VA - Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell, 18, Norfolk, 3 March 2015 #7

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When discussing the b&e, I got the impression that WH forgot where he was for a moment. It was almost like he couldn't believe someone would dare ask him that. Then, after reexamining the quagmire he found himself in, he "confesses" to the b&e. He didn't "crack." The police already had enough to charge him with the b&e and he knew it.

To suggest police accuse everyone all the time is borderline ignorant. In a case like this, police have to start with those closest to AJ. Statistically someone she knows is responsible, most often that means family. WH is a felon who tells tall unverifiable tales and has found evidence on multiple occasions. Police have every reason to grill him. It's their job.

And if he had nothing to do with AJ's disappearance, WH's actions are just as bad in my opinion. He has made this case about him and not about AJ. Not to mention whatever "evidence" he discovered won't do any good in court.

Perhaps "accuse everyone" is not quite the wording ibiz meant to use. I would say more that LE goes into a missing persons case a blank slate and lets the filer start the story; friends, co-workers, family fill in the side stories and some of the paragraphs. They don't accuse everyone but they are open to where the evidence and the story leads them.
Just to jog everyone's memory...LE put out the statement that AJ was last seen between the evening of March 2 and the early morning hours of March 3.

My personal thoughts on this is that LE had surveillance footage of someone they believed to be AJ within that time frame. Now, that's merely speculation on my part, but this LE timeframe DID come after the B&E occurred, so maybe it was footage from the hotel? I dunno. Just a thought.

ETA: Random thought: isn't WH exactly the type of immature adult who would have a party in his hotel room with teenagers? Heck, the hotel was so close AJ could have easily walked there. Just sayin'.

You all are going to have to take this as rumor because I have no way to link this to anything, but I want to put into context what LE said about the time she was last seen. When questioned over the phone about the discrepancies of the date/time of when she was last seen, LE said "To be on the safe side, I'd say the evening of the 2nd into the morning of the 3rd."

This conversation took place one and a half to two weeks ago. I've been pondering "To be on the safe side" and why it was phrased that way, but my guess is as good as yours.

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Knowing his past; LE should have never let wh put his number on any fliers. And also how was a tip called in on another phone if it wasnt on the flier. Is the tipster made up or is somebody in cahoots.

If it wasn't so sad and scary, it would be funny. He is a liar. I bet he didn't realize he would have to explain that portion of his tangled web of lies.
A father looking at texts to his daughter might tend to see them as creepy and inappropriate. But teens these days send each other pretty odd/weird texts --like song lyrics/lines from films---:rolleyes: I used to freak out at some of the things on my daughters Twitter page and then my son would say it was a line from a Lil Wayne rap.

And an 18 year old kid who is a goofball, class clown type, might cross a line. How in the world does that point to him having anything at all to do with AJ's disappearance? He found the credit card? Okay...who told him where to search? Who lead the search? Him? Nope, that was good old Wes, and/or his brother. Not like the kid was just walking down the street one day and stumbles upon the darned thing. WH put that kid there.

A father looking at texts to his daughter might tend to see them as creepy and inappropriate. But teens these days send each other pretty odd/weird texts --like song lyrics/lines from films---:rolleyes: I used to freak out at some of the things on my daughters Twitter page and then my son would say it was a line from a Lil Wayne rap.

Oh, I agree. I don't think the texts have anything to do with AJ being missing. Other than giving WH an excuse to latch on to this kid as his POI.
Think of the families of missing males or people of color. They would invite the media in, one station at a time, every day, and serve tea and coffee, doughnuts and cookies!

Yep, not saying that this case has gotten a ton of media coverage, but other family members of missing persons would have to launch more bigger PR campaigns to get even close to the same amount.
As someone who has had previous "experience" dealing with the legal system, WH should have known better than to directly insert himself in to the investigation. By rendering evidence inadmissible and potentially tampering with witnesses he could, quite frankly, be the reason why the perpetrator of the crime goes free. He has to consider, on a daily basis, how his past transgressions can affect every situation he is involved in, so there is no reason to believe he would not have done the same when it comes to his "investigations." Instead, he very likely doomed his step-daughter to her fate, if he wasn't already responsible for it anyway.

That's no hero.

Unless he really didn't believer that this kid did it. Like a frame job. I don't know why he would risk going back to jail though. I think the was just very impulsive. That comes along with Bipolar(manic depressive) He could have been goaded on by the boys and DH. You know how people get in groups they sometimes do things they would never do if it was just themselves. If they truly believed this kid had something to do with it he was trying to bring out the evidence and wouldn't even care if he went back to jail if it meant bringing AJ home. I think this family is hiding something, IMO they act childish and don't make smart decisions at all, just flying off at anyone anywhere. I think he was trying to frame this kid because he believes he really did it.

We don't even know if this kid has truly been cleared. We actually do not know anything concrete in this case at all.
And an 18 year old kid who is a goofball, class clown type, might cross a line. How in the world does that point to him having anything at all to do with AJ's disappearance? He found the credit card? Okay...who told him where to search? Who lead the search? Him? Nope, that was good old Wes, and/or his brother. Not like the kid was just walking down the street one day and stumbles upon the darned thing. WH put that kid there.


I really want to hear more about Uncle Drew taking the photo of the kid finding the credit card that day. How did that work, exactly?
"bond denied" <--- two of the sweetest words I've read all day. Now... where's AJ?

