UT -Susan Powell, 28, West Valley City, 6 Dec 2009 - #5

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I have been looking for the physical stats on Susan for about an hour and finally found them here on a closed thread. Susan was a lightweight. She must have watched her weight closely especially having two small children. I'm assuming here. I wanted to try to visualize how Josh may have lifted her body. I hope she is alive. However, I doubt she is.

I am still puzzled by the dinner she ate. Has anyone heard anything about her being ill before eating the dinner Josh fixed? Did he cook often?

I hate cases like this.

Susan did most of the housework and meal cooking. Josh rarely did or rarely helped out in that area.
Wrap it in a tarp with ducktape and drag it, or put it in a big box or storage bin and slide it on the icy ground or packed snow. I wonder if they had a big box or bin to store the Christmas tree in? How large is the box that a generator comes in? Newly fallen snow would quicKLy obscure drag marks. He could have even backed up near an area with a cliff and dumped her over the edge, then disposed of the container in an y dumpster, unless he was stupid enough to bring it home and put the generator ( or whatever ) back in it!

I've seen some posters saying that they doubt he could have moved the body in the van without the kids seeing it. My kids always rode in carseats in the middle row of the van, right behind the driver's seat. There was another bench seat behind them and a cargo area behind that. A body could easily be concealed from their sight behind the rear seat!

What line of work is Josh's dad in? Does he have any brothers? I wonder if any one of them would have access to an incinerator?

Josh has two brothers I believe and two sisters. Two brothers and his younger sister are still living at home with their father even though they are all grown adults. Very odd.
My thoughts and prayers have been with the Cox family, Susan, and the boys since Susan has been missing. I will not forget them. But, I do have to wonder just how effective this media blitz will be. While I do very much agree that Susan's case needs to stay in the media and have attention, I just do not think getting flyers out all over everywhere will be too effective. As another poster had stated, a pic of Josh in his woolen cap and the van might would be the most effective. I do realize that it cannot be done because Josh has not been charged with anything. So that one is out.

I wonder if anyone in Josh's family owns a cabin in the mountains or a summer cabin? Maybe one of his friends? Did Josh help route the trucks in his IT job at the trucking company, or actually track them on the computer system? I would love to know what the name of the trucking company is, what kind of freight they hauled, and to where.

I also stated a couple of threads back that I believe that Susan had been poisoned and had been being slowly poisoned for some time. Her hair was very thin in a couple of pics.
Maybe Josh gave her a big dose of the poison in her food that night as well as a couple of crushed sleeping pills.

I had mentioned a pic on Josh's brother Michael's delegate site in a back thread. It was of a woman whose caption under the pic was listed as City of Rocks. That pic is no longer there. I looked through all of them again last night and it is definately not there now. Then as I was catching up on reading the threads last night, City of Rocks was mentioned again. The poster stated that City of Rocks is 190 miles north of West Valley, and it looks as if that would be a good place to conceal a body (sorry).

IDK. But one thing I feel is that Josh definately killed Susan. This seems to be a classic, textbook case, IMO. Motive, means, and opportunity. The real victims here are Susan, her little boys who will forever be without their real mother, and Susan's family. They are in my thoughts and prayers always.

They sealed the search warrants, I wonder if they got the garbage, but he could have washed it all down the drain. It is so frustrating because you know she is out there somewhere.
Welcome OKand3J's! I am so glad to have you here at WS!

Your insight regarding Josh's family is particularly interesting to me. It sounds like Steven Powell is the original control freak/manipulator from whence Josh came! What is Josh's mother like? The fact that his adult siblings still live with his parents combined with Josh's need to maintain almost constant contact with his father point to a very sick family, IMO. I wonder what skeletons are in Josh's father's closet?

Putting that info together with Josh's claim to have gone south for camping leads me to suspect he actually traveled north...probably to meet up with someone who helped him get rid of Susan.

I sincerely hope the police are watching his whole family very closely. As interdependent as they seem to be, there is no way Josh would be able to pull this off without his father's support. Maybe this whole thing was done at his father's direction...creepy!
Who's idea was it to move to Utah? Hearing about how close J is with his father it just seems unlikely to me that he would have wanted to move away from him. I wonder if Susan wanted to get out of WA so she could get away from his father?

