UT -Susan Powell, 28, West Valley City, 6 Dec 2009 - #4

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John Hellewell has the birds.
Birds can an do talk.
If birds screech out something,
do you think he will tell LE??
Kiirsi Hellewell, one of Susan Powell's best friends, responded in a post on her personal blog Monday to criticism that there has been no coordinated search for the missing mother.
"There are things the general public has never even thought of about this investigation," Hellewell wrote.
Hellewell said in her post she has reasons for believing that Susan "has been taken against her will and is most likely not in the state of Utah. This is why I personally am not out searching the desert or mountains with my three little kids. I won't waste my time or resources fruitlessly looking for someone who may not even be in the state. Instead, what I believe to be the greatest help here is the vast power of the Internet."

WWHHHHHAAAATTT? Sorry but that is just plain crazy!

ETA: now what would make her think that she has been taken out of the State against her will???????
Okay so the rumor I heard earlier... I thought they said
Oquirrh as in the mountains in Utah... but after looking for mines
in Utah I found this

Ophir, Utah
"While visiting my son and his family this summer,
we decided to go see the old mining district near their home of Tooele, Utah"

You can also search google for Ophir, Utah mines and click images to
see what some of the mines look like.

***THIS IS A post from a RUMOR I heard***

View attachment 6817

Ophir, Utah, population 20ish, is the smallest town in Utah! This is actually on the way to Simpson Springs. IMO, it would be a very good place to check out.
You can interpret that as Josh took Susan against her will, killed her and dumped her body out of state.

question: how long does it take driving wise (in bad weather) to get out of the State? (would it fit with the mileage on the rental car?)
This is probably obvious to everyone here because all of your are so sharp and think of all the possibilities that by the time I post an idea it has already been posted. I can't help but think that LE has ( as some have suggested) advised family, friends, neighbors, etc to only speak in positive terms about Josh because they are hoping he will become overconfident and do something to tip off LE. It is so cliche, but so many of these guys go back to the scene of either the crime or where the body was disposed. We know Scott Peterson used to do that. I guess I am hopeful that Josh will feel comfortable that LE does not suspect him, and then he will not be able to resist the urge to do go back to where he left Susan. It is totally maddening that his actions are so crystal clear,and yet he is still free, and Susan is still missing.

Umm, regarding the bolded, that boat has already sailed. Josh got a rent-a-car and a 24 hour hall pass. And we think the LE missed it. But, LE says they can narrow it down to "several hundred miles" in Utah. :banghead:

It there a timeline? Did Josh Lawyer up after the rent-a-car expedition, or before?
I don't see how Josh would be able to utilize an old mine shaft to hide a body. Having been an old explorer of such mine shafts in Utah, I can't see how Josh would be able to find one that was not buried in snow since almost all of them are at altitudes above 5000 feet. My relatives ran mines at the turn of the century, and I have old maps from all over which tend to be in the mountains. If he went to Ophir, as someone mentioned, I would imagine someone in the town would have noticed. That town is at 7000 feet and would be difficult to get at during this time of year in a van.

I would imagine Josh went somewhere, where no one would possibly be around. There are plenty of desolate areas with small amounts of trees around that could be considered woods by small kids. Perhaps he did go somewhere SW of the Tooele valley up against the mountains. This would be possible with their van which I assume isn't all wheel drive.
Based on Kiirsi's theory that "Susan was taken against her will" make me wonder how this "individual" knew Josh wasn't going to be home. :waitasec:

Just had to jump in here. When I read the part BBM, I immediately thought of Chris Coleman. You know when the Super Secret Ninja Psycho Killer slipped into the house and killed the family in that small period of time when Chris wasn't home!

Jeez, it is like these guys have a playbook! :banghead:
Or maybe a male friend... I'm thinking that maybe Josh had something else going on that we don't know about. Oh, I'd love to get my hands on Susan's journal or talk to that co-worker of hers for a while.... But the truth is going to come out in this case.... sooner than later I hope.
I think LE wants the SW sealed so Josh doesn't know what's in them. Not so much what they searched but what they found. I think Josh will use this as his bargaining chip to take time vs/ death penalty. Show me the body Josh and we'll take the death penalty off the table.... I hope LE is holding a royal flush... without a body will be tougher though...

That would really be a motive......if there was a male friend involved and Josh found out that Susan knew about it and was going to bring it out in the open. Hadn't thought about that one.

question: how long does it take driving wise (in bad weather) to get out of the State? (would it fit with the mileage on the rental car?)

A very rough estimate to get out of West Valley City, Utah to A stateline is:

Idaho - ~ 115 miles
Nevada - ~122 miles
Colorado - ~ 210 miles
Arizonia - ~ 300 miles
Wyoming - ~ 80 miles

Utah is 350 miles long and 270 miles wide

question: how long does it take driving wise (in bad weather) to get out of the State? (would it fit with the mileage on the rental car?)

It's only a little over an hour to drive west into Nevada, Wendover NV is right across the state line and an easy drive from SLC

interesting posts by "hamburg" on that tribune article!

***note that if you read the comments most of the ones by "hamburg" are hidden so you have to click on them. And another note on what "hamburg" was saying was that (warning... this was in the comment section) that Josh had a breakdown.. and also that both his cell and the disposable cell were taken. He also said they have a dog or dogs and that the wet spot could have been from a pet having an accident while he was out sledding... riiiiiiiiight.....

question: how long does it take driving wise (in bad weather) to get out of the State? (would it fit with the mileage on the rental car?)

As long as he stayed on the main highways, he'd be able to go out of state in a short amount of time. The state does a great job at clearing the roads here. It's rare that anything shuts down because of snow. In fact, I can only think of two times in twenty years the schools shut down because of snow.
It's only a little over an hour to drive west into Nevada, Wendover NV is right across the state line and an easy drive from SLC


This is so overwhelming. Susan could easily be in Nevada, Idaho or Wyoming. And take in consideration that he was gone 17 hours, add Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona. And I keep thinking if I was in Josh's shoes, that I would say I went somewhere the opposite direction of where I did go.
That would really be a motive......if there was a male friend involved and Josh found out that Susan knew about it and was going to bring it out in the open. Hadn't thought about that one.
You know the super sensetive support this guy is showing for Josh really makes think this could be true.
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