Oh, and Wavy Loved Kid and Break In Kid are not the same kid?? I was under the impression they were, for some reason. Hmm...
Unless he really didn't believer that this kid did it. Like a frame job. I don't know why he would risk going back to jail though. I think the was just very impulsive. That comes along with Bipolar(manic depressive) He could have been goaded on by the boys and DH. You know how people get in groups they sometimes do things they would never do if it was just themselves. If they truly believed this kid had something to do with it he was trying to bring out the evidence and wouldn't even care if he went back to jail if it meant bringing AJ home. I think this family is hiding something, IMO they act childish and don't make smart decisions at all, just flying off at anyone anywhere. I think he was trying to frame this kid because he believes he really did it.

We don't even know if this kid has truly been cleared. We actually do not know anything concrete in this case at all.

Breaking into someone's house and punching their dog is not simply childish's VIOLENT behavior. Aside from that, it taints evidence. But I'm sure WH couldn't care less about that minor fact.
Think of the families of missing males or people of color. They would invite the media in, one station at a time, every day, and serve tea and coffee, doughnuts and cookies!

I LOVE THIS POST!! OT - I'm very passionate about missing persons cases that don't get picked up by any MSM because the victim is an adult male or a minority. I thank you for reminding people that AJ is, for as sad at this case is, very lucky to have MSM interested in her. Getting the word out is key.
You all are going to have to take this as rumor because I have no way to link this to anything, but I want to put into context what LE said about the time she was last seen. When questioned over the phone about the discrepancies of the date/time of when she was last seen, LE said "To be on the safe side, I'd say the evening of the 2nd into the morning of the 3rd."

This conversation took place one and a half to two weeks ago. I've been pondering "To be on the safe side" and why it was phrased that way, but my guess is as good as yours.

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I actually think they do have something that points to she was seen later. I know that Help Save the Next Girl is very accurate. We had a discussion about this several threads back about this. I wish I could find it but the owner said he got the information from a credible source. I believe it was LE. I know someone will come along and be able to confirm this. I can't remember the man's name that runs it but I think it's Hannah Graham's father. I believe he is very involved now in searches.
Breaking into someone's house and punching their dog is not simply childish's VIOLENT behavior. Aside from that, it taints evidence. But I'm sure WH couldn't care less about that minor fact.

I was referring to his family's childish behavior.
I actually think they do have something that points to she was seen later. I know that Help Save the Next Girl is very accurate. We had a discussion about this several threads back about this. I wish I could find it but the owner said he got the information from a credible source. I believe it was LE. I know someone will come along and be able to confirm this. I can't remember the man's name that runs it but I think it's Hannah Graham's father. I believe he is very involved now in searches.

It's not HG's father that runs the site but someone else close to the family. I just can't remember his name right now. I want to say Ben but not sure.
Anyone thought to call the hotel and ask if they have video cameras? Especially around back, where the outside room entrances are? Any local care to pay them a visit and find out exactly where room 129 is...tell us what you see in terms on cameras, entrance/exit, that kind of stuff? ;)

ETA: Take a camera.
So I'm thinking based on an earlier mention last night that yes the there are 2 different people that reported the white car sighting. One was the smokey neighbor. He's the one that thinks he saw the white car parked behind the red truck in the driveway a few minutes after 2 p.m.

Now we have the other kid. This is the kid they all knew and loved. So this kid, which I feel IMO, is the same kid whose house WH broke into. This kid says he saw AJ pass by in the truck a little after 1 p.m. and they saw each other. Like they acknowledged each other (WH:she saw him. I mean, they saw each other ) Then the same kids see's her pass by around 2 p.m. with a white car following about a minute later. This kid

WH states the kids went to the LE later (WH:He went to the police on his own accord and he struggled with it. He came out later than he should have because he didn’t know she was missing to begin, and we didn’t report her until the next day since we didn’t know what to do exactly.) What is later to him? 1 day?

What if if because he saw the white car he broke into the house to try to scare him/his family/intimidate. He said in his jailhouse interview about the 4 boys they said they felt threatened (WH:WH: … made statements... like four people or whatever made statements but uh, something about… the statements were made with like… they felt threatened. Which, uh, I mean, you’ve seen all of us around each other --) What if the breaking in was like sending a message (hey I can frame you. Hey I can make your family's life miserable, etc. How about you forget what time or if your sure you actually saw that white car.)

What if WH (and someone else close or in the family) is trying to downplay the white car because DH has a white car. It was WH that said that his neighbor that saw it in the driveway would know his brothers car (which is actually WH's cousin) but hey that could be WH's way of trying to bring focus off of his family. We know he's lied before. We haven't heard by LE or the neighbor personally that can say that white car WAS NOT someone in the family or friend.

That's why I can't rule the white car theory out at all. Also Help save the next girl FB
poster still has last seen in the evening.

Help Save the Next Girls' poster says she was last seen between the evening of 3/2 to the morning of 3/3. Is that what you are also saying?

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Help Save the Next Girls' poster says she was last seen between the evening of 3/2 to the morning of 3/3. Is that what you are also saying?

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Yes the poster. It was discussed in many threads back because we were discussing why all the info and timelines were changing in the beginning but HSTNG has kept this timeline and someone verified with them it's because the info comes from a reputable source. It's not a mistake they made on their poster.
If it wasn't so sad and scary, it would be funny. He is a liar. I bet he didn't realize he would have to explain that portion of his tangled web of lies.

I don't think LE has final approval of the flyers, unless the family wants and uses their advice. I don't know of any rule for flyers. But since the usual moonbats and nuts will call just to aggravate people, LE is used as tip-taker.They are used to dealing with the mental cases in society.
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