VA - Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell, 18, Norfolk, 3 March 2015 #14

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This is only two cents, but I'll go ahead and jump in. I've gotten scary goose bumps a few times.
Once, when Susan Smith said, "he helped me out of the car." I blurted "She did it."
Once when Ron Cummings referred to Haleigh in the past tense merely HOURS after she went missing that Feb morning and he said "I want her back alive." NO one knew she was dead and we still don't know. But.... well... bless her heart.

And once when WH said that they stared at each other for ...[however many] minutes.

I got chills when I read that long paragraph about her hair! It was really the only things he said about her that was personal and it was creepy as He!!.
I've been quietly following this case. This is very sad news. love to her and her loved ones. Let the healing begin...
A few have mentioned that they would feel really awful if they accused WH of being guilty and he was in fact innocent.

I won't feel bad about it at all. I would say ' Sorry that I doubted you Man, but you brought it on yourself.' I don't feel bad at all about calling him out as my number one suspect. I am not basing my suspicions on rumors or gossip. I am going by his own past criminal record, his own weird, inconsistent statements, his trying to cover up things, his illegal actions, hiding ammo, using drugs, breaking and entering, and his fluctuating timelines.

So NO< I will not feel bad at all if I am wrong. I have not accused anyone else because there is no weirdness piled up in their closets in the same way as in his. JMO :cow:

Agree totally. I repeat. Agree totally.
I've had my gut wrenching sob, now I'm angry as well. And this is such an understatement it's ridiculous but I'm trying not to get in trouble here. :stormingmad:

Hey Ontario Mom. I'm in your neck of the woods :)
I know, angry is an understatement. This has hit me quite hard. I can't even say how I feel right now because it will violate TOS.
Yes, I think I hit about 100 and they started slapping me a little more, but after 500 ... I've had no mercy :shame: HAHA But there is much love to them for a reason --- we'd all be running around talking about who knows what and getting off trail more than we already do :loveyou:

(edited to say: WOW on the number of posts margarita ... awesome sleuthing)

Aint that the truth, lol.

Thanks Stacie Marie.

Question for anyone who cares to answer:
Do you guys think in your opinions that LE might have collected enough evidence so far to build an airtight case against WH, or do you think they might only have circumstantial evidence at this point, assuming you think WH committed the crime. In other words, if you think he's the perp, do you think there's a chance he could walk if there's a trial, or maybe not even have a trial, like some people I know from other cases, cough, not mentioning names. Tia.

Eta: My answer is its hard to know anything at this point, what LE has found re: hard evidence, or not. They just found her yesterday for goodness sakes, and the evidence is still being analyzed.
If WH dropped the red truck off early a.m., does he have another vehicle he would have driven to the gas station or work?
Hi Eileen! You are right, he made it all about him. I'm glad he was so high he couldn't shut up. I heard a detective on ID channel the other night say "If you didn't know the truth, you couldn't lie" and that's exactly what I think WH did. Like another poster said, if it weren't for him, we might not have the clues we have had. I think LE got the pings/mileage/store videos (if there were any), plus his car(s). The backstory can wait for me as I just want to see how it unfolded (like him being late after lunch, lunch spent staring at her-both 30 minutes? what?) but I am satisfied with my gut feeling on this one. Thanks!
If WH dropped the red truck off early a.m., does he have another vehicle he would have driven to the gas station or work?

Yes, he was keeping his work van at JH's house.

Ive heard it was due to GPS/ his not being allowed to use it for personal use and Ive also heard its because he didnt want to take the chance of it getting broken into at the hotel.

Either reason seems plausible to me.

Of course he could have given that reason so he could keep tabs on JH as well.
If WH dropped the red truck off early a.m., does he have another vehicle he would have driven to the gas station or work?

YES. According to Zach, Wes kept his work truck in JH's driveway because of all the expensive tools etc. He would drop it off and switch it with the red truck on his way home from work.