My thoughts and prayers have been with the Cox family, Susan, and the boys since Susan has been missing. I will not forget them. But, I do have to wonder just how effective this media blitz will be. While I do very much agree that Susan's case needs to stay in the media and have attention, I just do not think getting flyers out all over everywhere will be too effective. As another poster had stated, a pic of Josh in his woolen cap and the van might would be the most effective. I do realize that it cannot be done because Josh has not been charged with anything. So that one is out.

I wonder if anyone in Josh's family owns a cabin in the mountains or a summer cabin? Maybe one of his friends? Did Josh help route the trucks in his IT job at the trucking company, or actually track them on the computer system? I would love to know what the name of the trucking company is, what kind of freight they hauled, and to where.

I also stated a couple of threads back that I believe that Susan had been poisoned and had been being slowly poisoned for some time. Her hair was very thin in a couple of pics.
Maybe Josh gave her a big dose of the poison in her food that night as well as a couple of crushed sleeping pills.

I had mentioned a pic on Josh's brother Michael's delegate site in a back thread. It was of a woman whose caption under the pic was listed as City of Rocks. That pic is no longer there. I looked through all of them again last night and it is definately not there now. Then as I was catching up on reading the threads last night, City of Rocks was mentioned again. The poster stated that City of Rocks is 190 miles north of West Valley, and it looks as if that would be a good place to conceal a body (sorry).

IDK. But one thing I feel is that Josh definately killed Susan. This seems to be a classic, textbook case, IMO. Motive, means, and opportunity. The real victims here are Susan, her little boys who will forever be without their real mother, and Susan's family. They are in my thoughts and prayers always.


These are good suggestions as far as where to maybe consider looking. ITA w all the above LA--especially poisoning which based upon profiling I read and shared, confirms JP is the controlling Pass-Aggress type most apt to choose this means :mad: His motive is the oldest in the books... and no question he had ample opportunity to finally execute this plan that night. It is all just so sickening and my heart and prayers are also w her little boys, and family. :prayer: Imagine how frustrating, and frightening, it is for them to know their grandsons are still in the care of their daughter's twisted murderer--two vulnerable young boys--and there he is, hunkered down and stonewalling, behind the locked gates of his... at best, "enabling" father. And that's sugarcoating it, IMO. :prayer:

Have we heard anything about surveillance video? (local business owners and workers would be aware that LE asked for a tape so someone should know even if Le isnt saying)

Surely, if josh can map out his route that night, then LE could pull every tape from every business along the way that could show the street he traveled, the time, and the direction.

Also, what about when he "got something to eat"? Where was that? and is that even confirmed with a tape or receipt?
Who's idea was it to move to Utah? Hearing about how close J is with his father it just seems unlikely to me that he would have wanted to move away from him. I wonder if Susan wanted to get out of WA so she could get away from his father?


IIRC the reason given is "they" were unable to make enough money while living in WA, thus moved in hopes of improving their standard of living and their financial situation. I'm sure Susan had hoped to stay home w their young boys, so it's likely JP who used this as an excuse, and offered this as a quick fix or cureall for unemployment, debt etc. I'm sure Josh also relished the idea of cutting off his wife from the support of her family--but didn't count on Susan making new friends and building an entirely new support system there (church etc) so quickly. So it backfired IMO. Problem is Joshy, no matter where you are, there you are.... it sucks to be you. :rolleyes:

As far as I know they only camped this past summer and not before that. I believe they would all go together and they just camped around the valley.

Camping in the summer is a huge thing around here in the Summer, not so much the winter. That story is so much bunk it drives me nuts. Such obvious lies and nothing to be done about it with out the evidence. Thank you for your insight! It's nice to get the facts from someone who knows the people involved.
IIRC the reason given is "they" were unable to make enough money while living in WA, thus moved in hopes of improving their standard of living and their financial situation. I'm sure Susan had hoped to stay home w their young boys, so it's likely JP who used this as an excuse, and offered this as a quick fix or cureall for unemployment, debt etc. I'm sure Josh also relished the idea of cutting off his wife from the support of her family--but didn't count on Susan making new friends and building an entirely new support system there (church etc) so quickly. So it backfired IMO. Problem is Joshy, no matter where you are, there you are.... it sucks to be you. :rolleyes:


bbm, one of my very favorite quotes!
This case is getting a lot of media attention today. FOX talks about this case at least once an hour. They just had an interview with Susan's dad and then a recording of Mark Fuhrman talking about this case. Of course, I couldn't understand a word on the Fuhrman segment.

