VA - Couple & two teens found murdered, Farmville, 15 Sept 2009 #1

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There's a book called "The Ultimate Evil" by Maury Terry that tries to tie together satanic cults, the Son of Sam murders, the Manson Family, et al. It references a lot of things that the poster on that site is talking about.

Anyone know that book?

Here is a lengthy discussion of the issues presented in that book:

A much shorter article from the June, 1988 issue of L.A. Magazine:

The book is available on, by the way.
She paints a very different picture of the Serial Killa Records guy. I don't know what she's talking about exactly:

Monday, September 21, 2009

My public statement about my brother
A tragedy has been bestowed upon us and my heart goes out to the ones who lost their lives and to their loved ones whom are dealing with such a horrific loss.

If it was not for Andreas,"SicKTanicK", my family would have found out about my brother the same way the rest of you did, which would have broken us more then it already has. Andreas has been a savior to all of us, he is the one that decided to take it upon himself to take action and put himself out their to help someone in need. If it was not for Andreas, I am completely positive that this situation would have escalated into something so much more horrendous.

Thanks to this complete stranger, my family and I have been well informed and continously updated. My love, appreciation, respect, and thanks goes out to you, my new friend. I do not know how to show you how much I am thankful that you have been here for me, day and night. I want people to know that this man is not a snitch, nor a liar. Hes a very kind hearted man and reminded me that there are some good people still left in the world.

SicKTanicK, Serial Killa Records and Wicked Inc have nothing to do with this hard hitting blow. They do NOT condone the violent acts of my brother nor anyone else for that matter who are involved. I also do NOT condone what my brother did. As much as I love Sammy, who is still a 5 year old boy in my eyes...I know if he is proven guilty, he will suffer the consequences like a man.

I wish nothing more then for this situation to be delt with in a true, honost, mature way. I will forever have love for my brother and will stand by him as much as humanly possible. Therefore until he is proven guilty, I want to ask all of you to please DO NOT continue to tantalize my family and those involved with your false information and accusations.

There are still people who have to live their lives and their daily routines with this dark cloud raining down on us. The last thing we need is to have fingers pointed at innocent people, not just those whom are related to the suspects/victims, but also to those who helped resolve this situation thus far.

I hope the deceased rest in peace and will forever be remembered for who they were, and not for what they went through. Thank you Andreas and the others who have helped me keep my head up.

I'm guessing that that Andreas guy is reallly just about making records and being into the scene as a music venue. When he heard this guy on the fringe of his group freaked out and actually killed people, I think andreas tried to do the right thing. He cooperated with authorities and he let the family know what he knew. Maybe a few people, looking in from the outside, considered him a "snitch" or whatever, but they're not being realistic. This was serious reality, not some little satan game, and that Andreas stepped up to the plate.

my opinion, based solely on putting together what's out there on this
I might can offer a little insight or info -- I am a recent alum of Longwood U, and have lived in central VA most of my life. The Pastor served my grandmother's church, as well as a large portion of my large, extensive family.

From what we've heard, it was Emma's father who took the kids (yes, I will call all of them kids) to the MI music event. Have also heard that Emma's mother was out of town, perhaps at a conference, and once she knew they were home she called but with no answer, and decided to return home.

The father/pastor was at church on wednesday night, and made phone calls on thursday. Apparently the last person to speak with him was a family member of mine, who is suffering a life-threatening illness. I don't know a lot about Mark, but everyone I know who did is adamant that he was very attentive to his church flock, and there for them in all their cares and woes.

The statements about Farmville are all true -- it is a beautiful little town where nothing like this has ever happened. Longwood's campus is practically pastoral, a mix of lush green and neo-classical style buildings.