Personally I would find that kind of annoying if I had kicked my husband out of the home, to see him coming and going from my driveway twice a day. But it was nice of her to do so.
YES. According to Zach, Wes kept his work truck in JH's driveway because of all the expensive tools etc. He would drop it off and switch it with the red truck on his way home from work.

Personally I would find that kind of annoying if I had kicked my husband out of the home, to see him coming and going from my driveway twice a day. But it was nice of her to do so.

See my post above. I think he did it so he could continue his manipulation while providing himself a "foot in the door" so to speak.
I feel your pain, my daughter has several and I loathe every one of them. She's an adult, college graduate and makes her own money, what can you do but grin and bear it, lol.

My oldest has several as well. Very successful in her field, but tats are a THIS gen thing, not so much an OUR gen thing (unless they're in the socially acceptable rebellious zone, i.e. the upper arm/shoulder area). All of my daughter's tats are gorgeous (celtic trinity knot, vines, etc.) and would look fantastic on canvas. I just don't care for the way they look on skin. I don't recall where I heard it but years ago someone said to me... "that soaring, noble eagle at 25 will look like a disabled, diseased duck, at 50". Now that I'm 50 and see what skin does with time, I'm SO glad I never got that stupid cherry on my shoulder. It'd probably look like a moldy apply now. NO thanks.
Also, I have had to learn to 'appreciate' tattoos since my lovely 22 yr old daughter has a rose on her wrist and a musical clef behind her ear now.. :slap:

You're lucky - mine came home with a rose on her butt. "Honey," I told her, "that's fine, just don't get your eyelids tattooed."
I hav been thinking about AJ all day as I ran errands. Hoping that it wasn't her that they found. Sigh, life is just so unfair. From all I read about her and the pictures I have seen she loved life , and her enthusiasm for her friends, sisters and her life just radiated from her. This is one of those days that the world seems so heavy. I don't understand , but I know the person or people that did this to her will be punished. Thinking of you Zach and all of the rest of her family that loved her so much. Hugs.

I've done the same. Wondering what she ate for breakfast that morning, or if she even ate at all. What she was thinking about what she was going to do on her week off, who she was going to see, etc. Spring break for a college freshman is huge. Almost done with the first full year, really *needing* that week of down-time after stressing over exams, etc. I can only hope and pray for her and her loved ones that whatever happened, happened so fast she never had time to be afraid. :(
Hi all, what a somber night it is. I just got home from work and saw the news. I am both horrified and saddened by this. I cannot imagine what the family is going through right now. God Bless them. As for the area where AJ was found, I feel it was random. I think that the person, who shall remain nameless right now, needed a place remote and far from where the original planted evidence was strewn. I do not think this was planned. I feel something triggered the murder. Advances not reciprocated, maybe the threat of AJ telling on this person. This person is conniving but not intelligent enough to get away murder. I think this person planned on going back there and doing a better job at hiding things, but they were thwarted. I think the police knew this person was guilty. I pray to God there is some DNA evidence left behind. I know we have had crappy weather, but I also know the person that is guilty of this horrible crime is not as smart as he thinks he is. I wonder if there is a GPS system in any of the vehicles that were used, or in the phone? Again my deepest sincerity to AJ's loved one's. I know she is in heaven and wants comfort and love for her family and friends.
also just a side note, the term Boss or Boss man is used by southern blue collar folks as an endearment to someone they work for or with.
If the van is involved, they will have to link WH to such a van and find the vehicle. I hope this is possible. Hoping he left his phone on and that the witness can pin down day and time van was seen.
Blaming the bad on God is like thanking Satan for the good. And the honest answer is because of free will. People choose to either do good or bad.

I always get that answer too, but just because we have free will doesn't mean an innocent life should suffer! Not blaming God, she's just asking why????
YES. According to Zach, Wes kept his work truck in JH's driveway because of all the expensive tools etc. He would drop it off and switch it with the red truck on his way home from work.

Personally I would find that kind of annoying if I had kicked my husband out of the home, to see him coming and going from my driveway twice a day. But it was nice of her to do so.

Unfortunately, her allowing this might have been a huge mistake. It gave him a reason to be at the house when AJ was there.
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