UT -Susan Powell, 28, West Valley City, 6 Dec 2009 - #5

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I am not really sure if there are logging areas around here. Maybe further out in the country or possibly on the way to WA? Thank you for your input. :)

Thank you for YOUR input!

Do you know what type of van Josh and Susan had?

The bankruptcy records list a 2005 Plym. Town and Country

Is that the one they still have?

Thank you in advance. :)
Welcome OKand3J's! I am so glad to have you here at WS!

Your insight regarding Josh's family is particularly interesting to me. It sounds like Steven Powell is the original control freak/manipulator from whence Josh came! What is Josh's mother like? The fact that his adult siblings still live with his parents combined with Josh's need to maintain almost constant contact with his father point to a very sick family, IMO. I wonder what skeletons are in Josh's father's closet?

Putting that info together with Josh's claim to have gone south for camping leads me to suspect he actually traveled north...probably to meet up with someone who helped him get rid of Susan.

I sincerely hope the police are watching his whole family very closely. As interdependent as they seem to be, there is no way Josh would be able to pull this off without his father's support. Maybe this whole thing was done at his father's direction...creepy!

THANK YOU! Your whole post here is very good. Please keep thinking along those lines. I think you are spot on here!!! What kind of skeletons in Steven's closet indeed. Start digging. We may find out!

(I bolded some of your comments so you can see which ones I think are VERY good.) Thank you for your insight as well!
OK everyone we are going to do our part for the media blitz. Hang tight, I am setting things up as we speak.
Who's idea was it to move to Utah? Hearing about how close J is with his father it just seems unlikely to me that he would have wanted to move away from him. I wonder if Susan wanted to get out of WA so she could get away from his father?


AGREED!!! I don't think JOSH would be the one to want to move away. Makes you wonder exactly why Susan would want to move away from his dad, doesn't it?

I DO know that they chose Utah because Josh's mom and sister were already here.
Thank you for YOUR input!

Do you know what type of van Josh and Susan had?

The bankruptcy records list a 2005 Plym. Town and Country

Is that the one they still have?

Thank you in advance. :)

Interested in where you found bankruptcy records...
Also, what about when he "got something to eat"? Where was that? and is that even confirmed with a tape or receipt?

I heard from a reliable source that someone saw him at a local grocery store within that time period on Sunday evening. Not sure if he went there before "sledding" or after. He could have possibly stopped there to get some snacks for the kids, or other things. Not sure.
Disclaimer---I am not a mental health professional of any kind. I find psychology fascinating, and the following is my opinion, based upon what I have read and studied on my own.

Some mental illnesses or personality disorders are less evident when a person is younger, then become more severe in early adulthood. Some types of deviant personalities, such as sociopaths, are very proficient actors. They are aware that their true personality is not socially acceptable, so they observe "normal" people and imitate their behavior. They can be extremely deceptive.

When a "normal" person marries a sociopath, they will gradually experience more and more of that person's true personality...it is hard to accept the fact that the person you thought you married really fooled you into believing their "public" personality, (the one you saw before you married them), which was not their true personality. When you live with someone day in and day out, they can't keep fooling you forever. If their true personality is sociopathic, and they become aware that they can no longer control you by fooling you, they decide to get rid of you. "Get rid of" can mean anything from leaving, divorcing, alienating your children from you, taking the children, leaving you penniless, up to or including physically harming you or murder. Just depends upon how sick your particular sociopath is!

Sociopaths live among us. They blend in. They can be charming, smart, successful in their chosen field. A young woman; even a very intelligent one, can be fooled in to falling in love. It happens too often!
Disclaimer---I am not a mental health professional of any kind. I find psychology fascinating, and the following is my opinion, based upon what I have read and studied on my own.

Some mental illnesses or personality disorders are less evident when a person is younger, then become more severe in early adulthood. Some types of deviant personalities, such as sociopaths, are very proficient actors. They are aware that their true personality is not socially acceptable, so they observe "normal" people and imitate their behavior. They can be extremely deceptive.

When a "normal" person marries a sociopath, they will gradually experience more and more of that person's true personality...it is hard to accept the fact that the person you thought you married really fooled you into believing that their "public" personality; the one you saw before you married them, was not their true personality. When you live with someone day in and day out, they can't keep fooling you forever. If their true personality is sociopathic, and they become aware that they can no longer control you by fooling you, they decide to get rid of you. "Get rid of" can mean anything from leaving, divorcing, alienating your children from you, taking the children, leaving you penniless, up to or including physically harming you or murder. Just depends upon how sick your partic ular sociopath is!

Sociopaths live among us. They blend in. They can be charming, smart, successful in their chosen field. A young woman; even a very intelligent one, can be fooled in to falling in love. It happens too often!

I think Josh was that way all along. Maybe it became more apparent
after the move to Utah, but those control issues do not develop overnight.

I think he had issues all along also...but like you said, they became more apparent once they moved to Utah.