Regarding those who marvel at the daughter of a prof and a pastor would wind up like this, and that they would allow a stranger into their home, OR that they would accompany their daughter to the concert/festival -- I can only offer the following: Until you are the parent of a child who changes overnight and scares you to death with their disappearing acts, strange behavior and attire -- your opinion is WORTHLESS. My son went through a phase where he wore black, had piercings, the whole bit, spoke of satan, etc...ran away from home. We lived in fear for his life, and had only ever been loving and devoted towards him. There was nothing we could do. I even took someone to court, someone who was harboring him and allowing him to pursue his "chosen" lifestyle -- but guess what? He was 17 and the courts refused to intervene, even though he clearly was a minor. Perhaps Emma's parents had already consulted their lawyer and realized they were on their own. Thank goodness my son survived and is now a successful young man with a beautiful family. I was lucky. Emma and her parents were not.

So, I completely understand why Emma's parents felt that if they could keep the situation contained, have some sort of control, by accompanying her to the concert, by letting Sam stay at the house (tell me, what do you think would have been the alternative?? She would have left with him!) I totally get what the parents were trying to do. And they gave up their lives in an effort to try and save their child. then again, maybe if she had run away she would still be alive. If parents are regarded as the enemy and you're staying in the enemy's house, who knows what might happen.

As an aside, the whole satanist thing is laughable, since there is no proof of the existence of such a creature, and even if there was, he is still part of the Christian canon, therefore, when a Satanist mocks Christians/Jews/Muslims, he is really mocking himself, too! The whole goth movement is laughable and seriously followed only by the weak-minded/uneducated.
I should definitely revise my last statement -- it's not just weak-minded and uneducated who are drawn to such absurd sub-cultures. Primarily it is insecure personalities -- typically, but not always, young people.

I used to say that my son's attire, piercings, demeanor, etc were worn as armor. And that as he became a man, a secure man, he would shed the armor.

And I was exactly right.

Kids such as Sam, Emma, and Mel wear similar armor. I am very sorry none of them will have a chance to abandon it in favor of a secure, happy life.
So, I completely understand why Emma's parents felt that if they could keep the situation contained, have some sort of control, by accompanying her to the concert, by letting Sam stay at the house (tell me, what do you think would have been the alternative?? She would have left with him!) I totally get what the parents were trying to do. And they gave up their lives in an effort to try and save their child. then again, maybe if she had run away she would still be alive. If parents are regarded as the enemy and you're staying in the enemy's house, who knows what might happen.

As an aside, the whole satanist thing is laughable, since there is no proof of the existence of such a creature, and even if there was, he is still part of the Christian canon, therefore, when a Satanist mocks Christians/Jews/Muslims, he is really mocking himself, too! The whole goth movement is laughable and seriously followed only by the weak-minded/uneducated.

Thank you for sharing you own experiences, and it's a blessing that your son came through those years with his mind and soul intact. So many others do not, sadly. You seem like a loving and caring parent.

Please take this respectfully, but it's a tad naive to so cavalierly discount the possible Satanic connections in this case. Whether the devil really exists is outside the purview of this forum, but it is certainly well-documented that many people believe he does, and not a few have sought contact with him and even wish to serve him. This is a very well-established fact, with centuries' worth of evidence.

As for the goth movement being "laughable", I would beg to differ. It is far from that! I've been close to some people who have been in the goth scene, and their experiences were hardly laughable.
I might can offer a little insight or info -- I am a recent alum of Longwood U, and have lived in central VA most of my life. The Pastor served my grandmother's church, as well as a large portion of my large, extensive family.

From what we've heard, it was Emma's father who took the kids (yes, I will call all of them kids) to the MI music event. Have also heard that Emma's mother was out of town, perhaps at a conference, and once she knew they were home she called but with no answer, and decided to return home.

The father/pastor was at church on wednesday night, and made phone calls on thursday. Apparently the last person to speak with him was a family member of mine, who is suffering a life-threatening illness. I don't know a lot about Mark, but everyone I know who did is adamant that he was very attentive to his church flock, and there for them in all their cares and woes.

The statements about Farmville are all true -- it is a beautiful little town where nothing like this has ever happened. Longwood's campus is practically pastoral, a mix of lush green and neo-classical style buildings.

