeppson house, whereas St Mary's was probably a half mile to the east. Emigration Creek runs through there, and I wonder if Reed ever took his dogs down there?
Researching the Jeppson Family shows that they were very dedicated to hard work, very spiritual, and family bonds were their life. At the time of his disappearance, Reed was an Eagle Scout, which is the highest Boy Scout honor one can achieve after accumulating many merit badges, and doing several years of volunteer work and community service,

A beautiful tribute to Reed's brother Keith is here. Sounds like an amazing man, full of adventure, love, and a bit of a character!

Keith Taylor Jeppson (1956-2021) - Find a Grave...

If anyone deserves closure it is this family!


I still think the dogs got spooked by a wild animal took off, Reed went to chase them and all three met a tragic fate. However, I have to say, that I am inching closer and closer to an abduction which the family believes and here is the new evidence as to why:

Reed was an Eagle Scout. Eagle Scouts do everything they can to help others and care for people. I believe that the Jeppson's were very strong practicing Mormons devoted to people and community. There is no way that Reed would back away from offering help or doing anything that would hurt his family. No way that he left voluntarily.

Due to the above, I am now at 60% accident and 40% abduction, leaning towards a 50/50 shot. With Reed's devotion to helping others, could he have helped the wrong person? A person whom he gained false trust and may have known his family and his dogs, so there would be minimal suspicion for Reed to suspect "stranger danger." If Reed was taken against his will, it was by someone he knew.

It would be unusual if this was an accident or animal attack for Reed and the dogs to go so far as to never be seen again. Remains would have likely turned up if this had been an accident. I read that LE connected with several neighboring states' LE to find out what happened to Reed. When you think about it, abduction by someone Reed and his dogs knew would be very likely to leave no evidence of any kind. If this was an accident, where is he?

I wish we could get a verified insider on this case! Why was the suspected pedophile ruled out? What evidence was found by LE showing that he was a pedophile? (Or was this just a strong suspicion by the family because he acted strangely?) Reports are that he seemed to laugh and say that "Reed would not be found after such a long period of time." And he said, "I hope you find out who killed him." Why would he say "killed?" Why would he seem to laugh about Reed not being found? Was it wrong for LE to drop him as a suspect, just because he did not have a history of violence? Did he know Reed and the Jeppson family.

I sense a smoking gun out there that has yet to be found.

All valid points Satch.

If you listen carefully to Part 2 of the ABC4 story, at the 1:54 mark, an unidentified officer makes the comment "somebody out there in the community knows something about this case." Why would he say that unless the police suspect foul play? If the police suspected it was an accident, wouldn't they leave it open ended, i.e., we don't know what happened to Reed, but if you know something, contact us?
Crucial Things that Could Help in this Case

1.) Is the person known who saw Reed walking his dogs around 1PM the day he vanished by name? Still alive? What specifically did he tell LE? Did he talk to Reed or just see him? If they talked, what did they talk about?

2.) Were any of Reed's clothes submitted for DNA? I would say probably not in 1964, but has this changed since than? We would be looking to trace any scent of Reed walking his dogs from his home to behind the school. Than any routes after that. I don't think the school exists anymore.

3.) Any roads or areas between Reed's house to where he might have gone that would allow for an abductor to hide? We know that the dogs if spooked, as German Shorthair Pointers, could run like they were shot out of a cannon. Is this breed known to attack strangers? Or more likely to simply bark? Or do nothing in the presence of a stranger?

4a.) I am now at a 50/50 shot between abduction, or dogs spooked, took off, and Reed running after them to save them, and they run into an animal danger or an environmental danger, from which they could not escape, dying of exposure. That's the first 50%. But its not like either could get so far on foot as to not be seen again.

4b.) The other 50% is that Reed was a very alert and experienced outdoors-man for his age. He obviously knew the area, and as an Eagle Scout was very away of animal and environmental dangers associated with the mountain-like wilderness and terrain of Utah. If Reed set out to help a person whom he and the dogs trusted under false pretenses, it would be the kind of danger that all of them could get into a car and never be seen again. But than you go back to 4a. Who's going to risk abducting a kid walking two dogs?

Where do you stand on this case?

The fact that neither Reed nor his two dogs were ever seen again is an interesting and perplexing part of the story.

Any dog will eventually return home if separated from its owner. It is my opinion that the disappearance involved them all. That is, Reed and both dogs went missing at the same time.

