VA - Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell, 18, Norfolk, 3 March 2015 #4

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I think we are reading way to much into FAMILY!
I feel WH and his minions are the group called family.

We have not heard much from JH and I think there is a HUGE reason for that! I think there was trouble in paradise before AJ came home for break.

Was AJ the reason WH was not living home? Food for thought. He seems overly possessive if u ask me!

I agree. I guess we should say "family" instead.

That's an interesting thought that AJ was the reason WH wasn't living at home. She'd been at school though. He does seem overly something towards her. The constantly calling her "my daughter", the comments about her hair, the way he's inserted himself front and center in all of this...
If your adopted by someone wouldn't you happily call them Dad or was it done more for JH's benefit idk.

No. Just because mom gets a new husband does not automatically mean all the kids are thrilled and automatically call the guy anything. These marriages typically have a 70-75% divorce rate as kids don't line up as neatly as a new lover.
I agree. I guess we should say "family" instead.

That's an interesting thought that AJ was the reason WH wasn't living at home. She'd been at school though. He does seem overly something towards her. The constantly calling her "my daughter", the comments about her hair, the way he's inserted himself front and center in all of this...


Exactly. He seems overly something...I can't quite put my finger on it. And I would not speculate. But...yeah.
He went on and on talking about her hair! How she always wears it UP.
I have never even seen a pic of her wearing it up!
He had no idea what a gopro was but know all about Scrunchies and wraps.
I felt very uncomfortable reading that lengthy paragraph.
what guy is going to kidnap a neighbor and leave her Monogramed jacket rolled up behind a sofa cushion.
what guy is going to kidnap a neighbor and leave her Monogramed jacket rolled up behind a sofa cushion.

Exactly. A sofa your parents sit on? Give me a break. Like he couldn't have dumped it anywhere NOT in his house. (Insert eyeroll)
what guy is going to kidnap a neighbor and leave her Monogramed jacket rolled up behind a sofa cushion.

I was thinking about that this morning. I was trying to put myself in those shoes. If I had a jacket to hide, where would I put it... I'd probably burn it, but one of the LAST places I'd put it would be a room shared by others, under a cushion where people sit, can feel it, and easily find it. Especially if it has the name of a missing girl on the front of it. That's simply not logical.

Sounds more like something a stupid person would do. Oh wait...
She never called Wesley "Dad" she always referred to him as Wesley. She called her first stepfather "Dad" and her biological father "Her father"

It was done because she wanted to have the same last name as her sibling. Has nothing to do with WH

I know you're not trying to be snarky. Just trying to point out something. It was done when she was 13. She was going through a lot as do all children who go through puberty. Her mothers name was Hadsell and she wanted that as well. She didn't know her biological father(through no fault of his) and so she chose to take WH name to have the same name as her mother and her sister.

Bottom line, she was never forced to take the name. RSBM

Thank you for this information. With respect, do you have a quotable source for it?
"So what some ways are unorthodox" - Wesley Hadsell referring to the multiple charges against him of obstruction of justice, breaking and entering, etc.

"so what" That's what WH thinks about following the law. How he feels about breaking into someone's house, trashing it and punching their dog. Not to mention being in possession of ammo as a convicted felon. He has no guilt or remorse about it AT ALL.

To me, that speaks rather unpleasant volumes.
what guy is going to kidnap a neighbor and leave her Monogramed jacket rolled up behind a sofa cushion.

Excellent point! I might buy the jacket being found in the bottom of a laundry hamper or in a trash can but yeah, a lumpy couch cushion just screams "Hey, check me out!"

This case is so mind-boggling. I sure hope LE is having an easier time sorting out fiction from truth - there are way too many distractions hindering the search for AJ. Every minute spent on untangling the yarn is a minute wasted in finding her. :(
Who was the first to raise the alarm ... mom or dad?

... it was dad, wasn't it? Wasn't he the one that walked up and down the streets with volunteers looking for evidence, which was found on the street near the house ... like pieces of the credit card were being thrown out the window as someone drove down the street?

BBM : We do not know.

She was reported missing, according to the early MSM reports at 9.15 pm Tuesday 3/3. We do not know who by.
AJ could of easily changed her name rather than been adopted by him. Not trying to be snarky.

If she was under 18, she could not legally change her name. It would be a decision up to mom and not up to AJ. I am the parent of two kids from two different marriages. When my daughter was little, she chose to introduce herself with the last name of my second husband (which matched my name and the name of her little brother). After 9/11, though, everything changed and the school would not allow her to use anything other than her legal name. I teach middle school and I can tell you -- that age is particularly trying for many kids -- even in the best of situations. It was very hard for her. She cried and cried over the fact that she had to go back to her old name. say that she could have easily changed her name rather than be adopted by him was ludicrous. Kids don't make those decisions. Adults do.
BBM : We do not know.

She was reported missing, according to the early MSM reports at 9.15 pm Tuesday 3/3. We do not know who by.

raysgirl1126 sent in a request for the missing person's report on the 17th and was told it would take up to 5 days to receive it, if memory serves. Hopefully once she has it she'll share that info here and it will answer a few questions. Or, as seems to be the pattern in this case, bring up 800 more questions we hadn't even thought of before.
Exactly. A sofa your parents sit on? Give me a break. Like he couldn't have dumped it anywhere NOT in his house. (Insert eyeroll)

He had to set someone up.
If its found out in the street it could still come back to him but if its INSIDE someones home that's a different story.

If this man had remained out of it all and just let LE do their thing Id have a different opinion right now. He himself has made me think of him as the guilty party here. All JMO
Excellent point! I might buy the jacket being found in the bottom of a laundry hamper or in a trash can but yeah, a lumpy couch cushion just screams "Hey, check me out!"

This case is so mind-boggling. I sure hope LE is having an easier time sorting out fiction from truth - there are way too many distractions hindering the search for AJ. Every minute spent on untangling the yarn is a minute wasted in finding her. :(

If this teen left her jacket balled up under a couch cushion, and he kept her credit card, only to boldly be the first one to find it, then he is not too bright. I would think that LE would have some evidence against him if he is this impulsive, sloppy and disorganized.

For some reason, they are looking past him it seems. Maybe someone else was even stupider?
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