Regarding those who marvel at the daughter of a prof and a pastor would wind up like this, and that they would allow a stranger into their home, OR that they would accompany their daughter to the concert/festival -- I can only offer the following: Until you are the parent of a child who changes overnight and scares you to death with their disappearing acts, strange behavior and attire -- your opinion is WORTHLESS. My son went through a phase where he wore black, had piercings, the whole bit, spoke of satan, etc...ran away from home. We lived in fear for his life, and had only ever been loving and devoted towards him. There was nothing we could do. I even took someone to court, someone who was harboring him and allowing him to pursue his "chosen" lifestyle -- but guess what? He was 17 and the courts refused to intervene, even though he clearly was a minor. Perhaps Emma's parents had already consulted their lawyer and realized they were on their own. Thank goodness my son survived and is now a successful young man with a beautiful family. I was lucky. Emma and her parents were not.

So, I completely understand why Emma's parents felt that if they could keep the situation contained, have some sort of control, by accompanying her to the concert, by letting Sam stay at the house (tell me, what do you think would have been the alternative?? She would have left with him!) I totally get what the parents were trying to do. And they gave up their lives in an effort to try and save their child. then again, maybe if she had run away she would still be alive. If parents are regarded as the enemy and you're staying in the enemy's house, who knows what might happen.

As an aside, the whole satanist thing is laughable, since there is no proof of the existence of such a creature, and even if there was, he is still part of the Christian canon, therefore, when a Satanist mocks Christians/Jews/Muslims, he is really mocking himself, too! The whole goth movement is laughable and seriously followed only by the weak-minded/uneducated.

No her Parents could of still helped her, if you seen her youtube videos she's doing drugs and cursing God. They should of put this teen girl in rehab and took away her computer.
Atlantica, it sounds like you did everything you could to protect your son.

These parents did not take to court this 20 yo guy who wanted to be there with 2 16yo girls--as a matter of fact, they let him stay there and drove him around and what have you.

Your son was 17, and that was too bad because the law couldn't help you. These people had recourse: the girls were 16 and the 20 yo male at their door was a stranger to them.
Atlantica, it sounds like you did everything you could to protect your son.

These parents did not take to court this 20 yo guy who wanted to be there with 2 16yo girls--as a matter of fact, they let him stay there and drove him around and what have you.

Your son was 17, and that was too bad because the law couldn't help you. These people had recourse: the girls were 16 and the 20 yo male at their door was a stranger to them.

Mel was 18 not 16. Em was 16.
I might can offer a little insight or info -- I am a recent alum of Longwood U, and have lived in central VA most of my life. The Pastor served my grandmother's church, as well as a large portion of my large, extensive family.

From what we've heard, it was Emma's father who took the kids (yes, I will call all of them kids) to the MI music event. Have also heard that Emma's mother was out of town, perhaps at a conference, and once she knew they were home she called but with no answer, and decided to return home.

The father/pastor was at church on wednesday night, and made phone calls on thursday. Apparently the last person to speak with him was a family member of mine, who is suffering a life-threatening illness.

Hi Atlantica

Welcome to websleuths. It is good to have input from someone who knows the community.

I have tried to put together a time line of events, which you will find on the first page of this discussion thread. If you can add anything to it, it would be helpful

From what you are saying it sounds like you believe things happened like this:

* Father dropped of "kids" at mother's house and leaves
* Two girls are murdered
* Mother calls home, no answer, comes home is murdered
* Father returns to the house and is murdered.

Does that agree with your beliefs? We can conclude from Police statements that two people were killed first. I guess you believe that it is the girls? That would be consistant with what I believe you are saying.

Only problem is, why oh why would the father leave the three kids home alone knowing the mother is not there and without contacting her? This does not make any sense to me.

Anyway, I would appreciate input that anyone has on this.
Right. So the daughter of the parents who let a man stay overnight with her was 16. What's your point?

how do you know?? I'm thinking he maybe just showed up?? But Em knew he was coming because on her myspace it said going to pick Sam Up. With her parents background I doubt they would let someone all they way she never met come stay with the 16 year old teen. I don't care how out of control she is..I don't think the parents knew he was coming maybe?
how do you know?? I'm thinking he maybe just showed up?? But Em knew he was coming because on her myspace it said going to pick Sam Up. With her parents background I doubt they would let someone all they way she never met come stay with the 16 year old teen. I don't care how out of control she is..I don't think the parents knew he was coming maybe?