I read about the "media bliss" planned for tomorrow.

I don't know, but ...

I think that if SP is dead and her body has been disposed of in the wilderness, showing her picture online may not help much.

If she is alive, it may... but, what are the chances?

It may be of more help if a picture of JP is also shown, maybe along Susan's, in case someone may recognize HIM. A picture of their van could also help.



Mark Furman was just on Fox News talking about Susan's case, and he suggested the same things!
Do we know for sure what kind of van and color he drove?

Mark Thurman said that the family should post a picture of the van and ask people if they saw Josh or that van between the hours of 5 pm on the 6th and 5 pm on the 7th. That this is what could bring meaningful tips into LE.
kiki the parrot, what a good saying, "no matter where you are, there you are".

I thought they'd find Susan by now. He's had so much wiggle room being allowed to run to Daddy's, and secure a good attorney. At this point, I bet he thinks he got away with it. Makes me sick to think beautiful Susan walked to church with her two boys that Sunday, and Josh may have used that time to plan.
This is quoted from a very informative Salt Lake Tribune article:

"Some of Susan's friends were also put off by Joshua's seemingly anti-social and awkward behavior.

The Coxes silently wondered if Joshua had a possible mental illness, knowing he had a relative that suffered from bipolar disorder. But Joshua's family summed up the man's eccentric behavior as "Josh is just Josh," Chuck Cox said." [end quote]

Since that information has already been put out there I can comment on it. I know that they wondered, especially Susan, if he had a mental issue. It makes you wonder. Especially since a relative suffers from bipolar.

Here is the link to the article:


Another quote from the article that is very interesting...

"They also had "issues" with Joshua's father, Steven Powell, who could not be reached for comment for this story. A man who answered the door of a Puyallup home believed to belong to Steven Powell refused to speak to a Salt Lake Tribune reporter. The Coxes said Steven Powell isn't actively helping with the search for Susan."

There is some more food for thought...

I just keep wondering - when did all of this weird behavior begin? Was he such a control freak/antisocial BEFORE he married Susan? If he does have mental issues they would have been evident before -- and if so, with all the red flags that something was wrong, why would someone with Susan's intelligence marry him?

Or did he start becoming weird after they moved to Utah from Washington?

I'm inclined to believe that it started after moving to Utah and Josh's reaction to separation from his father. jmo
I just keep wondering - when did all of this weird behavior begin? Was he such a control freak/antisocial BEFORE he married Susan? If he does have mental issues they would have been evident before -- and if so, with all the red flags that something was wrong, why would someone with Susan's intelligence marry him?

Or did he start becoming weird after they moved to Utah from Washington?

I'm inclined to believe that it started after moving to Utah and Josh's reaction to separation from his father. jmo

I think Josh was that way all along. Maybe it became more apparent
after the move to Utah, but those control issues do not develop overnight.
Josh has two brothers I believe and two sisters. Two brothers and his younger sister are still living at home with their father even though they are all grown adults. Very odd.

Yes, strange indeed.

So the parents divorced in the 90's. Anyone know when mom (Terrica) moved to Utah? Who had custody of the children? Obviously, Jennifer Powell Graves lives in Utah now. Michael, the politician lives in Washington, with dad? Odd. Is Steven re-married? Have mom or Jennifer been questioned by LE? Seems that they could provide a lot of insight on this strange family dynamic. It must sicken the Cox family that these two little boys are now part of that mess.
The reason I ask is because I get intuitive insights, and what I heard this morning was to 'take the dogs to the logs' and I saw a bunch of huge tree logs laying down. It could mean something else, so I decided to post it in case it meant something to someone closer to this case.

Hope this helps

I am not really sure if there are logging areas around here. Maybe further out in the country or possibly on the way to WA? Thank you for your input. :)
In just three more days, Susan will have been missing a month already.
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