The reason or motivation of the disappearance is speculation at this point. But a couple of possible scenarios come to mind. One is that a vehicle hit one or all of them, and then took all of them somewhere. Another might be that Reed and the dogs walked a particularly long distance for some reason, and a driver picked them all up with an offer to take them home, but instead transporting them to a place away from their home.

The dogs may have been the object of an attempted theft. If someone intended to steal these hunting dogs, Reed may have been injured or killed in an attempt to defend them.

German Shorthair Pointers are medium sized dogs and not particularly prone to being vicious or of "attack dog" nature. They are usually pretty friendly, but might come to the defense of their owner.
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Looking up more information about the breed of Reed's dogs. This caught my eye:

"A distractable mind of his own – tends to ignore calls and commands when an interesting sight or scent catches his attention."

Taken from:

German Shorthaired Pointers: What's Good About 'Em, What's Bad About 'Em


Interesting. That opens up the possibility something may have caught one of the dog's attention and it took off. No doubt Reed would have gone after it, if it wouldn't respond to commands. I wonder how well trained the adult dog was.
Interesting. That opens up the possibility something may have caught one of the dog's attention and it took off. No doubt Reed would have gone after it, if it wouldn't respond to commands. I wonder how well trained the adult dog was.


That area behind the old school where Reed was last seen with the dogs according to a friend/witness is all mountains and wilderness. Seemingly more likely to run into a bear, mountain lion, coyote, cougar than a predictor in hiding.

Abduction though is still at 50% because we don't know the route Reed took after being scene behind the school. And if an animal got to any of them, wouldn't some remains be found? One must consider the intensity at which the search was done. Reed's brother Keith was 7-8 at the time, and he distinctly remembers that "LE looked in every cave."

No dog, or even a person no matter how experienced is going to remain calm, if the trio came face-to-face with a wild animal, possibly even a rabid wild animal. Reed's love of helping anybody, and devotion to his dogs, not to mention his "Eagle Scout" instincts would kick in to do everything in his power to save his dogs. If Reed stayed on that nature path, all could have met a nature danger and tragedy, from which they could not have escaped.

If Reed and his dogs traveled closer to a road area, and whatever happened occurred on the way home from the walk, than it would potentially make an abduction more likely than a wild animal or nature danger situation. Horrifically, one, or both of the dogs could have been struck by a car in any event. A crying and shaking Reed pleads for help from a passerby and is met with double-horror coming in contract with the wrong person.

Or if all three of them got away, got hit by a car and the driver panics, takes the bodies and hides them in the trunk or back seat of his car. There are two near certainties here. Reed did not vanish voluntarily, and this was either a tragic accident or foul play.

My understanding is if it were an animal attack, there would be evidence of it, like blood and shreds of ripped clothing. They'd also have found blood if one of them had been hit by a car. I don't see him being grabbed off the street by a stranger, dogs are usually a big deterrent because it throws even more variables into the mix, and a lot of people are scared of dogs. If he were abducted, I'm thinking it would be someone he knew, someone who was okay with the dogs.
I'm not very familiar with Boy Scouts, but doesn't Eagle Scout include wilderness survival? So, if he got lost in the woods, he would know what to do, etc? He would also know first aid, I think, if he got hurt.
I'm not very familiar with Boy Scouts, but doesn't Eagle Scout include wilderness survival? So, if he got lost in the woods, he would know what to do, etc? He would also know first aid, I think, if he got hurt.

Eagle Scouts are the highest trained Boy Scouts in wilderness survival and stranger danger. In fact, when I was a Cub Scout, back in the early 70's, our guide handbook taught us all kinds of helpful tips for kids on stranger danger, first-aide, basic cooking, and camping skills. Multiple that knowledge five times over for Boy Scouts, and probably ten times over for Eagle Scouts. Plus Reed's knowledge of outdoor experiences. Not only would he know what to do, he could train others in how to do skills, and knowing the type of guy he was, would love to help and teach people.

There are few media reports that Reed was an Eagle Scout. But this is an important part of the case. Now, I am leaning even closer to the family's belief that he was abducted at 60% Probably be someone who knew him and the dogs. Look at it with this powerful, but very sad thought. There's no evidence that points against a non-abduction. I am absolutely heart broken for Reed and his family.


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