Well, after he got there, announced or unannounced, they drove the lot of them to a convention/concert.

Look, if one can't criticize these parents for not protecting their kid, then the game is up. Parents could open their house to any drug addict, felon, or anything, and say, well, we were just trying to work with our kid. That's what he was into. No, kids HAVE parents for this reason--they often make insanely dangerous choices. The parent has to "man up," not abdicate.
I respectfully disagree with the goth movement being "laughable." I have known several goth kids and it seems to me they are kids in pain, some of which self-harm, suffer from depression and many coming from abusive homes of some sort. Many don't know how to express themselves vocally, so they "act out" or express themselves in a way maybe that seems odd or strange to others. People cope the best way they know how.

This crime just hurts on many levels IMO.
Thank you for sharing you own experiences, and it's a blessing that your son came through those years with his mind and soul intact. So many others do not, sadly. You seem like a loving and caring parent.

Please take this respectfully, but it's a tad naive to so cavalierly discount the possible Satanic connections in this case. Whether the devil really exists is outside the purview of this forum, but it is certainly well-documented that many people believe he does, and not a few have sought contact with him and even wish to serve him. This is a very well-established fact, with centuries' worth of evidence.

As for the goth movement being "laughable", I would beg to differ. It is far from that! I've been close to some people who have been in the goth scene, and their experiences were hardly laughable.

You are so right on in this post. All three paragraphs.
how do you know?? I'm thinking he maybe just showed up?? But Em knew he was coming because on her myspace it said going to pick Sam Up. With her parents background I doubt they would let someone all they way she never met come stay with the 16 year old teen. I don't care how out of control she is..I don't think the parents knew he was coming maybe?

Read the discussion above. It seems that Mark (the pastor, and Emma's father), drove the three of them (Emma, Melanie, and Sam) to the "concert" in Michigan and back.
first, mel was 18.

This is all speculation from what I know about the family and from what I know from the media...

in response to the order of death posts...

Em's dad was probably the last one killed as his body was the only one ided so far...thus likely the least decomposed.

Those who think Em killed her mom...I doubt this was the case. Dr. Kelley adored Em and Em loved her mom. I remember lectures interrupted by students asking what em was up to. Despite their differences and the stuff they were all going through I don't think Em could have done that. I do buy into the theory that Sam started showing too much attention to Mel and maybe Mel and Sam killed them. I think Em was going through a phase. I think she was upset and angry that her parents were separating and other stuff and she was struggling to find out who she was. I think mel and sam were deeply embedded into this culture. I don't think it was irresponsible of her dad to drive her to the concert. What was the alternative let her ride off to another state with the guy and stay at the hotel with all the other kids? I know what some of you are thinking because I too thought it. Dr. Kelley come on you were my crim professor you taught my senior sem class! Did you not see big red flags all over this kid? But then everyone knows the more you push your child away from something the more they want to run to it!
I'm not sure I'm ready to hear the details of this crime scene. The video of the chief of police nearly in tears over it, is enough to say its going to be horrible.
The speculation that sam has killed before...i don't think he has...i think he has fantasized about it but never been able to follow through before this. I do wonder what that comment on his myspace blog was about. Like this was premeditated months in advance.
I would venture to guess he stabbed them. I don't think I want to know the rest.

I should probably say that I'm a graduate from longwood. Dr. Kelley was one of my professors. I had her for three courses, one as recently as last semester. She believed in the goodness in people. She did not support the death penalty and she fully believed in rehabilitation. Maybe those belief's led her to allow that young man into her home. And these people were good people and did not deserve this...even if they allowed him to come stay.
Read the discussion above. It seems that Mark (the pastor, and Emma's father), drove the three of them (Emma, Melanie, and Sam) to the "concert" in Michigan and back.

you know what I did read that but how do we know that was a fact?? I also was reading at other places that they went alone and one place said the mother went with the father?? so which one is it? I guess only Sam knows now?
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