I always thought he was a little strange but he was decent enough to be around a few years ago. Just in the last couple years though it got to the point where not many people liked being around him. We just kind of put up with him so that Susan could be there, if that makes sense. I know I loved being around here, but not so much Josh.

I remember one time in particular I saw him at a local event and we were just walking out and I saw Josh and his two boys walking in, and I was uncomfortable and didn't really want to have to talk to him so I kind of hid my head and quickly moved my kids off to the parking lot. That is how strange he made me and others feel just in the last year or two. Just an example.

Here is the ribbon that someone loaded on the f/f facebook page.


  • 20654_1341724503180_1233234273_31067225_8147159_n.jpg
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This case is getting a lot of media attention today. FOX talks about this case at least once an hour. They just had an interview with Susan's dad and then a recording of Mark Fuhrman talking about this case. Of course, I couldn't understand a word on the Fuhrman segment.


Some of the cases we follow don't get any press.
To all those who wonder why the media blitz.... this is the reason!
Susan's friends and family are doing all they can to keep
her face in the news!
I understand that some don't see it helping... I do!
Yes, strange indeed.

So the parents divorced in the 90's. Anyone know when mom (Terrica) moved to Utah? Who had custody of the children? Obviously, Jennifer Powell Graves lives in Utah now. Michael, the politician lives in Washington, with dad? Odd. Is Steven re-married? Have mom or Jennifer been questioned by LE? Seems that they could provide a lot of insight on this strange family dynamic. It must sicken the Cox family that these two little boys are now part of that mess.

I am not sure when his mother moved to Utah. Probably right around the time of the divorce. I DO know that Steven had custody of the children from the divorce until adulthood. He raised them. Steven is NOT re-married. Two of his sons and one daughter, and now Josh are living with him. I am sure Mom and Jennifer have both been questioned and the police are probably taking everything regarding that family very seriously.
Thank you for YOUR input!

Do you know what type of van Josh and Susan had?

The bankruptcy records list a 2005 Plym. Town and Country

Is that the one they still have?

Thank you in advance. :)

Yes, that is the same vehicle that they currently own.
I'll make this a sticky too but please look at my signature. These are the links provided by those organizing the media blitz.

If you have any questions please use the email provided below.
I am not really sure if there are logging areas around here. Maybe further out in the country or possibly on the way to WA? Thank you for your input. :)

Thank you for replying.

When I just Googled 'LOGGING UTAH' I got the following website that says there are 34 logging companies in UTAH. Could someone, who knows the state better, please take a look at where these are located and see if any are close to Susan's home? I would appreciate it very much. http://www.manta.com/mb_44_E019B_45/logging/utah
This whole thing is just perplexing.

I don't want to judge Kiirsi's approach to all of this, because my heart tells me she has nothing but honorable intentions. But I don't understand the logic behind alluding to things that could add insight to Josh's position, then saying she's "not going to be the one to ever say anything about them." Why say anything at all, then?

And what could she possibly be talking about? What information could she possibly have that would lead her to believe Susan was taken out of state, against her will? Did Susan have an Internet friend that she decided to meet? That seems unlikely, knowing a little about her background. Did she have some unreported interaction with someone through work? That might make a little more sense. She has to be on the phone all the time, I would think - and dealing with people's money, in this market, might lead to problems. I just don't get it.

Josh is either guilty as sin (my vote), or dumber than rocks (probably mostly right, too). If there is any information that could exonerate him, he should leak it. Because as it stands, if you were to take a poll of those who have followed this, 100% would say they think he's guilty.
Tuning in and catching up on here...please correct me if I'm wrong, trying to get a summary here.

Mom suddenly feels ill on Sunday evening while working on craft project with friend. Goes to sleep, friend continues to help out while Dad and boys are in the house. Friend leaves...and Dad decides to take toddlers SLEDDING AND CAMPING in UT forest area around midnight?

Mom/Dad don't show up to work on Monday and by Weds, Mom is missing person. Dad becomes uncooperative with police investigation, uses a rental car to log an abnormal amount of mileage while police check vehicle and then decides to jump town and go to his father's house in WA with the kids in tow. Shows up to a candlelight vigil for his wife and barely talks to anyone.

Dad has made limited efforts to search for wife in UT and Dad's father will not help at all.

This case is CRAZY! I only hope those boys aren't in any danger, judging by the late night snow sledding trip and then being ripped out of house to go to Grandpas while their mother is missing (which I am sure they probably don't understand what is happening anyway).

Someone needs to drag Dad's butt back to UT a.s.a.p. IMO, it seems like he has all the answers.

Prayers for Susan, her family and her boys. It would be a change of pace to see that her husband wasn't involved as we have all seen how some of these cases unfortunately end, but I'm not holding my breath.

Glad to see everyone on here, in Susan's community and hopefully on the national level are paying attention and helping out.
This whole thing is just perplexing.

Josh is either guilty as sin (my vote), or dumber than rocks (probably mostly right, too). If there is any information that could exonerate him, he should leak it. Because as it stands, if you were to take a poll of those who have followed this, 100% would say they think he's guilty.

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